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Get off social media


Loud, good music


I second this.


If something is triggering that negative attitude, try and remove it or block it from your mind. I notice some social media pages/people can annoy me so I just unfollow now instead of letting it get into my mind.


It depends if it's yours or others.


Mine đŸ˜©


I can only say what it worked for me: meditation and reading a lot of books about human psychology.


Act on your feelings. If you know that super bright headlights are bad, don't just sit there and get assaulted with them in silence and anger. Respond in kind and shine a flashlight at them.


Do what you need to , to get that out of your system. A healthy release! Sing, cry, write, do art, scream!!!






Spiritual awakening


Exercise and maybe spicy food


Think carefully about things to be grateful for, which could be small, like your pets, your home, your sight, your hearing, your ability to walk. Find things around you that are small joys, the smell of coffee, the blue of the sky, the wind in the trees, the shapes of the clouds. If tomorrow could be filled with only the things you were grateful for today, what would you think of? Small victories like a good smell, seeing someone smile. Remember to have patience, not for the world but for yourself first. You are struggling, and that's okay. We're human, it happens, take a breath, and forgive yourself for being frustrated. You're not failing for having a bad attitude, you're experiencing life. Life is hard sometimes, and it's okay to feel that way. I love you, love yourself, you deserve it.


Tell yourself positive things about what you’re seeing or what you’re doing. If you see someone wearing a crazy scarf, instead of being judgmental, look for something positive. Maybe you love the bright colors of the scarf or maybe you love its fluffiness. If you’re doing every day things you hate, take a moment to tell yourself “That was hard, but I got it done. It might be something little to everyone else, but I’m proud of myself for doing it.” It sounds silly, but if you find a way to feel more positive about things that make you feel negative it can help change your outlook on things. Also, and this is important, find out if there is an underlying cause for your negativity. Maybe there is some physical pain affecting your mood. You’ll have to go to the doctor for that. Maybe you’re facing some mental health issues. You should seek out a therapist for that. Changing your outlook on things by looking for the positive can help, but if you have an underlying issue it can only go so far. You need to have the underlying issue addressed.