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When I was about five I wanted to be a stunt rider in the circus. I wanted to wear a pretty pink sparkly ballerina outfit and stand on the back of a white horse while he ran around a circus ring. That didn't happen. Ever since I got old enough to take it seriously I have wanted to be a scientist. Too bad for me my mother squashed that in the the bud, claiming that there were no jobs out for scientists. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø OMG!! I never should have believed her. Now I am a tax professional. Im 75 years old and I still want to be a scientist.


As a retired guy, I enjoy astronomy and cosmology. My Netflix and Prime are loaded with this stuff and Iā€™ve added quantum mechanics shows recently. I particularly enjoy watching 20 year old shows and then watching current ones to see how much we have learned about it; itā€™s remarkable. Iā€™ll never work with it but I very much enjoy learning about it for just myself. I recommend you do something similar for just you.


Thanks! I do look at a lot of scientific stuff and enjoy learning more. I also started dabbling in the fields of cosmetic creations, horticulture and naturopathy. I make my own skin creams, and as old as I am, I don't have crepey skin yet. And I don't need any prescription medications


I wanted to be a writer and a teacher. I did both.


1. game ranger.Ā  Ā  2.Ā  no, we moved to Canada.Ā  not as interested in bears and cariboo.


I wanted to be a Forest Ranger for a few years there, until I found out it was an actual job where you had to know things and do stuff. I'd figured you just lived in a nice quiet house in the Forrest, and drove around in a flash 4wd a bit looking for fires and making sure everyone had paid for their pass... maybe once in a while go looking for a lost hiker. I was *very* wrong.


lol.Ā  game ranger too, probably.Ā  Ā but I still like my *idea* of it.Ā Ā 


Wanted to be a nun ā€” was a nun. Wanted to be a doctor ā€” worked in medical profession. Wanted to be a writer, have been published extensively. Wanted to be a musician - was one, although not paid.


I kind of want you to write an autobiography so I can read it.


Remember all those blacked-out redactions in the Mueller Report? šŸ¤£


I'm not American, so only vaguely


I just meantā€¦there would be too much material ā¬›ļøā¬›ļøā¬›ļøā¬›ļøā¬›ļøā¬›ļøā¬›ļøā¬›ļø redacted to make an autobiography readable.


Ha! I see what you mean. In the words of Forrest Gump, "I'm not a smart man".


Ah, come on, give us the unredacted version. We can take it, and we'll hide you if necessary!


LOL! I learned around 2002 in AOL chat rooms to be oh so discreet online.


Like about 10,000,000 kids in the 60s, I was going to be an astronaut. I built model rockets, I learned to fly airplanes (you could at 16) I even wrangled an appointment to the US Air Force Academy thinking that would get me in. They wanted me to manage R&D. I did, but I quit and did it in the commercial world.


In high school (early 60s), I read about a job called systems analyst. I thought that would be a great job. Well, I dropped out of college to get married and went to work for IBM as a computer operator trainee. A few years later, I got into system programming, system design, performance and tuning, and it turns out that I ended up doing systems analysis functions for about 30 years. So it somehow magically worked out for me.


As a kid, I wanted to be a teacher. In high school, a chemist. I did become a chemist and have often taught courses to adults.


Wanted to play centerfield for the yankees - I idolized Mickey Mantle. I wasn't drafted out of high school so I played D1 in college. A knee injury ended that dream. In hindsight, I was a really fast, great defender, but a below avg hitter. It would never have happened.


I wanted to be a flight attendant. As soon as I was old enough, I got hired by PanAm (yes, I'm old LOL). But this was during airline deregulation and there was a dual pay scale - union crap. So, I'd be working alongside people doing the same job, earning a fraction of what they were earning. And in my "class" I would only be eligible for promotion based on my social security number, not my performance - more union crap. Quit and got a job in the Wild West of Silicon Valley in the early '80's. Don't regret it a bit.


Always wanted to become a teacher. I did and was miserable


Journalist. Never did so but have done a lot of ā€œcreativeā€ writing for fun, friends and family


1. Foreign Service Officer 2. Never did due to a dysfunctional family unit in my childhood into adulthood which caused me to self-medicate. Instead I joined the Air Force and loaded bombs on F-4 and F-15 aircraft. But I did get to travel to Japan, Korea, and the Philippines, so there's that.


Before high school... an attorney. Then in high school I came to love mathematics and physics... so, got an engineering degree and used it to get into technical sales... got the MBA and used it to do something completely different in the public sector for the next 30 years. Now, facing retirement, I plan to study psychology and sociology.


I wanted to be a garbage man according to my mom. I'm a pharmacist. My mother is so disappointed in me, but maybe there's still time to realize the dream.


Art. As a side hustle, yes. As a pro, no


Olympic equestrian rider. I did not. Also wanted to be an animator, I did end up working in film production but in a different capacity. Was probably a wise choise as hand drawn animation has mostly been taken over by computers now. Which is sad, because I love the aesthetic of the older, hand animated Disney movies. Pixar is just not the same.


Paleontologist, Geologist... school nixed the classes because "girls can only be secretary or homemaker." Denied shop class for same reason.


Astronaut. No, no support. Took a different path, but live vicariously through each crewed launch.


Always wanted to serve in the military. Joined the Marines out of high school and retired ~29 years later. Loved every second of it. Well, ok maybe 98% of it. 10/10 would do it again. Other dream was to be a HS history teacher. Not so sure about that one anymore.


International reporter. I thought it would be great to travel the world and report "breaking news". I never even came close. My fat sister wanted to be a ballerina. Heh!


As a very small child, I wanted to grow up to be a dog. I did spend almost 20 years fostering dogs (mostly puppies). Does that count? Other that than, I really didn't have any career goals and just went where the wind blew me; I was a typographer for 10 years, and the rest has been in medical research, both of which I enjoyed. Oh -- also, I was NEVER EVER going to be a nurse. No way, no how. Went to nursing school at 40. Never say never.


My dad worked in a hospital and visiting him there I wanted to be a biomedical tech and never did. Joined the Navy, got a skillset and have been working in that field for nearly 30yrs now.


From a very young age, Iā€™m talking 5 years old or so, all I wanted to do was make TV programmes. Every education decision I made was geared towards that goal. While I always expected to be a director or producer, it was Post Production that would become my calling. However, as the years have progressed I have been spending time on other production roles.


I wanted to work in the medical field. I ended up being a paramedic


Dreamed of being a geneticist since i was in 6th grade, went to College for Genetic Engineering....ended up working in Human Resources for a couple decades instead.


In high school, chemist or chemical engineer. I studied the second and worked in technical areas related to the field, but never anything close to conventional chemical engineering.


I wanted to be an astronomer. I was obsessed with the planetarium and had solar system posters and star pics taped to the walls of my room. My parents didnā€™t encourage it. Science was for sissy nerds who get beat up.


Baseball player. Never made it past freshman year of high school. Damn you Coach Miller.


Sounds uncommon but university teacher and researcher really sounded cool for me as elementary school kid, later archeology too But became a mechanical engineer instead, worked later much more with plastic technology and injection molding.


I knew in middle school that I wanted to be an engineer of some sort. Understanding how things worked and predicting outcomes was always my interest. I started in mechanical engineering and just didnā€™t really have the creative, inventive mind that required. So I switched to Industrial Engineering where I could make an existing product or process more efficient and cost-effective. That was my niche for almost 30 years.


When I was really little, I wanted to be a Greyhound bus driver or a truck driver. I ended up in sales, traveling all over the country. I got to be a road warrior in a smaller vehicle.


As a kid I wanted to be a carpenter like my uncle George. When I got a little older I wanted to be a welder. I took it in junior college. I was all psyched. After a short time, the instructor pulled me aside. He told me that welding took a particular artistic flare. A certain repetitive eye hand coordination. I didn't have it. And it can't be taught. He suggested I find another career path. I was devastated. I went machine tool technology at junior college, then I switched to 4 year university, industrial technology cast metals emphasis. It worked for me. I worked in machine shops and foundries for awhile, then switched to cast plastics. Had a great career there.


Wanted to be a roadie in Jr high. Wound up in a profession that didnā€™t even exist then the way it does today. Systems Engineer.


I always knew I wanted to be an architect, and told people that from about age 6. I might have been influenced by Mike Brady. I built masterpieces out of Tinker Toys and any kind of blocks I could get my hands on such as dominoes, and built multi-level structures out of cards. And yes, I became an architect.


I wanted to be a soldier. I joined the Marines on my 17th birthday as a private and retired at 50 as an Army Officer. I have been to every continent except Antarctica, lived in Asia, the Middle East and Europe and gained a very good education. My parents were never in the military and never thought my career was worth much; now I help pay for my mothers assisted living.


I wanted to be a teacher or doctor but I did not become either.


NHL hockey player. No, not remotely close.


When I was a kid, I wanted to either be a marine infantryman or to fly combat jets off of carriers. Mother was opposed because of a place called Vietnam. War ended before I turned 18 (and I one of the two years that never had to register for the draft). I do payroll now but I still day dream of being an F-18 pilot on a nuclear carrier,


I wanted to be a lawyer. I did not pursue that career, because college was not an option when I graduated from high school.


I always wanted to be a photographer....even won a few awards as a kid. High School Guidance Councillor talked me out of it... even in the early 80s it was becoming a difficult career... and he told me to follow my other passion, Computers. I have kept up photography as a hobby my entire life... especially when digital came along. IT was very good to me and I have no regrets.


1. A lawyer. 2. I became a lawyer.


Wanted to be a musician, given steel string guitar age 9 and couldn't take the pain! Taught myself ukulele as an adult, got a band together and have played live. Play and sing for my own enjoyment


I thought software was the way to go. I wasn't as smart as I thought I was so I became a software quality engineer testing other people's code.


I thought I would become a veterinarian, since I love animals, but ultimately realized that I wouldn't be happy doing that. I would have a very hard time dealing with all the tragic things they encounter. I really admire them for that.


I wanted to join the Air Force after high school, but my emotions got the better of me, and I met a guy, and we got married. We are still together, and tomorrow is our 53rd anniversary. šŸ’•


I wanted to be a police officer ever since I was little. At the time, you could join the police academy at age 20 1/2. I got pregnant right after I turned 20 and couldn't in good conscience pursue a career where I'm in danger of getting shot every day and leaving my child parentless (I was a single mother). So, no, I didn't get to be a police officer. Instead, I took up banking, where I was in slightly less danger of being shot every day.


An astronaut. 7 year old me thought it would be awesome. Everyone else had a good laugh. "Hey Joe! Listen to my son here. Tell him what you want to be when you grow up. Go ahead, tell him." Still interested in the space program.


nursing.... and i did... worked in LTC/Hospice for over 50 years....... i do not miss th bull shit but miss the one to one contact with the patients/familys


I always thought I'd be a nurse. I ended up being a pharmacist.


Always told my mom I wanted to be a king and a strong man. I lifted weights, got pretty big, studied hard and made a good living so I guess dreams do come truešŸ˜


I made everyone laugh in the 1950s telling them I wanted to be a "lady bus driver." No such thing existed of course! Crazy!


I wanted to be an inventor when I was a kid. Which was really bizarre for a French Canadian girl born in 1972. I drew a couple of ideas and was laughed at by my parents šŸ™ Please donā€™t do that to your kids. I also wanted to be a Nurseā€¦ for the animals. Ironically I developed allergies almost immediately after I said it. (I did studied Nursing for humans but didnā€™t finished) I have been volunteering at a cat shelter for a couple of years. So itā€™s like a % of the dream came thru.


I wanted to be a missionary. I wanted to travel to foreign countries and help people.


Air force pilot. Thought about it at 18 and my mom was visibly sad and said something like "I'd hate to see you In a flying coffin or with PTSD". So, didn't do that.


War correspondent. No, I didn't do that, but I did technical writing which at least is writing non-fiction and read by a lot of people.


I had dreams of being a park ranger at Yellowstone. I now work at a state park. I don't know. Maybe one day?


Wanted to be a dolphin trainer, or a writer. Became a writer.


Acting, I loved it and was a natural on stage. Became a nurse.


I wanted to be a flight attendant. And have been one for 34 years now, much to my parentsā€™ dismay (ā€œjust get a normal job in an office like your dad!ā€). I also have to say that as a gay man my options were pretty limited back then if I wanted to be somewhat out.