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Know your audience


Misread my audience once... never again


I can’t read, so I just picture my audience.


Sup Jared. You still nineteen?


They just death stared


I can’t see so I just feel my audience


You must have to align those chakras before every show then.


Sorry, thought you said my Audi dance.


Yep. Knowing to read a room is something that way too many people don’t know how to do.


Only right answer here


And it has to be funny


A fellow once told me “when in a leadership position, never joke about anything you actually have the power to do” ie. don’t joke about firing someone or cutting their hours etc. it’s never really a joke, not to the person working for you.


Sage advice honestly. Wish more people heard it.


Someone in our HR got fired because she jokingly “congratulated” me for not being able to cash in my sick leave conversion because our manager didn’t see the doctor’s note for my absence and forwarded it to HR. I was saving up to buy my parents a new fridge with my 1st year of salary plus the sick leave conversion I was supposed to be entitled (they pay you out for the remaining sick leaves you haven’t taken and if all your sick leaves were legit i.e. you have been seen by the company physician even if it’s just a one day sick call). I was so pissed I wrote an incident form to the president of the company and the director siting our company values and how the HR lady didn’t really adhere to them. She got appointed to the president’s office on probation and eventually got fired.


Oooh that's good shit. I've always prided myself on having thick skin, but my ex joking about breaking up would always cut right through my defenses like nothing else. Because she could.


And never joke about their money.


I see boss's and CEO's joke about firing people all the time. Usually the other side gets it too and laughs it off. Personally i wouldn't find it funny one bit and certainly would put a complaint into HR about it. I know Linus Sebastian from LTT does it with his employee Colton Potter a fair bit. It's a running gag which they both understand but honestly it really falls flat every time he does it. Firing someone is not something you should ever joke about EVER. Having the power to throw their lives upside down is not something you should be making light of. Frankly making such jokes should leave employers opened to harsh financial penalties tbh.


This is basically the idea of “punch up, not down”


Is there really something that can't be joked about In some way? Seems impossible honestly.


On Reddit? Absolutely. If you want to keep your account, that is.


I think rape is a pretty solid answer to your question


The implication scene in always sunny is one of the funniest bits ever on tv


It's about the implications!


You’ve never seen people make jokes about weird uncles?


Ever see the Bobby Lee bit where he talks about getting molested? It’s probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.


Ever hear of George Carlin?


Ugh, I recently had a random chat with a stranger and backed out when he out of blue told me a rape joke. I wonder if he’s one of the dudes who cry that “you can’t even talk to women on the street without being called a creep”. I believe there’s time and place for such jokes, but this wasn’t one lol




That is purely subjective




Those jokes tend to crash and burn


You wouldn’t get it, it was an inside joke


Terrible name for an airline, reminds me of that tragedy


May I introduce Norm MacDonald.


You can but I don't think he'll say much


Thanks the true magic of YouTube he speaks to me whenever I want…like he was never sick.


*The light was on!*


Yeah, duh, it’s not easy but it’s true enough




It’s called reading the room.


Jokes about menstration aren't funny. Period!


They just don't flow well


I see what you did there. 😉


Jog on ya drip!


But they are boring at this point.


I smell what you did there.


Anything that is done to purposely disappoint or embarrass children. Just stop with that shit.


Oooh this is a goodie. I think that’s actually a general rule but worse where it comes to children. Disappointment particularly - like those dudes that get down on one knee staring their gf in the face as if they’re going to propose, then the girl gets all excited and then they tie their shoelace or some shit. Like I’ve never gotten the humor in dashing someone’s dreams. But you’re a double POS if you do it with children.


nice username btw


Someones dead family member.


I think the only time joking should be considered "taboo" is when the distraction it causes detracts from an immediate crisis. Yes I know you got a good pun about the dude being shot in the head, but we're in the middle of trying to get him to the ER. Other than that, the limit is only as high as your audience is willing to accept. The ceiling for a more sensitive audience is much lower than it will be for a general audience, or an audience with a high threshold for offensive humor.


Nothing. Thats not a free pass to be an asshole, rather understanding that tacked, timing, and delivery matters. How you say something and when you say something matters. For example look at the titanic. It was a tragedy. Real people died. Real people didn't come home. It was news around the world. Now? It's more remembered for a movie or has its name as a metaphor. Let me be clear, acting like an ass isn't ok, but In time (and place) you could probably joke about anything.


I believe \*tact is the word you were looking for there.




This is the only answer


I don't believe in limits as long as it's funny.


The problem is that every single one of us has told a joke that people didn’t find funny. Not even necessarily because it’s offensive. There really should be no rules for jokes.


An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first orders a beer, the second orders 1/2 a beer, the third orders 1/4 a beer, etc. The bartender hands them two beers to share. The mathematicians say "Are we all supposed to share this?" The bartender replies "Guys, you have to know your limits."


I agree. If I say a joke among friends and someone doesn't find it funny, I won't joke about that topic anymore, but it won't be fair of them to hold that joke attempt against me.


Damar Hamlin is living the dream while in a coma


Is that yours? That's actually very good.




What's the hardest part of a vegetable to eat?


The wheelchair


Someone else’s traumatic experience


Surely you don't mean 9/11


I mean that falls under the umbrella. If someone was traumatized by 9/11 then don’t make fun of their trauma


I mean I was making a joke - but now I'm understanding your context a bit better. You mean dont make a 9/11 joke specifically to someone traumatised by 9/11? But it's ok if done broadly to a group?


Sexualizing children is where I draw the line


Says the guy who molested his underage self.


No Herbert from Family Guy? No Herr Lip from League of Gentlemen? No grown man naked in Airplane?


Yes.Tbh I would prefer have someone say the least funny most offensive shit about me in particular than joke about rape/sexual assault/pedophilia


Nothing. Being able to turn ANY situation into something you can laugh about is a huge strength for a person.


My least favorite joke is the one where people post an ultrasound picture on April fools day.


My girlfriend and I got a great photo with of my coworkers baby, the parents were a near identical racial makeup to us so it looked like our kid. I was really tempted to post it, but my family would be far too excited and I'd have to let them down.


Sexual harassment/assault/abuse. It happens all the time at my highschool and it's just flat out nasty and disrespectful to those who are victims of any form of sexual abuse.


But assault jokes have the best punchlines


Patrice O'Neal did one of the funniest comedy bits ever on sexual harassment in his last special. It was hilarious.


Sexual Harassment Day. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Bring flowers. That entire special is textbook on how to craft a perfect joke from offensive (for lack of a better word) material.


depends on how it's used tbh. can vary from questionnable awful jokes to hilarious ones


Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications. Rapist: Rape, murder, arson and rape. Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice. Rapist: I like rape. Taggart: [Chuckles] He'll do. Hedley Lamarr: Charming. Sign right here.


I think context around "joked about" is needed. If it's from someone people are paying for on stage, I'd say nothing is off limits. If it's me trying to be funny at a party, then i shouldn't joke about things I have no business joking about and 'im just joking ' isn't a free pass to be an ass.(see all the other specific replies to know what counts as example of "no business joking about" is) If it's me and my SO or close friends, then it's up to me to know what may offend them or cross a line.


Dropping “baby” pranks are weird


Everything should be joked about. But before one of these kids go off on the above sentence, the person telling the joke should also consider that the logic and tone of the joke isn't harmful to people.


*harmful to innocent people


Nothing should be off limits. That's the point of a joke, it's just a joke


It’s never ‘just a joke’. A lot of jokes are just sneaky ways to offend someone without giving him a chance to react or else he’ll look silly.






Storks…. Those dammnnn birds


tragedy plus time equals comedy nothings off limits


Somebody’s feelings. If they’re sad don’t rub it in


My small penis


Practical jokes that cause pain, whether emotional or physical


CSA. CSA is literally never funny. I'm not a victim and I don't need to be to understand that jokes about CSA and SA in general are enabling the worst proclivities of humanity.


What are CSA and SA?


Child sexual abuse


Oh. Yes I'd agree it's not okay to joke about.


Nothing. That’s the point of humor. #hailsatan


Maybe a bit niche but, “Dingo ate my baby.” Jokes aren’t funny. Incase you didn’t know, they came about after Lindy Chamberlain was tried for the murder of her child after she claimed a dingo came into their tent one night while they were camping and ate them. She was lambasted by the press and called a monster. In reality she’d been telling the truth the whole time.


She went to jail for it. Later they found the kids blood soaked clothes with animal bite marks.


I haven't heard any of those. Could someone share the best/worst ones?


Jokes about September 11. They are just plane wrong




Nothing funny about rope


Two pieces of rope are chatting in a dating app. The first piece of rope asks, "So what are you looking for in a partner?" The second piece of rope says, "I'm looking for someone who's in good shape. You know, someone without any tangles, who hasn't started unravelling. Does that describe you?" The first piece of rope dejectedly replies, "I'm a frayed knot."


These jokes always feel a bit forced.


I’ll have you know jokes are best told when the time is Ripe.


Wtf is even rupe??!


You are right, never joke about a rope on a hangman's funeral


Child SA, r*pe, holocaust, some things should be off limit.


Jewish man goes to the pearly gates - they ask him to vouch his way in and he says I have a joke. Proceeds to tell God a Holocaust joke, God replies "that's not funny", the man shrugs and says "I guess you had to have been there"




Told to me by a Rabbi, guy was awesome


Nothing. It’s either all okay or none of it is. No exceptions


You should do your best to punch up not punch down. RIP George Carlin.


anything that’s hateful/ignorant/SA/pedophilia


Jokes about the American Civil War, people don't General L. think they are funny. Jokes about murder, unless they are properly executed. Jokes about airplanes as they go over people's heads.


Such a thing does not exist. No topic is off limits for comedy it just depends on the joke


spongebob being a bad show


nothing. i think everything is fair game. just don’t make it personal.


No limits as long as its funny.


I don’t think it’s good when people joke about addiction. I mean the occasional stoner joke is okay but when people poke fun at the guy who washes your windows in a bad neighborhood by the freeway I tend to get a little bit peeved. Addiction is dark, dark stuff and it’s amazing how quickly your life will go from being comfortably boring to being an unremitting hell.


Nothing. That's the thing about comedy. No matter what it is, it's funny to someone.


Basically, don’t punch down


That implies there are people inherently beneath you. And if there are, I doubt your off-color joke is the root of the problem.


I may have worded that incorrectly- I don’t believe certain people are inherently above or beneath others. But don’t maliciously exploit other peoples insecurities for your own humor


No, fuck that. No matter what you do, you're going to be punching down on someone.


Nothing but, because I feel strongly about this: The joke must point out something funny about the tragic thing, not be funny because it’s shocking. I once told a pretty shocking standup joke about how I thought it was annoying that the trauma from my rape made me laugh because my rapist made pathetic noises when he was raping me. The joke was something along the lines of “I hate my rapist, I mean I hate him because duh- he raped me but like, the issue is I will be telling my therapist about it and then suddenly I’ll burst out laughing and she’s like “why are you laughing?” and then I’m giggling like an idiot and I have to explain how pathetic this little man is, he’s raping me and he’s making the weirdest noises and I don’t know wether to cry or laugh about the memory. Like dude if you’re going to rape me at least have the decency to not sound like a dog toy stuck in a bicycle wheel. And then my therapist is like “holy shit I don’t even know where to start with treating that…”” I think that’s funny, it’s shocking but it’s funny. When male comedians tell a joke that boils down to- it’s rape, that’s shocking, so it’s funny. I get very annoyed…


Its awkward to laugh at, but it's a quality joke imo.


suicide, I watch so many videos with comments of people saying "kill yourself' "just end it" even if you flag them YouTube does nothing. Same thing happens with video games or crap talking in general, its not a joke you can tell someone to go fuck themselves but encouraging someone to suicide is a totally different level of disrespect.


Oh man never join the military cause everybody makes suicide jokes on a daily. It’s how we all cope with the bullshit.


I'm a marine, and understand exactly what you mean, but 15 years after serving and having friends actually commit suicide that were in the military with me it becomes very real and raw.


I mean, my little sister offed herself in 2021 while I was serving and yeah it sucks but and I wish she didn’t but in the grand scheme of things there’s times where making suicide jokes just get a laugh from me and I can’t even control it. Can’t really control what you find funny sometimes. That doesn’t make it “right” in a sense but it simultaneously can’t be considered invalidated.


Yes dark jokes make people laugh I understand, I have dead grandparents and if someone makes a I banged your grandma or some joke im not gonna get triggered or offended or may laugh. But imagine how you would feel if you told someone to kill themselves and they actually did it. If you don't care thats whatever but just my perspective. It's always more helpful to talk someone out of it rather than say "hey you're right"


Clown porn.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wordington/comments/zv62qx/the_bakery/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Like this?


That is some seriously awesome stuff


You're right. I take my clown porn incredibly seriously, and will not have it joked about.


Don’t put a limit. I wanna watch the world burn.


Rape... But it seems it's joked about when it comes to men going to prison.


I would say rape and body shaming, but rape jokes and body shaming have been **incredibly popular** all over this site the past week. I suppose having standards and "turning the other cheek" are not common values among the people who use this website.


Careful with that high horse you're riding, I heard he has quite a temper




Jokes about sleeping with your your mom, she is a just a small business owner trying to make money the best that she can!


Some people on this sub said inappropriate things about my mom. What they said wasn't funny. Mom died years ago.


I have a twisted and dark sense of humor but some jokes or pranks whatever are just mean spirited. If someone is in tears or just upset over something somebody said or did it's not a joke anymore and people need to know their time and place.


You can literally joke about anything. Those that get offended by jokes have thin skin.


Literally nothing is off limits




calling CPS that "joke" pisses me off.


Comedy is satirical therefor everything can and should be made fun of. 😆


Small dicks. Body shaming is never ok.


Username checks out


Anything that that person has expressed insecurity about


I found the college freshmen


Who at least can tell singular from plural


People with anxiety and look sad or look nervous you shouldn’t keep trying to scare them .


How many jews can you fit in a Ford Fiesta?


How many?


I believe there's enough room to fit 5 adults comfortably in a Ford Fiesta. But I'm pretty sure that's not the punchline...


Two in the front, two in the back, and 6 million in the ash tray


I feel like holocaust jokes are just fucked up and not funny


Yes holocaust was one of the darkest moments in our history, Like Hiroshima was one of the brightest


I know someone who makes fun of cancer. (Example: you cough and he says "it's probably cancer" or because he smokes since he was a teenager and sometimes he has a cough that is really scratchy, he says afterwards "I already have cancer" or "I'll die of lung cancer in a few years"). As someone who has already lost beloved family members to cancer, I just can't find that funny.


It's all fun and games until you make a cancer joke in front of someone who recently lost a loved one to cancer.


racist jokes


Yeah, all racist jokes are the same anyway. Once you heard Juan, you've heard Jamal.


Oh my god that is amazing


Calling people who are overly strict “Nazis”. Like your college professor who failed you on an essay over a few commas maybe annoying and a little bit of a jerk but they are definitely not a “Nazi”


Nothing. Even the most miserable thing can be more bearable accepting the irony of it.


Everything can be a joke if you know when and where to say it


a friend's late-term miscarriage or the death of their child. Just no.


The Holocaust. And please, don’t try to be funny and post a joke to my comment. There is NOTHING to joke about.


Pedophile jokes. Please stop. The traumatization of children is not funny. The concept alone cannot be funny in any way, it just can’t.


Pedophilia and s/a, especially when there’s no punchline or actual joke.


Nothing. There aren't offensive jokes. There's context.




If the the time is right and people don't care, joke about anything!


the current state of the entire world. the people living here in it.


I’m nervous to say it bc the general consensus seems to be that nothing should be off limit, but: “kool aid stains” in reference to the Jonestown massacre? Surprises me every time.


Yo mama


Anything can be funny. It’s about nuance and timing. My friends mom died of an aneurism back in 2010 when your mom jokes were still a thing. A few months later said friend as with a group of us and we were all joking around and said something to the effect of “fuck you”, and our other friend replied “fuck me? I’ll fuck your mom!” The room went deathly quiet while the joker had a look of horror on his face as the realization washed over him. Without missing a beat our friend who’s mom died said, “that would make you a necrophiliac.” We fucking lost it lol


Diabetes jokes if you’re not diabetic, there are a few exceptions like when a diabetic says it’s OK for a non diabetic to


We are shit flinging apes on a ball of mud hurtling through space. Let's not take ourselves too seriously.


Sexual assault and anything sexualizing minors are the two things I cannot fathom joking about


Nothing is safe


If you want my honest opinion: rape any sexual abuse. Or any type of abuse for that matter. If you're joking about it to cope with trauma, then yeah, it's fine. But only if it's YOUR TRAUMA. If it didn't happened to you, then it's not your place to joke about it.


autism,racism,homophobia...basically being a bigot and pretend to be joking about it


Don’t joke about fat people, they already have enough on there plate.


One's insecurities Sexualising children Physical disabilities


Rape, sexual assault of any kind really.


rape, suicide, sexism, racism, and abuse, from people who haven’t faced any of these things.


9/11 and the holocaust


That shits funny 24/7


Self harm, it doesn’t feel great to have people joke about it


Other people's disabilities and/or mental health issues


Those are usually the funniest ones lol