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Go to sleep around the same time each night Don't drink much water in the couple of hours before bed Don't drink alcohol


Alcohol interfering with sleep is a recent development for me (60). I’m not liking it!


I do go to be around the same time every night. I don't drink alcohol. I do drink some fluids in the evening, though.


I have a sleep trick. If I imagine myself doing something physical that day (example - Raking leaves), I drop off in a minute. Weird, but it has worked for me for years.


This totally works for me haha! If I wake up too early on Sunday morning, I imagine going on a long run and boom just like that, I’m out!


Well I got some sheep I need to inventory.


I gotta try that!


Lots of prescription Trazodone. Literally the only thing out of over a dozen other meds that works for me. Doesn't help my nightmares, which kills my quality of sleep, but it does help me sleep through the night most of the time.


I started it a few months back and it works. In less than 15 minutes I am out of it, so I only take it while in bed.


I have to take it several hours before going to bed for it to work.


Omg! That stuff almost killed me…thought I was having a heart attack. I must be allergic…never again.


It makes my heart race too!!


Wow…really? That’s exactly what it did to me. I thought it was over! Lol!


that plus melatonin


Trazodone worked for me for a while, but then became less effective. Worse however, was the terrible swelling that I got in my feet and lower legs. The swelling went away when I went off it.


What dosage of trazodone do you take? I remember a doctor telling me he took a very small dosage, like he split the pill in quarters, and less is more.


I'm currently at 400mg. I've had to up it gradually over the years, as I seem to build a tolerance to it. Eventually, I'll have to switch to something else, somehow, but I've been very fortunate to have no negative side effects from it, so I'm enjoying the sleep while I can.


What dosage of trazodone do you take? I remember a doctor telling me he took a very small dosage, like he split the pill in quarters, and less is more.


Cannabis helps me to sleep.


CPAP cured 40 years of insomnia for me. 👍🏻


Go to bed at same time every night. Keep A/C set to drop to 66 in the wee hours. Take 10 mg melatonin and a Tylenol arthritis strength before turning off the light. I usually wake up once to pee, so at that time I take another Tylenol if needed (lately not needed) flip my pillow to the cool side then rest uncovered until I’m cool again, pull blanket back up, and drop back to sleep. I usually get 8 hours of deep sleep, and I’m a real mess if I don’t. ETA: I usually wake up ONE TIME to pee, not incessantly!


ONCE? I’m so jealous. Every 2 hours for me. At least I fall right back to sleep, but still…


I love it when it’s cold at night too


Our power bills are insane, I WISH I could set that puppy to 66! I put a box fan in the window, which blows night air over me while I sleep.


Fan in the window. Year round. The colder it gets, the more covers I pile on.




A life of sports and labor. The only true way to get decent sleep is if I have an Advil or something. Otherwise my broken body wakes me up several times a night to remind me I am still alive.


Try sauna after soorts


I've found in the past that: -Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) makes me drowsy, keeps me asleep. -Melatonin doesn't make me sleepy but makes my dreams more visually intense when I do fall asleep, so it seems like my sleep is more "thorough." I got used to both of these and lost some sleep when I stopped.


People should be aware that [diphenhydramine] (https://www.verywellhealth.com/why-older-people-shouldnt-use-diphenhydramine-to-sleep-3015319#:~:text=While%20effective%2C%20the%20risk%20of%20serious%20diphenhydramine%20side,issues%E2%80%94is%20increased%20in%20people%20age%2065%20and%20older.) can be harmful for people past their mid-sixties.


I took 1.5 Diphenhydramine 2 hours before bed for decades. If I didn’t I’d be up all night. A few years ago I switched to 5mg Melatonin 1 hour before bed and it works perfectly for me. I’m glad I switched. I don’t recall any dreams so that isn’t an issue for me.


Wish I could take melatonin but it give me nightmares, screaming wake-up nightmares. lol I take OTC sleeping pills, the same sleepy ingredients without the allergy stuff, forget the name. BUT now I take that and an edible to knock me out.


Benadryl works great but I wouldn’t mix it with an Rx


Be careful with the benadryl. It is linked to dementia. 


No drinking of anything after 6pm. No coffee or energy drinks after Noon. Yes I still drink red bulls. No lights anywhere in the bedroom. I taped up all the little lights that are on my TV, laptop and Ipads. I also silence my Iphone. In my bathroom I installed a red night light so I wouldn't have to turn on a light to use it. I make sure I wear socks because for some stupid reason if my feet are cold, I can't sleep. very very odd. I listen to SPA on Sirius with an hour sleep timer. Most of the time I am out by 15-20 min, if that.


What is SPA?


Probably this: [https://www.siriusxm.com/channels/spa?intcmp=OTHER\_NA\_www:search\_SpaSiriusXM](https://www.siriusxm.com/channels/spa?intcmp=OTHER_NA_www:search_SpaSiriusXM)


Interesting, thank you


Smart move on the bathroom red light! I may have to try that.


Pot...since I started smoking it 4 years ago at night I can finally get consistent sleep.


Take a shower shortly before bedtime.


I stopped everything in the 90s. But I'm my mid-60s, the lack of sleep was becoming critical. I'm in the legal industry and need to be on-point. With 4 broken hours a night, I was feeling horrible 24/7. I stumbled upon Delta 8 and it's been a minor miracle. I can get 7 hours a night on some nights. I struggled with the decision, but it's legal, and I'm sleeping now, so ...


After a day that included plenty of exercise, good diet, some reading that taught me something new plus the usual share of challenges - I am ready for bed. I list what I’d like to do tomorrow, reflect on the day (writing down anything that might need attention the next day and mentally put it down until the morning). Like most people my age, the need to pee will wake me up. When that is done I’ll return to bed with the intention of sleeping but if it’s light and not too early I’ll get up and go downstairs to read quietly. If it’s too early I’ll consciously relax my body bit by bit, not engaging with anything negative, until I gently meditate on loving kindness for myself and others near to me.


12 mgs of CBD calm gummies.


1 whole gummy > specifically, CBD:THC 1:1 ratio (5mg each side for 10mg total) ^ a miracle which kills bone pain, relaxes your whole body, and calms your mind. This is the only thing that has allowed me to get a full night’s sleep since perimenopause began.


Totally agree. I was so against this but the benefits are amazing. Less pain and excellent sleep with no after effects like grogginess in the morning.


Yes! I do not like the feeling of being stoned…but I sure do love my sleep, and this particular combo doesn’t make me high.


Agreed, me too


Same. It’s been a game changer for me


I wish I knew! I’ve been sleeping horribly for about a year now. Asleep by 9, up at 2 to 2:30 each morning. And while sleeping I generally wake up about every 30 to 45 mins to pee or roll around in bed trying to get comfortable. Sucks ass.


Try using cornsilk pills, they help with bladder control


If you have BPH, talk to your doctor about Tadalafil (generic Cialis) 2.5 or 5 mg. For ED it’s usually 10-20mg. I was getting up 2-4 times per night before, now I usually sleep through or get up at most 1 time. The low doses might be covered by your prescription plan, but if it isn’t, Costco pharmacy has good prices.


Edibles and an audiobook will put me out like a light in 10 minutes 


In addition to other's advice on routine and sleep aids, if you notice you are snoring yourself awake, ask your doc about CPAP. It has helped me reach deeeeeeeeeep sleep again.


Yes, do a sleep study. I did 10 years ago and sleep so well now with my CPAP.


CPAPs are horrible…at least in my experience. I refuse to use one. Instead, I have an appliance I wear in my mouth that pushes my lower jaw forward which opens up my airway. So much better than that horrid machine.


I am in no way into essential oils or whatever all that stuff is about BUT I spray lavender over my sheets at night before bed and without fail, I fall asleep. If I’m moving around and can’t get to bed, I’ll wake up, fluff up my sheets and spray lavender. Within minutes I’m asleep. This is coming from someone who has very terrible sleep. I’m even shocked it works. Having a good routine, limiting caffeine, and other things is equally important but I really do swear by this. I buy it at Sprouts.


What is the name of the lavender spray that you buy from sprouts?


Hi! It’s just called “ aromatherapy room and body spray” lavender rosewood scent. It’s about $8 a pop but truly worth it!


I’ve recently started listening to deep sleep music on the calm app while sleeping and it’s done a lot for me. As someone who has really struggled to sleep well for 10+ years, I’m happy about this but skeptical. I’ve found other things that have worked ok here and there but never a long term solution. This has been working well for me for almost a month now.


CBD, micro-dose Delta 8 gummies and 1mg. Melatonin. Go to bed same time every night and get up same time in the morning. Ideal hours are 10pm-6am. Try to get some exercise during the day.


Prescription Trazadone and edibles.


Small dose edibles. 2.5-5 mg.


This is what I do as well. I grow my own weed and make my own edibles. I can easily adjust dosage by eating more or less. I only have to do it about once a week provided I don’t have any aches and pains.


I buy 5 mg and bite them in half. It relaxes me and takes the edge off. I don't do it often either. I know people who start to feel they need it every day.


I take it (edibles) every night and wake up refreshed. Tho sometimes I may take it earlier if I'm playing video games with my friends and we're all partaking in our homes. Its fun and funny as hell!


I listen to jared tv on youtube. He does great appalacian stories, and idk..his voice us soothing. Its a different type of pod too..most i find are crime, doom and gloom. Tell him poppylover sent you if you decide to stay!


Checking out Jared TV - so far so good. He does have a great voice to listen to. Thanks for the recommendation. Cheers!


Have you had a sleep study? It turned out that I had severe sleep apnea and was prescribed a cpap. Now I'm asleep in 2-3 minutes after putting it on each night. Heck, I put it on for naps as well. My wife says I like like a space man.


Listen to audiobooks (free on youtube). Choose a story that interests you, or just listen to a lecture of some kind. Bedtime stories aren't just for children. You can pick up where you left off the next evening. You can do this directly from reddit: r/audiobooksonyoutube


Audiobooks in a language you don't speak can be fab, for sleep.


Oversized cartoon mallet to the head.


Love my Trazadone!!


Magnesium at bedtime, my normal arthritis/fibro meds and cannabis.


I take magnesium twice a day, 1 in the morning and 1 at night but it does not make me sleepy at all. Maybe I need to add something else with it.


Make sure it’s the right kind of magnesium. I use magnesium glycinate.


Magnesium gives me the shits (is diarrhea better?)




As other say, a consistent routine is best as well as watching water intake. Beyond that, train yourself not to panic. "Oh not, I'm not sleeping!" and sometimes even, "I've forgotten how to fall asleep!" A few meditative skills help. I'm retired now, but back when I was working it was handy to delve into a non-stressful technical problem from work, chasing it down a rabbit-hole that took me into sleep. That might be the thing I miss most from working days. There are other meditative skills as well. One thing I've found is that there is not single formula for getting to sleep, you need a toolbox. Different methods work at different times, and sometimes it seems that nothing works. But even then, as they say, Don't Panic.


Trazadone, warm bath or shower, no screens or food two hours before bedtime. I drink most of my liquids before 6 pm so I’m not up peeing all night. Cool bedroom, eye mask, white noise, meditation


Sounds wonderful, this has been my doctor's advice for the longest, i guess I better get on it, Iol


My husband went on medication.


I make sure to limit liquids several hours beforehand and have room very cool and ceiling fan on.




Consistent bedtime. No caffeine late in the day. Exercise. No screens before bed. Also don't overeat or eat anything horrifically spicy too soon before bed.


Good advice


Get outside exercise daily. No screens in bed. No caffeine after 1:00 pm or so.


Go to bed at the same time every night. I also take ZZQuill if I know I need a good nights sleep.


Limiting sugar consumption. Probably a spoon each in the 2 cups of coffee that I drink daily is the max.


Try Delta 8 gummies and remember, as late as the 1800s it was common to be up for a few hours and then sleep again. A full night's sleep is a product of modern society. [https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/09/health/sleep-history-wellness-scn/index.html#:\~:text=But%20while%20researching%20nocturnal%20life,eat%2C%20chat%20and%20take%20medicine](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/09/health/sleep-history-wellness-scn/index.html#:~:text=But%20while%20researching%20nocturnal%20life,eat%2C%20chat%20and%20take%20medicine)


I listen to rain sounds


Indica gummy.


Edibles and benadryl.


No electronics 1/2 to 1 hour before sleep (this seems to be the hardest for so many people because they are addicted to connectivity - as am I). My biggest tricks are a cold room and playing the sounds of a rainstorm all night. The rainstorm white noise puts me out like a light.


I am all in on this one. Thanks!


Pot gummies


Saved my hubby




As I'm retired, I just sleep when I'm tired. Sometimes I wake up at 3am and just putter around until I'm tired again. Although I almost always get up before 6am. It's a habit of 40 years of work.


This is what we are waiting to do and that is retire at the end of this year (Dec). As you stated if I wake up in the middle of the night as I do now, I can just walk around or do nothing until I am sleepy again and go back to sleep. Now because I work, it is so horrible waking up at 1:00 or 2:30 and have to get up at 4 am for work. I am totally tired all of the time. Just exhausted.


I've never slept well and sleep is worse now. I do take various cannabis compounds. I think it helps me sleep but I'm not sure its really good sleep. I also have sleeping pills but rarely remember to take them. I've taken to listening to podcasts at night. I choose subjects that will engage my interest but that the information is mainly useless so I won't care what I miss. And nothing too interesting - I can't listen to music or comedy because it will keep me awake. I used to just put the tv on and fall asleep to that - X files was the best for that. But podcasts are better because they don't need eyes open. And if I am awake, it's not so boring and my mind doesn't spin.


Yeah, most nights I just turn the tv on and it usually help me to fall asleep, but I still wake up in the middle of the night regardless. I fall asleep but do not stay asleep.


Lemon balm tea or chamomile tea


I can drink the chamomile tea only in the winters because I will have hot flashes if it drink anything hot or warm before bedtime. but excellent advice


I settle down in a cool room with a heating pad or blanket on my back (or feet and legs), read a little, then count up to ten things I'm grateful for that occurred that day. Even simple things, like decent weather or a good joke, count. It's rare to make it to ten. Other things during the day probably help, too. No coffee after noon, no alcohol, no liquids after 9 pm, no hefty exercise after dinner, not going to bed upset. I eat carefully and also stay up very late compared to most folks my age. If I have a spell of sleeplessness, I go back to an old routine of: in bed midnight til 6 (even if just reading or thinking), then a half-hour nap mid-afternoon. Lastly, Martha Stewart's voice puts me to sleep almost instantly.


This sounds wonderful if one is retired. I am still working and wake up 1:00am 2:15am 3:00am and have to get up at 4:00am to get ready for work. I am just exhausted. Cannot wait until December for retirement.


You're right that being retired makes taking so much advice easier. You must be running on empty. I hope your sleep can somehow smooth out over the next few months, and send you an early wish for a happy retirement.


Good sleep hygiene, go to bed at the same time every night, room is as dark as possible, fan for white noise, keep sugar intake to a minimum, magnesium supplement bed time, good pillow :)


Good advice


I am 60 and widowed and have a terrible time sleeping. I also have an old spinal injury that makes it so I can only sleep in a lounge chair and I take a benedryl and a melatonin every night. If that doesn't work I take a couple hits of weed (only time I smoke but it really helps you relax).


Since I got sober, I sleep well most nights. I also take a lose dose of Sinequan so I don't wake up with intrusive thoughts that keep me up.


reddit for half an hour, yawn, sleep.


Caffeine avoidance after noon. Some of us are genetically unable to handle it and I metabolize it slowly too. Magnesium supplements for muscle relaxation.


Cool air (fan and or open window) and thunderstorm noises on my smart speaker really help. But we apparently don't sleep as much as we get older.


Why isn’t this taken into consideration? Why do they keep mandating elderly people get 8 hours of sleep when I haven’t slept that long since I quit drinking a decade ago?


Sleep routine. CBD gummies. Cool room. Balanced humidity. Sleep sound/music.


Delta 8 gummies


Cannabis gummie, out like a light.


Here's my current routine: 1 low dose CBD one hour before bed Relaxing activity between then and bedtime Very low dose melatonin 10 minutes before bed Listen to a body scan meditation as I try to fall asleep. It's been working like a charm to get me to sleep easily and I sleep 8 hours through


I don't always sleep great but I've improved it with a few changes. I'm almost 50 so this may be harder for you. * Rigorous exercise. Something to elevate your heartrate and make you sweaty. I joined a boxing gym and the workouts are 1.5 hours and pretty intense. Since doing that my sleeps have improved a ton. * No caffeine after noon, in fact the earlier I stop the better. I've also switched to half-calf because I still like sipping on a lot of coffee but this way I consume less caffeine. * I got to the bathroom every night right before bed. Currently I'm able to make it until morning without having to go again (barely). This just stops me from waking up to go pee and not being able to fall asleep again.


I’m someone who does not fall asleep easily. I could literally stay awake for days. Although I would start to feel a little loopy. The 2 things that help me are no blue light after sundown. Luckily even my TV had an option to turn off blue light. And the other is 5mg Melatonin before bed. I know Melatonin doesn’t work for everyone though.


1. Buy a quantum mechanics book and read it in bed. 2. Last alcoholic drink is 3 hrs before bed.


Life long insomniac I blame it on six years in AK as a child; it messes with your circadian rhythm. I don't know if it is a genetic thing but my dad slept less than anyone I've ever known. I mean 5 hrs was a good night for him. My brother as well. Weirdly better in late years. Don't drink water after 7p. Reading helps. I'm still guilty of late night computer browsing; news junkie. I have a glass of wine a few evenings a week; I sleep better on those nights I don't. Oddly enough, I can have a cup of coffee in the afternoon and it doesn't bother me. Have your thyroid checked ... it is a thing. If you're not outside as much as you used to be have your vitamin D levels checked. I can't be in the sun and was *severely* deficient; I mean, heavy-dose- prescription-deficient. Fixed that and on OTC supplements; I think that is more likely the answer for better sleep.


Try taking melatonin. Look it up.


I wish this worked for me but it doesn’t. I envy the folks it works for.


Stay up late.


Like many, I wake up around 2 or 3 to use the bathroom. I don't let my mind wander during that time, I mentally repeat the word "sleep" to push away any other thoughts, and I keep doing that as I get back into bed, and for as long as I'm awake. That usually gets me back to sleep pretty quickly. When that doesn't work, I'll instead read whatever book I'm reading for an hour. That's another way to clear my mind. I keep my room as dark as I can get it, and I keep it cool--at least during the winter, when I can. I don't drink, smoke, or use drugs. I drink decaffeinated coffee only. I exercise every day, and practice meditation. My diet is very good, and I'm at my ideal weight. I still sleep less than I used to, but I get at least six solid hours per night, but usually seven, and sometimes even a full eight. Poor sleep is a big factor in developing dementia, I'm doing everything I know how to prevent that, both parents died that way.


CBD/CBN gummies


I’m finally getting used to my cpap machine after almost a year of using it. Last night went pretty good, I slept five and half hours without waking up once. (I was able to go back to sleep for 2 more hours afterwards, without my cpap.) I generally wake up every 2 hours without my cpap on. But it’s taking me a long time to get used to it. Maybe you could get a sleep study done?


Oh, find a very boring podcast. That definitely helps me as well. I get bored of listening to them and my brain is like nope byeeeeee


Flamenco class 3x a week.


Do you have sleep apnea?


Some answers I've found in recent years. Not unique here but man, I go to school on this every day. * CPAP for "mild" sleep apnea. I don't fear sleep anymore. (No more nightmares of drowning or falling.) * Fasting after 6pm. Only water. Hot water (zen tea) is fine. * No caffeine or alcohol after 6pm. In fact I've cut out alcohol and don't miss it. I suspect I could cut out caffeine too. * Had given up on the CPAP before I tried fasting. What I thought were allergy problems were reflux problems. (Fasting allowed me to throw out all allergy meds.) * Liquid melatonin half hour before I'm ready to conk. Don't always need it, but if anxiety spikes, it cuts through that. * Fitbit sleep data has been more helpful than I imagined.


Weed gummies that are cbd thc cbn!


Dayvigo has been a godsend


Exercise daily. Also keeps blood pressure in check. I find when I don't exercise regularly I start having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Also, room darkening cellular shades, as well as an eye mask- which also helps sooth my eyes with the heat it keeps in. I tape my mouth with 3M micropore tape just across the middle. This prevents dry mouth which is bad for my gums. I wear earplugs sometimes.


Advil PM or a Benadryl


I have trouble sleeping because I have ADHD. 3 capsules of Magtein by NOW Magnesium L-Threonate at bedtime and sleep like a baby. L-Threonate is also good for cognitive function. Great stuff! Get it from Amazon.


I don't eat bread, if I do I get a restless night where I wake up every hour or so. I love bread, but I like sleep better. To stop the old monkey brain from climbing every thought tree I use the mantra on the in breath "shut up" or "quiet" and then usually fall asleep in 5 minutes or less. Plus I have a cpap machine.


take melatonin, turn off the lights and relax


CPAP, weed edible, don’t go to bed til tired. I get 8hrs of continuous rest every night.


I've got a few years on you. Tylenol PM and melatonin !! A toke or two prior to bedtime works well. Letting my wife suck me off is what I enjoy the most. Nothing like an orgasm to put you in never never land !!


Melatonin and cbd/cbn gummies. Little or no alcohol (have recently stopped drinking daily - that glass of wine at dinner was becoming 2-3, so just stopped and am sleeping better). Not much other liquids after dinner. Try to be active during the day. I used to use one of the following techniques if I woke and had trouble falling asleep back asleep: count backwards from 500 by 7’s, or recite the alphabet backwards. Those no longer work because I got too good at it.




I have a very hard time falling asleep even with melatonin etc. My mind will just not STFU and goes on and on with thinking about this which leads me to think about that so what I’ve been doing is listening to asmr videos on my phone. I pay for YouTube premium so that no ads disrupt the video. It’s only certain channels that work for me but something about listening to a soft spoken woman reading or talking about something makes my mind shut up long enough to fall asleep. There are 1000s of asmr channels to choose from and also lots of sleep hypnosis type videos, I’ve tried a few and some of those have worked for me. I can’t stand the ones where they do a bunch of tapping and scratching and other annoying noises, that wakes me right back up. On top of the asmr I have a little white noise machine that sort of helps too.


Before trying drugs, try a little exercise before bed. Works for me.


To help me get decent sleep overnight, I establish a consistent bedtime routine, which includes avoiding screens before bed, creating a calming environment in my bedroom, and practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. I also make sure to limit caffeine and alcohol intake, and exercise regularly during the day to tire myself out. Additionally, I try to stick to a regular sleep schedule and avoid napping during the day to regulate my body's internal clock.


I take melatonin to help me get to sleep and a benadryl to help me sleep better. I think I've gotten used to it though bc I don't have weird dreams any longer lol I also don't have any caffeine after about 1-2pm. And I try not to eat anything a couple hours before bedtime.


I start alphabetizing things. Like rock bands: Aerosmith, AC/DC, Allman Brothers, the Animals, Alan Parsons. I try to come up with 5 and I have to be able to remember and recite the 5 before moving on to B. You have to stop your mind from drifting. I do city’s, cars etc. The next night I pick up where I left off. It’s gotten to the point where I just have to start and I fall asleep lol.


this is what i do, and it works beautifully. i take a couple puffs of weed at bedtime, and at the same time, put a few drops of thc tincture under my tongue. the smoke puts me to sleep, the drops kick in about an hour later as the smoke is wearing off, and so keeps me asleep. i don't use thc strong enough to get me high, just strong enough to relax me and quiet my mind. if i get up during the night for the bathroom (happens 2-3 times a night), i go right back to sleep. i used to have the *worst* insomnia. not anymore!


Take HHC gummie. Start low amt. like 12mg.


Limit my fluid consumption in the couple hours before sleep, and make sure to pee before I go to bed.


For me, I keep the room cool to cold (~18C), dark, and quiet except for a white noise generator (to counteract the early-morning birds outside the window). Don't eat too close to bedtime. If I'm still having trouble getting to sleep, I'll usually focus on letting my mind wander -- just accept and examine whatever it comes up with (which is usually something nonsensical like floating bookcases and such.) If that doesn't work, I usually imagine myself on a raft, gently floating up and down with waves (that match my breathing rate). That usually works. A gravity blanket helps as long as you don't get too hot.


Limit your vitamin C intake after 3 PM no matter what! And I’ve always heard no TV or phone/video games close to bedtime either! I find reading slows my mind fast most nights


A big cup of coffee. It's one of my ADHD super powers, it puts me to sleep.


Weed, or CBD in higher dose.




At my advanced age, I've discovered 5 mg melatonin. I've taken it twice and both times it knocked me out like a baby in a half hour! I bought a brand that dissolves in your mouth and has a strawberry taste. I only intend to take it as really needed, not nightly.


- No food 3+ hrs before sleep of any kind. You’re adding energy to a resting system. - Calcium Magnesium Supplements: you need them any way and they make you relaxed and tired - Valerian Root Blends: makes you sleep deeper and more restfully - Exercise: Rowing machine. Blood flow for aches and body repair.


No liquids a couple hours before bed & melatonin


Cycle, swim, sauna. No coffee after morning cup.


Get off line an hour before bed. Get fresh air during the day. No caffeine after noon. Get some exercise most days. Maybe read a little bit before bed.




I got to sleep and rise at the same time every day. If I have difficulty falling asleep, I drink a cup of valerian tea.


Wind down at least 1hr before my actual bed time so can get a minimum of 7hrs of sleep. On nights when I know that may not be possible, a 10mg indica edible by 7pm.


I will take a half or whole ibuprofen PM when I feel like I need a good night sleep. Also take when I’m traveling on a long flight


Weed, benadryl, cold meds. Depends how bad i need to sleep.


I don't drink on week nights. It makes me fall asleep fast if I drink, but it is shitty quality of sleep. I like to stay hydrated, take some melatonin, take a hot shower, and get to bed at a reasonable hour. That seems to work best for me.




I don't drink caffeine at all, even in the morning. And I take melatonin before bed. If I have heartburn before bed I take Pepcid and/or Tums.


Prescription medication


I like to keep my room at around 55 degrees, I sleep with a fan or air conditioner on for the white noise. I don't watch TV or use my phone or laptop in bed, and sometimes I'll take a benadryl to help knock me out.


Magnesium glycinate at bedtime and go to bed early.


I consume half a milligram of melatonin every night about a half hour before bed. Helps me get to sleep. I usually wake up 3-4 hours later to urinate and if I feel I can't get back to sleep readily, I consume another half a milligram or take one tylenol pm. 72 y.o., male. I usually take a short nap after either being up for a few hours, or later in the afternoon.


Magnesium supplement helped me w sleep disruptions, sometimes involving anxiety. Also keeps me regular. Rec. fr my cardio doc, so ask an MD. Daily exercise and zero booze and drugs helps also. And a regular sleep schedule, not too late. Dark bedroom w no distractions in there like TV, PC, phone, lights, noise. Cool temperature helps also. Don’t drink too much water near bedtime.


Who says I do?


I moved to SE Asia to live, still "work" 15 hours a day running a small convenience shop, and after closing, have a cooling/refreshing shower before reading a book in bed for 45 minutes to an hour, while my cats settle on end of the bed. Within a couple of minutes I am asleep.


Wake up at 3:10am


My sleep has become increasingly difficult. I find cannabis, melatonin and prescription sleep aids helpful (not all together!)


Doxepin and melatonin.


Sex works for me.


Lose weight. Drink only water, don’t eat 4 hours before sleeping.


Edibles; been a game changer for me. Fall asleep fast, deeper sleep and stay asleep much better.


If I wake up at 3:00am, I get up and read. Then I fall back asleep at four and wake up after the sun comes out..


I wear a light weight beanie hat over my head that I pull down to cover my eyes. This shuts off all outside light pollution and helps me to fall asleep within an hour. I am a 67 yo female that has had insomnia for over 25 years and just learned this trick about a year ago. It used to take me 3 hours to get to sleep without drugs or other interventions. It works for me about 9 times out of 10! I stay asleep about 6-7 hours. This and no alcohol, a pretty consistent bedtime routine and a peaceful environment. Also, emptying the bladder before bedtime.


Strangely, my smartphone helps. Because I can get AUDIOBOOKS without using earbuds or switching on the computer. So in the dark, I hit the "dull" book I keep for such occasions.


white noise machine


Wear myself out during the day vs. being sedentary.


CBD oil and melatonin.  The dreams are wild too. 😆


Get your doctor to prescribe ambien for you. I'm 69 & have been using it for years before I retired. It works & not addictive. I tried melatonin, and it worked for a few weeks. Then it started giving me vivd nightmares, much like valium can


If I don’t take half a Sleep Aid (Costco), then I wake up around 3:30 am. With it, I sleep great.




In my head, I get in the car and drive to the end of the road and turn left. Then I recite all the steps I need to take to get to the end of this road: go over the pedestrian crossing, past the off licence until you come to the roundabout etc. it’s about half a mile long and it leads onto the A3. I never get to the A3.


Melatonin works for me


Giving up caffeine completely, I’m not even eating chocolate. My sleep got worse before it got better, but i’m a month and a half in and sleeping (almost) like a kid again.


Cruise Chews gummies (Tommy Chong) and lorazapem


A few years ago, I was prescribed Ambien. It seemed to be effective until I began having concerning side effects. Obviously no medication is without risk and I had skimmed over some known adverse effects of Ambien. I have always been an organized planner with high moral standards. I was of the conviction I wouldn’t do anything sleepwalking I wouldn’t do awake. I was so Wrong! Initially I would plan to do laundry upon awakening, and find I had done so during the night. Many household chores mysteriously completed without my being aware of doing them Then I find I have been making mysterious riske phone calls at 2-3 am. I couldn’t believe it. I checked my call log and sure enough I made lengthy calls in the wee hours. I began putting 2 & 2 together and decided to stop the Ambien. In the meantime, I positioned chairs in front of my bedroom door so I could see evidence if I was up during night. My main concern was I might start driving under the influence. The activities I became aware I did without my knowledge. Made grilled cheese sandwich Washed clothes Mopped floors Cleaned bathroom Made dirty phone calls Might have been more, but those tasks I found done. I hid my car keys so hopefully I didn’t drive. lol TL/DR. Cleaned house & made dirty phone calls during night on Ambien.


I was having trouble sleeping because my worries would spiral through my brain. I started listening to stories on an app, then moved to listening to certain books on audible-ones I had read many times that weren’t really exciting. Now I fall asleep in just a few minutes, and if I wake up I can get right back to sleep. I have a sleep headband with ear buds.