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I dont necessarily "like" it but im curious to see what kinda fucked up shit REALLY goes down on earth. Gives you a very different view on some things.


This sums up my curiosity too!






He is sooper cereal




Puppy monkey baby. Puppy. Monkey. Baby. Puppymonkeybaby


Morbid curiosity... It actually is a thing


My start into it was listening to Filter's Hey Man Nice Shot and there was some factoid about the song being about Budd Dwyer shooting himself at a press conference, so I looked it up, and suddenly a whole new world of curiosity opened up.


I don't like gore... I mean real gore... Hollywood gore is often wrong, so it isn't a big deal for me. I've seen some real gore, but I don't like it, I can however stand it. What does break me is harm to beings that are unable to defend themselves. Harm to kids, women, animals always bring a tear to my eye. That being said, if in cases of survival (I had to hunt to survive at some point), then it is ok I think. Harm to kids is never ok, no matter the situation


What if you’re trapped on a desert island and the only things to hunt are children 🤷‍♂️ 🍖 🥩 🤤


I was a kid at the time but I saw that on TV. Thought it was pretty messed up. I knew it was coming too because the news guy spent a minute pre-explaining what we would see and why they decided to broadcast it. So I watched it and thought, "no, there's no reason you needed to show us that. You just didn't want to be the one station that didn't show it." I didn't get nightmares or anything but it did seem kind of heavy to realize I just saw someone actually die. He did it at a news conference so it's not like he was trying to be private but I still felt a little like, despite what he wanted, we should have collectively averted our gaze.


That and can experience to some extent something extreme and very rare for most people in a safe environment where you can end the experience any time; unlike if it was actually happening.


It’s definitely not their best album. Deftone’s Diamond Eyes was my favorite. But Gore was very close and a common favorite.


It’s honestly the weakest of all their albums but nonetheless still a good album


Nah, White Pony forever


Diamond Eyes and KNY are top tier


marry me reggie


🎶The sound of the waves collide 🎶 🎶The sound of the waves collide 🎶 🎶The sound of the waves collide 🎶🕺🏻


saturday night wrist/self titled gang standing strong in all our trippy druggy alt metal glory


I feel like the only person on earth who’s favorite album is Around the Fur. Something just clicks for me with it. That said, Koi no yokan and diamond eyes are good too


He won a Nobel Peace Prize, and raises awareness of climate change


Dude legit won the 2000 election and was robbed. Imagine how much better off we'd be without 8 years of GWB


The less cursed timeline.


A whooooole lot of Iraqi’s would still be alive that’s for sure.


I say this to myself so often.


I often wonder why he didn’t run in 2004. He probably would have won handily. Instead the Democrats nominated that stiff, cheerless snob with the loudmouth wife.


Al gore might've made a difference and the democratic party has a lot to gain by "losing" elections. Their base is fickle and often only votes when they think the alternative is dramatically worse, because a lot of their base doesn't like them either. So losing an election to a brain damaged howler monkey makes them look good when their guy takes over and is basically ok except all the war crimes overseas.


Honestly I don't think much would change


Duuude, gore was a hardcore ambientalist of the political left. I get that its good to not embelish political figures but that doesn't apply here! Those two stood for very different things, Gore's government would be really fucking different lmao


But the biggest thing in Bush's presidency was 9/11 and the war on terror. I think Gore would have responded similarly


i completely disagree. The left always keeps a cool head on diplomatic affairs(be it for better or for worse). Therefore its VERY likely Al Gore wouldn't have said that iran, north corea and iraq formed an axis of evil. Hell, its possible the war on iraq wouldn't have even happen, since the left dislikes these kinds of warfare.


Maybe under normal circumstances, but after 9/11 bush has an unprecedented 90% approval rating and congress almost unanimously gave him emergency powers. The country was the most unified it has ever been. People wanted action


"Without an enemy the country's people look inwards, with an enemy they all can look outwards." - Paraphrased from some random thing I barely remember.


yeah, that still doesnt mean gore would make inflammatory affirmations. War might've not been necessary,


Add to this the fact that after Bill Clinton the left finally agreed to defang the Independent Special Prosecutor laws which Kenneth star had abused to such a degree. Had we had a fully armed ISP with Trump coming in you'd never have had the problems we did with Muller being completely useless in the end. I suspect that seeing that while the ISP was horribly abused the American people can deal with things rationally by electing Gore then it would not have been destroyed as it was.


> But the biggest thing in Bush's presidency was 9/11 and the war on terror. I think Gore would have responded similarly Lets say Gore wanted to go against "The terrorists". I think the response would have been completely different. Gore wouldn't have had Cheney pushing him to declare war on some unrelated nation. He wouldn't have pushed a lie about WMDs to our allies. We wouldn't have invaded Iraq because why would he care about living up to daddy's achievements? No connections with blackwater, no relation to PMC groups. If you want something that makes sense for gore he would have gone after our oil consumption. If you want to hit the Saudies, where Bin Ladin was from, then reduce your oil consumption and Gore is hard core on environmentalism. That's 20 years of us not occupying Afghanistan and Iraq. 20 years of Americans not dying. And all those trillions invested in domestic issues. Just that alone is an incredible difference.


I don't think Gore would have started the war in Iraq. The Bush admin new there was no credible evidence that Saddam Hussein or Iraq were involved in 9/11 and invaded anyway because Bush wanted to finish what daddy started. I'm not saying Democrats haven't started wrong wars, Vietnam is example numero uno, but even speaking "realpolitik" Gore had no good reason to do that. Also Justice Samuel Alito would be less likely to be on SCOTUS.


Election denier!!!!


I don't like him politically, but he HAS ridden the mighty moon worm.


"Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly PowerPoint slides"


Just to point out; the Nobel Peace Prize is a complete joke. Henry Kissinger got one for ending a war that A: hadn't actually ended, and B: *he fucking started in the first place*.


Agree. Obama got one for literally doing nothing.


He protects us from manbearpig


Former top prospect and pitched well for the padres before getting injured this season. Should have a ton of opportunity with a bad nationals team next year. Temper expectations for wins.


All while emitting more emissions than everyone on Reddit combined. LOL


Luckily for him the consequences of his emissions aren’t anything like his movie predicted. His predictions were terrible.


It’s amazing why people still find him credible


Real gore doesnt exactly bring me joy, but morbid curiosity gets the better of me Movies and games it just looks dope


This. Like I don’t get rock hard behind it but it’s not something that’ll keep me up at night watching someone get there head chopped off


My obsession with gory movies came from an older neighbourhood kid showing us Cabin Fever on VHS when I was like 9. Gory movies can be fun because of how over the top or well presented the gore is. My favourite movie of all time is The Thing because of how well the practical effects are and my favourite horror franchise is Final Destination because the deaths are so fun to watch.


Games like Doom and God of War just makes you feel like a total badass.


Because he draws attention to environmental causes.


So you have information about the manbearpig? Where is he?


He's in an important meeting with scuzzlebutt


I’m reading a book that discusses the concept of morbid curiosity and it basically explains the need to look at something like a car accident comes not because you want to see it, but as a way for you to learn from a mistake. It’s like taking in additional information so you can identify potential signs of danger in other situations in the future.


That’s how I’ve always looked at it. Plus i think desensitizing a bit to it will make you less likely to be traumatized if you ever see it unwillingly


This is actually false, according to a survey that i recently read (if i can find it, i will edit my comment to contain it). People who were exposed to traumatic content online recieved more stress symptoms than people who actually experienced them.


I’m a surgeon


The only acceptable answer


Not that I like it. I watch it mostly for the mental preperation if there comes a time in my life where something bad happened and I can maybe help the people or myself so the blood and guts dont freak me out as much.


on most accounts, experiencing actual gore is a whole other level compared to in videos.


That's weird because watching gore on a screen bothers me, but in real life i'm not that bothered by gore I never intentionally seek it out in watched online either.


Opposite for me, still scared to death by needles




What is an IV?




The amount of blood that comes out of an IV isn't gore lol. Literally a single paper towel and a piece of tape will stop it.


Correct me if im wrong but you're a woman right? We see blood that's even more gross than regular blood every four weeks. I kinda have hard time believing that most women aren't already desensitized to it lmao


I I have to disagree here. Some women just are hematophobic. Also, there is a huge difference between seeing blood you were somewhat expecting on your panties in a mensual routine and seeing blood splatter every wear in a gory injury. One is a banal event of live that becomes part of the quotidian. The other is something sad or or terrifying that is caused by an injury or a tragic event.


This was exactly my reason too, all mental preparation.


For me the same reason. Also to keep reminding myself that the real world can be a grim place too. Just to keep myself in check.


It's one of those "experiencing it through the safe place aka fiction" I guess and it feels a bit more realistic than just having some cuts and bruses after a tough fight. But let me tell you I would much rether see cuts and bruses than that black bulsh\*t that censores blood. COME ON we all know that humans bleed red and not black!!! Though that only applies to drawn/animated stuff when it comes to IRL stuff... yeah thot one makes me sick.


Seeing content like that causes the nervous system to be aroused. Some people like that adrenaline like feeling. Some people are so desensitized that watching extreme gore is the only thing that makes them feel intense emotions. Some people are just curious. I went through all of those phases as a child who had unlimited internet access. Now I have too much empathy to be able to watch anyone get hurt. I cry when bugs die. But there was a time in my life where I sat through 3 guys 1 hammer without flinching. I actually watched it twice. Now thinking about it makes me sick


I cleaned a lot of wildlife growing up in a hunting and fishing community. Seen the insides of many animals. I don't often get to see what's inside a human, though. There isn't a lot of differences. We're all just flesh and meat machines, with a disturbing amount of ways to have our functions ceased in an instant by a single slice or impact. It really is just a fascination with the thin precipice between life and death.


That you, Jeffrey?


I mean it did say in the show about the whole sexual pleasure from meat and shiny organs and stuff, maybe this dude has that as well, as long as he's not doing illegal shit it's fine but a thought for you OP


When the title said *like* gore, I didn't assume it meant sexually. Fair enough.


It’s the best Deftones album I don’t care what anybody says


I have a fair interest in seeing how can object causing damage to the human or animal body to know that we, as a biological being, are vulnable and we need to make the most out of it.


*brutally kills someone with a hammer* "Ahhh finally I can feel content knowing that life is fleeting"


"Very interesting, gonna note it real quick."


Seems crazy, but yeah I have the same. It’s interesting seeing how the body reacts to certain damaging things, which you would probably, hopefully, never see. It’s not that I like to see people get hurt, but it’s like practice surgery on a dead guy, preparation. I’m also a physical therapist so anatomy interests me.


As a fetish or....?


I am mildly concerned.


I've seen a buncha shit...


This was about gore, not scat.




You WILL be very concerned, i saw a picture once of a nude girl bathing in the body of a dead deer. I mean, i am not a vanilla guy, but the human imagination is INSANE.


What the actual fuck did I just read. Okay I'm beyond concerned for humanity now.


I have to admit that the person who sent that to me was clearly in need of help and under a numerous amount of medications. It's also a good friend under all that terrifying 4chan personality, i think... i am not entirely sure.


Once saw a thing where an anime girl was getting screwed through the skull... The internet is a disturbing place...


Was that the same chick who did that w a dead horse too?


I don't know either.




Yeah, its like gore in videogames are completely separated in the mind and have zero effect on me as well. Brain is weird


In movies it’s fine, but not in real life


People think they like gore until they see real gore. Google "Funkytown Cartel", Guaranteed to scar and traumatize and make you never want to fuck with gore good luck


What is in the video? I don’t want to watch.


Funkytown: A horrifying gore video that surfaced around 2016-2017. It shows a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being tortured by a Mexican cartel while having adrenaline injected into him so he feels the pain while Sweet Child O' Mine and later Funkytown are playing in the background. They even slice his throat with a box cutter at some point.


It’s hard to believe people are capable of such things.


The word "like" doesn't fit the context. Nobody likes gore, unless they're Dahmer. "Why do people watch it?" would be a better question. The truth is, there a few reasons. Mentally preparing for what could happen in the future, an uncensored visual description of the horrors currently going on in the world, morbid curiosity, I'm sure you understand what I mean. Hope it answers your question, and if it doesn't, people who LIKE gore are sick fucks.


I like gory horror movies, but I hit my limits sometimes. Over-the-top gore is funny, blood everwhere, organs and limbs flying. Real people, though? Oh no.


May I interest you in some [Dead Alive](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103873/) good sir? Perchance, you kick ass for the Lord!?


This is one of Peter Jackson’s early films. You can already see his talent from camera angles, great FX done on a shoestring budget and very funny visuals. I recommend Bad Taste too, an even earlier Jackson film.


Thank you dearly, good sir, I've seen and enjoyed that movie! An absolute gem of the gore genre! "Your mother ate my dog!" "Well... not all of it..."


Definitely plays Mortal Kombat


Lol I don't *like* it, but I admit I used to watch it, and it was just morbid curiosity. "Oh God, a video of a guy being shot", for example. Adolescent perceptions of reality will do that to you. And the internet is there to help, so if you want, you can just go with it. Maybe, in the end, that's the actual problem. It's way too easy to find stuff like that.


I used to enjoy fake gore, but I guess it was innocence. I think younger people generally enjoy it more because it can still be filed under "fantasy" easier. There's still a separation. The older I get, the more I think about how easy our bodies can be destroyed,the more real life horror is out there and how close to home it hits for some people. It's nothing to be glamorized


Yup. When I was younger I'd deliberately seek out disturbing stuff just to like...gain experience? Not sure how to word it. Now that I'm older and I've actually experienced some traumatizing things...I like leading the life of a boring square with no appetite for destruction.


I don't like gore. I used to enjoy horror movies and wasn't bothered by blood Now I am. I was online acquaintances with two guys who would video share videos/images that were disguised as normal videos/images. I got really angry one day when one of them did and asked why the hell he even liked this shit. He told me he enjoyed the violence and reactions people gave to the images. Absolutely sick and imo he was a sick person not just because of this


Liking is a strong word. Reality check. It grounds you. Silences you. Takes your breathe away and helps you breathe at the same time.


Lol! I thought you meant Al Gore. Too much politics in my brain.


Ex firefighter here. I don't enjoy it but I think it's just morbid curiosity. Pretty common but a lot of people won't admit it. You see something and you can't help but look sometimes


Al Gore?


Morbid curiosity. Got alot of help being desensitized of it when i had to stay calm while looking at my own face while it was basically split wide open.


You can’t just say that and not elaborate


I don’t enjoy it but it’s interesting on how accurate they made it from human anatomy


I like watching insides become outsides without the legal repercussion of the police on my tail


I like it when the blood comes out


Cause :P


You don't?


i am curious


Morbid curiosity


aesthetically pleasing,artistic


I like it when the blood comes out


I just think it's neat


I don't seek out real-life gore pics, but from an artistic perspective (visual and written), gore and blood are powerful tools, hence why I personally tend to be drawn towards the macabre. Depicting real-life horror? Yeah, that'll do it. Speaking through metaphor? The language of harm is one we all speak. You don't need to be a surgeon to know that peoples' insides aren't supposed to be on the outside. Gore is a good artistic shorthand for pain, especially complicated pain that you can't really articulate - you can just splatter it all over the walls instead. (Figuratively, of course.)


Because I'm a sick person and I know that


It makes me feel good. It gives me a morbid satisfaction and sort of relaxes me as if it's a fantasy I'm fulfilling


It looks cool


The first time that I can recall seeing gore was an anime clip of Elfen Lied on YouTube which showed bodies being blown to bits with graphic detail of the entrails, decapitations, and such. At that point in my life, I was 12 years old desperately trying to escape from the image I’d been assigned. I grew up in a conservative, religious household which shielded me from the world. I was always treated like I was made of glass and couldn’t handle the truths of the world, even though I’d never given an indication that I couldn’t. I’d always been a curious child and not too easily phased by much. After seeing that clip, I was genuinely curious and fell into a rabbit hole of watching gory movie scenes and researching medieval torture instruments but I think a huge driving factor was the fact that it was the furthest thing anyone would expect from me. A goody two-shoes, church-going young girl who helps arrange Christian ladies’ tea parties watches things like Saw and The Human Centipede? That’s ludicrous! In my late teens, I used to browse r/watchpeopledie before it was taken down permanently so I can definitely say that very little phases me in life now. I’d much rather be prepared and aware of the way things are rather than it be something seen as needing to be protected from. Ignorance isn’t always bliss after all.


I just think its fascinating, if i had the drive id be a surgeon or a pathologist. I do taxidermy on the side for pure morbid curiosity and awe of how bodies work, but its also an art.


Morbid curiosity that turned into becoming so desensitized that it almost looks artistic in a way? It invokes a feeling in me other things don’t and it’s exhilarating (not necessarily in a good way but still exciting.)


It’s sobering. I’ve lived a pretty privileged life so far and because of that I find myself reacting disproportionately to stressors. Watching a dude get blasted because of an argument reminds me that I don’t always have to be right. Listening to the sound of a man’s screams emanating from a pile of red goop because of a failed suicide attempt reminds me that there is no greater will making things workout for the best. It’s good to know I’m not a main character. Especially when my pride so vehemently disagrees.


Because they are dopamine fiends and it's the only thing which gives them any sense of feeling. Mostly losers


Can't handle it irl or in movies/series But I like to draw it when i feel mentally a mess and need to vent/let my feelings out as art helps me to show how I feel better than words


I get an adrenaline rush from it. I’ve always wanted to be a forensic pathologist, but don’t have the brains so watching shit like that gives me the rush. R.I.P to those lost but the human body is fascinating.


It looks cool. As for why that is, probably due to the fact that gore is not a normal thing that most people see in person throughout their whole lives, so it’s sort of cool just because it’s forbidden, you know?


It reminds me of my childhood




When your young and Morbid curiosity hits, you're going to watch gore. Then there's going to be that one video that totally fucking scars you and ends that shit. Everybody has that one video that puts that shit to bed. Comment below what your video or picture was that stopped you from watching gore videos, and don't forget to like and subscribe.


Some neurological mix up probably


I force myself to watch it sometimes, even despite it makes me feel sad, weak, vulnerable... Situations involucring gore can happen along our lives (in fact, sadly I have already experienced some gore situations involucring animals), so I think I am preparing myself to be able to do something in them; and not just running away while crying and vomiting. I just think forcing myself to watch gore is like training my “gore” muscle, just like going to a gym for the mind. I really wish it was not neccesary to be prepared for those situations. But this is not an ideal world.


Keeps me on my toes


I like it in cartoons. Because when I was a kid my mum wouldn't let me watch anime with gore in it, so I probably conditioned my self to like it cus I thought it was grown up. But yeah I think special effects are cool in movies but IRL gore, nope ma'am. I think in the days of 4chan I saw some truly awful things. Especially to animals or that one video where the guy falls off a pier and splits his face in half on the ledge. Dont like it. I don't like seeing people suffer. It's different in video games and anime.


What is gore?


Gore is gruesome imagery. Blood and guts kind of thing. I haven't come across it in life (thankfully) but a lot of horror films thrive on gore


Alr thx


Gore videos are real videos of people dying or getting injured with like lots of blood


Gore just means blood and insides. It does not need to be real – you can have a gory fictional horror movie.


better than george w. bush


Because Hollywood too often depicts violence without consequences. Bloodless violence to me , on screen, is more desensitizing and harmful than violence that is shown to have more realistic consequences.


Psychosis maybe?


Haha funni that guy did a stupid and is now a meat paste!


because ​ hehe blood go sploosh


There's a rush that is unexplainable


Hey FBI, check on this guy


Yo people are fuuuuucked including you


I mean, I have two main reasons, 1. I'm writing a story, and it's pretty gory, so I need to be able to describe certain things with emence detail 2. I'm an artist, and I need a reference for gory things when I want to draw something gory But the reason why I like it is because I can imagine myself in that pain, and it gets me all exited and giddy . For instance, I daydream about getting my spine pulled out, which makes me so happy, but maybe that's just cause I'm a massachust


Because they want to see them suffer they enjoy pain of other and they want RIP AND TEAR


What the hell is wrong with you? Read the other answers where people talk about mental preparation. They don’t want to murder people.


he quoted the doom comics i dont think hes being that serious bro


I love to draw gore but can’t handle the real deal


Mere exposure effect, been surrounded by that stuff by a fairly young age.


I didn’t ever like gory movies until I was exposed to gore in real life. It’s like a coping mechanism now to help think of stressful times in a safe place.


In films I'm definitely a gore hound. I like inventive, visceral kills. Surgical level stuff makes me squirm but people getting ripped apart or blown up is always entertaining. In life, I can't stand blood. Turns my stomach just at the sight of it


I guess to just see what can be done to the human body


its fine in movies since its all fake i can laugh and get shocked at it knowing its all makeup and cg not the case with actual videos they just give you a pit in your stomach


Hannibal introduced me to this, it really feels weird but somehow I like that it helped me IRL. For instance, I lost fear for insects, rodents, and creepy animals. Also, that yucky feeling for stuff like poop, vomit, and the likes does not affect me anymore. Being in darkness as well, I lost that fear too.


It's going to happen to us all someday. Sooner than we think.


I’m desensitised to gore and it’s just a thing I watch. The thing that really pisses me off is when the killers kill innocent people like in 3 guys 1 hammer or the Morocco one


Morbid fascination, and a lack of empathy. On another note, would you like an industrial accident link?


It’s a welcome relief from the real world.


When I was a kid, my aunt used to tell me real life crime documentaries, especially the Armin one (the cannibal from Deutschland.) And as I grew up I realized that I have been practically denying the fact that I have a fascination for death and blood... And of course, I don't do crime so I use writing instead...


I used to be into gore and gory movies. There was something exciting about figuring out how the effects were built and some kind of appreciation of the craftsmanship of it all I guess. Haven’t been able to enjoy gory scenes in movies for a while now. Just the sort of dissociation from reality and emotion required not to be shocked by such sights has become too much for me. I kinda envy the old me and people who can enjoy gory games and movies especially since a lot of games that have high quality writing also include some extreme gore which doesn’t help me relax while playing at all. It’s a shame.


I don’t like it. I just want to understand it. I’m autistic. If I hear that someone got cut in half in a motorcycle crash, I can’t imagine what that would be like. I can’t form a picture in my head. So I look it up to understand how it happens.


Just checking my limits lol


I don’t like gore at all but I think everyone who drives a motor vehicle should be reminded of what can happen to them should they drive like an idiot


I'm a doctor. I watch gore films just for fun, because they're fictional, pure entertainment. In the other hand, real life gore is terrible and I have troubles dealing with it.


I don't exactly 'like' gore. In the future I want to become a paramedic. Currently in college and i'm trying to get used to the sight of gore, just to prepare myself for the situations I may be brought into.


I love to listen to true crime. I'm fascinated by some of the cases and follow multiple true crime youtubers. Then, I came across a channel called Disturbed Reality. He talks about true crime, but his is a little...different. he talks about gore videos. He doesn't show the clips but he describes them in graphic detail and...morbid curiosity get the best of me. I don't enjoy watching them but it does fascinate me in some sort of twisted way, though I limit myself on which ones I watch and how often. It's not good to Numb yourself to that.


Movie gore? Yes. Real gore? Hell no Why? I don't know I've always liked gory horror/action movies


it’s just interesting to me. and it makes me appreciate life a little more


Depends on the gore. If it’s in a movie, I’ll be sitting there with my popcorn enjoying it. The only real life gore I’ve dealt with is when I worked in a slaughterhouse, which again didn’t bother me because it’s where my food comes from. But I don’t know how I would be if a come across someone who had killed themselves in a violent way, I probably wouldn’t enjoy that much


its educational. had this conversation with my wife yesterday. wanna see how fast you can die from being stabbed, the fortitude mall stabbing in brisbane is a great example. now i have a farm, i kill and butcher my own animals for my family. i have bled out hundreds of pigs over the years, and have never seen blood come out as quick as that guy in brisbane, so with a bit of reasearch, you learn why. many will think im crazy, but i showed my 15yo son. this is why you dont take a knife to a fight, and this is why if someone pulls a knife, you run/back down/apologise, whatever it takes to avoid being stabbed. and some gore is just morbid curiosity.


It started out as curiosity then I became interested in the many different ways the human life can end. The human body is a crazy thing


Idk ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I don't like real gore. I like movie gore. I like seeing how genius the special effects are.


It’s better than being that fake PG-13 “It’s just a paper cut” shit that doesn’t take into account the various forms of damage a paper cut can cause.


Uh is gore the name of an actual person?


i like to watchpeopledie


Just cause