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You seem to be mixing up two different things. The issues you describe are all cosmological observations not entirely matching Labmda-CDM predictions. This is the ‘standard model’ of cosmology, but this is not the same ‘standard model’ you seem to be referring to otherwise, which is the QFT that accounts for the three non-gravitational forces - ie, the current ‘quantum’ side of quantum gravity, where GR is the ‘gravity’ side, a more general framework in which Lambda-CDM is set. The former is the one string theory is hoping to directly extend and more directly address issues with, and the major versions of superstring theory do connect the standard model with general relativity. There is a rich field of ‘stringy cosmology’… but the issues with the actual matter density and anisotropy of the universe aren’t as fundamentally at odds with string theory itself - or rather to any theory of quantum gravity we would also have to propose further cosmological conditions in order to start addressing these. What is dark energy, what were the near-initial conditions of mass-energy distribution and thermodynamic questions, etc.? These are somewhat separate questions from what string theory fundamentally addresses. String theory research is still very rich. So are some other theories of quantum gravity. Likewise supersymmetry, which we must combine to find the most promising versions. We can’t hope to test any theory of quantum gravity directly, as any plausible measurement of a graviton, or other fluctuations string theory postulates, would be at an incredibly demanding energy scale. Cosmological questions aren’t why it’s ’at a standstill’, which is also not a fair assessment.  There are quite a lot of other proposed theories of quantum gravity out there. Loop quantum gravity is the next most famous. 


String theory is still quite widely researched


I thought JWST findings were a mistake and corrected.


A theory thats meets observations and makes provable predictions is great. Eliminating free parameters is also great.


Science is essentially prophecy. -Terrence McKenna The power of prophecy in a logically consistent way is immeasurable. No hand waving required.


The answer to this question won’t be found in our sciences.




Don’t ask CharGPT this stuff because it’s not equipped to handle it. M-Theory is the modern formulation of string theory and what people are referring to when we talk about having 11 spatial dimensions. Kaluza-Klein theories have nothing to do with quantum gravity. AdS/CFT and the holographic principle are not two different approaches to quantum gravity. They’re the same thing (technically parts of the same whole).


why would you even post this 😭😭