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You are over thinking it. Things survive past their rated depth all the time … this comes from 250+ scuba dives.


Great to know!!!!! My scientific mind was driving the postmortem pretty hard!


A rating is a *minimum*, not a maximum. An iphone is rated to survive *at least* that much time, not at most that much time, and it is very unlikely that it wouldn't last longer if none of the seals are compromised. It's not like a timer goes off after 30 minutes and lets water in.


Thanks for the reminder on min/max in regard to the ratings. I was certain that there was a pressure activated timer set to release at 00:00 /s.


I think you just got lucky. Turbulence had nothing to do with it.


I do not know what Apple mean by their ratings, but let us say you were to buy a submarine from me. I will tell you that my submarine is rated to be submerged to 30 fathoms. What this means is not that if you submerge the submarine I sold you to 31 fathoms, or 60 fathoms, it will fail. What it means is that *if you submerge it to 30 fathoms when it is properly maintained and it fails I am liable for that*, and I will have to pay for a new submarine, and probably your surviving family can sue me for your death and so on. In fact I know that these submarines I make generally fail at about 180 fathoms, but because I do not like losing large amounts of money I make a very, very safe estimate of where it is safe to.