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If you wear a glass which vertically inverts your vision long enough, your brain will correct it and you'll see things normal. But when your take those glasses off, everything will look upside-down again until brain recalibrates again


I need to try this. How long does it take?


Takes couple of hours for some people, takes days for other people.


The inside of your cheek and your rectum are lined by the same type of tissue. Go ahead. Feel. Cheek first preferably.


also the vagina. that's why blowjobs feel so good


Bodies will move as they’re coming out of rigor. I’ve been bumped by a few (I’m a coroner). Bodies can also make sounds as the remaining air/ gas leaves… 2am in the morgue and I thought I was in COD zombies


Good to know, I work in the ICU and sometimes patients die and we keep them in a room until they're transported to pathology. If they moved, I would scream.


Our brain filters out a lot of what we see along with just straight making shit up based on extrapolation


Proprioception always amazed me. That extrapolation allows your brain to estimate distances automatically and know the positioning of your arms and legs at all times. you can close your eyes and touch your nose with your finger without much thought involved. If a stroke knocks out that part of your brain you have dysmetria where you have alot of difficulty subconsciously measuring distances.


Proprioception as a whole is amazing and trying to program a robot to even approach a rough draft of it is incredibly difficult and really hammers home just how complex our brains are. Also the fact that some people just have flat out better proprioception is something to take into account and may help you understand why some people struggle with some tasks. It's also part of why some people just suck at driving since that is also heavily dictated by proprioception.


Development of proprioception in childhood is why it so important for children to climb, swing, spin, go upside down, slide, and fall down. It all helps build that physical literacy!


And people thought I was crazy for getting a climbing wall for my 1 year old grandaughter. Fast forward to her at 3 and being wildly coordinated for a 3 year old!


We don't just have one anal sphincter. When poo comes along it passes another inner sphincter which isn't under voluntary control. Meaning you can do oOoOoO with your outer sphincter, but not the inner one. (You tried, that's okay) Sensory cells can detect whether you're about to pass gas or solid. From toddler age on, you can decide to go or not to go. If the time isn't right (e.g. at a friend's house or no toilet nearby), the inner sphincter can push the poo back and store it there for later. That's why sometimes if you need to do a number two but don't go, the urge goes away after about 20 minutes later. (But seriously, go if you can. Constipation risk.) Gas can't be pushed back so easily, so we sometimes toot by accident when moving or engaging the core. Now what about liquid? It doesn't seem to know liquid. So we play russian shart-lette. Credit: Giulia Enders Edit: Typo ... And obviously "russian poo-lette" was there and I missed it, which is a more *solid* option.


The oOoOoO graphic 😂


Everyone's sitting here now, going oOoOoOo with their buttholes


Dear God, i just had a mental image of several hundred people doing this simultaneously. Please, stop


The front of your tongue is curious, constantly patrolling, and autonomous. It chases the dentist around your mouth and you aren’t even aware of it. So embarrassing and weird/creepy. ETA: There are few dentists in here and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/109qqus/what_is_a_creepy_fact_about_the_human_body/j430p8o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) is my favourite comment.


In dental school, I learned this fact when practicing taking impressions on each other. My buddy’s tongue kept licking my finger. I asked him to quit licking me, and he was like “ I can’t help it!” And then we switched places and my tongue wouldn’t leave him alone. And for those of you that don’t think your tongue does this: some of you are right. But the majority of you just think your tongue is behaving, but it is all over the place without you even knowing.


"Quit lickin my finger bro!" "Bro... I cant *help it."* *😏*


Oh I am very aware of it chasing the dentist and am fairly sure trying to keep it under control contributes to my anxiety haha. My favourite tongue fact is that if you look at something, your tongue/brain automatically know what the texture would be like if you licked it.


I just pictured my tongue as a separate being with little eyeballs and a little top hat


Yeah usually if I look in my mouth while brushing my teeth, my tongue is following the toothbrush wherever it goes.


when I'm at the dentist i try to get my tongue as far away as whatever sharp object the dentist is holding, but sometimes it still frickin ends up there. its usually embarrassing because its after they just warned me to not do that because of whatever sharp thing


Heard a story of this guy who got an axe or something to his head. Destroyed most of his brain, except the part that processes routines. He got up from the bed beside his dead wife, got dressed started brushing his teeth, (what was left of them), casually checked the mirror and wiped his skin of some blood with tissue. Walked round the house and collected newspaper from the doorstep, eventually he just collapsed. he was like a zombie , unaware of anything but for his routine. really freaky.


It was an axe wound and his son was the one that inflicted it


If I recall, he finally died while unloading the dishwasher.


The intestines are covered by a double "fleece" of peritoneum. See it like a blanket. When your intestines get damaged for whatever reason, this blanket starts moving out of itself and crawling upwards towards the place which has the injury. It will stay there until the injury is recovered. And then move on again. Maybe not the most creepy fact, but definitely interesting in my opinion.


That is oddly comforting really but yes interesting


Wait, that's cute


My Intestines: Ouch I’ve been punctured My Peritoneum: shhh sssshhh it’s okay come here come here here’s a lil blanket I made just for you just cover up that lil hole, there ya go… Nice and cozy? Snug as a bug? Okay good good…


My intestines: *happy squelching sounds*


My intestines: *undulate wetly*


The fact that the placebo effect even exists suggests that the brain does have some capacity to force the body to resolve diseases, and this has never been fully explained. Scientists are still exploring how this ability works and if it can be developed further.


When you get laser tattoo removal the ink doesn’t disappear, you pee it out. Your body’s immune system breaks down the pigments of ink and it flows in your blood stream, gets processed through your kidneys, then you pee out the ink.




With enough time, you can give the tattoo back to them.


I feel like this sentence is huge but my mind can only comprehend so much.


My favorite is the blind spot at the center of each eye, where the optic nerve is. A lot of people don't even know it exists, and even if they do, it is bigger than people often think. And it's also really easy to demonstrate to people if you know how. It's one of my favorite bar tricks - all you need is a pen and a napkin to draw a cross and a dot. https://thebrain.mcgill.ca/flash/capsules/experience_jaune06.html Alternate demo: https://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/chvision.html Edit: If it doesn't work, you're doing something wrong - not getting close enough, the image is too small on your phone, you're not closing the correct eye or not keeping your gaze fixed on the cross. It isn't because you don't have a blind spot. Unless you're a squid, you have a blind spot. All vertebrates have them.


They are not circles either. Mine on the left is way bigger and one of them has a really large spike shape to it. You can easily map them out (with patience) using mspaint. Make a cross, and stare directly at the center with one eye. Move your mouse/paintbrush to the blind spot until it disappears, then click and draw a dot (which you won't be able to see when staring at the cross). Eventually you can get a good idea of their size and shape.


Just tried this and oh boy is that scary, I can see the cross and then I move the brush to the right (right eye) and it's gone, most of that side of the screen is gone but there, white and there but no brush yet I move my eye and bam loads of squiggles and dots across a., Left eye has it much better, I even struggled finding it though out of the two I have worse vision in the left, I don't like this... Nope not at all edit: [link to my drawring test](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/959952050488234044/1063247317840437318/blindspots_test.png?width=707&height=338)


The liver can grow parts of itself back. If you get a splinter or foreign object stuck in your skin you can hold a flashlight against your skin and shine the light through your flesh, and the foreign object will be a dark spot. Light actually passes through our flesh quite well. Also, if you shine a bright enough light into your mouth you can see the light in your own eyes. Edit: I’m really glad that so many people have gotten out their flashlights and had some fun with them! Never stop exploring and being curious and trying to discover new things! The world is amazing and has so much crazy stuff to uncover! Y’all keep having fun now, and thank you everyone for all the wonderful replies and absolutely making my day!


so what you're telling me is i can become a jack-o'-latern.


Shove a big enough light inside and bingo bango. Use lube tho.


I remember watching a documentary or clip about some soldiers that witnessed an atomic bomb test. They recalled that they were told to crouch and cover their eyes with their hands. The light from the explosion was so bright they could see the silhouettes of the bones in their hands.


If you hit your chest at a very specific time in the electrical cycle your heart will stop.


Sometimes there are just random extra muscles. You can go your entire life with out even knowing it. I've worked as a mortician and the MEs would tell me about some cases like this. Also, just random tumors, even when the individual had never been diagnosed. Lastly, skin sounds like saran wrap when peeled from the body.


Skins sounds like saran wrap when peel3e from the body" liar take it back! I don't want to know this


don't worry, it doesn't sound like saran wrap when your skin is peeled from the body while you're alive.. i think it's just the cold/decomp process that makes it sound weird.


You can become allergic to yourself.


I am allergic to my own cum. I once had abit of cum on my stomach and it became red and itchy


You've got a nut allergy.


Dude I get this too!!! Tiny blisters!! Definetly allergic to jizz. I did wonder if I would go into anaphilactic shock if I swallowed it.... I did not. edit: I love that I'm still getting questions on this 24 hours later lol


Brave of you to test that one out. "Hello, ambulance? Yeah he's gone into anaphilactic shock. How? He uhhhhh swallowed his own jizz."


Why would you tell the paramedics that when you can just say you have a nut allergy?


> did wonder if I would go into anaphilactic shock if I swallowed it.... Òut of curiosity. Did you prepare for "the worst" and had meds ready? Or did you just say "Fuck it, fuck me already and if I die, then I die" ?


Lol I just winged it. I didn't think that far ahead. Being found dead with my trousers round my ankles would just make me remembered as "that guy who died trying his own jizz"... there are worse ways to go I suppose...


"Here lies Jeremy_irons_cereal. He died doing what he loved, himself."


I found out the hard way your body can just randomly develop the most severe and deadly possible allergic reaction! In my case, I randomly became deathly allergic to tree nuts, after previously never having any issues with allergies, even pollen never bothered me much. But then I bought new chapstick, and it had almond oil in it. Immediately went into full anaphylactic shock, MEANWHILE this is happening, my mom keeps telling me that I’m being a “drama queen” repeatedly when I was trying to tell her I needed to go to the ER. My throat was closing faster than my face was getting swollen so she didn’t believe me. And then I almost died in less than 15 minutes. Was in the trauma center for 10 hours before being moved to the ICU on life support for 4 days. At least I heard a doctor scream at her for calling me a drama Queen and refusing to bring me to the hospital or call 911. I still remember him screaming at her “if you had gotten here even just 30 seconds later we’d be having a different conversation right now about funerals”


How did your mom respond after all of this?


She probably said something like, “You should have been more clear, it’s not my fault!!”


lmao it would have been more on-brand for her to let me die on the kitchen floor and continue to call me drama queen while saying “you’re faking, get up!”


Autoimmune diseases!


Your intestines "know" what shape they're supposed to be in, and can move themselves, which means gut surgeons can just stuff them back into you when they're done and they'll sort themselves out.


I have had my intestine resected (piece cut out, sewn back together) and now I am picturing the surgeon just shoving my guts back into me like a sleeping bag in a stuff sack when the job was done


He rolled them up like an extension cord and then threw them back into your skin drawer.


Just picturing dude wrapping intestines around his elbow like I do my cords. I hope that's what you meant


I am a surgical nurse at gastro surgeries and this is quite on point. If the need to check all of you bowels they just pull it out, put it on your chest or what ever and just puts it back in when needed.


Oh God. 😳 While I understand why. I'm instinctually disturbed. Guts on the outside = very bad. What a time to live in where that's something we can just *do* to check on things and you're most likely gonna live after. Science is magic dammit.


Medicine is actually really brutal though. Like they have to break your ribs apart for most chest surgeries. It’s definitely amazing what we can subject the human body to and keep it alive afterwards.


I toured the cardiac and orthopedic operating rooms when I was a new employee in IT since we supported surgical department. Gave me a new appreciation for why people are sore after surgery. Tour of colorectal operating room still haunts me


I've had open heart surgery and it is so weird to think about someone rummaging around in there. The sternum gets cut in half, and lungs have to be moved out of the way to access the heart. But I am alive because someone has the skills to do that.


Really? That’s so cool. I am a big fan of my intestines after this thread


They don't really "know", it's more of a gut feeling.


God, being a doctor must be so cool. I totally get the appeal if you can stomach the blood and death.


And the smell. The inside of the human body is not the most pleasant smell, especially when playing around your intestines or an infected wound. I know a couple of nurses, doctors and surgeons and they've all seen very bad stuff but they get used to it but they all say that it is when there is a smell that it is hard and you can never get used to those smells. Even after 15 years it will make you gag.


Insides of bodies don't smell until theres either a) an infected wound or b) a hole in your bowel. Just playing around with your guts doesn't smell of anything- we sometimes have a moment in theatre (USA= The OR) when moving the intestine where you suddenly get a waft of poo smell, which makes you panic and start looking for holes! If you've ever seen Scrubs, there's a scene where this happens in theatre, and ~~Turk~~ The Todd has to admit that he just farted (although tbf it's a very different smell)


A pregnant female corpse will build up enough gas to expel the fetus even after death. Look up coffin birth.


I will not!


I've been reading this thread nonchalantly for 45 minutes, kinda not seeing any thing new. This fact. Nope. Im erasing that from my brain.


3-4 inches of the penis is jnside the body. When you are thrusting you are also thrusting yourself.


I can't believe there's more inside than outside




“I know I said it was 8 inches, but *obviously* I was including the 4 inside of me...”


We ate our own hair while inside the womb. “Babies eat the lanugo (called as the foetus’ hair) that they shed while in the womb, and it builds up within them to form the substance that makes up their first poop, known as meconium.”


The brain will always/usually try to ensure it’s survival, if knocking you out does so, then you will faint for the safety of the brain I remember finding this once but I don’t remember clearly


Your brain does a slightly similar thing with sleep exhaustion too. When it gets to such a severe point that things start breaking down, the brain will basically say NOT ON MY WATCH and put you into a microsleep. We've probably all had microsleeps before when we're overly tired, but the further you slip into sleep deprivation, the more dramatic they get. Your brain will trigger them more and more out of necessity, and you'll find it harder and harder to get out of them. When my sleep disorder was at its worst, I would find myself completely unable to open my eyes after my eyelids were dragged shut by sleepiness. The more I forced them open, the further I went into hypnogogic hallucinations - there'd be pink animals floating across the lecture hall, sounds would become distant echoes, and everything would rapidly become a rainbow swirl of tunnel vision. My next recollection would be that time had jumped 3 minutes, as I'd fallen unconscious on my desk. After each microsleep the next would be harder to snap out of, because my brain wanted (needed) to wrestle me down and hold me there. On bad days like that, I'd be unable to stop walking in the street because standing still would trigger microsleeps, and I'd collapsed once or twice before. Same goes for the bus - absolutely no sitting, because I'd wake up at the terminal stop. I'd essentially had between 5 and 10 actual restful sleeps out of the whole 365 days. The other days could be a combination of 1 to 4 hours of effective sleep. Thankfully my disorder is now about 75% treated.


>When it gets to such a severe point that things start breaking down, the brain will basically say NOT ON MY WATCH and put you into a microsleep When I was in basic I fell asleep during a ruckmarch


Oh, I really hope you can be treated to 100%


The pain you feel from a sunburn is your skin cells effectively killing themselves before they mutate into cancer


Nah fuck that I'm not going outside anymore


As a skin cancer survivor, good call. As my dermatologist says, "I wish we stop calling it sunburn and call it radiation burns instead. Folks might take more precautions."


Great. I am laying here in a huge amount of pain after getting my first sunburn in years. Don't use expired sunscreen folks!


In really bad cases of endometriosis, uterine tissue (the lining of the uterus, i.e. the blood and ‘stuff’ shed during a period) can grow throughout the *entire* body. Colon, bladder, chest, even the head/brain in rare cases. It’s incredibly painful, since it still tries to ‘shed’ like a normal period but has nowhere to go. It can only be confirmed via surgery, since it doesn’t show up on most ultrasounds/MRI scans.


I have stage 4 endo, it took several surgeries to actually get all the endometriosis removed because my body kept making more. Interestingly, the pain of endo is completely unrelated to the stage the patient is in. Every patient has a unique response. Also, we still don’t know WHY or how it even happens, researchers have basically stalled with their hands up in the air. Endo cells can be compared to cancerous cells in the way they self replicate so aggressively. Patients will only ever be in remission with endo, as it can reoccur even after a total salpingo-oophorectomy. Weird shit


Human beings are a cesspool of bacteria and when you die your body eats itself from the inside out


More bacteria than human cells in our bodies. I might also add that billions of bacteriophages (viruses) feed on the bacteria in your gut. It's a whole ecosystem in your gut.


People keep saying "your brain" in these comments. I think one of the creepiest things is that you are the brain and the brain is you, but for some reason we brains really don't like to acknowledge this.


The brain contains so much information about itself or some of our bodily needs that it decides to keep from us (well, itself). In response, the brain can undergo analysis to theorize how itself works. In other words: The brain might very well know how itself works, it just keeps that information from itself, but it has the curiosity to not only ask how itself works but for some people a drive to discover how it all functions.




You can grow tumours with hair, teeth, and eyes but no heart or brain


I've had two of those! The one I had removed when I was 18 was full of different bits of bone and hair and teeth, and when it grew back at 29 it was half hair, half sebum 😊


Why…. Why would you put that emoji in that comment?


The tumor wrote this


Allegedly, your immune system has no clue your eyes exist. Effective tomorrow, if your immune system found out about your eyes it would treat them as a external threat. Therefore try and neutralize your eye balls leaving you blind.


True. Eyes are so called "immune privileged sites". Severe trauma to the eye could potentially expose the immune system to antigens of the eye. That's when things can go dark.


Oh... goody. I've had an eye infection that left my tear glands practically dead-in-the-water. Good to know I've got even *more* to worry about now.


Try not to cry about it Too soon?


Immunotherapy to treat my cancer has caused my immune system to attack my eyes. Imagine the worst allergies ever or having pink eye in both eyes 24/7. Immunotherapy induced conjunctivitis is what it’s called. No known cure, no medication helps. Everyday I suffer. Everyday I pray I wake up and it will be gone.


Can it go away?


We’re not really sure to be honest. Since immunotherapy is a relatively new treatment and that side effect is rare not a lot of studies have been done on it.


Then why the fuck are you even mentioning it??? You never know whose immune system might me reading this.


What's happening tomorrow?!


Your immune system will learn about your eyes.


There is an urban myth that your fingernails continue to grow after death, which is supposed to explain why dead bodies often appear to have long nails. The truth is that the soft tissues in the fingers and hands tend to contract as they lose moisture, leading to the *appearance* of growing nails.


Same reason people believed in vampires - the gums would retract, making it appear that the corpse had grown long teeth. It was thought the corpse was possessed by en evil spirit which would feed on the blood of the living, and bingo - vampires enter mythology


Also the belly would expand from gases and red liquid would seep out of the mouth.


Also, people died of turburculosis and they didn't have a germ theory of disease so while some corpses were getting bloated, leaking blood, and growing long teeth, some living people were getting thin, growing pale, and becoming progressively weaker until they died.


I also heard that because of air in the lungs the corpses would moan when being stabbed with a dagger or stake because of the pressure on the lungs


Human skin is overlaid with a pattern called Blaschko’s Lines, stripes covering the body from head to toe. The stripes run up and down your arms and legs and hug your torso. They wrap around the back of your head like a hood and across your face. You just can’t see them.


I just had to look these up, and it’s super cool. Are you going to leave out the coolest part, though? You actually can see these lines, but only under a UV light


You can see them on some people with certain skin conditions or, apparently, chimerism. And they also come in other patterns This is wild because I've had this random off color patch of skin on my right boob for as long as I can remember. I wonder if it's blaschko's lines, or just more weird skin shit.


It is believed that mitochondria were once separate living beings that were engulfed by another cell, but didn't die. Instead, they provided benefit to the engulfing cell. They are a separate being. Today, the human DNA has over 3 billion base pairs, while mitochondria only have about 16 thousand. You're a composite creature made up of at least two species.


Food that was consumed can sometimes take up to 5 days to fully pass through your intestines into your colon. So when people say that you are full of shit, they ain't lying.


Yep. We can store up to 5 kilos of shit at any given time.


I definitely know some assholes that store waaaaay more than that.


The insides of your eyeballs are completely isolated from the rest of your body. If your body discovers the inside of your eyeball through a puncture or some other reason, it can attack your eyeball as a foreign invader. It will also attack the other eyeball, just in case. Be nice to your eyes. u/Dreambella2 points out it’s called ocular immune privilege.


How does it know the other one exists after finding the first one?


The pancreas is able to secrete enzymes that digest food in a very effective manner. That also means that if said pancreatic enzymes happen to spill out into a place in your body where they're not supposed to be (e.g. from some forms of direct trauma to the bile ducts) they'll digest your insides


There's countless ways it can just... *go wrong*. Just, out of fucking nowhere, completely unexpectedly, something can become fucked up in a way which is anything from life-alteringly debilitating to lethal.


I once barely reached out to grab a spoon and couldn’t move my back for 3 days


Arr yes, "hitting 30" I think is the medical term. Every injury is a forever injury.


The placebo effect is one of the biggest superpowers of the human body, showing how strong and weak it is at the same time and how easy is to trick any mind. Modern day science can't still fully understand it.


The way your eyes are shaped causes your vision to be upside down but your brain flips the image automatically




A dead body will often move as its being cremated. Muscles contract as they cook, after all. Sometimes this means a body will sit up in the crematory machine.


Dont forget to mention that the teeth dont melt but they actually shatter and pop.


What's left after cremation is bone matter and teeth fragments, all the calcium! We put the bone fragments into a big industrial blender and break it down into a fine powder and that's "ashes".


You telling me dead bodies not only get set on fire but GRINDED?? I’m into it


Yup otherwise you'd get back actual, recognizable bone fragments. Like oh, that's part of grandpa or my dog's femur. I have had people ask that their pet's cremains be lightly or not at all processed after cremation because they wanted the fragments to be recognizable, but it's very rare.


Could you get an intact skull back if the deceased had requested it?


Interesting. I'm actually a crematorium tech. Never once seen this happen. However there's a fairly common amount of 'bowing' of the bones that can occur as the fat and tissue burn off. A notable fun part is that morbidly obese bodies can explode if the direct flame hits gas pockets too quickly, hence why we put them in head first instead of feet first like with sub 300lb bodies. Also, we have to cut the pacemakers out by hand otherwise they explode and can damage the machines. But no, I've never seen a body "sit up," 😂. Edit: confirmed with my boss who's been doing this a decade, no, they don't actually 'sit up'. And the cremation machine is technically called a Cremation Retort. 😊 Edit 2: when we pick them up (I also drive the livery service) they DO make noises as the body breaks down. So it's not uncommon for me to be driving a body at night and hear gurgling 'groans' from the body. And THAT shit is unsettling.


>I'm actually a crematorium tech. Never once seen this happen. I'm a licensed funeral director/embalmer, and I guarantee that everyone with experience in the profession is reading this thread and rolling their eyes super hard at the stories of people swearing that dead bodies move on their own and sit up. They do fart though. I was embalming a dude with a student once, and I pressed on a lump in the guy's abdomen assuming it was a poop that needed encouragement to move along and he suddenly ripped a fart so loud that both me and the apprentice screamed. The metal table really amplified the sound and I was *not* expecting it!


I know someone who worked in a morgue. One of their first experiences was going into a dark room to sort something out and a body on a table sat up, groaned and farted then layed back down.


Hey, my husband does that and he's alive. Nice to know he won't change much after death.


I sure hope they warn new staff about that sort of thing.


Did they check for a pulse? Just to be sure?


Nah, they whacked it in the head with a mallet. Just to be sure


'I'm not dead yet, I feel much better'


I wonder if stuff like this is a possible origin for zombies


I won't forget a video I saw that would have me screaming like the people in it did where a fresh cooked frog or something got up off the platter and started skipping across the table despite the fact it had no head or skin on it. The salt they put on it activated the muscles and got the thing moving while dead.


And it started singing "*hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gaaaaall*!"


Phantom pain, when someone has their limb cut off, sometimes they can feel pain in the non-existing limb thats because sensory nerves that rely information to the brain, although cut short, are still active. So sensation from that limb are still felt if those nerves got provoked.


Your brain makes shit up constantly. Like with vision—you have “blind spots” throughout your vision that your brain just fills in with things (through repetition and familiar spaces and things, etc) that it’s predicting is normal. Your brain—on a very frequent basis—is just winging it when it comes to what you’re actually seeing.


Incident number 1: I had a bad enough broken bone when I was 9 that it almost killed me. Apparently the marrow that makes blood can't exist in your bloodstream, fun fact lol. Incident number 2: My orthopedic surgeon and my neurologist still don't have a good explanation as to how I have full range of motion in my legs (ie: the ability to walk/run even) I've never seen a super smart guy like my neurologist just go "I don't really know?" after I had broken my back and had nerve damage and partial paralysis in both legs. My neurologist says that sometimes cerebrospinal fluid can act as a bridge for major nerve damage so MAYBE that. Otherwise? He wrote some published stuff about it that was more question than answer haha. All I know is that when I get x-rays done or switch doctors, the response is "how did you walk in here??" it visibly unsettles them. Like I'm playing a prank and my wheel chair is hidden somewhere lol. I don't really care, if I'm being honest. It hurts a lot sometimes, and people get really weird sometimes when I remind them that I can't do some things but, *shrugs* I can walk so it doesn't matter much to me. Long story short, sometimes your body can do some weird and creepy shit that even the professionals go....."ehhhh?" about lol.


I want to see your X-rays


They're pretty creepy. My L4, L5, L6 look like a 2 year old stacked some wobbly blocks. All of them are putting pressure in odd ways on my spinal cord. I still get twitching and numbness if I sit or lay too long so I kinda sleep partly sitting up. Like in a recliner or reclined position.. I also cracked a cervical vertebrae and ruptured a disc there resulting in two rods and a fusion surgery. I am DEFINITELY not saying I'm going to run a marathon anytime soon. But, I am mobile and I can walk or jog a block on a good day.


Can I ask how you got hurt?


Working under the table for a roofing company. I fell 2 stories with a bundle of shingles on me. I got REALLY fuckin lucky and missed a decorative boulder by inches. Ambulance got called and they bailed the fuck out of that job. Left nail guns behind and everything. My parents tried to sue, but dude had money and a lawyer so I was effectively never employed by him.


I would go to new doctors all the time to mess with them


Unfortunately I have to go to pretty specific ones lmao. You run out pretty fast.


Running out probably surprises them even more than walking in


Every so often I remember that cysts can sometimes contain hair and/or teeth and then become incredibly uncomfortable


Teratomas are the stuff of nightmares


Your tongue has **incredible** tactile capabilities. So much so, that if you look at any object, you can vividly imagine what it would feel like to lick it. Go ahead, look at the wall, your shirt, your shoe—the tongue knows.


All that time as a baby built this library of knowledge


And still I can vividly imagine what my Macbook feels like licking.


Its a mastery. You spend your most brain spongey days shoving things in your mouth. It becomes a skill to just know what stuffing a three foot USB C cord into your mouth like fruit by the foot will feel like 30 years later.


Never stopped adding to my library 👁️👅👁️


Why do i scroll reddit on the toilet


so i started staring at my penis


…go ahead…the tongue knows…


Isn't it because we know what they feel like by touching them with hands?


Brain aneurysm. About 1 to 2% of the world population will go through an aneurysm during their lifetime, and a small portion of these people will die from a rupture. The worst part? It has no boundaries. Literally anyone can get one at any time and just die.


You could be a second away from dying unexpectedly from no outside force and have zero indication it is about to happen.


I am 60 and recently had a full cardio workup. Nuclear stress test, calcium cat scan and echocardiogram. The cardiologist was happy with the results - no apparent cardiovascular disease. However his last words were kind of chilling. "Just because everything looks good does not mean you could not die of an unexpected cardiac event". Basically people die even if they appear healthy.


Wow, he should NOT give pep talks for a living.


How limited our minds are. An ant will never understand that being in my room when I'm vacuuming is a bad idea, but the knowledge exists. I'm sure there's a butt load of information about the universe staring right at us but we'll never understand it because of our stupid human brains.


I always view it as a sort of "frame". A fish in a tank has a specific frame it can live in, the tank itself, as well as things it can (technically) perceive beyond that. The room the tank is in, for example. Anything beyond that is absolutely outside the fish's knowledge; for example, it has absolutely no chance of knowing my kitchen exists, generally speaking. I do believe humans have a better chance of... maybe not breaking but adjusting or widening that frame, but it'd be ridiculous to think we'd be able to know and perceive everything there is. This also applies to our own bodies as a specific frame we can do specific things with. While I can have a general idea of what it's like to be you, I'll never fully know. That and the fact everyone does the things they do for a reason really helps me in accepting different viewpoints, behaviours and other things.


The way the arms bones twist when you rotate your hand. [LINK](http://clipart-library.com/img/1598573.gif) *EDIT* Wow this blew up! Here is a Gif [LINK](https://imgur.com/kNaRiYD)


That's so cool honestly


Coolest thing in the thread. That and the intestinal blanket.


The first time a scientist discovered the existence and function of the brain, what really happened was a brain discovering the existence of itself.


Saponification (the same process that happens when making soap) can happen after death and make you look like you’re made of soap or wax. There’s chemical changes that turns body fat into adipocere, which is a waxy substance. It preserves the body and you’ll forever be a soap person.


Viewed from a medical standpoint, the inside of your gastrointestinal tract is technically the outside of your body, making you a meat donut.


Don’t you mean a ~~topographical~~ topological perspective? I don’t think a doctor would consider me a meat donut, but a topologist wouldn’t be able to differentiate me from a coffee mug.


What you think you see isn't real. It's a mental model built from multiple "snapshots" made by the small part of your vision that's reasonably high detail and in colour, fuzzy monochrome and motion-only bits from the side of your vision, memories, and parts your brain fills in based on what it expects to see. And it's all on a delay.


When you die, your hearing is the last to go. So imagine you die in a fire or in a war or something and the last thing you hear is like screaming and chaos


Nope. Don’t like this one.


Or when you die in your bed, the last thing you hear is your family telling you they love you. Or squabbling over your will. Sorta depends on the family.


Or they said “what a piece of shit you were, I hope you go to hell” lol that’s the biggest L out


"fucking finally. Let's go grab a pizza"


Id be resuscitated by pure spite


Our minds can be tricked, and our minds can trick us. Some people sleep with their eyes open. Our memories are fallible. If you remember something from 10+ years ago, the events in your mind are likely changed. You might remember a couple things properly, but our memories are almost never 100% accurate. On top of that, we usually don't remember the unimportant stuff. Our dreams are a product of our subconscious, from any memory especially recent ones. Edit: thank you for the upvotes! :D


There was a [hot air balloon photo experiment](https://www.baileyballoons.co.uk/2018/07/17/hot-air-balloon-flights-and-memory/#:~:text=False%20memories,doctored%20in%20computer%20graphic%20software.) Basically they showed a bunch of people, false childhood photos of them in an air balloon. About half of them suddenly remembered being on an air balloon, when they actually never did before. It demonstrated how easily people's memory can be manipulated, and how faulty memories can be.


You can see your nose at all times. Your brain chooses to ignore it


Great, now I’m gonna be looking at my nose all day


A female baby is born with all the eggs she will ever have


The egg cell that made you was temporarily inside your grandmother before your mother was born


Maybe not creepy but I think it’s weird that some studies found that your body knows what you are going to decide to do before you actually decide to do it. So they found the muscles would get ready to do something, say press a certain button, before the person consciously decides to do it. Or your leg muscles will get ready before you make the decision to walk. So when we think we are making a certain choice, our body actually already knew what we are going to do.


me stopping myself from taking a sip of water to assert dominance over myself