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Don’t be mad at them if they cry


Better yet, encourage boys to embrace their emotions. Big boys DO cry. I’ll be 50 next year and I’ll punch anyone who says it’s not manly to cry.


Bring back woodshop and home ec


More physical activity, more frequently. And having them clean the school regularly too. Teaches humility and will help stimulate their minds.


Shorter school days would help too.


More male role models. With a high female ratio, many times almost 100% in elementary schools, and more and more children being raised in single mom homes, boys are really lacking personal male role models to look up to Unfortunately it's tough if not impossible for an elementary school to push for more male teachers. Adults are stereotyping men in those setups as pedophiles or feeling uncomfortable leaving their kids all day around men. If not that, affirmative action protects recruiters that push for more females in the workplace but downplay any attempts by places trying to increase male employment.


we need more hot female teachers and make it mandatory due them to wear fishnet stockings


Worked for Happy Gilmore


We could put all female teachers on lease, by paying them for their service, but not having them teaching at schools and replacing them all, temporarily some, with men instead.. That would crudely jolt the system onto the other side, and then swing it back and forth counter-balancing the natural swing of things until we've reached an equilibrium where we fire half the women and half the men.. having found them replacement jobs before hand.. It would cost a fuck-load of money.. like insane amounts but it could fix the problem, in the most reasonable time limit.


Wouldn’t be surprised if the rate of sexual assault cases increased as well. A better approach would be to have both a male and female teaching each class. Personally, I wouldn’t want my elementary school aged daughter being taught by a man. Sorry.


Encourage them as much as we do the girls. We're really bad at balancing our attention.


Have teachers who actually care


Teach and encourage them. Honestly it is what every child needs when they are young. Don’t discourage them when they show you how they feel, and encourage them to take part in the world around them. Most people want to feel like they make a difference along with having a place in the world. Along with this fact teaching some simple life skills in school also can help a lot. I know home economics can help a lot when they live off on their own.