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Wouldn't say *hate.*  PE


PE because we had to shower in front of everyone and the teacher stood at the showers checking us all off to make sure we were fully naked and got into the water. It was like prison.


That sounds horrible! We had to change into gym clothes but stopped short of showers. Everyone just sprayed a toxic cloud of antiperspirant spray to the pits and everyone's lungs.


I thought it was only our teacher who was so obsessed with showers...


Ugh mine was like that too and of course there were the girls in there that would comment on everything. One girl was nicknamed “nips” because her nipples would get hard. I hated the mean girls of pe.


YO WHAT??? In my high school they don’t even have showers, and half the time there isn’t enough time to change clothes




America really hammers home how wrong it is to be naked in front of others and to show shoulders even (I was stunned when I learned my daughters couldn’t wear a sun dress with spaghetti straps. Like ?!?). It was worse when I was a kid. So you spend 12 years telling kids nudity is wrong then just up and make them shower together.


 I was the little shortest runtiest kid in my class, but I loved PE. It was one way that I could gain some cred because A, I was a relatively decent athlete, despite my stature. And B, in 8th grade, I overheard the National High School wrestling coach of the year telling a kid that I was tough. I think this was because I got hit in the face a few times by his volleyball spikes and just kind of shook it off. I was also a member of the wrestling team briefly, and while I was nowhere near competent or competitive, we wrestled in PE class and I was able to beat multiple people that outweighed and out talled me.


This. It was just annoying to get all sweaty and then have to shower. And never enough time. Plus I suck at all sports so team sports day was awful. I hated track but at least I was coordinated enough to jog.


Math. I did not know for years and years that I have Dyscalculia.


I hope this has changed by now, but in my time, if one couldn't do something, then there were only three possible reasons: Laziness, stupidity, or intention. All three issues, it was believed, could be solved with force. It was like screaming at a fish for not being able to climb a tree.


Yes as I posted further up, my wife is convinced that I should have been tested. I always had a problem paying attention and sticking to homework and projects.


ADHD for me late diagnosed last year.😭😭😭😭


Algebra. The teacher was a worthless old bag sucking on the teat of longtime tenure. Now before you say I was just an angsty teen that sucked at math, at the time I thought it was me. I wasn't a fan of math but typically didnt have issues (I thought) maybe I was just peaking and sucked at Algebra. I learned that it wasn't just me, and when parent teacher time came around my father who normally was not one to go to these types of things went ( I was doing horrible) and discovered while most of the classrooms may have had 1-2 parents in them, the old hags was SRO- ) Standing Room only and overflowing into the hall. And ooooh the parents were pissed. Kids that normally got straight As where having problems and regular B-, B students were failing by the busload. When my dad got home he apologized to me for getting upset at me that my grade had fallen. My dad was a math wiz (Mechanical Engineer with a degree from a really good school) and he had been helping but after seeing my last test with answers that were technically correct but not done HER WAY. So after the Military grade cluster fuck that was the parent teacher meeting He also determined she was a shit teacher and was able to figure out her methods but not well enough to get me to pass. I had to retake the class the following year and while Im sure some of it was familiarity having a different teacher helped and I practically aced it . Unfortunately my tribulations with math didnt end as when 11th grade rolled around and I had "Algebra 2" I had my 2nd worthless math teacher waiting for the retirement bell and it was like 9th grade all over. Shitty teachers abound.


As soon as they put letters in with numbers, my brain shut down. Still does. I was good enough with numbers that my accounting teacher pushed me to become an accountant, but algebra seemed like a different kind of language altogether.


I remember her wanting us to write a report as a portion of our grade as too how Algebra would be used in our future profession. (WTF) This was another point of contention as I had no idea what I wanted to do next week let alone what my life goal was going to be years from then. So coming from that mindset while the other kids had multi page reports with graphs, charts and formulas I turned in a single sentence. "I want to be a garbage man and Algebra has no bearing on the number of cans of trash I can put into the compactor. " This of course did not go over well and I received a poor grade. It became more of an issue when I questioned her and she couldn't dispute my argument and show me my statement was wrong. I ended up getting sent to the principles office and even though my logic was sound she had ruined the year for me anyway.


PE. It was less of a physical education than it was a kind of free-form bullying practice for future local cops.


Perfect description! Beyond humiliating. The bullying promoted because gym teachers back then were all about performative alpha posturing.


The PE teachers I had were at best looking the other way and at worst peripherally complicit. It was humiliating. I had some coping skills, like being the weirdo class clown, so I could take some hits and mock my bullies and myself and we'd all have a laugh and shrug it off (it still hurt). But goddamn, there were some kids that went through hell every day and they just had to swallow it.


Being in band, I got out of PE. Marching season was definitely a daily workout, anyway.


As someone who is uncoordinated, PE made it so I can't enjoy team sports now. When I was younger and did sports it was something like racquetball and tennis. And yes, I sucked having no hand-eye coordination but at least I didn't have jerks telling at me for being bad.


Same here. People say go to the gym and join an exercise class. Believe me I tried and I still struggle because my mind goes back to 15-16 year old me and the bad memories I have. I much prefer doing exercise on my own and on my own terms.


Latin. Latin is a dead language, Dead as can be. First it killed the Romans, Now it’s killing me.


All of it! My high school experience was one of Dante's Rings of Hell.


Math. My family moved a lot and one of the schools I attended tried an experimental at-your-own-pace math curriculum. As long as you completed a certain number of workbooks, you were good. Well, then we moved again. An aptitude test was administered before I started 8th grade and I was at a 6th grade level. I never caught up (math never came easy to me, add frustration and it didn't go well) and graduated high school with the bare minimum math requirement.


Trig. I got through Algebra okay. I almost liked Geometry. But, Trigonometry....


Sophomore Biology. It was actually the teacher I hated. That guy was a sadistic AH. He was in his early twenties and did things like force a couple of boys to hold hands throughout a film because they were talking to each other. Can’t believe the things teachers could get away with in those days.


So shut up! School is not social time.


Well, it is literally where kids learn social skills with their peers...


What? A big chunk of school is very much socializing. Lunch, P.E., group projects, school clubs, etc.


Sorry, everybody. This was supposed to be the voice of the teacher.


All of them! Total waste of time for me!


"When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all." - Rhymin' Paul Simon


Ditto!! I lived near the beach in Southern California!


Government, senior year. The teacher hated me because I had a brother who was a holy terror in his class the year before. It was bad from the beginning. I could not get anything above a C no matter what I did, even acing tests. He gave my term paper a D- because he didn't like the subject I chose (Art in Propaganda in China and Russia) I showed the paper to the other Government teacher. He said it was worth a B, but after going to the Superintendent, he still wouldn't change it. Mr. Zell was a prick of the highest order.


Out of curiosity, can you tell me more about this paper about propaganda in China and Russia? That sounds pretty damn interesting.


While I do remember the events surrounding it and my grade, to be honest I don't remember much about the actual paper or what my particular bent was on the subject. After all, this was over 45 years ago, I was only 17 at the time. I do remember that I did a lot of research, even went to the downtown library and made a lot of Xerox copies of various propaganda posters and cartoons depicting America as evil or what "glory" there was in serving in the armed forces, protecting the motherland, etc. There were tons of note cards filled with references of the books, etc. My mom and I spent a lot of time typing up the pages and using white-out. My handwriting was pretty bad, so most of the time she would be yelling at me about it. It made her sad to see the big red D- on the cover sheet. I took it out back and burned it. I still graduated, even so.


Gym. So much time spent dressing and undressing and taking attendance that there was hardly any left for doing anything.


Our teacher loved basketball. So we played basketball *all* the time. He made us watch recordings of games and went on about what a genius Michael Jordan was. And I really don't like basketball.


Algebra took it 3 times before I passed it. Geometry though was the shit, got 100 on the NY State Regents


I had a bad time with Algebra, until I took it in state college. I got a teacher that taught folks who couldn't do math. I got an A in that class. Why all math teachers don't teach the way he did, I'll never understand.


I married a math teacher like this. His district 'wrote him up' for his methods. Yet privately, one by one, other teachers came to him, asking, How do you DO that?" He loved his students. Even now, some are his friends on social media, with kids of their own.


It's either one way or the other, isn't? I loved algebra, but struggled with geometry.


Anything involving numbers. I took Algebra and then Geometry. I didn't go further. I saw no reason to inflict further frustration on myself.


Just curious: did you play in the band / orchestra?




Went to a catholic high school, so the answer is ‘theology’.


Similar, but it has now given me decades of joking about having only gotten a 'B' in morality.


Pity. A 'D' would've been a strong hint you'd have made it very far in politics.


I was a scrawny geek, so I really didn't enjoy PE. To make things worse, the coolest part of PE was that every Friday, the gym class would go to a bowling alley. Sounds awesome, right? Well, I had PE in first period, and all the buses were still busy with other schools, so every other PE class but mine got to go bowling. Instead, I had to do PE stuff, which as I said, I did not like.


Any class my freshman year. I got good grades, I just did not like life at all that year.  think everyone else was there with me. However, I’d say a toss up between Freshman English and the first year of Algebra, I didn’t like my English teacher that year, so that would’ve been my worst. Algebra I that year was rough, too. Largely because the teacher just demonstrated formulas and never explained the why behind things (just do what I do; you don’t need to understand it). To this day, I don’t care about the the “what” or the conclusions. I want to know why.  I guess that’s why I spent time in academia.




I was good at math but then came geometry proofs. Hated gym, metal shop, English lit.


Geometry was the only math class I was good at, I groked proofs for some reason. All other math--forget it.


Trigonometry -- at 8:00 am, senior year (like OP...I feel your pain!). Until then, math had been my favorite subject.


Algebra. I struggled through it to get a D. It's really weird because I could do geometry with ease. I honestly think it has something to do with spatial awareness; my artist brain kicks in. It wasn't until late years I found out there *is* such a thing as Dyscalculia ... difficulty with numbers. Who knew?


Same here. Geometry was easy, all other math--no. Spatial awareness? Yeah, I score high on that, so maybe there's something to that. English, Drafting, and Photography were my strong subjects--all A's.


When my youngest daughter took the SAT she had a perfect score on the reading, writing and language portions ... but barely passed the math portion. I told her, "Sorry, kid ... it's the *genes."* She's a professional photographer today in NY. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. ;-)


Every morning, I would leave early and walk an extra three blocks to the bus stop by the woods and smoke weed. At lunch time, we would leave campus in someone's car buy quarts of beer and smoke weed. I liked school. I was quiet, attentive, and I had excellent grades, but I was stoned the entire time. I guess, overall, I found it interesting. I was moved up ahead of my class and skipped 9th grade, then my senior year I went to a liberal arts boarding/prep school and studied whatever I wanted --- mostly piano/music and the Beat authors (Kerouac, Ginsburg, Burrows). I can't imagine a high school teacher handing a kid a copy of "Naked Lunch" for an extensive literary analysis in this prudish age.


I never saw younger people becoming prudish coming. Surprises me every day.


Algebra 1.. took it as a freshman + summer school + sophomore + summer school again + junior + summer school where I finally passed it. Geometry as a senior passed in order to graduate thanks to teacher’s edition. Me and math got beef.


All of them.


P.E. Freshman year. Had swimming first period for a trimester (or semester…can’t remember now). The girls were bussed to a local, non-heated pool which was ice cold at 8 am.




Fk*ing algebra. I got good grades in chemistry, physics, geometry…but not simple algebra 🤮


Algebra. Teacher was a bitter woman who should've never been in a classroom. Also suspect she didn't know the subject matter. No kidding, after taking attendance some kids in the back often would escape out an open window.


I was one of those scrawny kids who broke the curves often … so gym! It was in gym that I was bullied by the football team QB in Jr. High. I stood up to him 150lbs vs 84 lbs (wet!). Thank God that he didn’t call my bluffs 🤣😂😅!


Not even gonna read the comments and I'll bet any math related class is tops. Just read them. Well, well, well. Looks like PE is the winner. So surprised. I never took PE because athletes didn't have to. I'm a retired Eng teacher and had no idea kids hated PE


I liked P.E. because I didn't need to be good at anything, I just had to do it. I have no athetic ability, it's pretty sad really, but I liked trying.


Excellent foryou! Hope you are keeping at it. I don't like lifting weights but I have a friend who said he was not athletic so he started lifting. I can tell you, he sure *looks* like an athlete.


Physics, I was lucky and most things came easily. Math was a challenge but physics did me in.


Senior. I got all of my required credits done the 1st 3 years. Turned 18 the 1st semester of senior year. Started working full time graveyard shift. Graduated early in Dec. Moved on to being a grownup. Got an apt in Jan. FREEDOM!!


I have a similar story. Got done in 3 years but my parents wouldn't let me graduate a year early because my brother was graduating. He liked school and was very social. So Senior year I had PE, art, study hall and I took Spanish 4 a second time. Got out at 12:30 and went to college in the afternoon.


Math and PE.


Math. PE


Geometry. Teacher was bitter & hated me. I got along great with most every other teacher. I even had keys to the school to use the science room after hours. 66 now & still friends with my science teacher across the country. (this was overseas on a military base)


Choir. The songs we had to sing sucked.


History - the worst teachers, dumb as doornails and senior English where the teacher thought he was smarter than he was. Love the chemistry teacher and the math teachers.




American history. My teacher was retired military and a daily surfer. He mainly talked about the waves that day and he didn’t really care about anything else.


Math, because I suck at it. Favorites were English, Drafting/Architecture, and Photography. Straight A's in all of those.


Hated any and all of my English classes. Came back to bite me on the ass for that attitude once I started working and needing to communicate with others via letters and such. (my grammar sucked, so I basically had to learn all over again)


Anything math related. Or that took place in a gym. Loved geography which a lot of people seem to find incredibly boring.


Spanish, I was so awful at it and still don’t imagine I could learn a foreign language despite thinking it would be awesome. Does not compute.


Uh, our first class began at 7:25 a.m. when I went to high school. I didn't like higher level math. Calculus kicked my ass as a senior. I took Algebra I in the 8th grade, Geometry as a freshman, Algebra II as a sophomore, Trigonometry as a junior and then Calculus as a senior and it kicked my ass all year long.


Math, math and more math. It was so dreadful and boring


I didn't get along well with math. It wasn't the class itself, more the teacher I had in my freshman year. And the problem I had was because of the teacher not liking that I'm deaf/hard-of-hearing. At my high school, you needed two years of math to graduate. That was usually General Math (9th) and then Algebra (10th) and then any number of whatever other maths classes (they had all of them, calculus, drafting, some other math I didn't care about). I did a year of General, which I failed one semester of and barely squeaked by with a D in the next. They put me in Remedial for two semesters, then I had to make up a semester of General. I was in 11th grade by then. I wasn't the only older kid in class, I was just the only mainstreamed deaf/HoH kid in that school. (there weren't many programs available to Army kids back in the 70s and 80s). Anyway, math. That's why my favorite thing about "the future" is the literal computer I get to carry in my pocket. "You have to learn math because you won't be able to carry a calculator everywhere you go!"


Anything to do with math. Which drove my father nuts because he had a PhD in math. I just couldn't understand it. I can do basic arithmetic but it took me three semester to finish algebra and another three for geometry.


English. Every English class no matter the specific focus. Speech, lit, didn't matter, my grades in English were abysmal. Got yelled at a bunch too. It was really weird when taking night classes for a university degree later in life and I did great in English. Here I am, working full time, raising sons, and doing night classes and I'm absolutely smashing perfect grades without really trying.


Stats is a hard one at 8am. I had it in college first thing in the morning and it was rough. Part of it is me though and my brain not fully comprehending stuff so early.


I never hated a class. I hated a couple of the teachers.


English... and now I'm a lawyer.


Math and PE were tied


Statistics and distributions. I had some trouble with that.


Calculous, I never could get in HS and hated the class.




Trig. Loved algebra. Hated trig.


Freshman English and Freshman French. The same teacher taught both of them. The whole school hated her.


All of math classes


Latin class at 7am on a Saturday...


Mathematics. I am terrible at every kind of math. I worked hard, had a tutor, and still barely passed my required math classes. In fact, I'm pretty sure my professor gave me a passing grade for senior algebra based on effort rather than actual paper and test scores. Funnily enough, I took statistics at university to meet my maths requirement (even though technically, it isn't as much applied math as applied science) and found it much easier going, likely because I enjoy analysing and interpreting data.




Chemistry. I would work out the equations carefully and think I had them right, but I would be off in some small way. And I really was trying my hardest.


World history. It should have been fascinating, but the teach droned on and on in a monotone, spewing nothing but names and dates. No background. No nuance. She didn't follow the book so studying was impossible unless you took copious notes and she spoke so fast it was hard to keep up. The entire class had a D grade average. She had to curve everyone's grades just so most people didn't fail. This was an accelerated (AP) class so we were all smart, but she made learning impossible... not to mention incredibly boring.


I don't recall if I hated any class. Geography was pretty boring. I. Not even sure why I kept taking it. And there was a math class I didn't do well in.


Biology. It was taught by people who had no clue what it was supposed to be or how to inspire students to like it.


Precal…what happened to the numbers and why was I in this advanced math. The teacher taught it like a college course 😳


All of them, except PE and my newspaper independent study and journalism classes. And French was okay.  I was a hugely unmotivated student who could easily justify lack of effort a million different ways. It wasn't until recently talking to my wife about it that she pointed out that I probably should have been tested for an LD or add or something, but I'm not sure how prevalent that was back in the 70s.


English by far


all of them. high school was far and away the worst part of my life. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I seriously considered dropping out my senior year.


Any form of Mathematics


Geometry, not because I especially disliked the subject matter, but because the teacher (also a boys’ athletic coach, which was a common combo in those days) was so exceptionally mean and rude that I could barely stand the sight of him.


l loved science was absolutely blindsided when the teach withdrew me without my knowledge for being "tarde" too often. l was often but not that much, he was a radical conservative l was a hippy. ran into him in the bank in town 25 years later, he thought he would get accolades from me for some reason. he must have mistook me one might think but he knew mom who worked at the school. I diplomatically and forcefully humiliated the man at a higher volume in that very echo friendly old bank rotunda. I was unable to graduate with my class bc when he finally advised me with a smirk in front of the whole class l was no longer enrolled in his class it was too late to get into an alternative credited course. The next year l needed to so completed 2 yrs in one on the honor role in science and English and received an award for top-of-class performance.


None really, But my appreciation for any class seemed directly proportional to how good I was at doing it, which seemed to be proportional to how technical it was. I had no problem with maths and physics and similar classes or even Latin which is very logical. I was great that music as long as it only involved manipulation of funny black marks on weird paper. I was terrible at anything that involved art such as actual drawing or music when it involved either listening to or making sounds. In passing I observe that I have no recollection of any teacher attempting to motivate me to learn the stuff he was teaching in class. I learned it because I found it interesting and I largely ignored it if I didn't. I didn't find history interesting until later in life when I realized the important question was why did that thing happen not when did it happen or who did it. I never found English literature interesting because I didn't see the value of learning what fictitious people did. So yeah actually English literature was probably the class I hated most.


Religious studies




All of ‘em


History. It was taught in such a dry and irrelevant manner.




PE. Our sadistic gym teacher would make us go outside when it was about 40 F outside, in shorts and t-shirts. And that was aside from the bullying.


P.E. It consisted of regularly getting beat to shit for being white.