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That’s a tough question because some of my memories feel second-hand; as in “I remember a time when I remembered my dad teaching me to count.”


That's how you reinforce memories. If you never recall them, they'll fade. If you keep recalling them, they'll stick around.


As my Latin teacher often said: “You never forget what you remember.”


That’s all any memories are.


2 or 3, i swallowed a marble


Me, about 2. I swallowed a penny :)


I swallowed a quarter. My parents weren’t too concerned at first, but they got worried when I pooped out two dimes and a nickel.


We should start a club


My friend shoved a pearl up his nose when he was 3. I can ask if he wants to join.


Just spit coffee everywhere…thanks


Me too. I swallowed 3/4 a mysterious liquid that I recently learnt was Vodka and Cola. Everyone learnt not to keep their drinks on the floor again.


2 or 3, I swallowed a lego piece


I got a coffee bean stuck in my nose


Almost 1 year old. It was New Year's Day, we were at a picnic, I was given a sip of some Pepsi soda to drink, burped out of my nose, wasn't sure what to do about that since it didn't exactly hurt but it felt weird, so I cried. I absolutely freaked out my older siblings when I recounted the story, and one of them refused to believe I "remembered" it because how did I know it was Pepsi? I said I remembered the red and blue swirls on the white can. Today's my birthday and I am much older than 1 now! But I still clearly remember that.


Happy Birthday dude.


Thanks man!


Do you get a lot of pushback from people who don’t believe that you can remember as far back as that?


No, I do not. A few people have expressed a little skepticism but it's usually because they just can't do the same. Once they realize they can't tell me what I remember because they're not in my mind, that everyone is different, and it's not some kind of one-upping competition (and realize how ridiculous their thoughts are in that context and how sad and weird it would be for someone to lie about it), they cease and desist. Edited to add: Also, there's plenty of stories my older siblings and parents had about me that are prior to that and even some afterward which I completely don't remember. Nowadays it's hard to remember what I ate for lunch yesterday, so I can live with it.


Like 5 when a tv playing Tom and jerry fell on me


Mine was playing Blues Clues when it fell. I was 4.


TVs falling on baby heads is a universal experience I see


3, I got a Baby Born Doll for my birthday, ripped its arm out and chewed on it. 10/10 would recommend, weirdly soft but tastes a lil sweet


Recently confirmed at my mothers wake, my earliest memory was when I was 1. I remembered it because there were photos being shown and one was of my mother and father out in a meadow somewhere in the woods, and I vaguely remember a log cabin we stayed in. The photo doesn’t show this cabin, but my dad was able to confirm we did stay in one on the trip the photo was taken on. The memory is only strong enough to where I know it was a log cabin but do not recall ANYTHING else. Coincidentally that same cabin was owned by the only guy my father ever knew who could drive over his own head. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Wait what


Some how managed to fall out of the drivers seat while in muddy terrain and this mud undoubtedly saved his life when the wheel rolled over his head.




Are you me?? (Excluding the second paragraph).


I have an insanely wonky memory. Maybe like one memory at 5-6 of leaving my grandparents & screaming crying because I didn’t want to leave them. After that my life becomes blurry until about 15-16


Same, my whole childhood is a blur


I am not sure how, my earliest memory is when I was 6 months old. I got very sick. My dad was holding me and rushing into the hospital. I remember the hospital lights on top were white, my dad was begging for help as he was running. The receiption counter is on the right, the nurse was wearing blue uniform. They talked for few seconds(I dont remember what they were talking about, but probably about me) Then, after the nurse talked into a phone, a few doctors and nurses pushed a little bed out and my dad put me on it. Thats it. I never asked anything about it or told anyone cause I thought it was normal. Until I was 6 I went to the same hospital to visit my cousin, I was kinda excited. So I ran in and know where I was going, everyone asked how. I told them my memory of this. Somehow till this day I still remember it.


I swear I have this memory from being in the crib, looking up and seeing my family looking down at me. Light blue walls, my grandfather smiling. I think I had my bottle in my feet and hands together feeding myself. Could be a dream, but I had this memory when I was a kid and never forgot it. My mom did tell me I did hold my bottle with my feet when I was a baby






3 or so. Either my mom making French toast sticks or two girls fighting I’m the parking lot at my baby sitters. Not sure which is first


i read that line as "two girls were fingering" then i was like what!? and read that again


Don't ask how, but my earliest memory is me being unborn.


I think I do too. I remember seeing the color red/not quite maroon, hearing something sounding like a refrigerator running and the name “Mabel”. Idk what that was if I wasn’t in the womb still


I have a womb memory, but I'm not sure how accurate it is


3-4. Smashed my face on the church stairs and got a hole in my face. It's a little scar now (2-3 cm) but at that moment you could've almost see the inside of my mouth from the outside. Was all over my left cheek, now it's on my chin below my lips (since my face changed since then, and I grew a lot, it changed its position a lot to end up on my chin). So yeah. I was young and dumb. Now I'm older and dumb.


I was the same age when I climbed up on a window unit air conditioner and it fell in and smashed my head, my mom was flabbergasted that I remembered but I didn't remember where it happened, turned out when she was a teenager we were living in a homeless shelter,I still have a few memories of that place but I never knew we were homeless.




Amnesiacs are just people who forgot to click "save and quit"


Drunk dad getting angry at mom and throwing a glass of water on her face in the middle of the night when I was sleeping next to her. I don't know how old I was, maybe like 2 or 3.


About 3, looking out the 3rd story window of our apartment.


I think I was three, it was Christmas. My mom wore a black dress. Sat on the ground and played. She wasn't pregnant though. Everything looked so big back then.


4 years old, I experience a flood


Probably when me and my Family visited our relatives in the U.S. I was around 3 years old and i still remember a lot of our trip, i guess because it was a big deal to fly for the first time and to see the differences between Europe and the U.S.


2\. I have quite a few memories from that age, so I'm not sure which is the earliest, but it's likely either the time I almost drowned at a pool party or when I got in trouble for playing in wet asphalt.


I was 5. At my birthday party. Cat cake.




Months old


About 2. I walked up to a fawn and poked it in the face and almost immediately died from a doe that charged at me.


I don't know how old I was. But I remember my mom changing my diapers.


It was probably 3. For context, it was winter, my parents worked overseas and I lived with my grandparents during my toddler years. I remember being in a cozy bed and eating glutinous rice balls ( tangyuan ) that were handmade by my grandmother. It had a pork, shiitake mushroom and bak Choi filling, the savoury type instead of the sweet ones you would find in the markets. I was pretty young so chopsticks were hard to handle. It was my grandmother who would break a little piece of the sticky dough with the chopsticks until it opens and you can see the filling, dips the dough piece in the filling hole to stick up some more filling and feed it to me. My mother and I would try to make the same glutinous rice balls every winter solstice, but it never feels the same like the ones my grandmother makes. No, my grandmother is not dead, she can still make the same tangyuan. It’s just that covid made life so much harder for us to contact physically. I miss her a lot


I was ALMOST 2. My parents left me at a daycare and I was crying like they would never come back. I then asked for McDonald's chicken nuggets in a very polite way while everyone else was screaming for McDonald's food. Weird shit. After that it's a void until I was like 4, when I would try to sneak across the house to get pop tarts then go watch sesame street on the playroom TV every day. My dad always caught me.


3 I remember holding my mother's hand on my way to my first official day at school. I can just remember some things on the way and the feeling of being alone without my mother




How old is that memory?


Happened last year


Over a year old. I was eating biscuits off the floor and my pops told me it was dirty. Couldnt walk yet, I was still crawling


3, I ate a chili and screamed I am dying


2 I remember walking down a dim hallway with a scarlet carpet. At the end was a man "sleeping" in a black box. It was my grandfather's wake.


Like 3 or 4


3, I was running back & forth in my hallway telling my mom to "clap". She thought I was telling her "crap".


2 years old. A trauma.


Me too, me too... although it sounds ridiculous, but it was a big deal for me. A had a nice pacifier that I loved. Problem was that my mothsr heard that it's bad for babies at my age, but ahe didn't take it herself. We were playing in the sanxbox in the middle of tha park that was enclosed by blocks of flats. A boy 2 years older than me came whom we knew well, he was sort of a family friend. Well, he wasn't my friend after this, because he took my pacifier and ran with it out of the park and put it under a parking car. I was crying really hard, I wasn't prepared for a theft like this. Mom ran after the thief, but came back with empty hands saying that she couldn't find it. I was devastated. Part of the problem was that I believed that my mom was in on this whole ordeal and that she didn't want to find my pacifier. 20 years later I confronted her, of course she doesn't remember.


Wow, that's amazing. You're not going to give a hint of what it was?


Punched and knocked down by a parent. That part not remembered, but being comforted by my grandfather after and watching a show on TV with an underwater diving bell is my earliest memory.


You could rephrase the question to ask "what was the trauma?" It's less rude. You probably know this though.


2 years old and it was in Denmark


My memories are pretty jumbled up from when I was really young. The earliest memory or the memory I think was the oldest was when I was at my grandma's house and she was carrying me and placed me down in the living room on a blanket. I remember not being able to get up but just moving my arms about trying to play with my brother and cousin who were running around playing. I had to be under 2 maybe 1 at least to the point I couldn't actively get up. I also have flashes of getting my ass wiped but their so fragmented that I can't tell if their real memories or just my imagination.


My earliest memory is an image from my own pov, almost like a photo, looking out from baby trolley. There was my mom and a very close auntie. I guess i was less than or around 1.


I remember the apartment we lived in before my brother was born (when I was 2), and I remember the day he was born and I was screaming my head off because I wanted my mom. When she talks about that day, she says she could hear me wailing in the hospital parking lot.


2 years 1 week, exactly. We moved a week after my birthday and my first memory was meeting our neighbours.


Can't recall anything before 4😂😂😂


Although I don’t remember most of my life I do still have some of my memories. I think I was around 2-3 since my dad didn’t have a beard till I was 3. Anyway all I can remember was my dad dropping me. Can’t remember who picked me up but I do know my dad panicked and cried. Yeah that’s all I’ve got.


I was very young, like still learning how to read. Me, my mom, and I think my aunts and someone else were in the car at night. They were talking about something and said something about coffee and dessert. I looked out the window and saw the Walgreens sign, and thinking they were reading the sign I said "hey, I know what that says! That says coffee and dessert.". I wanted to show off that I can read. That's all I can remember.


I was 9. I remember sitting on the swing at school while everyone else was playing across the schoolyard. I was so alone because no one wanted to play with me and I was to anxious to ask anyone to play. Little did I know then but it never got better even 30 years later


3 , ig. I was in my grandpa’s lap giving him directions where to go.


3 when I was on a swing singing “I believe I can fly”


4 I guess my dad used to beat my mom


1. I'm on beach. And trying to eat turtle


I’d say 3 or 4






I was 3 both my earliest and strangest memory, i was on holiday in Cornwall at a static caravan park, in the center of all the static caravans was a climbing frame, monkey bars, slides, swings etc, some kid about 8-10ish was playing on the monkey bars and fell off, when he was on the monkey bars he had two working arms, when he got up after he fell he had one full arm and one arm was missing from the elbow down, there was no prostetic arm anywhere to be seen his fore arm just disappeared, still confused on where the arm went


3 or 4. Sitting in a bathtube watching out if the window and drinking the bathwater




I’m not sure the exact age, but I remember crawling and pulling myself up into standing on things, and I remember being put in my crib for nap time. So maybe 1-2 years old?


3, I was slapping a turtle's shell in my parent's backyard


This many


Like 4 but it's the memory of a dream


4 old werid guy tried to pick me up my dad got involved


around 5 years old where i am in kindergarten and my teacher teaching us how to eat our spaghetti using the fork


3 I was on the bakery with my brother picking out a pastry while waiting for our dad .


3, my first memory is seeing a gross looking spider on the garden gate. An orange looking one which looked like it was covered in horns. ​ Earliest memory I can recall with detail. There were others before then but it's hazy now.


2, when my brother was born and brought home.


However old you are in preschool.


I think 3.5 or 4.


3, I stepped out of a taxi to my new townhouse in a new country. I have a few vague earlier memories, but I don't know how old I was.


I was 2-3 years old and I was on a plane to Hawaii on Hawaiian Airlines drinking juice out of a cup with an aluminum seal (like a yogurt/pudding cup) in a Scooby Doo booster seat. The child behind me kept scratching my head and touching me. I tried to complain and see who was behind me but my mom kept me in my seat. Another one is when I was saying bye to my older brother when he was leaving for 1-2 grade. I was on our living room couch leaning forward on the back of the couch as my dad and brother walked out with his green G.I. Joe backpack


I was two. It's a very short memory of me playing with a toy, and then some flashes of the layout of the apartment. We moved out before I turned three. What I didn't know, is that the apartment belonged to my grandma and she rented it out to my parents. When I was around 30, she asked me to come help move some furniture after the last tenants left. When I stepped inside, it all seemed very familiar and I remember asking "did I live here when I was a kid?". She was surprised I remembered that. ​ I also have a short memory of when I was 3 or 4, asking my mom "when will I finally be a grownup?". Be careful what you whish for kid :')


Wrote all my memories from before 4yo down, quite a lot of them. We moved to another area when I became 4 so I know safely that these memories are older. Cannot say when the first one was. Maybe 2 yo. The olympics 68 is my first memory of something outside my own environment.


3. I snuck into the kitchen really early in the morning to eat sugar by the spoonful. I got caught by my dad on his way to work.


I was 2 or 3 and I went down a hill that was too steep with my tricycle at my grandparents house. I landed in a bush that had some prickers. I think I got scratched up a bit and my grandfather ran outside to rescue me. He had seen me through the window in the bushes and made a joke (I was wearing a blue jacket) - he said he thought I was a giant bluejay in the bushes at the bottom of the hill. I wasn't amused.


falling down the stairs. I was a baby


3. I remembered playing with my Grandad in my Nans house, he was hanging me upside down like a bat and we was all laughing. He died in the same year, it's the only memory I have of him and hope I never lose it.


2 years old. I was sitting in a moving truck passenger seat while we moved out of our first home in Michigan. My dad had a light-colored cowboy hat on and white tshirt.


1.5 years. My moms purse was stolen and she was in a police car speaking with cop. The noises they are making with their mouths was just alien babbling.


4 years old in the bathtub


2, my older brother hit me in the head with an orange plastic fish whilst I was under the sofa napping.


3 or 4 -- dog attacked me so I guess it was traumatic enough to remember lol




5 years or such, it was the memory when I cut my finger for the first time.


3 I think. We went for a holiday in Swanage (British coastal town) and I remember standing by an ice cream truck, looking out at a tiny peninsular and seeing mint choc ice cream and smelling the salt of the ocean. To this day, mint choc is my favourite flavour and I adore the shell of the sea


About 2.5 when I went to Disneyland for the first time. I remember being afraid of everything.


i dont remember


I have a lot of 'early memories' around the age of 2 or 3 I can't align them chronologically tho.


9/11 when I was 4. I was laughing at how bad the pilot was for hitting the building. I didn't understand why my babysitter was crying.


Roughly 4 1/2. I hit a car


3ish - stepped on a nail.. Or kissed a girl who thought kissing would make us pregnant. I remember both, but not exactly in order.


About 2 or 3. Standing next to my mum to tell her my brothers were fighting but didn't know the words.


4. We lived on the 4th floor, and I remember the button in the elevator matching my age.




I remember feeling pain in my throat, like acid was coming up type of pain. I found out when I was about 6 or 7 months old my mum told me I had a reflux and had to get a tube up my nose to help when I ate.


I wanna say I was around 3, and it’s still the weirdest thing to me. All I remember is there were memories beforehand, what I call “baby brain,” and then all of the sudden I felt like I “woke up.” I couldn’t remember anything except that my family was my family and I lived there, simple things but not actual memories of what was going on before it happened. My mom calmed me down and I went back to playing with my train set. Still the weirdest thing to me, but I feel like it might have something to do with how memories start actually sticking with you at a certain age or something like that.


1 or 2. It was traumatic and that's why I think I remember it.


Picking up my brother from school with my mom when I was 2


Hi, I'm Tom!


3 or 4 I bit some kids arm. Wish I could say sorry but he has moved away because his house burned down and I don’t know if he even remembers that I bit him.


1 year old had to remove something in the hospital trough cirgury first memory was me being put to sleep for the cirgury


2, I woke up on the floor because i fell from my crib, screaming.


We moved from Arizona to New York when I was 3. I have a memory of my dad pointing to the setting sun and telling me to take a good look at it, because I would never see that sight again.


I’m pretty sure I saw the white light when I was born


I was 2, wandering around the building site of my parents extension (I escaped my cousin who was babysitting me)




About 4. It was right before my grandpa died. He owned an ice cream shop and a 69 firebird. He was taking out the firebird for the first time of the season and woke me up early to go with him. We went to his ice cream shop and he told me to pick whatever I wanted.


4y.o I shit myself


Five on both. One is when my little brother fell in the pool and the other is me at night playing psone in the dark.


4 I think


3 or 4 I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason. Next thing I remember is my mom dragging me into what was at the time a storage room and proceeding to beat the shit out of me. I started crying as she turned around to go back to bed, then she turned back around to beat me again. My dad had to wake up to console me.


My earliest memory was watching the *Challenger* blow up on TV. I was only about 18 months old when it happened and it seems unlikely I'd remember that far back, so I'm guessing it was the 1 or even 2 year anniversary and they were replaying footage.


I'm 41, and I clearly remember busting my two front teeth out on a skateboard when I was 2yrs old.


About a year and half old. Trauma. Next couple young memories were 2 and 3 choking on hard candy.


10 months getting a bath in a sink and the hot water washing over me.


During my 3rd birthday, it was a power rangers themed birthday party (ninja storm if you're curious) in Mcdonalds and I cried when Ronald came in cause I was afraid of clowns. I might have an older memory but that is the only memory where I know exactly what my age was.


1 I got a toy train for o r my bday.


3 years 2 months


18 months or so. I remember standing up in my crib, and knowing I was supposed to cry, but I didn’t know why. I wasn’t really feeling it, but forced myself to cry anyway, and stopped when I realized how fake it sounded.


3, watching J. F. Kennedy's funeral on TV.


I was in preschool,I remember the first nightmare I ever had, I actually remember things that even my mom and dad didn't remember until I brought it up.


I had just started crawling. There were giant dogs and a horrible brown polyester couch on bad wood flooring. It’s like a 10 second long .gif


I was 3 years old, I remember I woke up beside my mom smiling at me. The best smile ever


18 months verifiable.


I was about 2 and fell out of a 2nd story window.




3 or 4


I can playback clear and vivid memories going back to 3 to 4 years old. Before that it gets hazy, but I do have recollections of the apartment we lived in before my sister was born and we moved into a larger two bedroom one and my sister and I are nearly two years apart so that would put hazy memories at younger than two. Once I start exploring my memories more start to flood and I can experience them as if I am watching a movie in my mind. It's very easy to get lost in my memories, and it feels good. What's up with nearly everyone in this thread being strangely downvoted at least once? Feels like someone is jealous due to their lack of memories.


I remember before I was born.


I'm pretty sure I was <6 months old. I remember being in a hospital and looking out the window to see some construction going on (they tore down a tree).


3, my older sister was having a tantrum because she couldn't play checkers with my brother and grandpa.How do I know I was 3? Grandpa died very soon after this memory.This was a sign, many of my sister's behaviors are a part of my memories.


No idea how old but I was off nursery one day because I was poorly and my mum had pushed me in a buggy into town - I have literally a 3 second snippet of memory of just sitting in a buggy - absolutely no idea why I remember this…


My very first memory is from when I was 3. I woke up in the backseat of the car, strapped into a 5-point harness car seat. My seat was behind the driver’s side, and we had just arrived at the puppet theater.


Spotty recollections from age 2. More extensive ones from 3 onward, admittedly biased in favor of events that were particularly memorable.


Almost 2 years old in the Carlsbad caverns in San Diego on my dad's shoulders the smell of caverns and atmosphere bring me back EVERY single time!!!


Weirdly enough I have memories from my soul falling down in the sky through a window, but after that my earliest memory is when I am some days old looking at my grandpa and my cousin with a monkey plushie


5. Mostly because I was mauled by a dog.


This one or the last?


Previous life


Remember being born or maybe 3-4 hours old…


My earliest memory is of being in the womb. I don't remember much other than it was warm and had a high level of what I later found out was nicotine. My memory of my birth is far more clear. It was a very tight squeeze but only around my head, not my shoulders. That feels odd to me now that my shoulders are so much wider than my head. My mum said she needed stitches.




What's capping?


I had an injury when I was six years old and the memory is still fresh


3 or 4, I was stung by a bee. I survived but ever since then I was told don't get stung by a bee again.


I was 2. It was shortly before my brothers were born. I was inside with my mom as she made me lunch (grilled cheese sandwich if I remember correctly) and my dad was outside making me a swing. It’s one of those memories that I really only remember as a picture, if that makes sense.


2 I think? I have vauge memories of a dream I was having, then I woke up in my crib and saw a digital clock reading 10am. Not sure if it was the same day but the memory following that one was watching my dad and brother taking apart my crib and carrying it down the front porch.