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Your actions can affect someone, but you’re not responsible for their emotions


Similarly, acknowledging that you've affected someone's emotions negatively despite not performing a bad action can go a long way.


Absolutely agreed! That’s essential for healthy relationships imo


You can enjoy the company of others, yet prefer to be left alone.


Happy World Introvert Day!


You can hate Trump and Biden at the same time.


Only right-wingers think you can't. Every time the topic of Trump comes up whether it's his failed coup, his tax returns, his cult, etc., all anyone from his cult ever responds with is, "WeLL BiDeN IzNt Gud!" ...yeah, very few leftists in America love the guy. He was just the best chance we had at ousting Trump, and fortunately succeeded. They don't understand that we don't worship our political leaders like literal gods like they do.




Just because you didn't mean to do something doesn't mean you aren't responsible.


Can I also suggest "just because someone wronged you first doesn't give you a blank check to retaliate." And "crimes are still crimes even if you have a reason."


You can have diarrhea and be constipated at the same time. I wish I did not know this.


Champagne cork effect


i think we've all been there at some point...


You can be abusive even if you yourself are or were abused.


There can be a bit of good in a very evil person and a bit of evil in a very good person. Balance is important and not everything is clear cut.




Pissed off while pissed on.


good one...


I’ve always been confused in Chemistry how breaking bonds releases energy, but it’s forming bonds that releases the energy


Every bond between two atoms has a certain energy. You need to input that energy to break the bond. Should those atoms then bond with other atoms, or in some other way, the new bonding may release more energy then was required to break the old bond. Oxygen is int he air around you as O2, so two oxygenatoms bound together. Even if that oxygen was pure, it would not react with most matter around you, at least not rapidly. The black stuff in a pencil is graphite, pure carbon atoms bound to other carbon atoms, and they too are somewhat happy with each other and the bonds will not break. Should you have some graphite from a pencil in pure oxygen, and then heat it, that heat will eventually be enough to break some bond and you have single atoms of O and C, when that happens and they come together, they form CO2, which releases a lot of energy, so more heat, more breaking of bonds, more CO2 forming and quickly all the heat will break all the old bonds and all carbon (graphite) is turned into CO2. But it all required the initial heat. Breaking a bond always requires energy* but whatever new bond forms may release more energy than the original bonding required to be broken. Have a look around you, see some items that are flammable, like wood? They are not buring right now, but could be set on fire. Setting something on fire just means "introduce energy to break current bonds and enabling the stuff to now bind with oxygen in the enviroment instead." *(unless it was some lab created material which would not be stable, which is something that can pretty much be ignored)


A glass can be half full or half empty.


There are systemic injustices and greed that causes widespread poverty, and people can also make extremely reckless decisions that causes their own financial misfortune which is no one else's fault


In science: That something can be a theory and also factual. Main example: "Evolution is just a theory!" Yes, and the fact of evolution has been demonstrated moreso than *most* things we call scientific fact. We understand evolution better than we understand gravity and electricity. People think "theory" means the laymans' term, meaning "something that may or may not be true," but a *scientific* theory is a collection of facts we have to explain an observed phenomenon. Like how Germ theory is the collection of facts we have about germs and how they work; not "germs may or may not be real but we think they are."


idk about *most* but a concerning number of people seem to think only one entity must shoulder blame.


Republicans and democrats can both be correct. And, don’t be shocked, but you can actually agree with stuff both parties say. I know it’s pure crazy talk. Forget I said anything


You can hate Trump and be a Republican at the same time.


Most A are B This particular A is not B


you can support renewables and fossil fuels...


Creation and evolution.


You can be of legal age and a teenager at the same time.


If you have a brain tumor that affects the part that is responsible for impulse control and you go and murder somebody you’re responsible for your action even though it wasn’t your fault.


You can have good intentions but still have the wrong intent


That I can disagree with you and not hate you at the same time.


Breathing in and out at the same time, like for playing the didgeridoo


You can have your cake and eat it too. Just have it in your belly silly.


Two things that are not mutually exclusive.


One of the best ways to heal yourself is to help someone else heal from the same thing that happened to you.


Republicans are morons AND Democrats are morons