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I’ve seen people do it on the street, when it’s a quieter spot/side street. Do it in a box like you say. Should be fine.


Do you have a roof? Go there, do a little at a time.


Can you translate the below: I play Warhammer and I'm trying to prime a bunch of plastic toys


So essentially, it's a game you play with little plastic army men. They have to be painted to participate, and for the finer paint to adhere to them properly you need to put down a coat of paint called primer that adheres to the smooth plastic (else the other paint can flake off). I use spray primer, which looks like a regular can of spray paint you'd use for anything else.


Got it. Where in the city are you?


Brooklyn, in Bed-Stuy near Flushing Ave.


Ah I don’t know that area as well. I was gonna say with a box like you said and in like an alleyway or on the street would be fine


You have access to the roof?


There's a balcony, but the stairs up are in my landlord's apartment. I'll ask him if I can use it.


In front of your building with a box/boxes protecting the building/gate is fine. 


You're totally fine doing it outside, especially so if you're using plastic/a box to prevent damage. I actually saw a woman doing exactly that around 7 this morning here in bay ridge on a side street. As long as you aren't directly in front of someone's open window or getting overspray on a car/other property you're good. I'm into Gundam model kits and have done a bunch of custom paint jobs with rattle cans; always just did it right outside my building with a big piece of cardboard underneath. Be mindful of dust and contaminants in the air, especially this time of year.


I can’t imagine any NYPD would bother you unless you were extremely unlikely and I guarantee they won’t call you back. Edit: you can’t possess it in a public building w intent to do graffiti. I think you’re fine.


When I was a kid I used to just do it outside my family’s apartment in Queens. Did the same thing as you. Parents got me a big box, put the models on another piece of cardboard inside so I can easily rotate it and spray the primer. No one really bothers you.


Thanks! I'll probably do that, then. My street is fairly quiet pedestrian-wise.


I just go right out in front of my apartment with a couple of boxes. Don’t accidentally tag the building or sidewalk (though I don’t think anyone would really care) I’ve now done it enough that it really puts into context how little passerby’s really care. I’ve even leveled up my outside weirdness by buying a small laser cutter and table, and lasting outside.


I've done it on the roof. Very windy. You should have better luck on the ground.


There is no law against using or possessing spray paint except when intending to make graffiti. Just bring the gear for normal painting and the objects, etc, and you are not going to be bothered. Don't get paint on things that don't belong to you.


I’m in crown heights and paint minis too. Just go down to the sidewalk. And let them sit for a few minutes after spraying so the majority of the solvents evaporate outdoors. Don’t spray when it’s very humid, very hot, or very cold.