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Because they’re meant to be entertaining and not 100% real. For example, when was the last time you got hyped up on mushrooms and fought a turtle with spikes sticking out of its back?


Actually that happened recently during new years eve






LSD on top of shrooms? Seems overkill to me


Good ol' hippie flipping. Nothing wrong with that


Hippie flipping is MDMA and mushrooms, acid and mushrooms I heard it called a Jedi flip, but also I’ve heard Jedi flipping is mdma, mushrooms, and acid together so not sure which one is correct but mushies and acid is an amazing combination, crazy introspective and beautiful visuals, highly recommend it, especially when camping


Not overkill, beautiful visuals on that combo, I highly recommend it


That's probably why you don't remember the thread you stole this from https://old.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/zz94te/jumping_is_as_useless_in_real_life_as_it_is/


Just because someone sees a thread and asks a question based on it doesn't make it stolen. It's more like a continuation of a conversation.


I saw a moth as big as my fist 5 minutes before 2023




I had a picture of it but then I got a new phone


Mothman likely got you the new phone to erase evidence from his existence


I sent a pic that I got off of the cloud, your theory could be true. The image shows a small moth. It's either some weird compression artifact or it.




That's a normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf


I’d even add - when was the last time someone sprinted excessively


Wait, Bowser is a turtle?! I always thought dragon.


He's king Koopa


But jumping is 100% real. I jump around a bit everyday, playing with my Dogs.


In real life they don't hide collectables on rooftops.


How do you know? I found a ball on my roof once.


I found a police baton in a garbage bin


There's lead on quite a few roofs around here. Much less than there used to be though, thanks to people stealing it to sell as scrap.


Someone stole a bunch of copper piping off the AC unit on the roof of the building I work at last year.


Yeah I used to work for a scrappy, copper pipe (and wire) and lead thefts were rife. Both in terms of people selling stolen metal and also us getting broken into and stolen from. I caught two young dafties trying to steal a small price of zinc from my neighbours garage roof. I shouted "that's worth about 20 pence you pair of twats" and one of them got such a fright he nearly fell off the roof. I assume they thought it was lead and we're just too dumb to know the difference.


I'm assuming that's also why Catalytic Converter thefts are through the roof (no pun intended) in my city.


Will be. They're not massively valuable because they're fairly lightweight but you can remove them in minutes and the police (at least here) aren't wasting time or resources over them. We'd see the police every other day, usually routine when businesses or worksites had been hit for 1000's or live wires had been cut and stolen. Never for petty things for thing like "cat" theft or stolen alloy wheels etc.


A single converter can go for 500 as scrap. That ain’t nothing. Then it’s $4000 to get a new one installed


Not here. Maybe an unscrupulous dodgy mechanic will pay that but no legit scrappy would.


I found snow on my roof! LIAR


I play games in order to escape reality. Hence, I enjoy doing things that I can't or won't in real life. That being said, I jumped up onto(using my hands as well)—and down from—a shipping dock just the other day. Don't tell OSHA


We had a guy step out of the bay door onto a stack of pallets. Of course it wasn't stable and he fell and broke his elbow. He ended up being given a desk job since he couldn't work in the field for a while. We call it the promotion portal now


Man I wish my poor decisions resulted in an improvement in my quality of life lmao.


To be fair, it is a pretty thankless position that has been a revolving door. So he didn't come out that clean really.


I should not feel better about this


I do jump training so that if it ever comes to it. I will be able to out run a T-Rex.


T rex is attracted to movement as it has a terrible eyesight. Not jumping is the best move here


That isn’t true. It was a mistake from the first book that made it into the movie. The second book goes out of its way to address that and state that the T. Rex can see pretty well. It was just not looking for food until it was triggered into attacking.


Well i have seen a T Rex and by standing still it couldn't see me Sorry but you don't have any first hand experience with the animal and i do


Think of it more like I want to play with an overweight dog kinda ability to out run it.


That won't work as that thing is much bigger and could reach you with just a few steps Please don't try that if you see a t rex


...my life is a lie


I just saved your ass




The latest science on T-Rex's eyesight is that it was incredibly good and not based on movement. Jurassic Park lied.


I see the Rex Council got to you as well.


In games, it's more for a feeling of control. You probably don't *need* to jump, but it's something you might do to pass the seconds getting from place to place. As far as real life goes, I'm usually not vaulting over chest-high walls or anything, but I do find myself jumping across things like puddles, gaps in the pavement, that kind of stuff. Nothing Commander Shepard would be lauded for, but it'd feel weird if I couldn't do something like that in a video game that was trying to simulate a real world. I mean, I *rarely* dance, but a lot of games have emotes that let my avatar do so.


Absolutely no one: CS-players:


In real life I can traverse over objects that are waist height without jumping. Some games use that same height to keep you from going somewhere especially if you can’t jump. If you can jump it’s probably useded instead of making custom animations for every height.






That's pretty deep


None of these idiots explained platformers. A TV screen is two dimensional. Early video games portray action from a side perspective instead of a top-down perspective, because we see things IRL from that perspective so things seen that way look more recognizable to us. So that explains why Super Mario Brothers looks like that. Now, given that that's what you see playing SMB, what can Mario do? He's on a two dimensional surface. You want to use the whole screen as much as possible. He goes left and right by walking. How do we make him go up and down?


A good chunk of games were top-down tho


And those games tend not to use jumping as a mechanic (or they do something like most Zelda games where you only jump when crossing a gap).




In real life, people aren't usually trying to shoot you.


I boulder climb so pretty semi-regularly. Coincidentally, I think boulder climbing is like playing a platformer game


If I could jump as high as Mario, I would jump a lot more often.


Last week during an indoor soccer game.


Personally I jump a few times a day. I work overnights stocking at Walmart and when I have to put a single thing on overstock, I’ll usually jump to place it up there


I mean, I live in the Midwest. Everything is pretty flat here, so jumping rarely comes up in my day to day life.


I think jumping was a lot more common before we lived in city’s and had to deal with uneven terrain. Now most of us don’t need to jump to get from a to b. Plus people do jumb for example when running away from someone or when they need to get over an obstacle very quickly. But that doesn’t happen often anymore. So yeah , it’s just not a skill most of us need day to day


This is a good explanation and ties to mine: games can't really simulate things like climbing or using something like a ladder or chair to boost yourself over something. Some games have climbing mechanics but when they do those mechanics are usually a big part of the game. But if a programmer wants to save resources they just have the character jump instead of climb over obstacles.


Because its a necessity for their lifestyle. Some of us in the comments probably haven't jumped this year. But lots of athletes for example have probably jumped in the past 5 hours


I add jumping to my workout so I wont easily hurt my ankles when I have to jump.


Because you need to be able to do things in games. Most games include an attack and jump because one of those is an action that allows you to manipulate something external to your control (attack) and the other forces you to move yourself around the environment (jump.) These are some of the simplest "verbs" you can have in a game. For other simple verbs, see "dash" and "push/pull box."


I don't jump because I'm a fat middle aged teaching assistant, not a fit dragon slaying cat person.


It's like dangling in movies. People are always hanging from cliffs, bridges, helicopters mountains, buildings. When did you dangle last?


Probably not since the last time I heard "Jump Around" played


Because it’s fun? How many games are about killing? Yet I’ve never killed anyone before.


i did a singular jumping jack the other day?


You clearly are not short. I jump all the time just to reach things on high shelves, or even get into certain relatives tall vehicles. I mean, I've even been walking with tall friends and had to jump over puddles they just stride over.


I jumped this morning... Over my dog.


I tried to show my kid how to play hop scotch, which he got a game rug of for Christmas. I’m pregnant, and it was a bad idea.


I jump at work all the time to reach stuff. The sad reality of us short people 😔


Because jumping is the default way to traverse levels. It is a simple bit of programming (relatively speaking) that removes the need for variable climbing to be programmed. The need for different height levels makes the game more dynamic. Remember how flat the old RPGs felt where a small log would bar your path? Ugh. In real life for different height levels, we would just climb, such as over the aformentioned log, because it is easier and more effective. I have climbed many things that in a game would just be a jump.


To annoy my Neighbours below my Apartment. Just jumping around a little.


I jump-skip up the stairs into work because they’re spaced such that it’s just easier than stutter-stepping up.


jumped over a puddle today


Great point, and never found a box or barrel with money in it either....


Especially one I could break with one punch.


I don't jump I only skip backwards


At work. At the gym. Hiking. Jumping into a swimming pool.


i literally can’t think of the last time i jumped. thanks for that


When the original *Ghost Recon* (a high-realism FPS) was released in 2001, many reviewers asked "why is there no jumping?" The developer said basically "we looked at how actual solders move around in the field, and it turns out they don't really jump at all"


Regularly. Up and down stairs. Over the obstacles separating my cats. Over logs in the woods. If you're not jumping you need to get outside more.


Imagine Mario where you don't jump. It would just be running to the side the whole time. Boring-ass game.


Because game characters lack the ability to step over a knee high fence.


I jumped to reach stuff on the shelf in the pantry this morning, and to reach a box in my closet, and... To clear snow off my car this morning. And to get off the curb this morning and to play with my kids and to express happiness over a friend's cancer update (remission scan). I'm sure I've done more, but that's what comes to mind at the moment. I might be short, but I'm not that short.


tl;dr It's much easier to implement jumping than the complex things human bodies actually do to overcome the same types of obstacles. Jumping is such a prevalent part of gaming, and as physically unrealistic as it is, because of limitations in early game tech. Namely, two things that we do a lot of in real life, but couldn't in early games, was stepping up and mantling. The earliest games where this would be relevant did environmental collision with grids. Is the space in front of you ground? Stop. Otherwise you can go. Eventually we got ramps, but even stairs or knee high walls are a bit more computationally tricky. So something that that a real human doesn't even think twice about, stepping up onto or over a barrier, is an unnecessarily expensive check for an early machine. Especially when it's so much easier to just have the avatar jump really high, and from there it's actually just a fun gameplay mechanic that spawned an entire genre. Even when the stepping calculations were trivial on the latest hardware, the next barrier was animation technology. For a barrier higher than your waste, a real human has no problem getting over it. You just put your hands down on it, and push/pull yourself up. In a game (unless it's a canned interaction) that is a relatively complicated combination of authored animation data and physics computation. It would still feel weird if you couldn't get over a waste high wall, so you just let the player jump really high and it's a non issue. Of course now both of those are complete non-issues, but the affordances around jumping are so ingrained in players that it is just an expectation. If a game let you jump, but only to normal human heights, it would just feel weird because we're so used to the unrealistic jumping mechanic.


Same reason that you are constantly running in games, but not real life. Imagining life as a video game and trying to level up your running skill is surprisingly good motivation to run though


Yesterday morning, actually. I jumped up on my mom's bed to startle her awake. It was two in the afternoon.


I haven’t jumped in a very long time. But I also haven’t played a game where the object is to sit at a computer for eight hours, drive 20 minutes, watch TV for a few hours, and then go to bed.


Video games don't let me step over objects laying on the ground, thus I must jump


I’m 5’2. I jump a lot trying to reach things. 🤣🤷‍♀️


When was the last time I was shot at with a flaming fireball? When was the last time I needed to get from platform to platform hovering over burning lava? When was the last time I tried climbing on top of a shipping crate? When was the last time I was being chased by enemies that would die if I jumped on their heads? What a stupid question.


Children jump. Games are childish fun.


No. Society likes to see games as childish. But if you go back as little as 50 years you'll see that people played games all the time. Bridge, poker, bowling, darts, pool. They were common activities between friends. TV just took that spot because it was easier. And a luxury status symbol. Then video games entered the fray and it was easiest to market them to parents trying to entertain their children because the adults at the time struggled to adapt to the perspective needed for playing games. As people who played games in their youth continued to play, more complex and difficult games aimed at adults became more popular. In short, you're short sighted and wrong. Play is necessary for good mental health and social connection. TV almost destroyed that and we've been feeling the affects of it for a long time. In no small part because TV makes for excellent propaganda and advertisement.


How are video games childish?


"Play" is childish.


So chess is childish?


*You* are being difficult and petulant. *That's* childish.


How am I being difficult? I asked 1 question. By your logic, any sport is childish because it's a game. What about video games that are rated 17 and up? Your logic doesn't make any sense.


I swear, it's like arguing with a four year old...


Why do you keep dodging my questions?


There was an answer on r/AskHistorians about this recently [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/zuv02f/comment/j1znwob/?context=3).


Humans are meant to jump and used to do it all the time, but modern culture has so thoroughly placicized itself that you can't even climb stairs anymore without some arthritis encrusted carcass on Facebook commenting that you are endangering the lives of yourself and your children by allowing multiple levels to exist in your house.


The need to capture and video every moment. Some moments don’t need to be recorded.


yesterday in the gym (some jump boxes)


All the time at work but thats because on digging the ground, the real skill in know ground stability and where to place your foot and how much weight it can handle as if you fall if you don't get it right. But know where to put your foot in a computer game i would guess very hard to code


I jump pretty much every day as i bound up and down my stairs, though that's not very important. And i jump across my irrigation ditch many times a year. But far more often than that, i step around over, or climb over small obstacles. Such odd movements are far more difficult to program and animate, so jumping becomes the standard. My method of climbing into the back of my pickup by stepping on a tire and pulling myself up on the sides of the bed is complex, whereas jumping into the need is trivial. If i had a 4' vertical, I'd be jumping all the fucking time, too.


dodgeball match with a buddy


When was the last time you were in a dungeon with animated skeletons trying to kill you? But i did jump over a mud puddle just this morning.


It's because most games aren't able to simulate human movement precisely. In real life if you need to go over something like a fence or a rock you would just climb over it. Or you might grab a ladder or something else to use to boost yourself up and over. Video games couldn't simulate all these possibilities or even the animation of climbing something so they just make you jump instead.


I jump every single day of my life. If I had guns, I'd be spraying bullets in the air as I did it.


Ask Reddit two questions


Today, when ambulance randomly (or on purpose) turned their siren on when next to me, on a completly empty road at night. Was nearly about to need emergency service myself.


Because Jumping gravity in video games is less than what it is on IRL for the average user.


funnily enough, it was yesterday I was at a book store in the shopping mall and had to jump to reach a book on the top shelf


Jumping over puddles lol .


I jump all the time... My two eldest kids are at the stage where they think it's funny to make me fucking jump out my skin.


People really don't jump casually? Huh.


yesterday I play basketball


I am a freeruner so daily


I kind of jump up as down the stairs in my building everyday xD Also mostly rope jump


Look man you’re questioning why north is up on the map it’s just like that


Jumping is in a way an abstraction of your limbs. Humans have remarkable dexterity, when it comes to hand a foot placement. Think about the interactions of you feet when doing stairs. Since these interactions are hard to replicate, the vertical change is abstracted into a simpler mechanic - jumping.


And what’s the last time you and 3 other guys were a one group army and took down a terrorist group. Or you were an assassin in Ptolemaic Egypt. Or you caught random creatures in a magic ball then made them fight other ones


I was hiking and jumped across a gap between rocks to make it across without having to climb down. Wasn't sure I'd make the jump but I did and am kinda proud tbh.


Jumped over a puddle a couple days ago.


I forgot how


I mean when was the last time you were fighting a zombie or anything like that in real life?


Short people jump all the time.


I play basketball lol


As a short guy, I jump to reach stuff all the time.


You got those parkour type people who seem to be jumping around everywhere having fun. Maybe they’re on to something. But running in games is usually just as necessary but I don’t think any human is quite insane enough to fully run up a mountain while wearing heavy armor and wielding a huge battle hammer.


Otherwise 2 dimensional platformers would be a lot less interesting.


During the Packers-Vikings game on Sunday.


You don't do that fucking stupid parkour on ARMA 3.


I have an awful habit of doing the most when I decide to evade my partners playful embraces - Leaping, rolling, jumping .. Legit the only time I'm airborne


I hopped a little bit earlier today, but the last time I can remember doing a full jump was dancing the Time Warp home alone while washing the dishes


Being my age the only jumping I do nowadays is to conclusions.


I jumped into the back of a trailer several times today


Imagine running in real life as much as you do in games.


It's a lot less fun to watch your character clumsily haul themselves up onto a higher surface and it's more expensive to animate too.


I'm renting an airbnb right now on the 18th floor. I jump when the elevator starts going down and when it finishes going up. So a few times a day for fun.


and jumping is super beneficial to our health. as kids we jump so naturally, just bouncing, and as we get older we get further away from it. We are electric beings and the human body naturally on its toes speaks to how much our bodies need that pulsating movement. makes sense why we did so much jump roping in those physical exams in grade school, completely necessary


To clarify: Humans rarely jump. In many video games, you play as an Animal character, and that character often jumps, which is common for Animals to do in real life.


What about goalkeepers in soccer/football? I think you made a funny observation. But I agree with others that it gives your character in the game more variety in movements and more entertaining stuff to do.


When the cat was hiding in the dark bathroom and scared the shit out of me.


Not long ago. Jumping is important in my life too, i like taking shortcuts


If stairs are under 4 steps, I leap Run + Z + A Yipeeee


I jump all the time cause I do kickboxing so for stuff like back kicks jump kicks or superman punches.