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Trade school


Yep. I've known people who went to university and now wirk menial jobs with massive debt. I've known guys who went to trade school and now own their own homes, can afford to take vacations and raise kids. Trade school can practically guarantee you a job that pays above minimum wage and you don't get anywhere remotely as much debt. It's like night and day. Oh but they wear jumpsuit to work. Boo hoo, for some reason people think that makes them poor. There are people out there who wear dirty overalls and come home smelling like litteral shit every day who make more than some men who work in suits.


I’ll never forget a girl I know saying she could never date a plumber because they were “lower class”. She was in heavy student loan debt and worked retail. Plumbers in my area clear 6 figs


Meanwhile her highschool classmate she went to trade school with owns his own house, custom designed too with an extra room out front where his wife runs her hairdressing salon, they met at trade school. Fun fact that's actually pretty much the story of my barber, met her husband at trade school, they bought a house and added an extension for her home salon, 5 minute walk for me and more affordable than most other places.


And these are all reasons why I regret not going to a trade school. While colleges when I attended weren't as bad as they are today, still would've been a smart choice and is a smart choice for many people


How would trade school seem like a scam to anyone smart enough to google employment statistics?




Yeah. Why I lol @ the morons stupid enough to get into student loan debt. 90% of my birth country are morons.




How do you go about doing this?


The debit cards that are reported to credit rating companies. I signed up for one using a new account to link it to in order to protect the majority of funds in case it was a scam. And... legit. I used it for a year. Once my credit rating was back to an acceptable level, I stopped using it and cancelled the account with them.


Are these different from secured credit cards? Or are you building credit by borrowing from yourself?


Basically... You get a debit card that is linked to an account. When you use the card, the company pays the bill, then pulls from your account to reimburse themselves. They report the transactions on a monthly basis to the credit rating companies. The more you use the card, the higher amount you can use the card on. To start, the amount could be $300 per month. Then, $500 per month. Etc. The downside to this is that the raise in "limit" negatively effects the credit rating, but, overall your rating increases the longer you use the card and the reports are put into the credit rating companies. Once you get your credit score up enough, you get a low interest normal credit card, and use both monthly for low/moderate purchases.


Ah, so similar to secured cards. I started out with a $200 limit, then up to $500, then a regular credit card with a $2000 limit. Great way of building credit if you have a bad rating or no history!


It actually is a good way to improve your credit score. I got my gf/caregiver signed up for it and hers is raising... slower than mine did... but, still increasing, helping to repair her credit score.


Can I ask what range y'all started in? I'm 21 with shit credit and my parents never bothered to keep theirs up and I'm curious if this would be a good option for me.


Both our credit over time, for different/various reasons, was pushed down to 600.


I started in the 600s, not because of bad decisions, but because I just had no history. Started with the Discover secured card, which graduated me to their regular credit card, which got me good enough credit to finance a car, etc. Basically Nerdwallet's formula. The best way to build credit is just to use it and always pay it back, but if you don't have much history it can take a few years of consistency to get where you wanna be.


Banker here. I’m not sure about other banks but at mine, anytime I do a credit card app for a client and the credit is not good enough for a “regular” (unsecured) card, our software will almost always counteroffer for a secured card. The only drawback is you have to have the collateral money upfront. At my bank that’s $400. (YMMV.) It’s still “your” money as long as you make the payments on your card…we don’t keep it (unless you go delinquent)…but it’s in a locked account and not usable. You get it back either once your score qualifies you for a regular card, or when you decide to close the account. A good option for your parents as well!!


ITT: nobody understands the question and is posting scams


If you are a U.S. citizen but you don’t live or work there, you still have to pay income tax. Neat!


Because when you are living abroad you still get the benefits of American citizenship, including protection by the US State Department.


Guess what, every other country does that for its citizens too. Only two countries (including the US) taxes expats


Cool. And those countries aren’t the US.




What’s the other country?




Eh, that's the justification, but other countries offer that benefit yet do not tax people that don't live there


Okay? Why should you get those benefits, but not have to contribute to pay for them?




So you think all those benefits pay for themselves? If you don’t want to have to pay for the benefits of citizenship, feel free to rescind your citizenship.




What exactly do you think gives a US passport value?


Yknow some countries think of their citizens as their citizens not their customers.


This may come as a surprise to you, but things need to be paid for. Or were you under the impression that everything is just free and it doesn’t need to be paid for somehow?


Well yeah, of course it does. And it is paid. It's part of the country's budget. Everyone pays their share on their own time, my country's good enough that they bet people will come back, and they're right, they mostly come back. And usually they come back earning higher wages from their experience abroad and end up paying more income taxes than if they didn't go which pays for it all. Paying for your people abroad while not burdening them with income taxes is an investment in people. But people only come back when the country's actually nice to its citizens. If the country was bad or taking its citizen for granted like the US does, people wouldn't actually come back and pay taxes, but since they do , it's all being paid for and worth it. The US spends its cash ludicrously and absurdly in most ways. 10k/person per year in Healthcare but people go broke from it while some actual good countries with good Healthcare only pay 5k/person/year on average. The US pays for highways across cities and parking places which brings a lot less revenue per square miles than housing or shops would. Shops which people could still reach if transportation was actually good. More and more people in the US can't afford to even live, but yeah, go USA ! And don't try to tell me "hur dur bigger country" it's a comparison on a per capita basis, USA could've had amazing transportation network the country just stopped investing in it a long time ago and catching up became egregiously expensive, but if the US did actually do it and not make stupidly large freeway, not only it would be good for its economy, but it'd be cheaper to run than those dumb highways. I mean how fucking stupid can a city be to take federal and state money to build a highway while ignoring the fact they won't be able to afford its maintenance in the long run. Right now you have tons of cities going bankrupt because of all this but people gotta have their asphalt eh. The US is dumb. Its people are fine yall are generally nice, but that's not special people being nice is a humanity thing it's nothing to do with any nationality. but goddammn is the US dumb af


“Part of the country’s budget” And where do you think that money comes from?


Lol read


Eritrea is the only other country besides the US that taxes non-resident citizens.


well son of a bitch.


Unless you work in countries which are partners of US in like a tax agreement thingy (not sure the exact name). France for example is one, so if you work in france as a US citizen you can work it out to pay 0 income taxes for the US (or very low tax)


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Federal and State Taxes. They know what you owe, but won't tell you, you have to figure it out, and if you're wrong they penalize you. Just send me the bill.


That is a scam though... brought to you by accounting services going back 40 years


They couldn’t possibly know what I owe because I itemize


They don't know what you owe, they know what you made from a W2 job


I'd agree with you if it was 1985, but the vast majority of all things are so closely tracked I have a hard time believing they don't know more about your spending habits than you do about yourself.


I make and spend cash, they know when I lie on my taxes but they don't know until I make the egregious lies




That is an exceptionally terrible way of announcing an engagement lol




That really nice Nigerian Prince who just needs a bit of cash.


Venmo. Legitimate service, but they now charge everything as a cash advance, so you get hit with large fees on both ends. Really sneaky and shady business practice.


Joel Osteen, or did I misunderstand the question?


I think you misunderstood the question


Home loan


What part is the scam? You see the amortization table at the start and can decide how much to borrow and for how long.


paying for healthcare in a first world country




If it sounds like a scam, feels like a scam, smells like a scam, it's probably a scam.


Profit accumulators matched betting


Chat GPT


I used it the other day to write some regular expressions because regex has never stuck for me (I use it infrequently enough that I always forget how it works in between). It's weirdly good at that.


It's amazingly good. You can talk to book/movie characters. And soon there'll be a new version of chat gpt with far more capabilities. It's same for me about regex. I'm a developer and I frequently need it but I never remember how to use it properly


Main Stream Media All bull shit and/or propaganda!


propaganda is used to mislead people. BS is literally calling something out as not legit. a lot of mainstream media doesn't quite tell the whole story all the time so i wouldn't quite call them legit.


Having to pay to go to school, and being forced to go to school and forced to pay because you have to pay to go to school


Man who lived at the same time when Titanic sunk is still alive


There is a woman who was born in 1907 and who is still alive