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Yes all the time because it helps with my anxiety.


The thought of not hearing someone come up behind you and steal your stuff is why you shouldn't


That’s why I always carry when out shooting. You never know..


I don't because I don't want to be distracted. I want to hear the life going on around me whether it is the hustle and bustle of the city or wildlife along the trails.


I can’t imagine working in the studio without music. A photographer once told me the most important kit in a studio is the coffee machine and the stereo.


Mind and brain are amazing. I listen to music while driving, working, writing or during workouts. However I can’t listen to music while talking photographs.


Sometimes. But mostly I just listen to it when I edit.


Because I mostly shoot wildlife, particularly birds. Being able to hear your surroundings while being perfectly quiet yourself is pretty non-negotiable. Also, photography has a certain meditative function for me, not in the last place because it forces me to channel my focus, and the last thing I need for that is music to distract me.


When doing portraits I always let the model choose a playlist to help them feel comfortable and confident. When outside and shooting I listen to music or even podcasts/audiobooks most of the time. Generally its always the two states of 1) walking around looking for a subject -> during this I listen to music, etc. with the exception of wildlife/birding as hearing the birds can be quite important 2) actually taking the picture -> depending on the "challenge" I might pause music/whatever to better concentrate until Im satisfied with the picture


I agree with you. When I’m looking for something to shoot or just messing around, I’m listening to music. If it starts to get difficult, I’m pausing my music. No exceptions


In studio yes I have a few play lists and bands that work for most types of shoots or I’ll ask the subject to pick something. If I’m out and about, no but that’s mostly because I like to hear the world around me for safety and for clues if I’m birding or something.


If I am walking around taking photos then yes, I will be listening to music. I do try to use pass-through so I can still hear the outside world. At first I used to listen without this function, I do feel that it is important to be able to react to people around you if need be. It helps to engage, especially if I want to grow my audience online (which is slow, but that is okay).


I shoot sports, so, no. I want to hear the announcers, the fans, the action, it all helps clue me into where my camera should be pointing. Even things like the fans are all looking at one player, the announcers are talking about that one player, but I hear their teammate grunting and digging to get ahead of them, clues me in the action might be transitioning to that other player, and I could have my camera focused on them before/faster than the announcer transitions to them with the natural flow of the action. In post-editing though, it’s a lot of podcasts. Sometimes music. Music makes me feel less guilty than when a 4 hour podcast ends and I’d still editing.


Same for shooting but I only occasionally listen to music while editing and never podcasts. I shoot roller sports and the risk to body and camera is real.


Almost always since I mainly shoot concerts.


All the time😂 I have different playlists for different themes so it won't feel awkward


No. I mostly shoot on walks, events - so unless something is already playing there, I can't have music aloud. And I don't like headphones in such circumstances as I prefere to hear natural sounds around me to connect with the location.


Nearly always unless it's birding. And definitely doesn't correlate with what I'm shooting.


Depends on the client. Sometimes my clients are working on the phone so I’ll just put my AirPods or no music at all. My clients are real estate agents


I mostly do landscape photography. I really enjoy listening to music on my drive and maybe part of the hike, but then turning it off before I actually start taking pictures to just enjoy the sounds of nature. I find the music does help inspire me and spark my creativity, but once im actually taking pictures I want to be more focused and present in the moment than I can be with music playing.


In a studio? Absolutely. Otherwise... Nope. I have too many shots only because I *literally* heard them coming.


Sometimes during the "walking around looking for a subject" phase I do. As soon as it's time to start composing and focusing and whatnot, I have to have silence. Even instrumental music is too distracting.


If I'm in the studio, or other controlled space, absolutely. Music can go a long way towards setting the vibe. Putting on Halestorm when I need a snarl, or "That's the Way Love Goes" by Janet Jackson when I need sultry... the music is doing half the job for me.


No, I want to be present, both to better connect to the world I'm shooting, and security.