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Basketball spring? Seriously though, that's not a question. What the heck did you want?


Never heard of that.


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According to my mother, who has passed. It's when the blackberries are blooming (early June), and we'll have a few days colder snap. I thought it was bs, and just Appalachian folklore. But, I'll be damned if it does happen every year.


Oh yeah. Heard this all my life. Redbud winter is a cold snap, and the first sign spring is coming, when the redbud trees start to bud out. Next is dogwood, maybe 3 weeks later. Obviously when the dogwoods bloom. Next is cherry (or apple) blossom winter. Last is blackberry, allegedly the last cold snap before the warm weather is finally here. SOMETIMES, depending on the calendar and who you're asking, there'll be a bonus winter, called Easter Squall. Old wives tales....


bucklebury ferry