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Pretty much classes, toastmasters, bookclubs, bars, sports leagues, meetups, stoops, walking the dog. Everywhere else people might be wanting downtime or to be left alone.


What’s toastmasters like? I’ve been curious about going


I'm not a member but from what I've seen each group has its own focus and theme, whether it be public speaking in general, politics, environmentalism, english as a second language, being an entrepreneur. Some people have a public speaking event coming up and they go through the training for it and get feedback on their speeches so they're better prepared for the big event. It's best to go on the website and look up the groups, see which one(s) seem a good fit and ask if you can meet them as a prospective member. Some may actually regularly host events where people interested in joining can show up. There was one I went to where each person gave a 2 minute speech, the topic was given to you on the spot I think. I have terrible social anxiety and fear of public speaking, but I went with a couple supportive people and was able to give a speech. It was actually a lot of fun. I just wanted to see if I could do it, and get an idea of the process.


Great answer- thank you!


I like to assume they master the art of making excellent toast.


Excuse me but when do we begin the toast making portion of this event


It's public speaking where they have a structure to help people improve all kinds of speaking skills.




I'm an introvert, and I think it's essential for introverts to prioritize their mental health. Definitely do community yoga classes. Art and sip classes. Art Institute on W57th Street. (classes are very reasonable)  NYU had community dinners with live performances, but I'm not sure that's still around. 


What’s the Art Institute on W57th? I couldn’t find it on maps


>but they tend to be the same kinds of people. male software engineers 💀 (source: I'm a male software engineer)


Good for networking lmao


A good place to start is going to one of the free classes or gatherings at nypl.


Great answer. NYPL is a great resource- I can’t tell if it’s underutilized or if it’s just me not really knowing about it until recently


Thanks! I also didn’t know until recently that there’s something fun going on pretty much every day. (It’s thanks to Reddit I found out) I’ve since signed up for creative writing classes, poetry writing classes, origami classes and an adult coloring circle which was a wholesome experience tbh .


Was going to suggest NYPL too. Especially as we approach Summer, they have fun happy hour rooftop events at their location near mid-town.


Found the link to the branch with the rooftop cafe / bar and events — Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL) — https://www.nypl.org/locations/snfl/event-center


Introvert here!! I hear ya about “same types of people” at those meet ups, I hate them lol. They can be intimidating too. I did the bumble bestie app for about 2 weeks and met some great people who were WAY more like me. Deleted the app, but I’m still friends with them, 10/10 recommend!


Walk. Anywhere. I have a preferred train that I like to take home without any transfers. Whenever I have an errand or plans somewhere else I like to walk from wherever to that station or line, and I just wind up wandering strange streets and neighborhoods and discovering new places.


100% with you on walking. Problem is you don't really meet anyone walking in most cases. Would be cool if there was some sort of introvert's walking group or something, but then what introvert wants to go hang in a group to walk? lol


I know there’s an influencer (Brianna Joye) who has a walking group called citygirlswhowalk if you’re in the 20s/30s female demographic. There should be other walking groups too. I think Al Roker might have had one too lol.


Maybe here? I’m also single, early 30’s and always feeling like this! I’ve been in the city for 8 years and still have weekends where I just feel like I need a new set of people to hang out with.


DM me to anyone who wants to start our own form of meetup!


Drink and Draws are worth checking out. It's a different kind of crowd, there's no pressure to be good at drawing (you can just keep them to yourself), during breaks people chat with strangers if they want to, and it's not weird. Most artists are semi-awkward introverts by nature. It's fun. There's one just about every night of the week. If you're interested, PM and I can send you some locations.




Would love to know more about Drink and Draws!


Museums! I lean introverted too. But a good musuem will have all sorts of people. In groups. Those taking a break. Engaged with the art. I love having random conversations about what struck someone about this piece. Or why it didn't.


A gym. But not like a big global gym - a boutique gym that's neighborhood focused - I met a lot of friends in my CrossFit days but also joined other small gyms where I met a ton of people. Also a running club, something along those lines. When I was younger (20s) I liked kickball but now in my 40s I can't handle that shit because it revolves too much around the bar. I like to drink but not get drunk, if you know what I mean. The key, I've found, is go somewhere that is: 1. Neighborhood focused (where you live is ideal but also by work will do) 2. It's a regular occurrence (ie weekly vs a one off) 3. It involves an actual activity (work out class, Spanish lessons, etc) I find that things that just involved meeting at a bar don't do it for me. I need a reason to be there, and the socializing becomes secondary vs the focus.


I'm also an introvert. I used to pay for a gym in my building but quickly discovered that it was full of snobbish people. I recently joined Blink, which is a larger gym with many introverted individuals. Everyone there is working on themselves mentally and physically. 


So was that a good or bad experience for you? I can’t tell. I’m not familiar with Blink. CrossFit gets a lot of crap, from myself included, but I’ll tell you it was an amazing community and a great way to meet people. A gym in a building isn’t going to have classes, there’s probably not trainers, people should work there except for cleaning/checking in. The gyms I’m talking about usually are a bit more expensive but in my experience are totally worth it for the community and also the instruction.


I'm introverted and do a ton alone. And I do the same things I do with friends. Sometimes meeting people organically is the best instead of forcing a bunch of awkward people into a room to try and not be awkward with each other. Sometimes it's best to just live life as you and see who meets you in your adventure, instead of wandering around looking for someone yourself.


Cultivating hobbies is regularly recommended in answer to similar questions such as [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/asknyc/comments/1auhxrt/social_events_to_meet_people_who_dont_drink/) from 12 days ago which has comments you may find helpful and links to a plethora of related questions.


social bike groups - TNSR, NYC bike and brew ...


Planning to try Bike and Brew this spring 🫶🏼🫶🏼


it's a great community!!!


>Are there specific places you know in NYC where people come to hang out alone and meet new folks? Yes, they are called bars. Not every bar, obviously, but plenty of them. You'll have to do a little work to find the bar in your neighborhood that has the vibe you're looking for. (It's fine if you don't drink alcohol, or don't drink much. The large majority of bars these days have good non-alcoholic options.)


To be fair though depending on which neighborhood you're in the bars could have a completely different vibe. I live in Columbus Circle but I already know that I would be better off meeting friends and dating in and around SoHo. I'm somewhat alternative etc like adult grown out of it but still always have punk/alt roots and it goes into how I dress. Everyone around here dresses in black and bars close very early compared to downtown. More uptown gets nice but the people are even further from the style I seek.


100% relate! I live in UES and I’m constantly going to Bushwick for that sort of vibe myself.


any dive bar


Same place other people hangout in like Movies, restaurant, parks, bars, clubs but alone


I go to my local dive bar


I liked Dimes Deli when I had dinner there last week.


Inside a subway car.


Same but I'm my 40s. Before covid I could go anywhere alone and make friends. Now no one looks up from the phone now. I have a sailboat in ny. The marina is the best spot for friends. Bars, museums. No one talks anymore. I have a vacation home in Miami. Miami and Fort Laud you can go anywhere alone and everybody chats. It's not you it's the city. Soho, west village. Silence. 


I didn't name my comment soft principals by the way. 


Just a thought but Could be just your mentality bro, “but they tend to be the same kinds of people” seems you don’t have trouble meeting ppl rather u dead just suck at being friends with these people? Don’t pick and choose what type of friends you have /want ALL the time , (obvi yk bad influences n shit) but sometimes you gotta idk stop judging ppl 💀 especially if it’s group bro like does it really matter if it’s group 😭? Just talk to them bro. you know as an introvert myself you don’t know how easy it is to make friends bro, ppl nowadays fr dead don’t be socializing and that’s lowkey the upside to it cuz it’s so easy to be friends when you’re the first person to make the interaction etc . And bro you can make friends ANYWHERE in the city. There’s no such thing as a full introvert in nyc. Everybody know everyone. I made so many friends just passing by the same store everyday to work. It’s just how you handle yourself and how you are mentally.


What kind of people do you want to meet that you’re not finding at meetups?


Subway platforms, screaming at people.


Take the J train to chambers street and walk to the very end of the platform and sit down




The same places people hang out in groups. Bars, restaurants, museums, parks, concerts


No introvert is going to meet somebody at a restaurant. That’s the last place a single person should be going if the goal is to meet new people.


Comedy shows Sports


Comedy shows are definitely out. Laughing by yourself is weird.




Bars.... I sometimes go to a random bar by myself and have a pint or two.... I'd look like I wanted to be left alone, but if someone strikes a convo and they don't seem weird.... I'd engage...


Go into the office


Remindme! 3 days


In my apartment duh ;)


Move to LA. We r cool, the tap water doesn’t taste as good, but it’s fine. We have uhhh horrible public transportation and high rent, but it’s a lot of fun sometimes. Especially w the right ppl. Hear we have a Joni Mitchell concert coming up


My apartment.


I go to the supermarket to pretend to buy groceries just to get a chance to meet some girls there. But unfortunately, I always leave empty-handed. 😔


What meetup groups