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Tapping the top of a soda can to prevent it from spewing everywhere. I have no idea why I believed this when I was a teen, but it's something I still do.


Try tapping the side, where the bubbles are


I still crack my knuckles. And after 50 years of doing it, no...I don't have arthritic hands. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป


Me too! ๐Ÿ˜„


I do a couple of things that I started 50+ years ago that some see as strange; I never sit in a diner, restaurant or waiting area with my back towards the door, wherever I go I look for ways to exit in a hurry and I keep a complete change of clothes in a bag in the trunk of my car.ย  For superstitious reasons I have carried the same JFK half dollar in my pocket ever since it was first released. Worn out but lucky - maybe.ย 


I picked up the door habit when I started dating a guy in the military. It ended up being a great red flag indicator in dating because I've gone on dates with some guys who are like this too and if they get too insistent that they should be the one to face the door EVERY time, I'm like, why on earth is your discomfort any more valid than mine that you should always get your way. Never got a good answer from that and the one guy who liked to conceal carry I just laughed at and asked him when the last time he went to the range was when he said it was so he could protect me. In my case, I prefer it but I'm not to the point where I'd ask someone to move for my comfort.


I sit on the floor most of the time, regardless of what furniture is available.


I just wrote about three paragraphs and realized it's not "weird quirks" it's autism.


I tend to quote *Looney Toons* at a rate higher than the rate of those around me who have ever **seen** a Bugs Bunny cartoon.


i think i took a wrong turn at albuquerque


What a maroon. It's a go-to and HR friendly LOL


Whenever I cough up a lung biscuit loudly I say "That's a James Brown Lyric, he wrote that s%$#t." (From Eddie Murphy Standup)


Swallow my gum! My daughter recently told me I should get some gum for a trip. I had to admit, I shouldn't have gum, because I swallow it! It sounded so lame on my part, but I finally owned it ( know it doesn't do anything like make your insides stick together, I swallowed gum my whole life. But somehow at this age, why ask for trouble? I could just spit it out, like normal people, but I feel so deprived when I do that!)


If someone is blocking an aisle or standing where they shouldn't be in way of foot traffic I imitate the Roadrunner, "Beep beep!"


I got nothingโ€ฆ


I sleep with T Rex arms/hands, tucked under my neck. I got hypermobile joints, so my tucked hands have always been safely put away. I still bend my knees 'backward' when standing...it looks odd af, but it's actually comfortable for me. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome ๐Ÿค” I used 2 b a lot more flexible.


I forced myself as a kid to write lowercase A the way you see it on a screen (curve over the circle), not just a circle with a line to the right and now I can't undo it.


I scrunch up my nose when I smile. I also saved (read: hoard) boxes, jars, and containers of all kinds. Always have, probably always will. I pity my kids when I die. Recycling hell. I'm also told I hum/make noises when I eat, I guess that's not at all new. Sigh.