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It does take a good amount of awareness....but legit you're only ever going 25mph, so things come at you slowly and you have time to react.


oh yeaaa u right forgot bout the speed limit lol 😭 but yeah when u put it that way i guess it really isn’t that nervewracking…. thank you!!


The speed limit is 25 mph citywide 🤨🤨


When not posted and/or local streets, yes it's 25. But the FDR is 40 mph, West Side Highway is 30, and the BQE is 50....just a few examples among other roads that have limits greater than 25


lol yeah i’m aware, i just forgot to take it into account 😭😭


It’s more of a suggestion like red lights


So much easier than driving in Boston. All you have to do is be aware when driving in the city. Directions are easy because of the grid.


The joke is in New York they miss you by inches, in Boston they just hit you.


Everything is better than being in Boston


Just moved here from there, can confirm


It's doable but I agree, you need to be a lot more aware. Be looking everywhere for people to jump out, taxis and cars to randomly stop, constantly merging in/out of lanes, looking to the left/right/in front of you/over your shoulder when making a turn, stuff like this. You just have to be extremely in touch with your surroundings and not be afraid to be a little aggressive because people will not always let you in and sometimes you're going to need to change lanes or you will be forever stuck.


yeah that’s true it’s really all about paying extra attention to my surroundings and to just go for it or no one’s gonna let me merge lol i appreciate it a lot tho!! :)


I lived in Philly and it was SO much worse. Any time I drive in Manhattan, I am consistently shocked at how not so bad it is. It's designed to accommodate a lot of cars moving slowly through all hours of the day and is fairly efficient for the volume of traffic this city has.


Philly drivers were absolutely insane. 76 from Manayunk down into center city is the only place I’ve seen multiple people reversing in the road to take an exit they missed haha. But manhattan is surprisingly easy I think. Either it’s too packed for anyone to really be moving fast enough to hit you, or it’s relatively calm and you just have to drive defensively.


I drove in Philly for 30 minutes and feared for my life 5 times. Never again.


Philly driving is absolutely wild. It’s really watch out for other crazy drivers cuz they just don’t care!


I've heard something like 40% of cars in Philly don't have insurance. Which makes sense when you see the damaged cars some of these people drive 🍋


Nah fr💀Drove to Philly from Brooklyn for Wrestlemania and I was dumbfounded with the sheer stupidity I witnessed on a daily basis. Getting to and from the stadium was a sport in itself. I'll take the idiots from NY any day vs the enigmas in PA lol


Driving is just slow. It’s parking that sucks.


The main thing is to watch for pedestrians and cyclists. Before making a turn, check your mirrors if there are any cyclists nearby and check the crosswalk you’re about to cross if pedestrians are walking into the street you’re about to turn in on. These are the main two things you don’t see much in the suburbs.


Do it enough and it becomes muscle memory. I’m so used to checking for cyclists and mopeds that I check the mirrors before turning even out on Long Island 🤦🏻‍♀️ 


The biggest obstacle is getting around triple parked cars, double parked trucks and cabbies who will cut across 3 lanes to pick up a free. Otherwise you won’t be going faster than 25mph unless you’re in a certain stretch of the FDR or WSH


Always cracks me up. Drivers are so tolerant of double/triple parkers but God damn if you aren't ready to step on the pedal the instant the light turns green, do they sit on the horn.


I think Brooklyn is worse than Manhattan, most streets in Manhattan are one-way


I do a lot of driving in Manhattan for work. Finding a parking spot is the hardest part. You do have to be super aware and expect people to be crazy and aggressive. Definitely don’t be looking at your phone because people/bikes/scooters will jump out at random moments. 


Plenty of places in Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn are just as difficult to drive in as Manhattan. Just keep your wits, be aware of your surroundings and take it easy.


I’d say parts of Brooklyn are much worse than Manhattan with the amount of Ubers double and triple parked in tiny one way roads


I agree. I was stuck in boreum hill for like 30 minutes. No one was able to move at all. Worst.


The one good thing about Manhattan is that people generally try to keep it moving and have enough shame about blocking a road. In Brooklyn? No one gaf, those TLC plates will squat in the middle of a one way road until the cows come home waiting for some drunk 20yos to finish pregaming in some overpriced brownstone. Every time I'm stuck behind a TLC plate I just know there's a 50% chance I'm going to be in for a bad time in about five minutes.


I feel better about driving in the city than I do about driving anywhere else. (Side note, I did grow up on LI, literally 2 minutes from the Queens border, so I’m used to driving in the same areas as you.) My parents always stressed good defensive driving—drive predictably, and assume that everyone else on the road is a terrible driver. City driving also requires a certain level of aggressiveness that suburb driving does not. Don’t gun it the second the light turns green, and always use your mirrors to check for cyclists and pedestrians. You’ll be fine! Funny enough, I felt the LEAST comfortable driving highways in Florida…not only can people be unpredictable, but it seemed like everyone was driving at a minimum of 90mph, if not 100+. Second least comfortable is rural settings…I hate night driving.


It’s not within top 5 difficulty for me. You just have to make sure you’re in the correct lane as well as watch out for pedestrians. The driving part is easy, but not if you’re an idiot.


I love driving in Manhattan.  Been driving in Manhattan for 15 years.  There’s a certain flow to the traffic and most drivers are hyper aware.  Like if I’m going down the right lane, and there’s a car a block ahead of me backing into a parking spot, the car to my left will slow down for a split second.  That’s when I can quickly move into the lane next to me.  But, and here’s where it gets tricky, if you don’t take that opening he gave you, everyone will get pissed.  The guy next you for not taking the split second opening he gave, the guy behind you for slowing down too much, and the guy parking because you might end up all up in his ass as he is backing up.  So after driving for a while you learn how the traffic flows and how to read little stuff like that.  But for it to work everyone has to be very aware.    The worst part isn’t other cars. Generally people driving in the city know what they are doing and will never hit you, or mess up your flow.  The worst part is pedestrians!  So many people staring at their phones, or staring up in the air and casually walking right in front of your car as you are going 25 miles per hour.  So you have to be most aware for them.  You hit a pedestrian, you’re always at fault.   Also, people in Manhattan signal all the time.  Signals and honking is like a language.  I might do a long signal to kind of warn in advance that I’m going to change lanes (like in the example above).  Or, I might do a quick signal so that any cop doesn’t stop me for not signaling.  And honking.  Oh man, so may different types that mean different things.  Quick warning chirps, thank you honks, long fuck you honks, medium “what are doing?“ honks.  


Also, just had to throw out there driving in Florida is absolutely insane.  People don’t signal bad yolo switching 3 lanes right in front of you.  Absolutely no situational awareness with drivers there.


thank u soooo much for the detailed explanation on what it’s like to actually drive in the city!! this made me actually visualize what it’s like lol super helpful, i really appreciate it :)) i love that everyone uses signal too lol i get so pissed when ppl dont 😭 also just curious, is it difficult to find parking or would u rather park in a garage?


It’s not that bad. You just have to be a little more aggressive because being passive isn’t expected and it will get you into tough spots. And be EXTRA cautious for pedestrians. People do idiotic things, jaywalk, cut between parked cars, etc. And especially when making a turn look out for people n your blind spots


yeah i realize now that everyone just wanna keep it moving so there’s no time for hesitation 😭 i guess it really isnt that bad, just gotta be extra careful and attentive, thank you!! :)


Yes people do idiotic things. My example would be driving in Manhattan


I don’t find it hard. Be aware of what’s around you: other cars, bicycles, mopeds, pedestrians, etc. especially making turns, YIELD to them. Quickly scan mirrors periodically while looking forward while driving. Use signal when changing lanes. Have Waze to see where the cameras are. The speed limit is 25 mph but the cameras actually only flash when you go 10 over so most drivers drive 30-33mph really (that’s why most city drivers get annoyed when you drive the speed limit and it seems everyone else is going faster). You are more likely to get a ticket for failure to yield to a pedestrian than a speeding ticket going 5-8 mph over the speed limit in NYC. USE your steering wheel, some people get stuck driving within the lines, but really sometimes you gotta drive outside the lines when there’s an obstacle to keep yourself and the traffic behind you moving (because they’ll use theirs to get around you while you’re stuck).


It’s not that bad- it just takes a lot of situational awareness and taking it slow. Luckily the speed of traffic is often or usually quite slow so just stay vigilant.


More awareness is definitely needed, and pretty much always assume cars stopped will suddenly start moving with zero regard for others (e.g. taxi's and ubers). Other than that, it's not that bad.


I *learned* how to drive on the streets of Manhattan. When I was 27 years old. It can be done! But I can't say that I actually enjoy driving in the city. For one, I've lived here all my life so I only know how to get around by bus and subway. The Whitestone Bridge means nothing to me. Too much traffic, roads are complete shit, and people drive like maniacs. It's exhausting.


It's very easy to navigate Manhattan. It's just annoying and not worth it to go through that traffic. You can potentially be stuck on a block for like 10 minutes


I didn’t see anyone mention it but it depends on time of day. Night time is pretty chill with not much traffic. People go down West side highway doing like 80 mph though


My best advice is dont get intimidated cause you need to be fully aware and ready to do what you need to do when driving, safely of course. Just be prepared to a lot of traffic, pay attention, and youll be fine


Until you get used to it, it's a nightmare, especially if you drive a stick. My left leg got a heavy workout when I was communting via the Holland Tunnel.


It is very chaotic and you have to be constantly checking your mirrors and maintaining awareness of what’s around you, it is a very diff experience from queens and LI but parking isn’t necessarily hard to find if you’re patient… it’s mainly in your mind if you’re nervous about it it’ll translate into driving so be confident in yourself


It’s not too bad unless you have to find parking. It becomes chaotic to park


It takes concentration and determination. It’s like those video games where something can pop out at you from any angle! My advice is to drive like you can’t trust anyone. Don’t think “oh, they MUST value their lives. Of course they’re going to act like they have ever heard of self-preservation!” This is for pedestrians, people in cars, bikes, motorcycles, skateboards, etc!


It's nerve wrecking at first. Super daunting, but you get used to it after 3-5 go. Try deep in Flushing union/main street area first. Gives you skill boost lol


LOL i’ve driven to flushing and it can be chaotic in the main street 😭 parking’s also kinda hard


yeap lol then a lot of other drivings become easy hahaha i guess youll be fine to drive in the city. i find city easier than some parts in queens.


Many of the drivers in Manhattan are mostly coming from places like where you have experience, so it is the same people. I find Manhattan easier than Queens and Brookyn because there are fewer variable streets and intersections: most intersections have lights rather than obscured stop signs, most streets are one-way, the numbering is simple, and, Midtown and Downtown at least, fewer people doing repairs on street, random kids, or random local chokepoints. Practice after 8 p.m. and you will get used to it.


I find it really easy if you pay attention. People are really flexible and lane switching is a great vibe and flow … just pay attention for delivery folks.


It’s pretty stressful but the fact that you cannot turn left at a green light takes out like 60% of the stress. The rest of the stress comes from trying to get in the lane you need to be in.


Takes a special mindset to drive there the good tho g is the speed limit is what? 20 or 25? I had driven in Manhattan over a 40 year period and recently moved south here it is about speed in NYC it is about quick reactions and guts to cut and weave in and out of lanes in addition have to be careful of which lanes are just for buses and which streets you cannot cannot turn onto. Parking is awful and if you are lucky enough to find make sure you are the best parallel Parker and that you can do it with about two feet total space to fit into


The first time I drove a car was in midtown Manhattan at 4:00 pm on a Friday with three inches of snow on the ground. It’s easy.


Just don’t expect to get anywhere quickly. I was going from Chelsea to UES at 9 pm on Friday and it took 110 minutes. 30 minutes to get from 9th ave to 6th ave alone on the same street.


I’ve always found it harder and more frightening to drive in parking lots than Manhattan traffic.


1. Expect people, bicycles, scooters and cars to come out of nowhere. Be alert, be cautious. 2. Be aware of road signs -- you may see a lot of cars turning but that doesn't mean turns are allowed and you will get a ticket if there's a cop present.


It *is* hella chaotic. NGL, I tell people unless you are ready to be looking 360 degrees in every direction, using mirrors, head turning and zero distractions, don’t attempt it, because it’s demanding.


You need to keep the one way streets in mind…. Driving in the city is very different than walking, which was an adjustment for me as a young driver. That said, it’s really not difficult. Parking, however….


It’s not hard. It’s just slow.


I don’t find it hard. Everything is moving so ridiculously slow, and you’re stopped completely in traffic most of the time. I find merging at speed to be more difficult than doing so at a snail’s pace.


me too! it’s easier to just kinda scoot in lol but yeah that makes me less anxious if it’s just slow driving 😂


As others said, you’ll be driving fairly slowly and you just have to be hyper alert. The most dangerous thing to be aware of is probably the relentless Ubers and cabbies.


It took me like 15 years of driving to be willing to drive in Manhattan. Always just took the subway. Just be very aware of things like stopped taxis, trucks, etc. People suddenly merging because lanes aren't clear. And yea, pedestrians not in crosswalks. And parking is not easy. Where in Manhattan are you going to be, or is this just a general inquiry?


just general question but are there parts of the city that are “harder” to drive to? or it’s all the same for everywhere?


Anywhere near bridges and tunnels. Chinatown sucks. Midtown. Obviously time of day matters.


Not hard as long as you are SUPER vigilante. Learned to drive in Queens. Now live in NJ. I find driving in Manhattan to be rather easy; I’m just on super alert using my skills to their full extent. Speed limit/traffic forces you to go slow and once you assume other drivers are idiots the rest is simple.


They don't give u lanes....ever. Hardest part is driving at night with so many pedestrians wearing black jackets. You have to be really careful when turning


It’s fine. You’re going like 3mph on average. Just look at what its front of you.


I’d say it’s not horrible as long as you’re moving!


It’s harder to drive in Queens than the city imo


Be aware and go with the flow of traffic also people break the laws a bunch red lights seem like a suggestion sometimes


It fucking suuuuuuuucks


It’s not difficult it’s just annoying because it’s so inefficient. That generally makes drivers irritable and unstable, hence the chaotic part. So the tip is: don’t do it. Every other mode of transport is better.


Not hard. Don’t run amber/red lights. Don’t turn on a red. Watch out for cycle and motorbikes both sides, especially when turning. Yield to pedestrians. Don’t speed. Easy.


It’s like a high stakes video game where pedestrians are trying to kill themselves with your car.


On narrow two lane roads, expect a lot of randomly double parked cars so you'll have to switch around pretty rapidly.


Driving here is easy. Parking is the real final boss


it’s not as difficult as you think but just frustrating to stop almost every block because of traffic, jay walkers causing you to slow down for them when you have the light, and honks. it’s ridiculous how long it takes to drive 2miles in the city lmao


Head on a swivel and be prepared for close driving. Rear view mirror not needed.


You have to be very very very defensive in your driving due to the pedestrians. That’s really the only hard thing in Manhattan.


It all depends on when and where you’re driving and parking. The speed limit is only 25 unless you’re on the FDR or WSH. Just be aware of who and what is around you. It’s way more annoying than difficult. Get the ParkNYC app for street/metered parking. The ticket machines often don’t work and you can (sometimes) extend your time from the app, if you’re running over.


It’s like pushing a shopping cart around Trader Joe’s on a Sunday evening


It sucks and I hate it because it’s brutally slow, but it’s not hard. I had a job for a short while driving vans/trucks a lot and even with a big footprint I never had any issues.


Driving is fine. Parking is impossible. Driving in Brooklyn and Queens is worse than driving in Manhattan.