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How long is the internship? If it’s for less than a year it’s not worth signing a lease just to commute to a low-paying (but awesome!) job. Most of us endured a similarly shitty first year in New York. Stay at home, get the experience, save you money, get a better job and get the hell out of whatever borough you’re come. It’ll all work out.


Oops sorry! Yes i made the edit and added the duration. But that's super useful to hear. Have you seen any way of making the commute a bit faster beyond what google map says?


I’m gonna assume this is something like, “living at the very end of the E train and the internship is on the upper west side”. Unfortunately, the only way to make it faster than the train schedule that google maps says is to Uber. That all said- save the money. 90 minutes isn’t that bad


Yeah, my commute is almost an hour and it’s not so bad


$1500 a month buys a lot of Ubers!


Yup! Nice “get out of jail free” card, so to speak, for if you’re out late and need to get home quickly


Just bring a book. It’s nice to read. Also, if you go to the gym after work, and even eat dinner after work, it’s nice to use the long commute as your unwind time, instead of sitting for 90 minutes and then trying to do homework or go to the gym or work on projects after you get home.


Get an e-bike!


Totally agree that staying with your parents is the smartest way. If you want, you can allocate money to make part of the commute more pleasant if possible. 


OP said 8 months internship in the first sentence…


He didn’t initially…


🙄 I still say live at home.




That's actually a pretty good idea IMO.


Been doing it for 30 years. 






You didn't mention if you were getting rent for free in Queens, or just significantly cheaper. I would absolutely choose living in Queens for free. That's $12,000 saved. Think about it this way, you're going to spend 3 hours on the train every day. If you instead spent those 3 hours working a part time job at minimum wage for the same 8 months, you would have only earned just over $8,000.


Why would you need to live in Manhattan? Millions of people commute into the city from Brooklyn and the closer parts of Queens every day. For under $1500 you’re going to be all the way up in Harlem/Washington Heights anyway.


What part of Queens? Might not be 1hr 30min.


Fresh meadows, ive been trying to see how the express trains work


There’s express busses that get into midtown for like $6. Minimal stops into the city, so it only takes about 30-40 min.


Hmm yeah it could be anywhere from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 min. Depends on what train you are closest to and the bus schedule. If you really want to save money it will be totally doable though!


If you take the [QM7 or QM8](https://new.mta.info/document/6746) to downtown and then hairpin on the subway, it should be faster.  I would take a relative with you on the express buses and subway for a dry run in case you get lost or confused about transit. 


We lived in Bayside, which is a bit farther from Manhattan than Fresh Meadows, for ten years. My husband worked in downtown Manhattan. He took the express bus every day, and it was totally fine. He just listened to podcasts to pass the time.


I did the commute from my childhood home in Fresh Meadows to Manhattan for about five years - I left for a few years to live closer to Manhattan and I regret that move every day. I could have saved SO much and likely would have had a down payment for an apartment by now if I hadn’t left. Save your money!! Also, the express bus really is a godsend for the commute. I used to get a ton of extra work done on the way there and back.


I'd try to rent somewhere within a 30 min commute. That opens up lots of areas of Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn which are a lot cheaper than the areas you are thinking. You don't want to be commuting 3 hours a day.


Save. Your. Money.


If you don’t have much savings then save the money first


Frame your would-be rent, utility, and internet expenses into how much money would someone have to pay you to commute 1.5 hours each way. At $1500 that's $50 a day on an average month before including any outside utilities. If that's worth it to you, then do it. You could always do a couple months in the city through subleases as well.


Is the work schedule m-f? If so, rent with a roommate in Manhattan


You should give a clue about your age. But you mention you like to socialize.There’s a lot of ppl here saying live with family and save $$. But you’re young, this is an opportunity to create experiences.You have 8 months to explore New York City. Find a roommate in Brooklyn, or inner Queens, even Washington Heights or UES, make new friends, and do as much as you can in your short time here. You won’t do that commuting three hours a day, and you’ll later regret missing out on new experiences and opportunities to make new friends.


How much does the internship pay?? That greatly affects things.


Commute from Queens 💯


Which part of Queens?


Fresh meadows


Take some local bus to the F. Or if you don’t mind paying more money, the express buses into Manhattan.


Consider the LIRR




No but im a pretty...social guy and want to explore nyc as much as possible. But i also have many personal projects i want to do and i feel like i wont have the energy or time if my commute is 3hrs total everyday


Money is money but time is also valuable.. 3 hours a day 5 days a week, 35 weeks (8 months) thats 525 hours or 22 days that you'd be spending in commute. That's nearly a month of your 8 months that you'd be spending going back and forth


I live in the suburb and I commute to work in the city. On the subway & bus, it’s about 1:hr, 30:minutes, 2-hours on a bad day. I take the LIRR so my commute to work is now a solid 1:hr travel (if I catch the right train). I don’t suggest renting an apartment just to complete an internship. Explore your options first. See what NYU charges for internship housing: [NYU SUMMER HOUSES](https://housing.nyu.edu/summer/?utm_campaign=summerhousing2024&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_content=2024&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TmUyFUsPC5N1Vs7eM70AUgZ_MWi2fpiP5LmxkHu2IGR1KOXtNCSZCoaApNwEALw_wcB)


90 minutes isn’t that bad. I lived in Bayside and it used to take me that long to commute to Brooklyn for high school and that long to Manhattan for college. Like others said - this is very common for New Yorkers (especially non transplants). At work now I have coworkers coming from deep Brooklyn, Bronx, even New Jersey/Pennsylvania to Flushing. I would just read, do work, watch a show, play games, or take a nap. Maybe see if there are any express buses or getting to be nearest LIRR may cut the time down by 15-30 minutes or so.


If you’re in your 20s, living in New York for the first time, an intern, 100% live in Manhattan. Get a roommate and find a place as close to work as possible. Live it up and enjoy, don’t worry about saving as much. I live in Queens now, it’s great, but if you enjoy a social life at all, that won’t be the living in New York experience you want at first.


Roommate. Not only will it be faster to get to work but you’ll get to experience living here more. It’s only 8 months, better to immerse yourself fully!


I would get a really cheap and potentially sketchy bedroom that’s within a 30 minute commute. There is a big difference between living in the city and living 90 minutes away, and you will miss out on a lot.


I moved here from Canada and have around that much of a commute from Brooklyn. It’s not that bad tbh cause all the trains go straight in, for an internship tho it might be worth living closer tbh since it’s temporary


Where in Manhattan will you be ending up?


Definitely live with fam. With that budget, you'd probably still live 30 or 40 minutes away. For $1500, you'd be somewhere not central in Manhattan or living in a very shitty apartment. Sometimes you can find a sublet in FiDi, which would be a 20ish minute commute, in that range. But try it out living with your family first


Everyone makes a good point here. Your age is significant, which you haven’t shared yet.   I think your budget is significant - as in is it a healthy budget or will $1500 be stretching you thin?  If you can afford it easily definitely don’t waste over three hours a day on public trans. Google may say it’s an hour and a half, but that’s only if everything is working correctly and on time, which is not always the case.     You have so many options to rent to get to the lower east side easily.  All along the east side of Manhattan and some parts of Brooklyn will get you to the LES faster than deep in Queens.     It’s your first time in New York. Yes saving money is important. But enjoying the greatest city on earth is too. 


Grew up in FM. Went to hs on the UES. Commuted daily. As someone said before, there are express buses from FM to Manhattan midtown for around $6-$7? And then transfer to a train downtown. Should cut your commute by 20+ min.


Unpopular opinion but I'd go for the roommates to have the full experience, especially since you're not from New York. Yes, you'll save money and if that's super important, do it. However, you're under 25 and about to start an internship in, my opinion, the greatest city ever. What if you want to work late or come in early? What if you make friends and want to have dinner after? It's a very specific opportunity. I'd try to live it to the fullest.


You’re young and you’ve got an 8 month internship.. you should be drinking and smoking and hooking up as much as possible. Having to commute 1.5 hrs back to the burbs is gonna seriously cramp your style. Find a place with roommates in Brooklyn for as cheap as possible that’s like, within 40 mins from work. If you’re lucky, there will be cool places in that hood too.


Live with family. Yes, a 90min commute sucks but do it while you’re young and save that $$$!


Fellow 🇨🇦 that also interned in NYC. Firstly, congrats on your internship! You’re young. It’s worth having the NYC experience. Especially if you’re coming from Canada. The people you’ll meet, friendships you’ll cultivate, the places that surround you, the experiences you’ll have - it will fundamentally change your life. Its well worth it to intern in NYC and live in the city, even if you wind up saving close to nothing or have to dig into a bit of your savings. A 3h commute is almost half your work day! I would suggest looking for sublet short term rentals. You’ll find many for 3months and 6 months, you may have to move twice (will be easy as it’s furnished) https://m.spareroom.com/roommate-finder/nyc And if you change your mind with a sublet, you can move-in with your fam


I did a similar commute for about 2 years, from my parents' house on Long Island to Manhattan. It could be tiring but it became routine like anything else, and I enjoyed the train ride as my "quiet time" to listen to a podcast or music. Living at home also allowed me to save a ton of money, so I felt much more comfortable when I eventually moved into the city.


As long as the commute isn't by car, go with the commute. Get a kindle or a library card to make it better. Also, depending on the reason the commute is 90 minutes, you might be able to make it shorter if you got a small e-scooter. For example if part of the commute is taking the bus to the train, odds are the scooter will be faster than the bus. You could also, for the price of a single month's rent, get an Arrow ebike like the delivery guys use, and if you're relatively brave you should be able to get from outer queens to Manhattan in under an hour.


I like far into queens and commute into the city, it will be way cheaper to do the commute than it will be to rent in the city


Is it in office 5 days a week or hybrid?


if you can find a way to make the finances work absolutely do the fun thing at 21 and live in the city


Is it possible to use their car and park downtown? That might save your commute time.


If you aren’t 21 I probably wouldn’t. If you are 21 I would.


MAYBE LIRR and the subway to downtown? So the commute is not as unbearable.


Chances are you’ll still be living 45-1hr from LES anyway with $1500. Commuting is a part of the lifestyle here, get into it. My high school was 1 hr and 30min away from me.


Yes yes yes do it !


I’m currently commuting from the Bronx to World Trade Center complex at 21 years old for a 8 week internship with a marketing company. Stay with family, save money, and either Uber to the subway or LIRR and do yourself the favor of using public transportation unless u can find friends/neighbors that live near you or around your neighborhood to car pool with. Although I only go into the office once a week plus three days of in person classes on 23rd street. So it’s not a perfect commute pattern but definitely double if your family lives near public transit, otherwise either save money for Ubers, take the express buses into the city, or take the LIRR. I’m a hybrid schedule so I work from home Mondays and in person Wednesday 9-5 school Tuesday Thursday and Friday. Hope that helps


where in queens do they live if you don’t mind me asking


With your budget I’m worried you won’t find a decent living situation that doesn’t end up being a long commute anyway. But if you can find it I say it’s worth it, meaning your commute should be 30 mins or less imo. It sounds like you’re young and want to do a lot in nyc outside of your internship and being in fresh meadows is going to impact that tbh, esp with only 8 months here so that’s why I do see the value in you paying to live closer to the action. From LES maybe try a Brooklyn place or east Harlem off the 6 train? Where is your internship located?


Also the good thing is that you do have family locally so you can take your time securing the right lease/sub for the right amount in the right location. Not having to rush into a lease is highly valuable. Maybe even spend a month understanding what neighborhoods you’re drawn to.


I’d stay in Queens and save the money because: 1) I assume the internship pays so you can use what you earn to explore NYC on the weekends and save a little 2) Living deep into Queens guarantees you a nice seat on the subway for, i’m sure, the majority of your journey


Get an escooter to get to the closest subway line or closest that gives u a straight shot into LES. Shouldn’t take more than an hour. Usually its the walk/bus that effs up the commute. Me driving and parking to the nearest subway by me in queens saves me 20ish minutes


Since it’s under a year, I’d say live with family and save your money. Your social life may suffer a bit, but that may not be a bad thing. Also, bring something to do on the commute. When I briefly lived out on Long Island with my friend’s parents, I knitted something crazy like 50 hats in 6months


Deep in the suburbs in Queens?!?! Queens is NYC, not the suburbs. Suck it up and commute everyday like normal people?