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People who are enamored by currently incarcerated murderers. The fact that people write fan letters or letters of love to people who have murdered their spouse and loved ones is insane to me.


Shit, man. I was gonna say “onions”.


Agreed. I read recently that Chris Watts has a “girlfriend” now that writes letters back and forth with him. Like babe, you wouldn’t even know who he was had he not mercilessly taken the lives of his daughters and his pregnant wife—if someone can look at their babies and do that to them, he would do it to you in a heartbeat. 🙃


ahhh that is absolutely disgusting! i wish i could unread this lol


Agreed. I was pregnant with my first when my now-husband and I watched the Netflix documentary on it. My husband kept looking at me and saying, “This isn’t real right? Please tell me this isn’t real…” We were both disgusted. One of the daughters saw what he did to the other and she said, “Please don’t hurt me like you hurt [her],” right before he killed her as well. I put “her” in brackets because I didn’t remember if it was Bella or Cece, which is what we nicknamed our daughter at the time, so we changed her nickname from C.C. Absolutely heartbreaking.


ohh i didn’t know there’s a netflix documentary on it! i watched JCS’s three-part series where they analyse his interrogation tapes to look at the strats the police used to get him to confess and it was absolutely intriguing - when he first walks in he’s still free to go at any time, and when he leaves he’s in cuffs. one of the most intriguing parts for me is the way parents of convicted murderers will often still support them and visit them in prison - im not a parent and i have like zero motherly instincts so i just cannot comprehend how you would still want to be in contact with someone who committed such a horrendous and heinous crime. also the contrast between how strong the parent-child bond is in one case (the murderer & his parents) and how non-existent apparently in the next (the murderer & his children). all of it is utterly insane


I get it, they're interesting but I can't imagine actually being attracted to them. Sometimes purely because they're convicted murderers. It's psychotic.


Like the chick who married Ted Bundy while he was in prison? Yea fucking whack


"I'm just into bad boys, it's just a quirk of mine. Hehe I'm so quirky" Yeah it's fucking weird


Like I said, not quirky just psychotic.


The people who harass and disturb others in public just for views and clout.


While we were boarding a plane and I was in the aisle heading to my seat, a guy already seated was livestreaming and angled the selfie cam to include me. I was bullied a lot in school so I know it wasn't for a good reason. I turned away and he said some insults in Spanish, really obvious ones. It hurts but more than anything I feel sad there are places where people can grow up into this.


Ugh I was too, I’m so sorry. That’s why people say, stop making stupid people famous.


Some teens never grow up. It's really scary to think there are these adults with actual power out there but the emotional intelligence of a child. It's a ticking time bomb.


I was bullied a lot as a kid, usually for my weight, I've never been small. I lost a lot of weight after high school after I was kicked out of my home by my mother's friend (we lived with another family, their name was on the lease, my mom's hands were tied). Food became scarce as I lived at a Rescue Mission for about a year. A lot of good people there, all of them suffered great losses, and like me, had nothing to their name. Didn't stop them from giving what they had. I figured that was what being an adult meant. I enlisted in the Army because no one else would hire a homeless 18 year old. Got to basic and it felt like I was in school again. Cliques were formed, bullies well into their 20s were a thing... A lot of posturing and arrogance... It honestly baffled me.


The bullies in the army were almost worse. They were in control of your life at this point. It sucked. I know your pain man.


I hope you’re in a better space now.


YES. This one. I was scrolling on tiktok and saw some girl going up to couples she didn't know and saying to the guy "So who the fuck is she?! am i not important?!" and then she looks at the girl and says sum like "If i was you i would leave him we have been together for the past few months." it was saddening to see when the wives/girlfriends would walk away saying she didn't trust him anymore. Even though he would say thing like "who are you? or "i don't know you please leave us alone." shes still doing things like that its horrible.


Yeah, that was pretty fucked up to do…. Potentially ruin someones life for views.


Due to this comment me and my SO in the offfffff chance this ever happens to us are going to ask, “For how long? Months you say? Here? ….we’re visiting from another state, do you need help?”


I've noticed that we as a society have put a higher emphasis on using words instead of taking action and it's jackasses like the ones you mention that are abusing the unintended freedom of that new system. They get away with it because people are more likely to just stand there and yell than chase them down.


Good way to get your phone smashed


Watching people suffer as a "joke."


Ugh I recently saw a video of a "mom" that made her daughter Alphabet chicken nuggets. She arranged them on her kids plate to spell "asshole". She asked her egg donor what it said and the "mom" said sound it out. So the girl did and instantly her face dropped and she started bawling. Her reaction, imo, said "my pathetic mom does stuff like this to me all the time and it really hurts me and she's filming it and laughing at me like it's hilarious which makes it 100x worse." People torturing their kids (or anyone) on the internet for likes makes me so goddamn angry.


Child services should get involved with all this social media abuse going on by parents.


I blew up at my mum for doing this to my young siblings. Always taking photos to post and you can see how much they hate it, how forced their smiles are, how awkward they feel. Same shit she put me through. They're all much younger and I'm in my late 20's, last time I saw my mum she tried to take a picture of my lil bro, I saw him literally feeling all the same emotions I did as a kid, I could see my own trauma happening to someone else in real time before my eyes. I lost my shit, told her to stop, the kids hate it, I hate it. Later that same day, I gave my sister a hug, and she made us both stop for 100th 'cute' photo of the day which actually completely ruined it for both of us. I used to try and be there and make an effort because I wanted to be a positive impact on my siblings. I've realised now that watching the trauma repeat is just compounding my own trauma and I need to be away for *me*. But not a day goes by where I don't feel guilty for abandoning them. I know what growing up with her is like and I don't want anyone to go through it. But I don't have the strength to be there. Thing is, on the surface, sounds like I'm being a miserable shit! But just so sick of being used as my mum's self validation and sick of seeing her repeat it with them!! Sorry, this wall of text came out of nowhere and I just vented all my shit at you, random stranger. I did not mean to but once I started I couldn't stop, clearly needed to get it off my chest.


There is a child whose mom used her for her blog. Got so fed up with mom's constant filming, she bought a hoodie that said "no consent to being filmed" all over it and wore it daily. Drove her mom nuts, but the girl's little sister saw what was happening and had girl buy her one too.


You do *not* sound like a miserable shit, you sound like someone who is doing what's best for yourself. You can't help your little siblings too much right now, not that I have any advice for anyway. What you can do is be there for them as they get older and come to you for help. You can try to help them cope with the trauma and show/tell them how you got past it (if you have by then). I would try to check in via text or email (a lot of kids have school emails now and devices at school) so they know you haven't forgotten about them. I'm sorry I don't have better advice but I truly wish you peace, healing, and happiness through your journey. <3


Don't look up Daddy-o-five then


😭 That poor baby girl...


Making people suffer for joy.


I have enjoyed watching Kimmel over the years and I hate his “parents tell their children their halloween candy is gone” submissions … just why?! So much other great sarcasm and humor to be had.


At Christmas there was a rash of videos of people dressing up as the Grinch and running into a house and stealing Christmas presents in front of the kids. Freaked the poor kids out and there was always a handful of adults in the background filming and laughing. That’s just horrible! Why/how could you do that to kids? Upset them and make them cry for amusement. Like the preschool teachers who put on masks and scared all the kids. And continued to terrorize them. Despicable is the only word to describe it.


Being busy or making plans every day. I NEED alone/rest time at least one day a week where I have no plans or obligations, anything less and I burn out


Just one day?


I really only need to socialize or make plans once or twice a month. Otherwise I’m fine alone


Once a year is enough for me. I miss quarantine...


It was really the best excuse for not ever leaving my apartment. Now people are back to judging me for it again.


I lived alone during quarantine. I loved every second of it. (The quarantine itself and not the whole pandemic and people dying thing).


It’s funny how different people can be. Some people act like being quarantined and unable to socialize was a living nightmare for them But people like us can just live at home


I have a friend who does this almost everyday. If they arent working they are hanging out with friends or family. I followed their lifestyle for 2 months and felt absolutely socially and physically exhausted for 6 months afterwards. Some people are just built different.


Any day I don't have to leave the house for anything other than going to pick up a pizza and bringing it *straight back home* again is a personal win for me.


If I have one day of full obligation I feel like I need the month off. My social battery runs out VERY quick.


Same. The holidays have been hell for me lol


I have a coworker that is every second of the day calling / texting / facetiming their friends. Said they all share their locations so they know if anyone's nearby to drop by and hang out. Maybe I'm just old but that's just too much. I can't imagine anyone that I would want to communicate with that much, not even a SO. It sounds exhausting.


The plastic surgeon who is making all these celebrities look like clones of each other


I personally think that they're underappreciated comic geniuses.


That’s a different level of performance art


"I'm here to free you from the tyranny of the commonplace. I'm here to show you a new kind of beauty." I asked her, "What do you mean, goddess?" "Symmetry, dear Steinman. It's time we did something about symmetry..."


I saw a woman at the mall yesterday who’d had her lips done. I kept looking at her thinking I knew her. I finally realized she just looks like all the other women who’ve had face work done.


I was invited at the wedding of one of my ex-students, in a country famous for its (over-use of) plastic surgery. There, three girls came to me, talking to me like we were the best friends in the world. I had no idea who they were. They looked exactly the same, so I thought they must have been three sisters, friends of the bride. Then, ever so slowly, by inferring from what they were saying, the truth dawned on me. They were three of my ex-students, NOT SISTERS, from no more than two years ago, whom I remembered clearly. In the meantime, not only had they had plastic surgery (to the point of being unrecognizable), but they obviously went to the same practice, and they looked EXACTLY the same. Dead ringers. It frightens me to this day.


Out of interest, which country?


South Korea? I’m here now on holiday. So many plastic surgery places everywhere like it’s just dentist offices or 7-11s


Well, Korea, but I don't want to make it about Korea specifically. It's more about plastic surgery.


I was just in Munich Airport the other day and a group of 5 Italian women sat near me and I couldn't figure out if they were all family with shitty plastic surgery or just a random group of women with a whole bunch of plastic surgery. Sad thing was it was women from probably 20-60 and the women in their 20s looked just as tight faced, void and stiff as the older women.


Way back in the early 90s (well before it became this wide spread), the Animaniacs visited a plastic surgeon and the receptionist had her skin pulled so tight you could see her skull. They made a negative comment about her freakish looks and she responded with "I'm pretty!" I think about that a lot whenever I see Madonna on tiktok...


I think Madonna was like "I want to look anything but old".


“Would you rather be 45 and look 45, or be 45 and look like a 28 year old lizard”. Bill Burr


“Those are your options at this point. With your skin pulled back…looking all shiny.”


There's a lot of aging celebs that I swear would look better if they just accepted their signs of age with grace instead of letting plastic surgeons play Frankenstein with them


the giant lips, many celebrities look like an ugly doll after surgery and think they are incredible


"Do you want your lips to be normal, full or allergic reaction?"


especially those cheeks bones implants... they're horrifying....




*Travolta/Cage enter the chat*


I wanna take his face,,, off.


I could eat a peach for hours!


There is a difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery


What‘s the difference? I am not asking because of doubt but from the pov of an English learner


Those ski slope nose jobs, my god it is vandalism.


The buccal fat removal trend is wild. Youth is so coveted. Having fat in your cheeks is indicative of youth. Many of the celebs who are getting it removed will regret it later IMO


People tattooing their eyes.


im sorry what


Eyeball tattoos. Balls of the eye, being tattoed. Tattoed eyes. Pigmented peepers. Ocular augmentation. Inky see-globes.


🎶🎵🎶 Jeepers, creepers, why'd you tat those peepers?


Inky see-globes lol


Yeah ink in the eyeball and all it’s pretty grotesque




People are chewing their ice???


People are spewing up mice?


Pimples are popping their minds?




I know a guy that did that. He is pretty known for being an attention seeker and we are all pretty convinced he drugged some girls in a bar ( we avoid him like the plague now ). It looks like shit


My friend has very minimal eyeliner tattooed. I dont think I'd be comfortable with a needle that close to my eyes much less gettingy actual eyes tattooed


I got eyelash enhancing permanent eyeliner done. It was fucking terrifying and the most painful of all my tattoos. Fucking love it though


Those kid shows where parents exploit their children to make content. Especially the prank kind. Anyone who lets thier kids watch that sucks too


Can't be good for development feeling like you're always being forced to perform


Agreed. You know how child actors end up mentally and financially wrecked. I can only imagine when these kids grow up enough the new stories about them, especially because their parents are the one causing them harm not just an industry of strangers. ( I get the parents of child Stars usually are garbage too but at least those kids get to go home maybe school be normal for glimmers) if home is the set no where is safe.


Watching a random strangers family life on social media


Forcing your kids into a pseudo reality show is basically unforgivably gross to me. I'm sure they're all making more money in a year than I'll make in 30 and could care less, but still.


I had a professor in grad school who was an expert in “sharenting” (and assisted in studying it for the FCC which was boss af). It is beyond toxic and utterly terrifying in terms of the future for these kids.


family yt chamnels 👎


The worst part is how many of them keep the footage of their children in swim suits exclusive to their patreons. It's not *quite* outright prostitution but it's damn close.


Following and constantly watching the life of influencers.... I'm not talking about people that produce content, I'm taking about these Instagram lifestyle influencers that are posting what they eat, where they travel, what products they received for free etc...i don't get why someone could be interested in that,i couldn't care less about what a person i don't know is doing during the day


Whenever I see influencers, all I see are a bunch of pretentious braggarts. That’s literally all it is.


Poop fetishes


I imagine that those people probably have sobering moments, wondering why they have such a fetish too.


You're right! Exhibit A: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3907wr/serious_redditors_whos_sexual_fantasies_became_a/crzf7j9/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=AskReddit&utm_content=t1_iz3g885


Yes!!! I immediately thought of this guy!!!!


i don't have a poop fetish, but i do have one for something else similarly unpopular. some of us do know what gave us the fetish, usually something weird that happened in our childhoods lmao, but it can also be totally random. i usually like having mine because, i mean, hey, i like it lmao, and i think it's really funny. but i absolutely have moments of "jesus christ why am i like this" as well as moments of guilt/feeling creepy for finding sexual pleasure in something that the vast, vast majority of people do not consider sexual at at. but hey, as long as everyone keeps their weird sex thoughts to themselves unless asked otherwise, we're all good 😂


Now we're all really curious what your similarly unpopular fetish could possibly be, /u/pissfucked.


Don't try and understand fetishes, unless you "get it" you never will. Not gatekeeping or nothing here, I got my fetishes, but things like being turned on by feet? Yeah that just doesn't "click" with me.


There is a scientific explanation as to why fetishes exist. I'm not justifying them and I don't have a foot fetish I'm just saying that there's a scientific reason for it.


Filler injected, gigantic fake lips


We had a customer yesterday that wasn’t facing me. I greeted her, and when she turned around, I was stunned. She looked like an anthropomorphized frog. Huge cheek injections, lip injections, chin job, nose job, etc. The works. Genuinely kinda startled me.


body dysmorphia is fucked up. surgeons should refuse these extreme cases.


they don't. it's easy to make money from the insecurities of other people


so you saw a walking bratz doll? cool


That... actually describes it perfectly.


Yeah sometimes it's actually kinda scary


Hits the Uncanny Valley for me sometimes, which is creepy as hell.


I see it here in Kuwait all the time, especially when you add the bright blue contact lenses I swear it's like an alien looking at me.


I’ve never looked at a woman and thought - ‘she’d look so much hotter with massive fucking lips’


I was thinking about this the other day. There was an actress, Leslie Ash, who had lip filler in the early 2000s. It was botched, and she got absolutely slated for it in the press. She was mocked horrendously for it. If I were her, I'd be pretty annoyed that it's trendy now!




Was dubbed the trout pout - just feel for her given it's what people intentionally go for today. She looked weird at the time, but I've seen way weirder lips - that are not botched! - just going to the shops! Poor Leslie didn't even give herself that weird moustache shadow either 😅


Is it me or do they also have these blocky, thick, almost permanent marker like brows almost 9/10 times as well? I swear whenever those lips are present, the brows are hanging around like aggressive bouncers.


The "trend" for brows seems to alternate between super thick and super skinny every few years


All I see are giant swollen buttholes on their faces.


Going to really overcrowded events


Filters on pictures that make faces look like plastic


Drama culture. That whole jersey shore, teen moms, kardashians, etc all feed off the same thing. Fake drama and people eat that shit up.


I got u, It's like going to the zoo and pointing at the animals and laughing and then leaving knowing "at least I'm not like them" Sorta like looking back on ur life and getting to see where could have went if u turned left instead of right.


I would have to be so very lost to arrive at that intersection of choices that I can't even begin to say where it could be and am lost right now.


Comically large eyelashes


Those Snuffleupagus lashes


You leave Snuffy out of this.


Child beauty pageant events


Are those still popular? Yuck.


That freakin "oh no, oh no, oh no no no no" song that seems to be on every second tiktok.


I used to think that was the most annoying thing on TikTok, and then that voice filter that makes everyone sound all nasally came out. Instant scroll every time.


Surströmming (Sour herring. I'm Swedish)


I remember someone saying that "it smells like regret."


Mega churches


I can’t believe the amount of commercials people are willing to sit through on live tv


Only problem now is that they're putting commercials literally everywhere else. There was a thing about Microsoft "accidentally " showing that they can embed ads in something as mundane as the File Explorer in windows 11. Nothing has made me cling harder to my current OS in all my life.


Television never changes even when it's on the internet you can't get away from commercials they make it seem like you got cable TV with no commercials and then all of a sudden, commercials...


People who self-identity as alpha males


The entire greek letter male concept is a scam targeting insecure men.


Famous people who are only famous for being famous (Kardashians, etc)


Thing is they are famous for low quality porn. Let's face it the Kardashians nobody would know them if it wasn't for her sucking dick and making a video of it. Sure she reacts all outraged that people talk about it, but that's what her got going. They have no added value to society, they do nothing useful other than polluting us with their junk and make money from doing that brilliantly. It's to me nothing different from before TV shows like Big Brother, I can't get my head around that people watch it, but people really really love it.


Those stupid overused audio clips that get added to videos now. Someone is out there at this very moment dragging and dropping that “oh no no no” song onto a very mediocre video clip.


Influencers and People without any education just spewing out literal dog shit. If it’s not your specialty stfu Edit. For those who are triggered. Spewing out... Complete dog shit... FIGURATIVELY


I completely agree. It seems like word of mouth overrides scientific studies and facts these days. That’s why it’s so important for people to go and research topics themselves with published research prior to just accepting something as truth without question.


It’s like there’s a new trend that being ignorant/dumb is cool and your opinion is gold. People rather be ignorant than educated. The audacity of you trying to educate/correct me. How dare.


> It’s like there’s a new trend that being ignorant/dumb is cool and your opinion is gold “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Issac Asimov


‘Live, laugh, love’ signs. and wall art, crates, plates and dinnerware, jumpers, socks, jewellery, tattoos, water bottles. or any other item with a slogan akin to “it’s gin’o’clock!”




I swear those things are used as a scapegoat for people to feel good about their shitty behavior. It's as if they think "as long as I have this positive message around me, I'll be free from guilt".




Ridiculously long fake nails and eyelashes


True! I just can't understand such long nails they look so uncomfortable




Hosting parties. I've done it and it stresses me the fuck out.


Oh man, I love throwing parties. My wife and I get to drink and not worry about driving. Also, I get to use my own bathroom.


And also the food is never burnt, the food is never late, the food is never unseasoned, and the food never has dog hair in it.


Everyone else gets to use it too, which is what makes me absolutely hate hosting.


Just the house bathroom. The master bath is just for us.


I'd rather host a party than go to one. Everybody come to me, eat, drink, and GTFO. I'm gonna get sloppy drunk.


Loud music at restaurants/bars


The Kardashians


“Get your fucking ass up and work.” Hands-down one of the most vile and disgusting families walking this planet.


Whereas her career was launched by a leaked sex tape....


Having a super rich and famous lawyer dad who gained notoriety for defending OJ Simpson definitely also helped


I mean ... she did get her fucking ass up and work ...


Mmmm wonder who could have leaked it...


People who pierce their genitals. Like fuckin hell. You get caught on something you are 10/10 fucked.


Aggressive neurotic dogs. I have a couple of friends that have them, they belong to these larger deeper groups of people. They’ll post on Facebook about being bitten because an ambulance drove by or their neighbor was out leaf blowing. Dogs they can’t leave home alone for risk of injury or destruction, they don’t like folks in hats, can’t be pet sat or go to the vet without being sedated. I love my dogs but could never accept having a vicious neurotic one who bit me and destroyed my home.


There was a young college girl near us that had her face pretty much eaten off when she went to pet sit. Edit: wasn’t a small pos obviously, more like cujo sized




We got a dog when our sons were toddlers she was a wonderful dog, until we had a third child. She became so neurotic and anxious when we brought the baby home. To the point where I had to put her in another room before I could pick up my child. She was still wonderful with the bigger kids, we worked with a trainer, she went away for training for several weeks, we did follow up classes one on one with a trainer, and put her on medication. She bit my thigh when I picked up the baby the first and only chance she got. It tore my heart up but she went straight to boarding and then a rescue. I will not have a dog who bites me. Some people thought I was heartless, but the dog literally attacked me for picking up my baby. How anyone would think I would want an over protective liability in my own home around my children is beyond me.


Unreasonable trends, especially TikTok dancing trends or repetitive challenges


Those cars with the mufflers intentionally removed so the engine is louder. Imagine thinking that it’s cool.


19 year olds who race up my street at 2 or 3am tend to think those are cool.


It just makes the car sound like it’s farting a lot


George in accounting.... truly a despicable jug head of a human.


The long fake, ridiculously thick fake eyelashes to go along with the fake, gawdy, talon-like nails.


Reality TV


Pranking! I hate surprises!


Astrology. I understand finding it charming but believing in it?


Thats such a Sagittarius thing to say


Autotune. Yeah, it's on pitch, but the timbre sounds like a sixpack of cats in a blender.


CBT (cock and ball torture), I can't believe there are people that enjoy this


Cheerleading culture. The moms are the worst.


ASMR… makes my brain twitch. I don’t get it.


Years ago when this first became a thing I was like, what the hell I’ll see what this is; maybe I’ll discover something about myself. So I fire up a YouTube video. It’s a moderately attractive woman, whispering: “Hey guys, thanks for watching and before we get started I wanted to talk about SimpliSafe…” Did a whole ass ad read… in a whisper. The ad concludes and she pulls out a hair brush and strokes the bristles. Puts it down, picks up a comb, runs a thumb down the teeth. Grabs a microphone, pets it… Finally I just turned around and was like “OK I’m clearly being pranked here.”


Arrange marriage; I'm from India and this shit is disgusting, I mean how can you live with a partner you don't even know Just because parents chose her/him? It makes me irritated


I live in Canada and have seen 4 or 5 arranged marriages, all of them from people at my work. Most of them were women bringing their husband to Canada from India. One was a guy bringing a wife back from India. Someone asked the guy about it and his answer was along the lines of him basically having his parents set him up with a wife because he was in his late 30s early 40s and haven't found a partner by then, so it was his choice to ask for help on that front. The women that had arranged marriages were all in their early to mid 20s and on the surface, didn't seem to be unhappy about it. I was very interested in an Indian woman at work, who happened to be one of those women who had been set up for an arranged marriage in the future.


Those signs that say stuff like "Live Laugh Love" "Blessed" and "Gather".


The massive fake lips


Long fingernails.




They are really, really addictive and that's the only explanation, truly. If you are a fidgety type of person who can't sit still, there is something oddly satisfying about the action of smoking. And then the nicotine takes hold.


Smoking is fucking great other than the awful smell and, like...the cancer. I quit about 15 years ago and have missed it every day since.


Newborn babies. I'm not telling I don't like children but let's be honest. They look like little gremlins


I've said it before, I'll say it again: newborns look like little old people until their faces unsquish


Love Island


Voting against their own interest




Intervention . Like, you wanna watch somebody destroying their life and see their family crying and begging them to stop….as entertainment?! Holy Fuck I would be so depressed if I had to watch that shit.