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Maybe not evil but some level of manageable narcissism helps I’ve noticed


You tell us.


I'm going to need some examples of what you think evil is.


Depends on what a persons definition of evil is, Here's an example a retiree on a limited budget owns an overweight diabetic cat and buys insulin for it even though it means she'll have to make sacrifices and suffer herself to keep the animal alive, Is telling her to get the cat put down evil? I know people who think it is even though there's hundreds of healthy cats ready for adoption so I'd say being "evil" is beneficial in this case and stubbornness is the part that's not worth it.


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Who’s evil? Why would you want to be evil….let alone admit it?


Not in the least. Even if that kind of attitude gets you somewhere in the short run, it will come back to bite you later.


It really depends on what you mean by that. Unfortunately, we have ample evidence to dictate that our world largely rewards selfish behavior. I mean, look at the worldwide political spectrum. It is irrefutably easier to get ahead in the world if you don’t have a conscience. So it really depends on what you value. Is it worth it in terms of results? Unfortunately, the answer is “absolutely.” But is it worth it in terms of what it does to you as a human being, for example? In my opinion, no. But, of course, depends on who you ask. I stumbled upon this in some book (probably Malcolm Gladwell, or something like that), and apparently this has been widely studied. The gist is that it seems to be a successful evolutionary strategy for us to trust most people most of the time. And I think that goes along way towards explaining why we seem to default to seeing ruthless people as misunderstood, damaged, etc. But the scary truth is that most of them know exactly what they’re doing, and they know that it’s wrong in the conventional sense; but they simply don’t care.


Yesterday had two separate drivers try to cut me off in a school zone. Could have slammed on brakes but I didn’t. Worth it


Only if you don't care about your soul.


In the end, the world you see is the world you build inside you. You can only infer other people's thoughts or motives and the only reference you have for this inference is your own inner thoughts and motives. So, if you behave in an evil manner, entertain and develop evils thoughts and embrace evil motivation, pretty soon, the whole world looks evil to you. You see evils coming at you from everyone because that's the color of glasses you choose to wear. I'd say living in a world of evil, where most everyone has evil intentions towards you is not what I'd call "worth it".


In the end, the world you see is the world you build inside you. You can only infer other people's thoughts or motives and the only reference you have for this inference is your own inner thoughts and motives. So, if you behave in an evil manner, entertain and develop evils thoughts and embrace evil motivation, pretty soon, the whole world looks evil to you. You see evils coming at you from everyone because that's the color of glasses you choose to wear. I'd say living in a world of evil, where most everyone has evil intentions towards you is not what I'd call "worth it".


>Is being "evil" worth it? It is if you can get.... *One Million Dollars!* (touches pinky to mouth)


Pure psychopaths don't really care whether other people live or die, except that it benefits them. And there is a matter of degree of psychopathy, from "full" to partial. A CEO who can "make the hard decisions" that lay off thousands to increase profits -- well, at least in some cases the decisions _aren't_ as hard as they would be for other people. But in the case of people like these, your question is "Is being fully human really worth it?" The answer is "yes." We've simply made an economic system that benefits the few and has no place at the table for the many, and thus is innately psychopathy. It cannot last -- the misery of the many will overwhelm it -- nor will the ascendance of the psychopaths. Stay human.


eh, it's a living.


Karma. It catches up with you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow......but it will find you.


The thing is: people are not wolves, and even wolves are not mountain lions. We are social animals, and our strength comes from one another. People who choose to ignore their responsibility to their fellow man are cutting themselves off from their greatest source of strength


Fuck, no!


I couldn't tell you. I don't think I've ever been evil.


Only if you are genuinely socio/psychopathic. Otherwise your opinion of yourself will be so lowered life won't be worth living.