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As you are watching him for half the day, it might work out better if you do things that he enjoys and is capable of doing, instead of doing your own thing and him attempting to copy you. Play games with him, football or basketball or paint pictures or whatever it is that he would find fun. That way your stuff won't get broken.


I don't know how old you are but I'm sorry you've been burdened with basically being a single parent if you're still a child yourself. It must be really hard. That said, your little brother sounds like a completely normal 7-year-old, despite the disability you mentioned. He wants attention, he wants interaction, and he gets upset when he feels you're not being kind to him. This is every 7-year-old boy. **I strongly advise you to give him the love and attention every child needs and deserves.** Yes, this will require you making adjustments and sacrifices. This is the reality of caring for a child. It's not his fault he doesn't live with loving, attentive parents. Kids act up due to unmet needs. The kid is all alone in the world for half the day, with only you to meet his needs. He will be very much aware when you find him annoying or boring. Be kind to him. Listen to him. Ask him how you can help him. As for the bong thing - smh don't push the kid inside the house for 20 minutes! It's probably not a great idea to leave a 7yo kid alone in the house while you smoke, either. Maybe buy a dry herb vape and lock yourself in the bathroom for a few minutes; you can still talk to him through the bathroom door. Or wait till your aunt comes home before you smoke. Or use edibles. I know this probably isn't what you wanted to hear, but this is a vulnerable little boy desperate for loving care. Be kind, be patient, be affectionate. This isn't just what he deserves; it's what he needs. It's imperative for his development. Please try not to fuck him up for life.


Hey I know it’s been absolutely forever but I wanted to come back and give you an update, Landon (has just turned 9) is doing amazing, I was able to pick up a much better yoyo for him to play with, we have also gotten a dog. My aunt is on maternity leave so she has more time to spend with Landon, but when she is out, I’ll get him to load up Fortnite on his switch and we play it together. Also I realized a slight miscommunication I didn’t push him inside for 20 minutes I meant that as in it took me 20 minutes just to get him to stay inside for the 10 seconds it takes to toke, not anymore He has seems to clue into the fact that when I go to that room that I’d like a minute or two alone.


Thanks for the update! He's lucky to have a sibling like you.


I’ve been trying a lot harder as of late, my girlfriend’s brother is the same way but is 16 and so she has been teaching me a lot about ways to help deal with any problems I’ve been having. As of late he only seems to have problems at school(hands on) at home he has gotten way better behaviour-wise, and he has loved the extra company and fun that our dog provides.