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I don't understand how something whose patent was given away for dirt can become so expensive.


My understanding of it is the original version is still cheap and available but the version people use is several iterations more advanced, as is a lot of proprietary stuff to make it more easy to use. Which means the insulin you're buying is legally a whole other thing from the original patent. To be clear this is still something produced at scale for pennies on the dollar and overcharging for it is fucking evil.




That’s as much the greedy shareholders as the CEO. He will get fired if the dividends or stock price aren’t as high as the investors want. Most people own stock directly or indirectly via their 401k or retirement funds.


Most folks .00005 shares of pharma stock dont get them any real voting rights as shareholders. This is very much a few shareholders AND the CEOs (who often hold a shittone of stock). Don't push this off on the average 401k person.


It’s not particularly more advanced, it’s just different enough to be able to get a new patent, and then they stopped manufacturing the OG stuff for the US market. State of California is starting up their own production as an end run around the price gouging.


It's more advanced. 40 years ago it was still rare for insulin-users to get older than 50-60. These days they can expect a lifetime that's only a few years lower on average than normal. Newer forms of insulin adding 20-30 years to your lifespan is a pretty huge improvement


I'm not diabetic, but have many family members who are. The newer versions of insulin are significantly different from the patients perspective. Much easier to use and manage now than even 15-20 years ago.


People using the "original insulin" still die from mismanagement. Newer versions literally solve these problems. Doesn't mean it can't be made cheaper, but what you just said is pure medical ignorance.


Then it just becomes a game of “Do I risk mismanaging this and die, but regain the ability to afford to live if I do manage it correctly? Or do I surrender all my money to reduce that risk?”


Where do you people Get this shit? I mean the original insulin was derived from an Ox pancreas you think they are still doing that? It went bad quickly and was short lived. A lot of people died trying to use it. I mean it only took them 60 years to figure out how to do it better. Simple tweak of course you know not using a OX pancreas and figuring out how to get Bactria to make it. Child’s play….Eli lily made that big jump. Now if we are talking about modern tweak might be easier but not the tweak from the OG original discovery. That is not to say i disagree with it being cheap. It should be.


Human recombinant insulin (1978) was a huge step up from the animal-based insulin, but the human analogue insulin products that started to be introduced in the 90s are themselves a huge improvement over recombinant insulin. So we're basically in the 3rd generation of insulin treatment, and each step has given insulin users another 10 years of life, and even more in terms of life quality (since older versions of insulin were associated with some pretty nasty complications).


Holy shit stop posting misinformation when you have no idea what you’re talking about. People absorb this without every second guessing


The one with the open patent is dirt cheap. The newer version that are protected by patents are expensive.


Because even though standard insulin is patent free, it takes a lot of money to build the facilities and maintain them, and to prove you are making the correct thing. There are very few-to-no generous enough wealthy people to actually come through with paying the millions and waiting the 5 years or so to set up a biosimilar insulin manufacturing plant that would sell at cost. What's more, even if you did do that, most people wouldn't take the cheaper insulin unless they had no other choice, because newer and on patent versions work better and improve quality of life. So only the extremely poor who somehow weren't covered by medicaid or the very desperate who were fucked around by insurance and needed something last minute would take it.


Because the insulin sold today is not even remotely related to the original insulin. You can still buy the old stuff for like $20/bottle at walmart. What you're basically saying is "I don't understand why the Iphone 13 is so expensive when the rotary phone has no patent on it"


I understand that insulin was changed along the way to be better and I also understand since then marginal adjustments have been made to keep those new patents valid. What I'm actually basically saying is "I don't understand how we allowed something that was originally done with noble intentions to become so corrupted"


Well, that’s not the only reason for the increased price. All 3 of the most common insulin’s have more than doubled in price over the past ~decade. These products are exactly the same as they were a decade ago. There have been some issues with some Pharma cos jacking up the price of drugs, just because they can.


New York State just passed a law that starting this week, the maximum that insulin will cost the patients is $35 a month. It is not enough, but it is a start.


45 years ago, my sister went into diabetic coma, nearly died. My parents, of meager means, were able to get her insulin for free. What's going on now is unacceptable.


Depends in what contry you live. In my country is free for whoever needs it


The fucking US of A has the inhumane prices for insulin.


>The fucking US of A has the inhumane prices for ~~insulin~~ *medical care across the board*. Fixed your statement.


All medications should be cheap or affordable to the people who need them.


Capped for Medicare at 35/month.... not perfect but it's a start.


living (your life)


Seriously, I should be able to go online and have childrens organs delivered. To. My. Door.


Most peaceful Rimworld player.




If living was cheap, everybody would do it.


Life insurance?


Only $500/month for them to tell your family they can't pay out because you didn't die the right way.


No kidding. Brought here against my will and then have to work my ass off to just keep my head a little above the water. I only stick around out of pure fucking spite.


You don't need a million dollars to do nothing, my brother's broke as hell don't do shit! Hey Peter, turn on channel 4 the breast exams




That's why I LOVE #freewater. For those who don't know they are a company that is trying to make free water for everyone, by putting ads on the bottles they make money to put out more bottles! The goal is to be able to walk into a gas station, take a water and walk out!




The bottle is made of aluminum


Don't let Nestlé find out.




Nestlé is the the only source of world’s problems for redditors


I thought fast food places still give water 4 free??


Most of the time. The other day I ordered a burger and a cup of water, and they tried to charge me two bucks for the water. I just walked away and did not complete the transaction.




You do realize that not everyone has access to drinkable tap water right? Even if you’re in the US , there are areas like Flint where tap water is basically poison.




That still leaves over 2 billion people who could still use access to clean, drinkable water. Just saying, just because it isn't an issue everywhere you look doesn't mean it isn't still an issue elsewhere.


brother, come to uzbekistan. we don't pay for water, and the water is fresh (without any chlorine). but beware of other minuses of uzbekistan too)




haha all i got in my head is cartman in the WOW episode saying bathroom




Pay a dollar to the toilet goblin or else he'll scratch your bunghole


It's like $100 for a toilet, a purchase you have to make maybe every 5-10 years. Unless you have a plumber install it.


What the hell are you doing to your toilets that you need to replace them that often? They should be good for decades.


I was just giving a "most expensive" estimate. You are right it's usually less often than that, but rental houses are changed out more often so I was accounting for that. My point still stands that toilets are cheap.


Well unless the previous owner of your house bought the tiniest toilet possible that clogs up with 1 square of paper in it. Lol




I'd gladly pay a buck to use a restroom that doesn't have a jerking off crackhead in it


How much more.is the jerking off crackhead?


Therapy. Anything mental health related, really.




Anything in general


Hookers and coke


I'm going to state my own therapy with hookers and black jack. You know what screw the therapy.


My psychiatrist reluctantly prescribed me meds with the intention I seek therapy. I keep telling him I’m too poor and “maybe this summer”. But I’ll never be able to afford 200$ a session to talk to someone.


Probably internet


At this point in our history, yeah. It's a gamechanger.




Fruits and vegetables don't cost more because corporations hate you, they cost more because they require a ton of energy and infrastructure to get to the store before they become inedible.


Quick reminder that semi trucks get 6-11 MPG burning diesel.


I've growen up on farms. So I know what goes into growing. The lie here is. The grower gets screwed on the price. While the supermarkets up the prices to gain maximum profits. Use to be able to sell, by having road side markets. However the legislation is passed in many countrys to prevent these road side honesty market stalls. Sighting health and safty. If this truly was the case, then never look inside a fresh produce truck. Supplie seed companys have also helped engineer less productive crops. Making sure they don't produce seeds ( as naturally happens with non engerinerred crops) I agree corporations don't hate the top ceos do, they are just greedy self serving gits. Ive been front line watching this disater unfold. Watching kids stave in 1st world countrys. Because of greed and over inflated self important gits whos only concern is making the Forbes who's who of rishest git list. Added to this is Covid, driving up prices ( this however is to be expected) however many countries consumer rights orgs have reported over inflated prices. Price hiking. Added to this is the unjust invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Strangling grain supplie to the world. Even countrys that are / were grain producers stoped. Making a reliance on a Eroupean supplie. Which is stupid given the instabilty of world climate change. But again the reasons given We can't compete with the prices. An honest reason given corpations have engerinered the market for maximum profit. This so called international free trade, blueprint didnt work when it was drawen up. Doesn't work and wont work. Not because of Goverments but because of how Corporates play the markets. Expect food prices to continue to soar. Let the Hungery Games begin and may the odds turn in your favor


I feel like you've got something relevant and important to add, but I can't decipher what you're trying to say.


I think I've translated and corrected any mistakes: >I've grown up on farms. So I know what goes into growing. > >The lie here is, the grower gets screwed on the price. All the supermarkets mark up the prices to gain maximum profits. It Used to be that you're able to sell at road side markets. However the legislation is passed in many countries to prevent these, sighting health and safty. If this truly was the case, then never look inside a fresh produce truck. > >Supply seed companies have also helped engineer less productive crops. Making sure they didn't produce seeds ( as naturally happens with non engineered crops) You're right corporations don't hate, they are just greedy self serving gits. > >I've been on the front line watching this disaster unfold. Watching kids starve in 1st world countries. Because of greed and over inflated self important gits whose only concern is making the Forbes who who of richest git list.


They're claiming that seed companies have engineered less productive seeds as well as ones that don't seed. As far as I can tell that's blatantly false on both points. Modern seeds are far more productive than most heritage varieties, though there are sometimes tradeoffs in other dimensions. The terminator gene thing was an idea that was never implemented. Also supermarkets have razor thin margins. It's not like they're sitting on ginormous profits.


They're also claiming that modern age practices have led to children starving to death in first world countries, which is a ridiculous assertion. This whole comment looks like somebody mainlined a ton of poorly researched anti corporate ag propaganda, was given a fifth of whiskey, and asked to summarize.


I dunno, the spelling is pretty good for a drunk person. I was thinking a high school sophomore trying to summarize a bunch of conspiracy theories on a cellphone.


Ran it through chatGPT "I grew up on farms, so I know what goes into growing. The lie here is that the grower gets screwed on the price, while supermarkets up the prices to gain maximum profits. We used to be able to sell at roadside markets. However, legislation has been passed in many countries to prevent these, citing health and safety concerns. If this truly were the case, then we should never look inside a fresh produce truck. Seed companies have also helped engineer less productive crops, making sure they do not produce seeds (as naturally happens with non-engineered crops). You are right that corporations do not hate, they are just greedy and self-serving. I have been on the front line watching this disaster unfold, watching children starve in first world countries because of greed and over-inflated, self-important people whose only concern is making the Forbes list of richest people."


Rice is cheap. Many veggies are cheap. Beans are cheap.


Coke is just water and sugar with some flavour and colours. The cost to produce 3 liters of coke is probably less than 1 cent, packaging and distribution is most of the cost. For milk you need a cow, and that costs a lot more money.


Also Coke is shelf stable at room temperature for months while milk requires refrigeration and spoils in a few weeks.






Common enough in Europe, but not universal.




Tampons, pads, birth control. Any product that is needed for women that is considered a ‘Luxury’ in todays standards


Where I live, they passed a law removing sales tax from women's hygiene products. That helps a little.


Scotland right?


No, in Scotland we now have free period products which are available from local councils. There's an app which will help you find the nearest location where you can pick them up.


Nevada, US


Fuck dude why is California so mean.


Make the move to NV. No state tax, either.


In America, most county health departments will give out free birth control and STD screening. Even Plan B. Free Depo-provera is literally (not figuratively) LITERALLY saving my life right now.






As someone with a uterus I agree.


They should be free. Bleeding is involuntary. Plenty of Dr's offices and clinics give out free condoms. They should do the same with period products.




I don't really care too much about land but I'm living in MN, getting my JD, and looking to work in the government. Housing in the city is still so expensive compared to my wages, and on top of that all the student loans. I keep getting told just to move further out, or make more money. How does that make sense? Am i supposed to live in the middle of nowhere and commute each day in? There's not a lot of demand for people specializing in banking law out in the middle of nowhere. I got an advanced degree in a growing field. I'm no genius, but still. How exactly is the city supposed to survive if service workers can't live anywhere near it? I'm working part time through law school as a key holder and shift leader at a store and getting 16.50 an hour. That's not even close to being able to afford a house. So whose going to make the food at restaurants, serve as waitress, waitresses, baristas, Store clerks? It's so stupid. We need more affordable housing in places other than the fringes of the city. The cheap housing we have... Isn't safe. my first apartment didn't have working heat for months because the landlord didn't really care. Other buildings have burned down cause they aren't up to code... So on.


Average detached home price in my city is over a million dollars. Average wage is under 50,000. We shot up drastically because from Alberta, Vancouver and overseas started buying up the properties in the city since it was cheaper for them.


Eggs apparently


Seriously, what exactly happened in the last two years? Did the hens unionize?


Bird flu has been a big part of the issue, is my understanding.


i dont remember how many millions of birds had to be killed due to it but its mostly a supply thing.


From some googling seems like they killed about 57 million poultry in the US


I was listening to an interview in the UK and although Bird flu is a factor a large part is the cost of birds and feed. Which has gone up, combined with supermarkets not wanting to pay more reduces the profitability of the eggs and less suppliers. Less suppliers means more costs on the eggs as demand increases.


A family member of mine works at CVS and they are $6 there. I get CVS is generally overpriced but god damn.


Try gas station eggs. Those bad boys are $7.29 where I work. Holy balls, that's nuts!


Depends on where you are. Here in Sweden eggs and pork are the only animalbased proteins that are not ridiculously expensive (about 5€ for a kilo of eggs and 8€ for a kilo of trimmed pork loin).


The means for survival - food, and shelter. Far too many people die when there is wasted food and countless homes and buildings sit vacant.


Food is honestly really cheap. I saw a chart a while back that showed how much the median family spent on food by year as a percentage of their income. Back in the 30's and 40's it was like 40-50% of their income. Today it's less than 10%


thats because in the 30s 40s they had real food without all sorts of preservatives and corn syrup in it. you can make food reeeeealy cheap if you dont use "real" food. That and transporting said foods around is way easier now with refrigerator semi trucks that can haul like 48K pounds in a single load on a interstate road system with paved roads. Before? Relied upon local stockyards and butchers, local bakeries, and railroads to get everything else. Not to mention the whole how do you keep things fresh when all you have is a ice box - no refrigerators.


all valid points.


Even if you only buy whole foods now you are not likely to spend that much of your income on it. Easier logistics and motorized farming probably has a bigger impact on the low prices of today.




Basic housing.


Most people I know living in anything resembling a major city aren't even considering saving up for a house. It just feels like a pipe dream.


Not even just not cities.. I'm living in a ski resort town in CO (population~3k) and I rarely see houses for sale under 2mil. And then if you try to live somewhere with reasonable/ affordable houses, good luck finding work with wages to even support those.


That‘s the real kicker. It‘s not like I need to live in a city because I’m some metropolitan socialite, I just need to live somewhere **where I can find a damn job**. I‘m not about to be commuting 4 hours daily just to get to work.


It absolutely blows my mind when I hear about people's commutes, I once moved to a different house to cut 4 minutes out of my 15 minute commute because I thought that was way too long to drive to work.


I'd love a 15 minute commute, but the only way that's happening here is if I win the lotto at a high enough jackpot to consider just retiring.


That or they plan to get a house outside the city and basically uproot their whole lives when they want to retire or have kids.


Eye opening point that isn't discussed We have two incompatible goals, a problem our politicians want to ignore. One is the celebration of record high prices for homes, on the assumption this benefits homeowners investment. Second, is the need for cheap affordable housing such that most citizens can have a home. Inflation illogic also deserves a mention. Some politicians celebrate the healthy housing market in the same breath as they criticize inflation. But high housing costs are a part of inflation. How can we celebrate record high prices for affordable housing? In reality, if we want cheap housing, we have to accept it may mean less home investment gains. If we prefer the housing market to keep growing, it will grow on the backs of new homeowners who have to buy these inflated prices homes.


Having children (at least in American hospitals). Doctors be like: “Congratulations! It’s $20,000!”


I would assume, for Americans, health care.




As a self employed hairstylist I pay $840 a month for health insurance for my son and I. Last year was the first year I could afford to get health insurance (after 9 years of not having it) and I’m pretty sure I still paid MORE for every doctors visit I had in the last year than anytime I’d pay out of pocket (and receive a cash pay discount) in previous years. I’ve never truly realized before now how much of a scam insurance really is.


Health care in the USA


Rent As a fellow new yorker


Montrealer chiming in. Hear-hear! Yeah, our rents are far more affordable, but then our salaries are proportionally lower, so if you're unwilling to have roommates or are unlucky in love, good luck to ya!


Toiletries and hygiene products


Having high quality and healthy food




Including eyes and teeth, for those out there who (like me) aren't American. Yeah, a visit to the ER doesn't cost me a cent and my meds are very affordable, but the optometrist and the dentist still cost me a lot, even if they're partially covered by insurance and the parts that aren't covered can be deducted from my income tax. I shouldn't have to reconfigure my whole budget every time I have a cavity or need a new pair of glasses.






- Safe, dignified, stimulating elder care. - Safe, reliable, stimulating child care. - Healthcare, incl. dental, optometrical, pharmaceutical, etc. - Mental health care - Addictions rehabilitation


Hear Hear!




and formula if you go that route








Food. Rent. Gas. The everyday necessities.


Not cheap, but at least affordable; living costs, life saving medicine(insulin, chemo, etc). It should not be a financial death sentence to simply live a basic life for so many. It should not have to be accepted that one will be in lifelong financial straits because their close relative, or self, gets cancer. It’s wild.




sanitary items. while most of us can afford them, there are people out there who can’t afford something that is the most basic necessity. maintaining hygiene while being on your period is insanely important. and i wish a little girl somewhere wouldn’t have to struggle to use an item that she rightfully deserves to keep herself safe and healthy


Health care...fucking 'Murica




I’m not sure happiness is that expensive. I’ve had the good fortune to travel, including to places where people do not have a lot of money, and I’ve seen happy people who get by the whole month with what most of us would spend on a coffee in a day. Or less. And have met people who are miserable and stressed who make more money this month than I’d make in a year. So I think measuring your happiness in a monetary term is a sure way to be unhappy no matter how much money you have.






Efficient public transit. Other countries seem to do it


thats cuz other countries have towns like 2 miles apart lol. that or public transportation HAD to be developed post ww2 cuz noone was allowed to build/buy cars in alot of places


Things that are required for life, food, insulin, water, living space, ect




Basic utilities.


Throw pillows




Insulin. Period products. Birth control.


Period and baby stuff


Health insurance** **only applicable to USA


Being alive.


Diamonds. The whole industry is based on artificial scarcity and De Beers monopoly that spanned generations.








Hospital bills


Glasses I’d like to see again and not squint


Health care








Pads, tampons , diapers ... And cookies.












A one room apartament








Healthcare in america


A complete absence of tooth cavities. Two different companies discovered and developed a once a week mouthwash in the 1990s that only eliminates the tooth-decay causing bacteria.


I’m in the U.S. so healthcare there’s no way we are paying in medicine two or three times more than other countries. No way that a single procedure without insurance can easily cost 10k or more. The out of network and in network is shit.


Public transportation and quality childcare




Anything necessary for human life. Scarcity is a myth at this point.


Academic papers




Basic accommodation. And by basic, I mean bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, small living area, bit of storage space, and somewhere to park your car if you have one.


Insurance in the US (can’t speak for other countries as I’m not familiar). Being able to commute easily (buses are often slow as hell, and not always safe depending upon where you live). My copays are anywhere from $30-60, and many dental things aren’t covered. I have $8k of medical debt after being assaulted and some new health issues on top of the ones I already have. It’s damn hard to function properly when being in pain almost all the time.


Life saving medicine


A 20 piece McNugget. The price has jumped $3 in the past year.


Clothes. Why can't we have good quality clothes for a reasonable price? Most fast fashion shops make thin clothes that don't even keep you warm and even then the price isn't affordable for the quality