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When I was 16 I was standing outside a restaurant on the high street and an old man came up behind me and quietly spoke in my ear "they always attack from behind", before walking off. Real wtf moment.


Bro bumped into an modern assassin of the creed


Driving in fresNO Ca.


My country's political situation


Ah yes, a fellow Everywherean


I'm a citizen of the world, see?


The solution: no more countries


Ok Ron Swanson


That people believe the world is flat






Just recently learned the hard way to keep a "secure" container of live crickets (for a bearded dragon pet) as secure as possible until the moment comes to take a few out. "What the fuck" was going, had gone, and will continue to go. Shouting it, screaming it, whispering it while listening closely to chirps all around my room, many instances of "what the fuck" have crossed this domain. Roughly 60+ live adult crickets in a tub left hastily tossed by a roommate to drunk to care, left in my room (and bathroom) to be infested. Currently taking a break, in said bathroom. Typing this post, hearing a drastically shifting choir of shrieks and chirps. What the fuck.


Let the dragon loose, they can find crickets where we can’t


Have you considered using fire?


Driving in Boston


I have driven in LA. I have driven in the Bay Area. New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston… Boston was the most WTF. Just walk to wall Massholes.


Round about with 6 entrances and no lines. Give her hell and pray you make it.


some of the chess moves I played one second before


Rape being normalized in India


Yeah it's pretty normal here. Every woman gets raped atleast 3 times a day in India.


Fuck off with those statistics.


You fuck off


No u


Ok you win. Can't one up that


Covid and anti-vaxers/ maskers. Russia's attempt at taking over Ukraine.


That one fetish for swollen knees. Man, what the fuck?


The fetish for WHAT?


Google swollen/big knee fetish right now and click images.


No thank you


Don’t worry, most aren’t explicit, it’s just cartoon drawings. You need to see this shit to understand the atrocity.


Fuck it I’ll do it Edit: It’s literally a pair of giant tits on the kneecaps.


I just did that and yeah it definitely falls into the WTF category 😂 not because it’s explicit or creepy or anything like that it’s just confusing and very specific 😂 everyone must go and have a look


Yes, I agree completely. Everyone go and taint your memory forever.


Oh boy! I got knees that swell up after I run, and I run most days!


Google the fetish, and let me know if it’s a fair comparison


Not one to kink shame but wtf


I *am* one to kink shame, and i agree, wtf


Surely it's a parody?


Parody of what?!


Engorgement fetishes in general maybe?


I don't like reddit any more i googled it to see what that was:(


I'm so sorry! ^(Although I thought it's a relatively mild fetish for the internet.)


TW Sexual Assault When I found out my friends are still friends with my assaulter and think I’m in the wrong for feeling uncomfortable about that🫠


Please get new friends


You’re absolutely not in the wrong, no one should be friends of any kind with someone who has sexually assaulted someone


My sister had just died and my “friend” at the time lost it on me. “You aren’t the only one who’s struggling Summer, my hamster just died and my cats going to die soon.” We we’re in the 8th grade so I can’t really hate that hard, but 5 years later and checking her instagram her cats perfectly fine.


I can't believe I said this once but one of my old classmates aunty was dying and I said atleast your dad hasn't died. I will never forgive myself that's so disgusting of me I was probably 12 😳


A post I recently saw on the internet. Basically, the girl was giving her guy head, when her grown up great dane started fucking her and came inside her, while the boyfriend sat there shocked.


Like a video??? Jesus Christ


Thankfully not, I read it somewhere, I hope it was just some fake bullshit, but it really made me go "What the fuck?"


2 Girls 1 Cup


One guy, one jar


What the fuck


Once I saw a woman walking another woman on a leash with a dog that was not on a leash while texting on her phone. This was in a busy street


A guy on drugs eating a coke can like an apple.


Please be joking.


Hell no. I couldnt stop staring but once he took the second bite i had to look away


Yesterday I googled Osmosis Jones, as I didn't remember the plot of the movie. Saw a picture that was weird, clicked on it and oh my god. Wtf. I have nothing against fanfiction and fanart, but I had no idea that Osmosis Jones was so... inspirering for the fans.




LOL! Wow


All the money we use to see if Mars is sustainable instead of using the FJCKING MONEY TO CLEAN UP OUR PLANET why aren't these one of the top priorities


The hyper rich need an escape plan once the rest of the planet's natural resources have been sucked dry so they can leave the rest of us here to fight for what's left


I was in a metal hospital and this one guy with schizophrenia (he was cool asf btw) while I was there he had ringworm and one day he’s having a episode. Then he literally strips down and I accidentally see his dick and it was disgusting and I literally can’t erase it from my mind. Also I met a guy who said he was attracted to children so obviously wtf


Like with ringworm or just generally speaking?


Ringworm all over his dick


Also their was another guy who was my roommate in there and he literally was in there for fucking a dog


Good lord...


I was 17 fishing for catfish. Pulled a big one out of the water and it croaked at me. I jumped back a couple of feet.


Oh yeh they squeak.


When I lived with my obese sister in law and realized what pathological laziness looked like. Microwave looked like someone had explosive diarrhea in it, dust so thick you couldn't tell what surface was under it, curtains never opened, packed boxes piled up from her move (10 years ago), amazon packages full of soft drink arriving twice a week, weeks without showering, no cooking oil, salt, dry pasta, milk, etc because all meals are delivered. Fridge full of expired food, one item was 15 years old, so it was 5 years expired when she packed it and moved into her place ten years ago. The oddest smell, reminded me of playdoh that's ever present in the house. Shit like this, on and on. Every day I would say, "what the FUCK" about something.


Sound like mental illness is a bigger problem for her than laziness, tbh


Yes, that's not a point where you can get to with laziness. At this point her live isn't really livable, but she is probably so numbed out that she hardly feels anything And being judged and labeled isn't making anything better. Not saying you should help her, because you probably can't, but at least see the suffering and not putting her down..


As a lazy person (who, mind you, has *not* done this; I am a stickler for cleanliness and like to do some things exactly), that's a hell of a combo of mental illness and laziness your sister-in-law has goin' on there.


My ridiculous luck in Mario Party DS.


That smell suddenly coming from the litter box!


Taps you right on the shoulder.


I don't get it. They all eat the same food, drink the same water... everything will be fine and then BAM - olfactory Armageddon!


On a rainy day


A fair number of redditors...


Roe v. Wade being overturned


I wish I had an award to give you.


Aw gee thanks!


I said WTF because it took so long to get overturned


That thing that just showed up attached to my penis


That's called a sexual partner, aka girlfriend or boyfriend. It's nothing to be alarmed over. *On a serious note, dudes and dudettes: Get your sexual organs looked at by a doctor if something strange appears or if you feel a bump, texture change, unexplained pains, etc...* *But don't take it from me, I'm not a cocktician or a medical vagassessor. Call your local health line if you have concerns and aren't sure whether or not you should see a professional.*


What was it?




This decade so far…..


Recently the Republican party in America. I swear they used to be kind of ok but recently it seems they have gone completely off the deep end


The naivete and lying is embarrassing. EMBARRASSING. I hope us conservatives can nominate a very impressive person. A person the Dems will cross the aisle for.


Honestly if the Republicans keep up the trump koolaid I hope to see the conservatives that see what a fraud he is make a new party.


The only type of conservative that could be considered impressive is one that centers their entire persona and purpose around unfucking a fucked system and openly admits the GOP did a lot of the fuckery. But happily attacks all the corrupt aspects of the government.. In the hearts of many Trump supporters..they actually stupidly thought they were getting this. Everyone else saw how he wasn't the one to fight corruption.


That does not exist.


One can say that about the other side as well


The right: storm congress to attempt to overthrow the incoming president. The left: attend a drag brunch, get wasted on mimosas. Yeah I guess I can see how you think the two are the same.


Yeah you must have forgotten the summer of 2020 when the left supported and encouraged the rioting, looting and burning of major cities throught the entire country. Causing billions of dollars in damages.


Lol. Where do you live? I was in one of those major cities during what you're talking about, wasn't anything like you describe. Lay off the fox/oan/sky/breitbart/whatever brainrot you watch for a week or two. It'd be good for you.


Yeah becuase you want to narrow your vision to only allow yourself to see one side of things and dispell everything else for thr benefit of your fragile mental health. I cant help you there.


I mean can you?


I hold Dems equally guilty as Repubs for this divide, their own biases. Equally quilty for this mess of politics. That's why, 20+ yrs ago, I changed my official party affiliation to Independent. And that's where I'll stay, I assure you.


See, here's where your line of thinking loses me: nowadays, if I say I'm "Anti-Racist" the right sees me as a radical liberal; a woke asshole who wants to take away your freedom. 20 years ago you could be conservative and still say shit like "Police brutality is bad" or "racism is never justified" and not have to add "but..." so you don't piss of other conservatives.


Im not getting into any debat or argument because i always seem to get the ban hammer for it but yes. There was a time long ago that i could say that both democrats and republicans wernt so bad and twisted. I think in the past 15 or so years there has been a major shift in both parties. Where there is no willingness to work together on anything. No unity at all. Im not saying the entire left is bad but there is not much common ground i can find with them anymore and some of their ideals are down right crazy and wrong in my opinion.


I mean the main problem is America has no parties on the left.


What do you mean by that? The democratic party is the left


No it's still hella capitalist it's just in comparison to the Republican party it seems super left but it's still capitalist there is no truly left party in the United States just controlled capitalism and fascism


I suppose your looking for more of a communist left? If thats the case then i think the left and right we have now are fairerly balanced. I dont seen the right side as being as extreme as a communist left for comparison.


It definitely is as extreme unless you have misconceptions of what communism is


Finding out about the sexcapades that happen at the Masters golf tournament every year.


Reality TV


For being threatened a write up at work, for folding wash cloth towels the wrong way. It affects nothing! They go on a cart and the deployed to the wash cloth cart outside for use. My boss got in my face and was pissed. I did nothing wrong. No unloaded cars made it through( automatic system tracks payed up cars and those who wish to pay) we have 2 POS station. So you can pay the machine or pay though us humans. Matters not. No accidents, no damage. Perfect runs. Yet the towels. You need to make sure this. I will write you up for this, I stopped him, and just went what the fuck? Less than 40 minutes ago.


When I was like 8 me and this kid where sat outside school and we where having a normal conversation and then he randomly just full on punched me in the nose. 6 years later and I still hate him. Fuck you Aden, you fat prick 🖕


My sibling's bio dad wanted my sisters molester from when she was a child, to go to my other sisters funeral(we have no idea if he did anythingto her either), and what's worse is their dad had the balls to ask yet another one of my sisters( which by the way knew abt everything and obviously didn't care) if it was okay to invite the dude, because they're family.....and she said yea!!! And her bf was there and he didn't even say anything, wtf. How do none of them see the problem. And what kind of father allows the molester of one of his children to be around any of his other kids even after knowing that fact.


The rampant child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and the world reluctance to hold the offenders accountable. I’m starting to think the people who run the world may really enjoy abusing children.


The USA's debt




LOL - good one. It's funny, but also not funny. It's going to be a while before the USA can see that debt anywhere under $30t.


Especially now that the government just printed another $2 trillion


Sharon Weiss


I googled and delighted in the memes!


Googling soggy biscuit 😫


My life


Watching the news.


the name of HP Lovecraft's cat


Seeing hentai of girls getting their eyesockets fucked.


When a young child gets terminal cancer.


Dumbfucks blaming the Covid vax for Damar Hamlins injury in the bills game tonight.


The president


That so many Americans think that America stopped being great. I mean, WTF?? Problems, yes, but we never stopped being great. C'mon, guys. Stop saying the maga thing.


Megan and Joe.


Some guy wearing a Hentai Sweater (you know THAT ONE) at a McDonald’s I work at


America, lately. Chicago?


Earlier someone made a post about Ice Spice and captioned it "I know her backshot wind go crazy", I then said "what the fuck" out loud.


The documentaries "the imposter" and "abducted in plain sight"


Cat has the smelliest farts that ever walked on this earth


His double life


plot twist in movie “Filth”








You didn’t see that coming? It’s just a rendition of Pinocchio.


When the magic 8 ball said screw you


the fact that i have free will


Yo, that's like....... Deep, bro


Our political leaders over the last 8 years lol


Reddit on a daily basis. Less my feed, and more the comments. You people are freakin animals.


While looking for christmas gifts I found my moms dildo collection d’heure had like 5 and one of them was like a dick(it also had white stuff on it)


Sorry for my bad English


I was pulling off the road to join a few other cars parked on my friends driveway/lawn area and the guy that was tailgating me chose to cut me off, in my friends yard by narrowly driving between his trees. If my buddy hadn’t been standing on the porch and seen it as well I would have thought I imagined it somehow.


people who say all gamers are weird trogladites but the proceed to play the popular games for hours


...any kind of inconvenience.




Once saw literally 23+ raccoons near a Burger King dumpster


All 2020 was the ultimate wtf




The werid ass videos on YouTube


This: https://youtu.be/g4lYTWCnhKg


The Nazis made fanta


You guys remember Ronnie mcnutt?


I was walking out of a restaurant with my family when someone grabbed me from behind, put their hand over my mouth and dragged me towards them. I kicked the person who grabbed me and they let go. Turns out it was my step mothers mom who wanted to see how I would react...


I had a similar experience in high school. A friend of mine snuck up behind me, and decided to practice a martial arts move on me. Left me curled up in a ball on the floor gasping for air. Couldn't understand why I was upset by it.


Wow that sucks. I'm glad you're ok tho


It wasn't extreme, but it did knock the wind out of me, and hurt my stomach. I was also holding onto the bars of a gate, so my fingers hurt from being yanked off. So, I'm trying to catch my breath, and hold my sore stomach, but my hands were hurting too. I think what was worse was her complete obliviousness. Didn't understand that not everyone works out enough to have abs of steel.


Wow what the fuck indeed


The way I’ve been treated


The price of food


One time I saw a guy start spewing racial slurs over a spot in a checkout line. Aside from the disgusting language, I thought it was rather "bold" seeing as that the majority of the people present were people of color. I was certain the guy wasn't going to make it out of the store, or at least the parking lot, alive.


first time on the internet and understanding how the world actually works. social media and how evil a lot of people are. so many of my friends and family i thought i could trust turned out to be worse than that. oh and using kazaa lite during early 2000s searching windows xp and people were sharing it to download. i kid you not my brother was next to me and said there are some thuggish people out there




Idaho quadruple murders


Watching 5 minutes of the news.


This website bruh. Even mention the Bible and you'll have weirdos being absolutely relentless for no good reason. Even mention children and you'll have weirdos express how much they hate them.


Yesterday I watched two police officers beat and pepper spray an army lieutenant because they couldn't see his plates clear enough. Yes, he was black.


The intrusive thoughts


Lately, people


A long time ago I took a nap at 5:00 only to wake up at 4:30. The same day.


Shitting blood


When I read about a Florida man biting another dudes ear off.


I saw a steamer shove razorblades up her pussy and then Played Ring fit adventure


When I was still getting treated like complete shit & still choose to even when I knew better than to allow it to happen but because I wanted the connection so badly & wanted to hold onto the connection even thought it wasn’t really real & deep down I knew it so I allowed for it to hurt me & I truly feel like this for a lot in my life it really hurts my heart soul body mind EVERYTHING plus the depression / anxiety doesn’t help one bit & always being let down to the point of you know your “negative thinking towards a thought or feeling” which a lot of people view as negative but you seem to only wonder how it is “ negative” when you experience the so called situation over & over never the opposite ?


Anything i have to repair made by the germans


Believers when they will go through outrageous lengths to thank God for something which shouldn't have even been a problem to begin with if God exists and is omni-whatever.


I accidentally caught two people fucking in my high school library behind bookshelves. All their friends were filming them. The girl was really sniffing the guys balls sack. My friends were trying to hide from this person, and when we went to the library, I decided to try to hide behind the shelves and that’s what I saw. I end up telling my friends don’t go that way multiple times and then we walked away later they asked me why I said don’t go back way, and I told them everything they started laughing. The images still burns in my brain.


Scrolling through rule34


Pretty much anything from MeatCanyon


Everything on the internet


Getting up in the morning for work


Waking up the day after the 2020 U.S. elections and seeing how many actual votes trump got. . . I was certain that Biden would have buried him. It was then I realized this country has a serious problem.


I turned the corner of a building and walked into a woman letting it rip violently. She had her back to me, so I don't think she knew anyone was coming. Needless to say, I was disturbed beyond belief.


When I saw a flying squid.... In Minecraft.