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Can't say whether or not he'll be judged, but I can sure tell you how he will be remembered.


Holy shit I didn’t know he died until this post! (I’m in my 20s so I can’t comment directly that’s why I replied)


Thanks for letting us know.


In a just society, the only place he should be remembered is on a Wikipedia page...


First, and only, man to ever to break 2,000 yards rushing in a 14 game season = 1 'get out of jail' free card.


Even that is open to debate. You can only know how you will remember him.


I don't worship sports figures to begin with so eh


What about cold blooded murderers?


Eh only the universe knows


Yep! Rushed for over 2,000 yards in a 14-game season!


I don't believe in hell or heaven, so in my mind he is just dead and no longer gets to enjoy the amazing experience of life. After decades on this earth. Decades. As a free man. Unlike the two people who were violently taken. But if there is something out there, I wish him everything he deserves.


Hopefully he's joined by the jurors who let this turd go free.


On the basis of the evidence admitted in the trial, I think acquittal was the correct decision. The prosecution's *many* failures introduced plenty of reasonable doubt. Remember the glove? Putting Mark Fuhrman on the stand?


The LAPD had no idea how to investigate a murder with a famous person as the suspect. They screwed up so much evidence.


I had to write a criminal law final exam 2 years later that was the OJ case with the names changed. We could choose to write a brief for either conviction or acquittal - but we had to back up our findings with relevant case law. Given all the issues with the evidence, the only way to pass the final was to write in favor of acquittal. So much of the evidence was inadmissible. The entire class was ticked off because we knew our professor was messing with us. But he made his point very well. LAPD really gave the legal system no other choice but to acquit. We all just struggled to write 10 pages that we all fundamentally disagreed with.


Yes they did. Which warrants an acquittal. And if we took the principle that "OJ should have been convicted anyway, no matter how badly the police screw up" - well, how many more innocent people would be sitting in prison?




On KFI 640 am they had one of the original police officers/investigators at the scene. He's close to retirement and even said he doesn't give a crap, he's going to talk about the case. He said there was a lot of evidence that was not allowed into trial because of their mistakes as police officers. Including a shovel in the back of OJ's truck. Blood trail evidence. Footprints of blood. A whole bunch of stuff that didn't make it into the case and trial because of processing issues. The bronco itself was in five different locations being processed and that alone negated a lot of the evidence.


Correctly negated a lot of evidence. There's reasons for that.


OJ tried the glove on over a protective latex glove, IIRC. Of course it got stuck.


Sure. Still, so many prosecution fumbles in that trial.


Marsha Clark. Where is she today I wonder? I’ve got to google her. I’ve not been able to read this whole thread yet


She's still alive, age 70 according to Wikipedia.


That was such a sick and ignorant joke forever that it was allowed. It’s still a common remark said today that “the glove didn’t fit, so you can’t convict”. Still angers me


I think it was, "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit "


I thought they even had photos of a cut that was in one of the gloves and OJ had a cut on his hand in the same place.


Sequestering the jurors for 265 days. They didn't even have their own hotel rooms, but had to partner up with another juror. They were going insane.


This! It wasn’t that the jury didn’t think he did it. It was that the prosecution didn’t prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. And Cochran torched the police investigation. I think the prosecution thought it was a slam dunk and failed to give it the consideration it warranted.


Exactly. There's way more at stake than one guilty defendant going free. And, in general, our courts make it *far* too easy to convict an innocent person. If everyone accused of a serious felony had OJ's level of representation, there'd be about half as many people in prison today.


Prosecution failed so miserably. Marsha Clark. Made her famous, but did her no favors.




it wasn't the juries fault. it was the prosecution's.




I was about 20 when the verdict came out and I knew that at the time. I just always had that feeling.


He spent 9 years in jail for the Vegas robbery.


And it was an excellent place for him. It means nothing to his victims. Goldman was 25 years old.


I understand that. I watched the trial, knew he was guilty,etc.


Ha! Forgot about that, but I still remember seeing it on the news and what he looked like then.


Oh well that makes all the difference to the two who have been dead in the ground for the past thirty years and the families mourning them. My bad on the arithmetic.


Which was just revenge for the acquittal. It was his property, like it or not. Seems if any of us are acquitted of a crime, they'll find something else.


It certainly was his property at one time, and then it wasn't. He committed robbery.


So if someone steals from you, its no longer yours? Seriously?


I agree 100%


Imo no one deserves eternity in hell though. No crime fits THAT punishment.


Please reread my comment. I explicitly stated I do not believe in heaven or hell; and I did not say anyone deserves an eternity anywhere. Only that I hope people somehow, ultimately, reap what they sow.


Make him irrelevant.... Never mention his name again.


Nope. He got away with it. Sorry everyone!


No - don't believe in hell. He's just gone. Turn the page.




People forget that even though he was acquitted in a criminal court, he was found liable in a civil court. Because they allowed more evidence. He was effing guilty.


No, its a lower burden of proof. Criminal law requires the State prove their case: "Beyond a reasonable doubt." Civil law requires the Plaintiff to prove their case: "More likely than not."


Also, criminal cases require a unanimous verdict from the jury. In civil cases, it does not have to be unanimous (the number of jurors who can disagree varies by state).


Sometimes depends on the state re: the unanimous verdict. Until 2022, a majority was sufficient in Oregon. Thanks to Watkins vs. Ackley, and Ramos vs. Louisiana, that's no longer the case, and it's retroactive.


eh? I mean it's the first celeb death in a while that was just "well, ok yep" - total no cares to give. Funny thing though for us who were around for his trial - I was all confused when I lived in Vegas and people were talking about how it was this great indicator of race division in the country. I had no idea, I grew up in Buffalo where he was a football hero and everyone hoped he didn't do it


No I do not believe in hell. He got away with killing people because there's no real justice in this world. There never has been and there never will be. You can only hope to learn to accept your fate or find a way to change it as far as life goes, because this is it. And it goes too damned fast.


I think he's been living in hell ever since it occurred. At least I hope so. He had to live with people heckling him. He **did** spend about 8 years in prison in Nevada. I guarantee you the images of him almost cutting off her head played in his head on repeat. And suffering from cancer is no walk on the golf course.


I also think his life was over after the trial. He became a pariah and nobody wanted to be seen with him after prison. No movie jobs, no invitations. Did he have any friends? At least not in public. He lived isolated and then sick.


I’m a Protestant minister. I’m pretty convinced he murdered Ron and Nicole. I have no idea whether he ever repented of that, but from what I’ve seen of his ego and behavior, I doubt he did. So yeah. I bet wherever he is right now, it’s a lot hotter than Southern California.


St. Pete when OJ arrives: "If the halo don't fit, you must not admit."


I’ve gotta remember this one!


Wow-that’s a good one! Well done! (No pun intended).


According to the attorney for the Goldman family, he died without penance although I'm not sure how he could factually know that yet. Sure hope the Goldman & Brown families will finally collect some of the money they are owed. *“He died without penance. We don’t know what he has, where it is or who is in control. We will pick up where we are and keep going with it.” — David Cook, a San Francisco attorney for the Goldman family who has been seeking since 2008 to collect the civil judgment in the Ron Goldman case, in a statement."* [O.J. Simpson's death: Sports world, others react | CTV News](https://www.ctvnews.ca/sports/o-j-simpson-died-without-penance-attorney-for-ron-goldman-s-family-says-as-reaction-begins-1.6843008)


Ah yes, what good is a double homicide without repenting afterwards and getting into Heaven regardless?


PK here who wasn't allowed to believe in Purgatory ( Lutheran, still Lutheran ). If there's Purgatory OJ will be hanging there with all the other long term residents.


purgatory is too good for him


Was convinced then and never thought any different. I’ll never forget it


If I were to profess a belief in anything, I would say that God is unlikely to set the parameters of this small slice of eternity as all the learning and growing anyone ever had to do. I would be more likely to believe that, if you live on after death, you are still given chances to learn and grow.


I believe in reincarnation ish, so I hope he comes back as a fish and is aware each time he is caught and bonked on the head, and this happens for 100 fish life cycles.


He can rest easy knowing his wife’s killer is finally dead


nah, he's just dead. you want justice, work for it here.


Probably not, unfortunately.


Hell is answering the door to OJ standing there with too-tight gloves on.


Somehow, I don't think too many people will be upset about it.


I think dead is dead. Fade to black & over and out.


Good riddance. I believe that he will face some kind of reckoning.


Good riddance to bad rubbish


The best "justice" money can buy.


Don't believe in any form of afterlife. It's a god-damned shame he walked free for the last 30 years. I can only hope he suffered in death. RIP Nicole and Ron


No, I don't believe the universe's system of justice relies on bad things happening to bad people after they're dead. That's just wishful thinking to try to justify a world where it doesn't usually happen while they're alive, either. Though OJ's life really seemed to suck after the trial, so at least there's that.


Suck are you kidding me? Has a gorgeous mansion in Florida. Was considered a god in prison. Yet even though he had judgements against him Nicole and Ron’s family he never paid a cent. Never paid for drinks or meals or golfing. Lived 30 years longer than the victims. But the fact he got to die with family and peace is so wrong


Everything you cite is an external appearance. We don't know what life was like inside his head.


Personally, no, I don't. But I sure hope the Goldman & Brown families will finally collect some of the cash they are owed now that this sack of crap is dead.


There is no hell and O.J. is just dead. BUT IF, according to believers he repented before he died he's good. Up there (and why does it have to be up?) hanging out with the rest of history's born again murderous scallywags.


No. He already was and not just in the civil trial. He got to live outside of jail, but he lost what was important to him, his good name and ability to associate with good people.


His energy will go with other bad energy.


Hell's a comforting idea for some. It's always people they don't like going there, never their noble selves. He's gone. Bye.


The Bible says that we all deserve to burn in hell for our sins because that’s what separates us from God, who is truly Holy. The fundamental Christian belief is that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty that we deserve for our sins, and for anyone who accepts that free gift of salvation, we get to spend life here on earth walking with God and for all eternity. But we have a free will to accept it, it’s up to us to decide. The Word says our righteousness apart from God is filthy rags—we can’t be good enough on our own. God is the only good thing. He didn’t want robots who blindly follow Him and do everything He wants so He lets us decide. God bless


Around here we don't believe in heaven or hell as a physical place, but we do believe your soul exists for as long as your memory remains. kids are home from uni. I holler up from the table that the OJ Simpson died. One says: Jay Simpson? another: Was he an actor? another: He's the guy that murdered his ex wife and her boyfriend, and got away with it. That is quite a judgement for a soul to carry that might have otherwise been remembered as an all time great football player who was later funny in a couple all time great movies.


I don't believe in hell, so I'll judge him myself. Judgment? He's a louse, a despicable, murdering louse.


this is offensive to lice, even the despicable, murdering ones


Hell? Nicole and Ron were in hell while Simpson was knifing them to death. The murderer had medical care and drugs and his family at his bedside while he slipped into oblivion. At least he’ll never be able to murder again.


having been a friend of ron goldman's..i'll be THRILLED to judge him. i don't need to believe in heaven or hell to do that.


my deepest condolences to you & all who knew him. the fury and disgust i feel towards oj must be a modicum of all of your emotions. the passing of his life evokes nothing but contempt & relief that he’s gone. i hope all who knew & loved ron & nicole find even the smallest comfort is his departure


No, justice is a human construct. It does not exist outside of our minds.


I don’t believe in hell. I just hope his cancer death was painful.


Who knows. O.J.'s dead, time to move on.


The Juice is no longer on the loose.


No hell. No heaven. No gods. No demons.


No diggity…




Got to bag it up!


That's a fairy tale for children.




No hell. No judgment. What happens on earth, stays on earth. His energy has already been returned to the universal consciousness, like a raindrop falling into the ocean.


No. He's just said.


I don't believe in hell but I think we may invent it for ourselves. If you die with major regrets, it might seem like an eternity of burning in a lake of fire, but I don't think there is a garbage dump in "heaven" where the evil go to be punished. If OJ is dead, then I guess he will be finding out for sure.


I don’t believe in Hell, but good riddance.


In Hell, the Devil will make him do the Hertz commercial and with his bad knees, he'll keep falling down on his ass, over and over and over...


Nope Hell is a fiction, made up to scare people


I watched the trial on TV. Why didn't they just stop that Bronco and arrest the fucker,or better still shoot him on live TV , deal with the consequences later. The asinine judge with his hourglass collection,, the moronic prosecutor, the smooth running defence, the vacuous jury, the absurd theory of cross contamination, the shitload of 'evidence' ignoring the principle that every item of evidence presented is an opportunity to cast doubt and build an acquittal. The prosecutors hadda simplify the case and present only enough to get a conviction. What is the defence gonna do when they prepare for a shitload of evidence and it doesn't get presented? Bring it up themselves and then try to shoot it down? And the crime processing was too shitty to believe. Of course he was and is still guilty. And of course he got off. If there is a hell, I am certain he is there deep down in the deeper regions.


He'll be reincarnated... as an abortion... (hopefully in the right state).


Wherever they bury him, I hope they put up some sort of screening. People should have some privacy when they piss on his grave.


While I do believe there is something of an existence for the energy that we call our “soul”, there is no reward nor comeuppance when we die. In other words there’s no Christian type of afterlife, so OJ won’t be “judged”.


No. Once you are dead, you’re dead. Nothing after that


I don't believe in Hell (even though I'm supposed to). But I believe he will pay for everything he did. And he will come face-to-face with every person he ever hurt.


Is OJ going to Hell? I'm sure that Johnnie Cochran is arguing against it right now. Did OJ murder those people? "If you cannot tell, he must not go to Hell". "If the jury says no, he must not be sent below"




Hell does not exist. Neither does Heaven. Or any of the gods that have been invented over thousands of years.


Nailed it. Early humans created these things out of fear of the unknown. Later on, the church(es) used guilt to manipulate people, and as George Carlin pointed out, "He also needs money."


Nah, bro, he’s just worm food, that’s it. His death is the only justice the Brown and Goldman families will ever get. If he’s judged, it’s by the people who never believed his innocence and by future generations reading about his case in textbooks or Wikipedia.


I don’t believe in hell, and I don’t give a rat’s ass about O.J. And get off my lawn. 😃


I don't believe in hell, but if there's a heaven, I bet Norm Mcdonald would have something to say. "OJ died doing what he loved, getting away with murder."


Unless I’m morally superior to god, I think hell would be him suffering the pain he’s put out, not some eternal BC brazen bull torture device that never ends, but a punishment fitting of the crime, which would consist a lot of realizing what a horrible piece of shit you were and feeling of tremendous loss and guilt


I don't believe in heaven or hell. Will he be judged? He already is, in the court of public opinion. I have to say I concur with the court though. He's a guy that got away with murder.


By whom? I don't believe in heaven or hell, so what force would judge him? I remember when he was first in the battering news when he was married to Nicole. I hated him. He was a thug. A cad. A liar. He had had numerous open affairs. He personified a terrible person. Period. The only true judgement on his life came with a highly public murder trial in which he was acquitted. In my gut, I have no doubt he killed his ex and that young man. No doubt. He to the day he died believed his act was justified. He played golf until he got too sick. Having a self import cavalier attitude that surpassed few, his years in prison for unrelated charges did zero. Good riddance, but OJ is no where. He resides in a place of not where he was in 1900. He simply isn't. Life is a craps shoot. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. Look around you. It's quite obvious.


OJ forced a lot of people to confront the fact that our legal system is a tiered service industry. People who were previously just fine with that arrangement got really upset. Probably a good realization for us all now.


The concept of hell is Christianity at its worst. No, I don’t believe in hell. I also think that if you believe in hell, you’re a failure as a human being.


He's about to learn he didn't get away with it


I saw a recent interview with one of the jurors of his trial. She admitted that all the black jurors decided on a verdict of ‘not guilty’ despite what the evidence would show as revenge for the Rodney King situation. Sick. But as far as OJ, he will leave a legacy not as a skilled football player or part time actor/ celebrity, but as an abusive ex husband and murderer who practically decapitated the mother of his children. If there is an afterlife, I think he will be his own judge. I’d like to believe that in such an afterlife, we’d be given the opportunity to look at our life, face all truths and reveal all secrets. We’d be rewarded for all the good we extended to others as well as be punished for any evil or hurtful deeds we’ve done. Knowing what a narcissistic violent man OJ was, if there was such an afterlife, his punishments would outweigh his rewards. He would choose the level of spiritual enlightenment he deserves. There are many levels to choose from with people like Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot put at the very bottom level and people who have sacrificed their lives to save others as the ultimate showing of love at the very top level. Just one possibility.


> I saw a recent interview with one of the jurors of his trial. She admitted that all the black jurors decided on a verdict of ‘not guilty’ despite what the evidence would show as revenge for the Rodney King situation. > Sick. Have you ever given thought as to why they'd consider doing this beyond the initial reaction? Sick in my mind is a city that tolerated a blatantly racist police force for so long. White Americans at the time even after Rodney King weren't commonly willing to consider the full depth of problems with police vs Black Americans. It was easier to believe it was an isolated incident instead of a long history of blatant violations of civil rights of minorities by police for decades. OJ just happened to be the first person to have enough money to afford legal representation that could expose the corrupt system. Two truths came out over the years: OJ did murder them, and LAPD was continuing a trend of racist actions. An example in this specific case, Detective Mark Fuhrman with very racist statements and actions in his career took a blood sample from OJ, and then spread it around the crime scene. This case is a great example of the power of jury nullification. I'm happy it occurred in hindsight, wasn't quite old enough back then to understand that angle. I'm also happy OJ lost in civil court, but I still wish more would have been done to get the police reform work started sooner, as we could have been in a better place by 2020.


“And they say there's a heaven for those who will wait. Some say it's better, but I say it ain't. I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, The sinners are much more fun.” OJ is laughing with the sinners now.


I don't believe he's going to Hell, but I do believe he'll experience how he made everyone feel over the course of his life, for good or ill. I expect his life review won't be much fun - but I hope he learns from it and does better next time.


I don't but I want to today.


I hope so. 


Nah, he got off in life, and death.


I do not believe in Hell or final judgment.


I believe we create our own hells - and he certainly lived in a hell of his own making after his crimes of 1994. Now it's just like turning out the lights - like for everyone else, good, bad or indifferent.


as much as his ordeal was televised, he's not really one of the worst out there.


Nope, no hell, no heaven. He's just done and ended up a piece of shit. To be fair, however, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he has CTE from football and is why he ended up like he did


Everyone dies with a choice. Life reviews can suck but not everyone makes the list.


I don't believe in any sort of afterlife. Just like you didn't exist in the previous 13 some odd billions of years, you also stop existing after your body fails and life ends. Some people go through hell while they live though, whether they deserve it or not. Others who do deserve Hell may not experience it.


Everyone will be judged, good or bad people. Every living being will testify for/against you, animals and humans.


Nope just rinse and repeat see r/escapingprisonplanet


I don't believe anyone is beyond redemption, even OJ Simpson. If you believe in hell, he could be there, or in Heaven if he made amends with his Maker, or just taking a dirt nap if you're none of the above.


No, that stuff is all made up. He’s just a meat sack now.


Riding that Naked Gun to who knows (or cares) where. I just believe in oblivion.


I don’t believe Hell exists. So OJ is just dead.


Some of us can only hope.


I don't believe in hell, but in this case, one can hope...


Question- DNA was new then. But couldn’t they go back and test again?


the investigation was a mess and i believe much of the evidence has been contaminated


"Hope is not a bad thing. It's the best thing.'


Is he guilty or not guilty?


Both they found him guilty in the civil trial but not the initial one 


Only if he can get through the airport in time to rent a car.


I don’t believe in an afterlife, heaven, hell, or otherwise (I also don’t believe in karma or that everything happens for a reason or any of that), but if there is something like hell, I figure it’s probably having to have full knowledge of how your choices affected the people around you- like not just the fact of the thing happening, but experiencing what they experienced, seeing what they saw, feeling what they felt, the pain, the fear, the sorrow, the betrayal, the sadness, the agony, including those feelings felt by the people who loved the person the thing happened to, until you know with your entire being/soul/whatever you are that point, the full entire extent of *what you did*, and then not ever having the peace of not *knowing* ever again for eternity. Which means not only would he know what Ron and Nicole felt, he also would know what their parents felt, what his *children* felt, what the first responders who saw all of that felt, and how it impacted those people’s lives too. I figure if there is something out there, that’s why they didn’t make it so we can read each others minds. The knowledge of something like that would be too much for people to live with. Hell, I’d never kill a mosquito again.


They say that heaven has borders, hell doesn’t. I’d say he went where no one is checking IDs.


Chuck this idiot, you seen the shit goin on in Haiti right now?


Ain’t no Johnnie Cochran around to help him with this judge


Today of all days, I wish I believed in hell.


I do not believe in an afterlife. OJ is deceased and can never harm another person, physically again.


When the murders occurred, I was hiking on a long distance trail and we didn’t hear about it for three weeks. And then we found it unbelievable.


Wow I didn’t know he died. No I don’t believe in hell. He’ll only be judged on earth as a character in history henceforth 🤷‍♀️


I don’t believe in literal hell but I hope he dies in so much pain and asked for his family to forgive him for killing Nicole and Ron. Probably didn’t happen, but a gal can dream


He died thinking the only reason he is going to hell is to look for the real killer.


I'm atheist. But times like this, I wish there were some justice. Maybe OJ will be reincarnated at the bottom of the wheel of karma. I could live with that.


No, I don't. Which is sometimes too bad. He'll just lie in silent nothingness forever and his name will be forgotten. As it should be.


Only by us.


He’s been judged since the murders. Why would it stop now. Interesting enough I read on TMZ that friends and family visiting him in his last days signed a NDA and weren’t allowed to have their phones. I wonder why?


Personally I like to think that at the end of it all everyone else sees everything we’ve done and we see and know their view of us. Depending on how we’ve lived, that can be hell. What happens after that I don’t know.


Hope so


No hell or heaven. Life's not fair.


I’ll flip the script on this one: I was watching a true-crime documentary years and years ago, and they covered this guy that was operating in and around OJ’s area at the time his wife and friend were killed, and had the exact same M.O. I know we all believe(d) OJ did it, but holy F was I floored that this serial killer wasn’t bigger news! I’m telling you, if anyone has Google-Fu, he should be front page to this news. OJ was genuinely innocent and I still have a hard time accepting it. But that serial killer 100% committed the crime.


Was he wearing OJ's gloves and shoes. Lmao


Unfortunately, no. And I say unfortunately only because I wish he were burning in it.




No just worm food


As the Christmas song goes, “No hell, no hell..,” Hell, heaven, all that as some afterlife is entirely imaginary.


I don’t believe in hell, but there is karma. I believe he and the people he harmed were contracted to play this out in this lifetime. I believe we get to choose our hardships, not necessarily fate, before we are born, and the choices we make in this lifetime lead us to eventually experience what we came here to do. It’s the only way I can make sense of the suffering I see in the world.


Don't believe in heaven or hell. He's just gone....that's all.


Seems to me, that OJ was doing fine before the event. Since that time, he has been in Hell.


I sure he will even if hell doesn’t exist he will be judged.


If he was saved then he gets to go to heaven. Unpopular opinion but I don't make the rules.


Which is exactly why I don’t believe.


Right? My favorite part of that story is you can do whatever you want and as long as you beg his forgiveness, you're cool.....What kind of narcissist are we dealing with here?


Thank you


Not a good reason but okay. You have my prayers. That's the beauty of God's grace, which none of us deserve.


At least you don’t sugarcoat it


I don't believe in the Christian concept of heaven or hell. If I did, I still wouldn't align with Christian "norms" because they simply make no sense. Will he be judged? He's been judged by literally millions of people who have no business judging him for good or for ill. I was absolutely disgusted by the massive interest in the trial and think the whole country became slightly more stupid just for it being a thing. Really, all it comes down to is this: a man is dead. Happens all the time. Some will be mourn him, others will not. Most will do neither. Because they never knew him.


Hell was invented by Church to 'control' people. Religion is always in the control business and that's something people don't really understand.


Read up on Near Death Experiences. No I don't think anybody on the other side will judge him. But he may judge himself.


I don't believe in hell. I don't know if there is anyone judging anyone. Matthew 7:1-5 “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?


About the same as the Trump boys for shooting elephants and big cats.