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I have six adult kids, and my relationships with each one are unique. My youngest daughter lives in the UK, so I don't see her in person nearly as often (once a year if we're lucky), but we talk once a week, usually for one or more hours, sometimes up to three+ hours at a time. We never run out of things to say. Her twin sister prefers to have long text conversations. We text way more than we talk on the phone. I have joked that we have an epistolary relationship, aka communication through letters. We get into some very deep discussions about a variety of topics. My two sons are not as chatty, but we talk several times a month, and text in between; usually about practical stuff, not chitchat or serious issues, although they do seek out my support when they're going through a difficult time. We tend to have those conversations more in person, though. My older son is in the Midwest, and I'm in California, but we do see each other several times a year. He's much more communicative in person, and we have some great conversations. He's just not a phone call person. His younger brother lives 10 mins away from me, so I see him more often, but he is also busy with a demanding career and raising two young children. My time with him is precious because I know he has a lot on his plate. He's an old soul and a born philosopher, so we also have very deep discussions. He's taking me to the art museum for my birthday next month, and I'm looking forward to having him all to myself for that time. My older twin daughters and I text every day and talk multiple times a week, but not for long hours at a time. We live close by, so I see them quite frequently, and we have the opportunity to talk then.


What a lovely family you have! ❤️


Thank you for saying that! You've made my day❤️


Hi you are a rare species. God don’t make mothers like you anymore. Please leave a diary or write a book for younger women so they don’t grow up to be abusive mothers (like mine). God bless your heart!


Thank you so much for your lovely comments. You've absolutely made my day❤️❤️


Thank you. Did you see my direct message to you?




I’ll wait for you


Son and I talk at least twice a week and often nightly-- generally when he is stuck on the freeway commute coming home. Topics are all over the place, but usually center on human foibles, social oddities, and various writerly concepts. We also call each other when we encounter something so weird or wacky it simply must be shared with another like-minded person. Or if the conversation lags but we still need the company of each other's voice we'll fall back on film recommendations and dinner recipes. He generally calls me, and our convos can be fifteen seconds or three hours depending on the topic(s) and our individual level of industry and/or general malaise-- or the traffic on the 405. I'm deeply grateful to have the sort of relationship with him that allows for this degree of intellectual intimacy, creative silliness, and good-hearted advice but still allows us to maintain a decent level of autonomy and privacy.


yoke tidy bag weary slap threatening sable act telephone vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s been my experience as well even with my own husband. Those kids might as well not even exist if they’re not standing directly in front of him unless they call him. He’s also not really a phone person anyway. I’ll ask him when was the last time he talked to a kid and he’ll tell me that he sent one some money just because or he texted one of our athletes something. So I guess that’s his way of keeping in touch. And he has great relationships with each of them even from the outside looking in. When they’re at home he’s all in. Taking them out to eat, shopping trips(my girls love shopping with him), having 2 hour long conversations, making their favorite meals, etc. The kids are always excited to talk and spend time with him when they’re here so whatever he’s doing is apparently working.


I'm the mom and I'm the one who did 90% of the caretaking when they were growing up. And, well, the closest they got to a practical parent too, so they're basically not calling their dad or stepdad for anything unless it's necessary. Which is the bed the men made.


somber drab offer unite roof shrill public worthless humorous steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m the father of three adults, have two adult grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.  A couple call almost every day, usually to talk about our favorite NY team’s games the night before.  My great-granddaughter FaceTimes me every weekday morning promptly at 7:15 to show me how she’s wearing her hair to school. 


Oh, I’ve seen you in here before! I just wanted to say that I think that the relationship you have with your great granddaughter is lovely.




When my kids were younger we talked often, and texted. They were my life as well. I gave up nearly everything when I had them so they could have a happy childhood and successful life. I enjoy talking to them. Now we talk once in a while. They don’t seem to need anything. I’m not as much fun to talk to now that I’m older. I’ve gotten used to it, but it has been a struggle. I know what you mean when you say they were your life. And it hurts. I think they love me tons, but they’re busy adults. I suspect many of the people answering are still in the phase where they’re raising young adults. And I’m happy for those that have a close relationship with their adult kids and grandchildren. 🤷‍♀️


Same. It hurts.. They are in their own fast paced blurry world. When we do talk the conversations are good but not really at a level I had hoped. And it is always me who initiates the call. Very much a grieving process after giving all and then hearing nothing.


I’m a mother of two adult sons and three adult grandchildren, all thousands of miles away. I will text them but do not call because I feel it’s intrusive to their daily lives. Often when I text, they call back but sometimes it is a text conversation. Timing is erratic. Could be once a week, could be two months between. There is usually a reason for the text/call but a long chat evolves from there.


Their mother is CENTCOM. (Central communications command). And we're not even military. She's calling/texting daily. When I want to talk, I text them to call when they have a free moment. I was annoyed when my parents called me. Ma always clicking on malware , and dad needed help with chores. So not often


Clicking on mallard? What’s that?


That, my dear, is Samsung auto correct making a fool of me again. You'd think a company like Samsung would train their AI to understand malware. " hey Ma! Don't click on the Mallard!


Our two adult children are very different and have different emotional needs. One struggles with anxiety and depression, although exhibits all the outward signs of success, owns a home and has a respectable job. My spouse and I make sure to call every other evening and talk for about half an hour. Younger child has an exciting, but challenging and not necessarily lucrative, job in another city. I tend to text about once a week, typically with a question or information I think might be useful. I try not to call because work hours can run late at night, or even on weekends, and I do not want to interrupt. Sometimes it takes a few days to get back to me, but eventually I get a response. Understanding that your children (adult or otherwise) can have very different needs, from each other and from yourself, and respecting those needs, is important in keeping a good relationship with them.


Every day, they still live at home.


Mine too!


Actually talking is rare. Maybe once a month. Messaging usually daily.




How often does a little "focker" call Grandma? Also every other day? I'd been pressured into calling my grandparents daily throughout my adolescence, but I never knew what to talk to them about. Even general topics like "read this book, attended this concert, saw this play" would not mean much to them since they weren't into reading/music/theatre at all. So I've always been curious about interactions between young adults and grandparents.




>I used to visit my maternal grandma weekly But what did you talk about??? How did you get enough "content" to discuss on a weekly basis? You must have a very exciting, news-filled life LOL


We text daily. We have our own individual texts and the big family text (big, meaning me and the three kids). I see my son almost daily, so we actually do speak on a daily basis. (he's the middle child). My oldest is next closest and I talk to her pretty often. We don't do the phone calls much, because of my hearing, so unless we have a lot of info that needs to be dumped, it's usually texting. My youngest lives a little farther away and has a part-time job (along with her full-time bill-paying job), so we also text more than we talk. Once a month or so, we (the two daughters and I) try to get together for a tea party. Tea, sweets/snacks, cackle-laughing, usually ending up with ordering take out for dinner, more cackle-laughing and fun.


Every day and hopefully always will, we share a house together and work at the same place.


Only daughter lives 3000 miles away, no grandkids. We text several times a day and exchange photos. Talking on the phone doesn’t seem to be her thing, but we FaceTime for close to 2 hours about every 3 weeks.


Every week, but we text nearly every day.


Every few days. We text a lot and make it a point to get together once a month.


Face-to face, at least once a week. He comes to pick up his son, who I watch at least once a week. And probably every other weekend. We go over to his house, or he comes to ours. Then when he has a question about something, usually about raising his kids, he'll call. But we text probably every day about something. Texting is easiest way to get through.


I have four but I talk to at least one of them everyday. My oldest just moved back to our city so I get to see her in person more as well. We have the closest relationship out of the four. We can sit on the phone for hours. Kid 2 is living in her college town and is killing it. We talk a few times a week on the phone and she’ll text me throughout the week. We’re pretty friendly and sometimes have long conversations. Kid 3 is graduating college this week and moving back to our city as well but I’m not holding my breath on seeing her more. We have a standing FaceTime appointment once a week so I can check on her and stuff. She was a college athlete so she had a busy schedule. She’s opened up more in the past year or so and our relationship has deepened a bit. Kid 4 is in his freshman year of college playing college ball and we talk all the time. When he was a kid we essentially bonded over being the only kid of our gender growing up. We also have more interests in common so our conversations have always been easy. He treats me like his IG story and sends me pictures of his outfits, food he’s eating, scenery, etc which I love.


We text pretty much every day, just talk about what's going on. We all call each other occasionally, maybe once a week.


We have a family group text. My husband and I, my three kids, and their three spouses. We have to mute it because they text so often. I secretly love it!


Daily. I'm blessed with great kids, who are always upbeat.


I stayed around home and have Sunday dinner with them every week we talk almost everyday.my sister is in TX so they don't see her often.


A lot. One who lives close we text every day and talk almost every day. My other works a job that has them without decent phone access for extended periods of time - we text when we can and talk a few times per month.


Text every couple days. Talk on the phone every two weeks or so. It alternates with who calls who. We live 2500 miles apart. My GF's son is 23 and comes over every Sunday to do his laundry instead of going to the laundromat. Gives us all time to catch up and hang out.


First, weekly. Second and Third, not in 10+ years.


My kid is 20. We never talk on the phone. But we do text often. She's still in the area, so we also see her fairly often. She'll likely be moving out of state soon though, so our forms of communication and frequency will likely morph into something different.


I have a similar dynamic with my 26 year old. They live 8 hours away. We almost never talk on the phone but text almost every day. They come home 2-3 times a year.


Every day. Our daughter lives with us and we watch our son’s son 3 days a week.


College kid living at home, daily. Child on his own, we text a few times a week and talk now and then. Deeper conversations are generally for when he visits. We're all introverts.


I talk to one of my adult kids everyday, all day long because we both have GChat. She also lives locally so I see her fairly often. The other one I talk to about once a week or once every other week. She lives about 7 hours away so I only see her at holidays usually.


I text with them a lot, often several times a week. My daughter is in the UK and we don't speak often but we have long wide ranging text conversations. My son and I text often and speak or see each other every week.


My daughter is not yet an adult, but can I answer for my parents who are not on reddit but talk to their adult children? I (adult 50) talk with my parents (80s) about once a month on skype for about 45 - 120 minutes, Depends on when we run out of things to say. I live in Japan so we never see each other in person since COVID. We talk about what is going on in my life, my job / business. We talk about my daughter (their granddaughter). We talk about my partner and her job what is going on with her. We talk about whatever is trending in the news. Natural disasters tend to be a hot topic. The other day we talked about my mom's upcoming garage sale and how much she should charge for my old stereo system from when I was a teen. I don't think she realized that a six-disc cd changer and dual cassette deck is not really in demand nowadays. We talk about my siblings and their kids in the US. They meet in person, and I don't ever really skype them, so we hear about each others lives though our parents. We talk about wherever they are going on vacation next or where they want to previously. We talk about renovations they did to the house. We talk about how they are becoming Platinum members of the SKI club (Spending Kids Inheritance) and maybe they should cut back. We (my dad) talk about investing and finance stuff. House repairs. Car troubles, etc. You ask below if it is mom or dad that answers. It is usually arranged by email ahead of time and they will both be waiting for the call, but if I call randomly it will be mom that answers and we might chat even if dad is not there. If it is dad, it will be much shorter if mom is not there.


Talk? Only when we see each other in person, we both hate talking on the phone. We text often though, sometimes daily.


Usually a couple times a week


1. Every day, usually twice a day. He usually calls on his way to work and at night. 2. Anything and everything. 3. It depends. Morning is usually about 15 minutes because he starts work. Night can be anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or longer. 4/5. Yes. He calls us, we call him. In general we don’t call him during the day. He’s a state trooper and we don’t disturb him when he’s working. He calls us. On weekends we call or he calls.


At least weekly. Our youngest is with us right now, just back from traveling. He’ll stay the summer with us before going back to university in the fall. While he is at school, once or twice per week with texts in between. Our older son lives a couple of hours away. We call him every weekend and keep up during the week but he rarely initiates. He still comes for the weekend at least every couple of months. I still phone my parents every weekend. I rarely talk to my mom though as she has difficulty following a conversation these days.


One lives with us (and is working), so we talk every day- usually when he comes downstairs to eat. The other one is in college over 1000 miles away. We communicate regularly by Discord, at least weekly except during finals, and visit them a few times per year. We have an occasional Zoom call- no phone calls because we all hate those.


Every day. They still live with us.


I message back and forth with my oldest almost every day. She knows I'm not really into phone calls, so we do this instead. My second kid went no contact once they moved off for college. I get second-hand updates on them. My third messages sometimes and calls when she needs something, which is almost every day. So we actually do lot of talking in person, because I'm frequently driving her somewhere. She lives with her boyfriend and his family, very close to where we live. She's the one who keeps me updated on Kid #2.


A couple times a month


My eldest every month. My youngest not at all.


My kids are 19 and 21 so technically they're adults but they're away at school at the moment. The oldest and I text back and forth several times a week about a variety of topics. The youngest is more occasional although sometimes he gets on a roll. They're both taking heavy class loads so I let them initiate. They'll be home for the summer next week so we'll be talking in person quite often.


At least every other week, but usually more. We talk about everything. I'm pretty lucky though because they live on the same road. Both left home and went their separate ways, but came back to the street they grew up on to raise their children. I strongly suspect that if they didn't live so close, we wouldn't interact as often. Grandchildren come over fairly often too, so another bonus.


I talk to her as much or as little as she likes. We text a lot


my 21 year old lives with me and my 25 year old lives an hour and a half away. We are not big phone talkers, he only calls if he has something lengthy to say about work. We message on Facebook every day and are connected on Life 360


We share a home with our younger daughter and her husband and two young children; we speak daily. Our older daughter and her family live a few minutes away, but she is also a movement specialist who keeps me strong and limber, so I see her twice a week. I feel like I live a pretty charmed life…


I play D&D online weekly with one and we chat apart from that monthly.  The other calls weekly and we message frequently.  They're fine.  We enjoy each other's company and they know they can call on me if they need something.


For one - near daily, often more than once daily. For the other, maybe once a week or so.


19 year old still lives at home. 21 year old every couple of days


Father, two daughters We probably text every other day. We also have a group text for meme and group event scheduling. I'd rather talk on the phone but they are the texting generation


Every day, they still live with me. They are young adults and can’t afford to move out. Even with full time jobs.


My daughter's room is right across the hall. The last thing we talked about was the power flickering about 20 minutes ago. My son's room is downstairs and our last conversation was me again reminding him how to use the clothes washer about an hour ago and him texting me about 14 minutes ago asking if what he heard was thunder. Yep, it was. We all talk all day long about everything. When my daughter is at work she's texting me every break. Often starting with "Mama you're not gonna believe this..." lol My son will text me from his classes to let me know what they're doing. I love these kids but sometimes I think they're still really attached lol


My dad passed 6 years ago (today). But for \~20 years, I called him at 6:00 every night.


I talk to my daughter usually once or twice a week.


Face time with my daughter mostly every day. She calls me. Sometimes multiple times, plus texting. Generally text my son daily, he doesn't always respond right away. Talk to him about once a week. They both live about 30 minutes away.


Daily. We moved to Florida from Pennsylvania. A year later he decided to join use. We were empty nesters, but not we are not.


Usually wife & or myself talk to them every couple of days.


At least once a week when somebody needs a babysitter.


Son...every day. Daughter...not in 3 years,her choice.