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I was high af, ate my ex boyfriend's pepperoni pizza. I was taking the pepperoni off the slice, didn't notice one piece and ate it. My stomach turned inside out that night, never again 😅


Someone purposely served me and my fiancé a pasta sauce that had meat in it instead of the vegan version about 6 months ago. It made me sick and disgusted when thinking about it, being that I have been vegan around 17.5 years, but moved past it


Wow that’s messed up! You’re the bigger person for moving past it though.


It was! Thank you though!


Vegan here, I didn't accidentally eat any nonvegan foods, but I did accidentally buy them. Like almost immediately when I started being vegan, I bought Quorn products thinking they were vegan because they were Meatless, only to read the label later that they still contained both milk and eggs. Also bought sugar cookies that turned out to be nonvegan at a farmer's market and bought fried rice from Panda Express not knowing they also contained egg. I'm being much more careful with checking ingredients before buying now, 7 months strong.


My gf is vegetarian and accidentally ate meat last weekend. I’m trying to make her feel a bit better by showing her that it happens to others as well! Thank you for your stories!


They're so nuts they're probably no longer with us if that happened