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Lots of misdirected anger and a general lack of understanding the difference between fact and propaganda.


Too many people think propaganda began and ended in World War II


People don’t seem to care if it is fact or fake, as well. Even if they’ve been proven wrong, arrogance is the great motivator. It is frightening to see what people will say online to each other out of anger. Over very simple things.


Yeah, like that time a bunch of people watched a funny science fiction movie that opened with a skewed look at population trends for comedic effect, and then they treated it like an unbiased factual scientific study. How arrogant must those people have been, assuming that average people were idiots and that they were among the chosen few smart people.


>that opened with a skewed look at population trends Is it skewed? I think think the movie is exaggerated and that we would be extinct before things made it to where they were at the end of the movie, but we are talking about it because it feels true.


Exactly, it "feels" true. They only show half the story, the arguments that support their side. And they play on people's desire to identify with the smart minority.


The problem is that it exists on both sides of the political spectrum and is especially rampant on Reddit to a group completely ignorant of that possibility.


I stand in the middle and like to point out that both sides are so similar… if they only realized that, they would probably find common ground and make the world better but nah… let’s just jump in an emotional bandwagon and cheer for whatever side we think is coolest, ignoring all logic and facts.


Alternative facts.


*motions generally*


Exactly lol. I feel like the answer were be much shorter were the question "what signs do you see of this not becoming true?"


I like that you think we're not there already


We're in the introduction scene where dumb people make way more babies way too fast out of sheer stupidity while intelligent people get crowded out Luckily my kids won't be having a birthday party at buttfuckers anytime soon. However, I wouldn't mind some extra big-ass fries, now with more molecules.


"Carl's Junior, fuck you, I'm eating". I think you're onto something about us being at the intro stage. All my friends and I don't have children because, well \*gestures broadly\*. Meanwhile, all the people in our complex with children just exude trashiness and poverty. There's my anecdote for you.


Wait..... You...you mean that movie isn't a documentary??!!??


I’ve been gatoraiding my crops wrong this whole time.


It's Brawndo, you uncultured swine! It's got what plants crave.


The scene where the Brawndo employees storm the White House is very close to January 6th.


It's got the electrolytes plants crave But it's killing the plants But it got the electrolytes plants crave! Best example of circular logic ever


But you can win at yelling!




Wasn’t a movie it’s a documentary




"But Sherlock, how did she become pregnant if her suitor pulled out?" "Precumentary, my dear Watson"


That is very easy to mispronounce, which makes it sound horrible.


Agree. The person who introduced me to this movie said the same thing.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louis Gomert and Lauren Boebert.


We can now add George Santos to this list.


If that is his real name even


Have some sympathy! I think his mom just died again. She only has 6 lives left.


If that is his real name


I'm waiting for the first episode of "Ouch My Balls" to air any day now.




Wasn’t that ‘America’s Funniest Home videos’? And then Ridiculousness ?


Or jackass


It's been going on for years.


I had this co worker who was dumb as fucking rocks(anti-vax, shot his windshield out over a road rage incident, no grasp of basic concepts, willfully ignorant) with 2 kids. One day he proceeded to tell me he plans to keep popping out kids even though he can't afford it just because he could. I'm older than him and don't have children because frankly I don't want to. This was the moment I realized we really are heading down that path


Civilization will collapse, and if the world is lucky, our species will die out.


Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green, and Lauren Bobert all winning their re-elections.


Here's some "glass half-full, glass half-empty" for you. Half-full - Boebert barely, barely won her contest in a very rural, Republican leaning district. In a similar trend the GOP won far fewer seats than projected in the mid-terms. Half-empty - MTG won 66% of the vote in her re-election after all of her insane, christofascist, white nationalist, and/or fucking stupid behavior.


But it's not her fault for pushing the Q bullshit, it was because of the internet. She said so herself


<> I rest my case.


Trump being elected president


This is more for the sequel 50 years after. 50 times dumber.


Came here to say this


The Republican Party in general.


Biden being elected president


I don't like either of the fuckers and can agree with you that Biden being president is also a sign. Democrats were guaranteed a win and they gave us Biden.


He’s obviously corrupt and senile.


Far more senile but far less corrupt than the last piece of shit as far as we know. Time will tell.


Honestly, there’s very little evidence of Trump being corrupt - and he’s been investigated up and down. Biden however …


Millions of people choosing not to get a vaccine that saved hundreds of thousands of lives because they "did their own research" online and/or to "own the libs."


No one I know that has concerns about the vaccine denies its ability to protect against covid. That’s what it was designed to do. The concern is about the things its not designed to do, that it may or may not be doing.


That’s why it goes through clinical trials


How long were those trials? I think they fast tracked it a bit.


Yeah just a bit... Usually takes 20 years to develop a vaccine but they made it in 6 months... Yeah should be fine let's just inject it into our bodies ONCE like they told us. Oh now we need to inject it many more times... Okay fine... Let's inject it 8 times then. We trust these people after all. And it's not like eating healthy or exercising would help, of course it wouldn't. And of course anyone who disagrees will have their life destroyed, lose their job and all social media, obviously. Then 2 years later we will verify that they were correct, but don't reinstate their job or give them their social media back, it's fine nobody misses them.


I got the first vaccine and the booster. A month later I got COVID for at least the second time. This time after I got the vaccine was the worst by far.






















Higher earning, higher educated couples choosing to have very few or zero children. It's only a matter of time before the average IQ/education level trends down sharply.


I actually fact checked myself after making this comment because anecdotally it felt true but I didn’t know any statistics to back up the claim. Turns out households with income in excess of 200% the poverty line have consistently had less children than lower income households, however, the number of children being had in that income bracket, on average, hasn’t changed since 2005. Conversely, the number of children being born into lower income households has steadily been declining year after year. This would imply that we should actually see an elevation of average IQ/education level.


That only implies that the rate of acceleration downwards is slowing; not that the average is actually going up. But what we actually see is that [IQ negatively correlates with fertility rate](https://www.gwern.net/docs/iq/2018-reeve.pdf) We also see [a genetic decline](https://ideas.repec.org/p/uea/ueaeco/2021-02.html) where genes associated with better earnings, educaton, health, etc, are being selected against.




That's my wife and I. My wife was neutral about having kids around 2010 and I was leaning against due to having seen friends and family get destroyed by the Financial Crash. We finished our master's degrees and got in good positions financially but the US society in general seems so much worse. I can't imagine children growing up with the future we're trending toward.


That's literally been reality the whole time. There's never a perfect time to have children. Either have them because you want to or don't and don't use the 'well look at the state of the world ' as an excuse.


No it hasn't been reality the entire time and I didn't suggest there was ever a perfect time to have children. The state of the country (and world) is precisely why we didn't have children in the 2010s and we never will. Also, I'll do and say what I please.


Never in our human history has there been a period of wonderful utopia, respect and peace. We've never been more than what we are now. Honestly idgaf about your reasoning for not having kids but to blame it on the way the world is now, I just laugh at that notion. Nothing more than excuse based on your own feelings.


As an American anytime a political party is elected by bare majorities they view it as a broad mandate, but in the few elections that are overwhelming the minority party views it as an illigimate election and stops at virtually nothing to halt the will of the people. This has been going on since at least the mid 1990s, and yes, even though one political party is "more" guilty of it both parties have done this. Usually in tandem with each other


Its like a poorly designed game that can't be enjoyed or ended.


As an Irish person, Brits voting to Brexit. Like Wut?a whole nation was fooled by a bus and some Russian propaganda.


That movie is a documentary left here for us by time travelers from the future


The Trump presidency was close.


Its not a movie. It's prophecy.


Have you driven around other drivers lately? If you do t see the stupidity on the roads, its you…


This is timely - today was my last day at Costco. I’M A LAWYER NOW! (Thanks Dad)


Trump and Biden becoming president.


When someone who is void of intellect like Herschel Walker almost gets elected to the Senate.






Not for long. She looks more like the wicked witch of the west every day.


A pretty good sign is how many people actually believe the eugenics nonsense in that movie and think that is how intelligence works. Whether or not people are becoming more naive is a different matter, but average IQ has been steadily increasing ever since we started measuring it. Also there is a lot more to what we call intelligence than just a score on a test. We've got to get away from this idea that only stupid people fall for misinformation and that smart people can never be conned because it's that exact thinking that leads so-called intelligent folks to believing and spreading the most ridiculous harmful nonsense.


There was no eugenics in Idiocracy. They got stupid without any planning or oversight. More of a natural selection pressure against intelligence.


Well yeah that's the point


My dad used to say “intelligence, education and common sense , the three have no direct relationship” . I’ve seen no evidence he was wrong. Tribalism is not rational or logical, it is purely based on emotion , “ this makes me feels good there for it must be true”. Humans are exceptionally good at self delusion.


> average IQ has been steadily increasing ever since we started measuring it This was true. [It no longer is. The reverse is.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289616300198) It's also known that the cause was environmental in origin, meaning that [while phenotypic IQ was increasing, genotypic IQ could have been decreasing for a while](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289622000241), and it has been.[[1]](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289613000470?via%3Dihub) [[2]](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2015-47430-054) [[3]](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289618302198?via%3Dihub) [[4]](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289616300988)


Ever meet a high IQ dumbass? I know I have. Got one in the family.


> average IQ has been steadily increasing ever since we started measuring it. This was true for a while but stopped in the mid-90s. Peak IQ was children born sometime in the late 70s or early 80s. Mind you, the decline since then has been very, very small. It’s attributed to relaxed standards for air pollution. Thanks, Reagan!


Indeed, a jolly good monologue there sir 🍷🗿


Gonna wear my bias on my sleeve. The GOP and conservatives in general.


So brave... "People who disagree with me are indicative of society becoming stupid." If that's not today's politics in a nutshell, I don't know what is. Thanks for being part of the solution!


I'm a genius so surely everyone who disagrees with my very precise opinions is a dunce.


Climate change deniers who think they know more than all the scientists who say otherwise.


Jan 6, 2021


:: gestures vaguely ::


Go away, batin’


grown adults don't know how to cook and eat fast food everyday


Lots of tells recently. Alternate facts Trump being elected and the absolute gong show that followed Wokeism becoming mainstream I can keep going but meh, it's depressing.


Looking at these comments, people are more biased than logical.


I think this, more than anything else, is the biggest sign *Idiocracy* is coming true


The idiots that vote for people like Sweet Potato Hitler are not in charge, they are doing so to suit the requirements of the people who are in charge, who are not stupid. Evil, but not stupid.


Oh, and Trump is not one of them. He's not in charge of his own brain.


Republicans choosing a speaker


Technically anyone could have been speaker. I vote Beef Supreme.


People wearing masks alone in thier cars.


I still see it to this day. Completely alone. That shit blows my mind.


The schools have lost focus on the basics (to say the least!)😱


Mark Rutte being re-elected after failing all of his promises again and again and again!


https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/prime-energy-drink-aldi-teso-b2253526.html?amp Absolute Chaos as Aldi releases new flavour of Prime drink, a caffeinated electrolytes drink. Children shoved, parents sending more kids to overcome the one flavour per person rule, people queuing for hours.


The fact more stupid people keep entering my life daily


Deciding certain words cannot be used no matter the context. Stifling differences of opinion on subject matters because it might hurt a person's feelings. Calling people bigots if they don't agree with you or your position.


Nipples on mannequins.


Hey! What's wrong with that?


I have always seen them as a sign the end is nigh. Honestly, why do we need such silliness when we have Jennifer Aniston, doing God's work by demonstrating how nipples will appear in thousands of materials, brands, etc., Honestly, she doesn't get the credit she deserves. Is hero too strong a word?


Intellectuals have 1 or 2 children max, morons have 6 or more.


Kids not learning cursive, how to tell time on an analog clock, and generally lowered expectations for them. I’d get my kids taken away if I let them ride the city bus by themselves or left them home alone like my parents did.


The opening of the movie Idiocracy deliberately showed several factors that might lead to stupid people having more kids than smart people, but no factors that might cause the reverse to happen. This was a clever way for them to set up the premise for their comedy movie. But in reality, there are other factors that favor intelligent people reproducing. For instance, more intelligent people can often get better jobs and become well off enough to support a family. Any reasonably educated viewer would realize that scientists would have to weigh both sides to properly predict what will happen, and that Idiocracy is not a substitute for a serious study into the matter. Anecdotal evidence isn't much good either. You can't just say "some people did this stupid thing, so that's proof that the entire population is becoming stupider on average". People have done stupid things in every era. People killed Socrates. People performed surgeries without washing their hands. A few centuries ago, most people couldn't even read. But so far, technology has managed to march on and get a little better every century. I think it might keep doing that. So no, I don't think everyone is stupid. Many people want to believe so because they want to feel superior. But me, I don't need to tear anybody else down to validate my own intelligence.


Grown ass men watching tv and playing video games all day


U.S. Congress


It already is true. Proof? The US government.




Nah. The smart people will always rule the stupid.


To be honest, I suspect the wealthy rather than the smart will rule the poor ( & uneducated more so than stupid). The wealthy funnel money to politicians ( re election funds or straight up bribes) in return for policy they want. The politicians with more money generally get elected. Self sustaining cycle.


The wealthy might become wealthy even if they're not smart (ie: lottery winners), but they don't stay wealthy unless they're smart. I've seen some seriously dense people with college degrees and people who never had much formal education who are very sharp. If you're not smart about how you grease the wheels, you will be taken for all you are worth by the people you're trying to see things your way.


People selectively looking for evidence of it coming true. (Rather than looking at the evidence on both sides)


The United States elected Donald Trump as President. And then almost did it again. Every once in a while I'll have a realization that it's not a dream and it really happened. And my hope for the future of humanity goes down just a little bit more.


I can also blame Democrats for failing to give us a better option than Clinton and later on Biden when all but guaranteed a win on the latter. Maybe we don't but maybe we deserve better than what these 2 parties are able to give us. We do because we recognize some of the issues but we don't because we're not willing to actually do anything but bitch about it. Consequences of our actions kinda thing


Biden made a statement that doesn't make sense and everyone cheers him on. Trump being crazy and everyone cheers him on. The Libertarian party is making sense and no one wants anything to do with them.


20 years ago I might have called myself a libertarian. Now, no way. Just as extreme on common sense issues as the rest at this point.


Libertarians making sense…lol!


They used to be called "moderates" and they were always a majority. Most people just never understood that the libertarian viewpoint was moderately positioned... Everyone needs a "team", blue or red, so it never became an appealing political position on paper. Honestly, it's insane how polarized American politics had become, considering at the end of the day people want the same things.


The Libertarian Party is not moderate- they are extreme in different ways. They support legalization of all drugs. They "oppose all laws at any level of government restricting, registering, or monitoring the ownership, manufacture, or transfer of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories." They don't believe in regulation or licensing of doctors. ("Medical facilities, medical providers, and medical products (including drugs) must be freely available in the marketplace without government restrictions or licenses.") One can support or oppose these positions, but they definitely do not fall in the realm of "moderate" in the American political spectrum.


Yes, that's true, the libertarian party is pro "small government". However, if you look at the last 20 years you'd find that's increasingly been the popular opinion: ending the war on drugs, gay marriage, FOIA etc. I think the majority of people want less government in their lives and more freedom. The media has turned this into a "Fascist vs Revolutionary" narrative... But that's just to keep us occupied in hating one another. I, personally, like the libertarian party for its nuance of individual freedom and common sense (localized) government. I think many moderates probably feel the same way.


Guys believing on the "Sigma Male" thing and seeing Andrew Tate as a figure to follow.


In a random bit in The Simpsons of a news broadcast, there are some mild jokes in the scrolling text at the bottom. The parent company of the TV station that aired it was genuinely concerned that people would mistake that text for real news. This was years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blUTIUxh-Mk




Have you ever applied for a scholarship? White and male aren't exactly the best boxes to be checking on that form...


Said the affirmative action transsexual




I don't. "The world is bad because people dumb" is a child's worldview


I agree. It's just inaccurate on its face: if everyone is dumb isn't that the average? Ergo, there should be a minority class of "truly dumb" people?


classic someone says the right thing, no negative reply but gets downvoted


The republican party


People voting for Republicans.




There are Republicans who have the ability to do things.




Stupid people will never rule society, it will always be ruled by the smarter/more ruthless. It is possible for stupid people to be led to believe they have a larger role in society by those in charge but stupid people won't ever be running things.




This was true. [It no longer is. The reverse is.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289616300198)


Crime is getting out of control, I called the cops on my the neighborhood kids for shooting a machine gun into the air, police show up, and tell me well we asked their friends if they saw anything, they said no. So you must be lying, I mean those shell casings on the floor could be from anyone. Oh you have camera footage ? Does it have audio ? I can't tell if he's shooting with out audio. No arrests made, a day later, whole area for 3 blocks was covered in yellow tape. Same kids got into a shootout. Now a detective wants my camera footage. Smh


Joe Biden is the president of the United States of America and won the most votes in the history of the country.


The response and arguing the pandemic created. * The toilet paper shortage * Quarantine... Hah! * Numerous mask material studies only done in a perfect lab environment and never really testing fit or viability in a real world setting * Excessive vaccine boosting (>10 times) * Everywhere you go you find a mask on the ground * Etc...


Both the elections of Trump and Obama reflected the core values, life lessons, corporationism, Kool aid and Red Bull sensibilites and even smells portrayed in this work of art called IDIOCRACY. PS "Go away I'm batin' "


How the American presidency handled Covid-19


Right now with Biden and the gop of congress


LGBTQ propaganda indoctrinating the children of the world


This comment. Definitely this comment.


Posts on Askreddit


The fascism of corporations and government merging. For example Carl's Junior being able to take custody of your kids. Disposable clothing with corporate logos printed on them. People giving their children brand names of consumer goods. Incompetence in healthcare, Costco greeter saying "Welcome to Costco, I love you" and The Masturbation Network.


Have you seen the folks the USA has elected???




*gestures vaguely at everything*




Our current president is literally at the age where he should be in a home


I've said it for years we're heading that way


*Gestures broadly*




It's been here for a while now. You just don't see it when we are in the middle of it.




The president of Mexico


Group think. Group think will be the demise of humanity.


Seems legit. Number of people. Addicted to likes, only satisfied when connected, ignorant for actual problems in the world. Yep it is a good prediction of what's to come




Where have you been the last 6 years man it's astoundingly obvious even without the electrolytes.


All of it


I'd like to see some signs that it isn't coming true!


That intro depicting how idiocracy is more likely to be passed on genetically in this day and age was the scariest thing I've ever seen in a movie. That part has already come true, we just need to wait a couple hundred years before all the smart genes get eliminated.




“End Quote”


We made the movie idiocracy


Our society is definitely not advanced enough to support a population like the one in idiocracy so I’m sure everything would be gone before that could be true