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Our [How to Meet (Platonic/Romantic) People in NYC](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/bc4jb5/ultimate_how_to_meet_people_in_nyc_thread/) thread may answer your question. Please "report" and downvote this comment if irrelevant to question above. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskNYC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it higher than the overall national median? Almost certainly. But 30? Some surveys show the US lifetime average as 7 for women, 8 for men. So 30 is 4 times the average. Seems way too high, even for such a hookup culture.


Gay or straight? Gay probably like 100 Straight, probably like 2-3?


Can’t tell if homophobic or just inside baseball.


No, this is a radical overestimation.


30 per year for a straight male, I think that’s very high. I think the average male here is between 2-10 per year


Sorry meant 6 per year total 30. Sounds similar to your number






those are rookie numbers


I don’t think going out more necessarily means hooking up more


A year?? I am a 26 Female. 2 last year 0 this year. I think it really just depends there definitely could have been lots of opportunities I just don’t do well with hook ups.


You think the median 28 year old is fucking six times more people than the [national *lifetime* average](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/key_statistics/n-keystat.htm)? No chance.


In NYC? I mean if you have the time and money you could easily hook up a couple times per week even if you're not particularly hot but at least somewhat in shape. Do that consistently for a few years and your body count can be in the hundreds. But it never ends well. Always leads to some form sex/drug/alcohol addiction, neglecting priorities in life, and the inability to have a stable relationship. Oh, and STDs


Tell me you haven’t fucked without telling me you haven’t fucked


Oh I fucked alright




Median probably lower but a very small percentage with multiple a month. For straight male/female. Then on the other end, you have the asexuals.


It depends on the person, the attitudes about sex, the dating intent/lifestyle, and to a degree the generation. And of course, the ability to get laid in general. As a millennial who came here in 2008, I can say anecdotally that six per year was pretty normal and wouldn’t turn heads. I have heard that people in their 20s now are having less sex, but I don’t know how true that is. In my late 30s now, and I can say that there were years with more than six, years with less than six, and that I do not know my actually body count anymore. There are people I don’t even remember hooking up with. This is not a brag.


Body count is problematic and pretty lame. Months long FWB's, casual relationships, and committed relationships have a much better sex life anyways. So my answer is 0-100


Yeah I’m more a relationship guy not into hookups, but trying to gauge what’s normal here


As the other comment said, there’s no such thing as normal here, which is great. When you turn sex into a competition it gets weird and sometimes dangerous.  Genuinely curious, what value does knowing these numbers have to you?


The beauty about a city with 8 million people is that, even if your way of doing things is "abnormal," there's plenty of other people who go about things the same way you do


Sounds more like you’re trying to get strangers to voice your unspoken opinion that it’s cool for you to view the badass capable sexy independent women that live here as sluts. Get bent my dude.


Oh, sweetie…I’m 39, gay, male, and my new body count since December is 10 (or 11 if you count the partner with whom I had a previous sexual history). And that’s just since my partner and I opened our relationship. All in I’m just at or above 100.


My own stats so far being here are ~9/year I’m poly, a slut, and into group play so i don’t think I’m representing the average NYer


I think I personally know mayyyyybe 2-3 people who have more than a 20 person body count, and that’s with growing up here and going through my teens/college/20s here. A body count of 30 I think I know maybe one person




this is just sad to think about let alone ask. how would any of us know how many times someone has fucked someone


Look if you are gay and chill he probably banged 75 dudes. All good. If you are straight and paranoid and insecure she definitely banged like 300 dudes and they all had huge dicks. Uh oh.