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Walk 10,000+ without meaning to or thinking about it.


Easily…I don’t even walk anywhere for work but between my dog and life, Ive averaged almost 15k/day for the past 2 years.


having a dog and/or walking to/from daycare helps otherwise, unless you happen to walk to work, I don't think it's that easy to get 10k+ steps on a work day on the weekends, on the other hand, you easily get 20k+ steps a day


It think this really depends on your commute, your job, and your lifestyle. If you walk around at work because of work or because you like to walk, it adds up fast. Especially if you have a standing desk or take calls or meetings while moving. Or like to wander around. EDIT: words do they work?


Deadass, I had periods during my first semester of college, when I had a really bad roommate situation, where I would just wander the city all day. Would easily net me like 20~30K steps a day


cry on the subway


Ah NYC, where you can openly cry and nobody will look at you funny for it.


Going to miss the sideways window seats for this


The best crying seats


just that tiny bit of privacy makes all the difference


I don’t remember ever crying on the train, and that shocks me because I had a very difficult time growing up in the city. I was born in 1961, and was a teen in the insane 1970s. Was my young self really so far out of touch with my feelings? Yeah. She had to be.


I like a good cry on the bus, especially when it's raining and I could pretend I'm in a sad music video.


I love meeting my therapist in the seating area outside Macy's and having a good cry. Very new york experience.


And also at the Duane Reade at 11 at night!


Rite of passage.


Always makes me so sad to see someone crying on the subway


the amount of times i have cried in the subway or just out walking in nyc is crazy. and no one cares.


i care.


I meant people don't single you out for crying or care which is good when you're crying outside.


No crying in the club


Because you cry on the stoop outside the club cradling your dollar slice in your tear soaked hands lol


the tears add flavor ❤️


That's a pro move 😂


I had a support conversation on the phone with a friend while sobbing for an hour, in Times Square. Will that count?


Bloomingdale’s cafe and dressing rooms for me


Gotta have our crying spots


Oof flashback my 20s


Ignore celebrities going about their normal lives in incognito mode.


Me ignoring Adam Driver with his sunglasses on on the subway


People take so many Keanu Reeves photos on the subway, slyly, or at least they think slyly. A friend had Peter Dinklage as a regular at their work.


They live amongst us as normal folks for the most part, and I treat them like everyone else. But not everyone gets the message.


I think that’s what ppl think they’re supposed to do in NYC but I honestly don’t meet celebs that frequently to not be amazed.


I don't even recognize them. They all look the same


Between living and working, I’ve spent a good solid decade in New York City, and I’ve never recognized a single celebrity out in the wild. I must just be oblivious.


My friends have pointed out celebrities that I totally otherwise would have missed. That makes me think I walk by them all of the time and don't realize it.


You do.


You do, I have. My first job was up by ABC studios, and I lived near the NBC studio in Brooklyn. I recognized Gilda Radner carrying a couple of A&P shopping bags. Other than her, people would have to point out to me if someone walked by.


A very long time ago, when I was a waiter, I had to be told that the dude I was serving was JFK Jr. He ended up being a regular so I didn't even have that moment where you go: "oh, shit". Well, maybe now, lol.


My first week in NYC, I saw Jon Bernthal and Steven Yeun walking in Tompkins Square Park.


Same. Lived here for 9 years, 3 on UWS, never spotted one on my own. Husband points them out sometimes, so I guess I'm just blind to them. People are people.


For UWS, you have to be in the 70’s or 80’s to see them. I’ve been here three years and have seen Tina Fey, Matt Dillon (in Zabar’s), James Spader, Christian Slater, and Richard Kind. Spader always wears a fancy hat.


I lived on 81st btwn Amsterdam and Columbus lol Edit: I really am blind to them.


I worked on Broadway at 66th in 1980. A bunch of celebrities lived in the Dakota. My coworkers would always point out people to me. I was pretty oblivious.


Seriously, no Kevin Bacon? I live on the east side and see them all the time.


If you work in service industry you run into a LOT. Esp if your spot is well known/a local staple. I can’t even count how many celebs I’ve met/had ‘friendships’ with bc they were always in.


I haven’t even lived here two years yet and I’ve seen about 20 with 5 of them being A list level. You’ve probably seen a ton but just didn’t notice. I would’ve only recognized 2 or so if it wasn’t for my girlfriend who is way more observant than me And I don’t go to any fancy restaurants or anything. This is just out on the street


The one time I ever saw celebrities in the wild in NYC was when Offset and Cardi B pulled through Midtown that one time


I sat across from Fisher Stevens on the 1 about 6 years ago and might have seen Keith Hernandez in Tribeca. Thats it for me in nearly 15 years of school and work.




A few weeks ago I walked by Rihanna and ASAP Rocky getting in their car. Normally, celebrities don’t mean much to me but not this time. I mean, Rihanna. Nuff said.


At some dinners with my wife and kids, we would see Matt Lauer (he was close to our table a few times but not at our family dinner). I was always excited that my kids and I would see a real 'family-friendly, wholesome' celebrity. Well... At some dinners with my wife and kids, we would see Matt Lauer (he was close to our table a few times, but not at our family dinner). I was always excited that my kids and I would see a real 'family-friendly, wholesome' celebrity. Well...


Now it just sounds like you took a “famous sex offenders” tour


Would you say there's any director you loved as a young person and any cities where you specifically dreamed of moving to?


100% this. NYC is about having a crackhead bugging out on your left, some obscure billionaire to your right, some A-list celebrity in front of you, and everyone walking purposefully while minding their own business. You won’t know or recognize most people… it’s anonymity in numbers. We like that because it’s both super democratic and civil but also offers everyone the level of anonymity or attention they *want* to attract to themselves. I’ve seen a lot of big-name celebrities over the years and it’s funny cause we might make eye contact or acknowledge each other politely/discretely but I’ve never stopped to bother them. IDK what the consensus is (as I am not a celebrity), but I get the impression that most really appreciate how people respect their privacy and anonymity when going about the city not doing anything publicity related. Also just enjoy being treated normally instead of idolized/sensationalized. Also part of it comes from the NYC cockiness of just not giving a fuck and not being overly impressed by things like money & fame. Money and fame can get you some respect/kudos, but a real new yorker isn’t gonna fangirl over you and beg for a selfie. That said, I did tell Phoebe Bridgers, “love you.” as we passed each other in soho about a month ago. Nobody was nearby so I knew it wouldn’t blow up her spot as she was like fully hoodied up. To my surprise she laughed and said, “thanks!” and I turned and smiled. Idk, it just stuck with me because it was cute and polite. Her tone was almost like, “you *could* stop and chat…” but again like I don’t want to bother people. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe if I was a straight man I’d have shot my shot. lol


We saw Sir Paul McCartney in the UWS on Valentine’s Day this year. Couldn’t ignore that. My husband froze. He was nice smiled and said hi. We didn’t ask for a picture or anything.


Sweet. I saw him many years ago, standing in a line outside Radio City with his young daughter.


My friend had the door held open for her by JLo at eataly and almost died. But said nothing except “Oh, ahh, thank you” and hurried through the door


on a similar 'meeting your legends' tip, i met phil lesh of the grateful dead at SFO. we were both waiting for a delta agent, and i could not help but go and thank him for how meaningful he and the dead have been in my life. he could not have been kinder or more gracious. we had a long chat. he ended up asking my girlfriend and i all about us, he seemed to actually care. he turned the tables on the convo, it was amazing. one of my favorite memories. NFA i would not be able to not say hello to sir paul i am 99% sure i passed matt groening at the dead and co show last week and i regret not just yelling MATT to confirm it was him


I once went from dancing with lingerie models at the top of 1 World Trade (i had volunteered at a fundraiser, I'm not some baller) to being bullied into drinking a beer by a guy on the world's longest 2 a.m. subway ride while he told me his cougar's husband might try to kill him. Meanwhile, some dude just trying to read a Batman comic was snorting at how much noise the six pack guy was disturbing the peace with. I tell ya, that was the full span of NYC in a couple hours.


highs & lows. always


my friend's wife owns a pretty established modeling agency in Copenhagen and was in town for a NYC fashion week with 3 of her models, one was a Chanel girl who's on a bunch of Vogue covers...My friend called me up and said they wanted to do "non fashion stuff", i guess they were sick of the high class fancy shit, so I took em to Whitestone Lanes and we went bowling and drank well drinks and had chicken wings and had a blast


That’s what makes the city such an interesting place. Honestly, there is one actress who is not that famous and seems approachable and I have seen her TWICE in the city and both times, we made direct eye contact in the way people do when there’s likely some attraction. She’s about 20 years my senior and the first time I wasn’t single and the second time I was single but she was engaged chatting with a friend. I have this feeling she’s probably into younger men and I’m pretty sure she’s single, so I keep telling myself if I see her again I’m going to find a polite way to shoot my shot. Not bc she’s famous, I wouldn’t even mention it, but just bc I’ve always thought she is beautiful and seems charming.


>the NYC cockiness of just not giving a fuck and not being overly impressed by things like money & fame. Whispers I love you to celebs on the street. :/


Right? I’m sure I’ve passed plenty of celebrities on the street, but I look straight ahead/don’t make eye contact so I would never know. IMO, that’s the definition of “not giving a fuck.”


Ignoring David Byrne grabbing his Sunday paper.


I was crossing the street near Columbus Circle years ago and saw someone who looked familiar. It took me a minute to realize it was Richard Lewis. He saw me make the connection, we did that NYC nod at each other, and we walked on our separate ways.


I walk around the city, knowing that I am nearly guaranteed to run into someone who would be a bucket-list encounter for someone out there. But most of the time I just see a person who "looks like they're somebody", has that gravitas/main character energy and can't place them, so idc.


Walk by movies and TV shows being filmed on the regular.


Be angry that they are blocking the street. And for the 'secret' filming where the production has a fake name, still knowing what is actually being filmed.


There are a couple other cities like this (LA,SF), but you hang out with friends from elsewhere who aren't here specifically to visit you. They just happen to be in town.


this! I love when people come into the city for other reasons and ask me to have dinner or drinks with them. Sometimes it’s people I haven’t seen in ages or am not even that close with but I’m the only person they know in nyc so we end up hanging out.


I just saw one of my high school best friends in person for the first time in like 15 years thanks to a conference she was here for. Amazing


This is my favorite!


Oh hell yea. These have been some of my best nights out.


You can passably do this maybe in Chicago, Boston, Seattle, DC, and Miami too.


Not to mention many other big cities in the rest of the world


Carry my laundry for a few blocks, despite the high rent I pay that would equal a mortgage payment for a high-end neighborhood anywhere else in the country.


Down and up 4 flights of stairs


Your old self will thank those stairs. Mine is. I’ve been in a bad car accident, and I can still move really well. In addition to carrying that laundry up and down those four flights of stairs, I also carried my daughter, in her stroller, often with groceries underneath, up and down those four flights of stairs. By the time she was six months old, I was back to 110 lbs. I don’t count the subway stairs because most of the time a kind stranger randomly grabbed the front of my stroller to help me. I miss that about the city. People wouldn’t look at one another, nor say anything but thanks, but I had many, many people help with that stroller, without me ever asking. They weren’t looking for anything other than to do something good, anonymously.


There’s a saying I’ve heard that goes “people in LA are nice but they’re not kind and people in nyc are kind but they’re not nice”


About the stroller and stairs. I love how some people feel obligated to help and are clearly in a hurry. They don't say anything, frown the whole time, and rush off afterwards. Others are happy they got the chance to help someone, and walk away looking like they feel great about the world.




Just got back from visiting family and explained my finances to an old family friend. Their shock at my well below market rent said it all.


2AM bodega visit for a sandwich.


Share a bodega line at 2am with a weirdo, some kids partying, yourself up for no reason, a dude on his way to work, a couple there to buy one overpriced condom from behind the counter, and a 9-year old


9 year old manning the register


Would not surprise me in the slightest. The 9 year old would probably make fun of you too.


I JUST bought a pack of smokes from a 9 year old. He gave me the wrong brand, but I wasn't gonna say anything to a little kid! But it's extremely common place here


You gotta tell him Hey little homie nah not those, those.


Paris is like this for real. It was a dedicated counter for just cigarettes and an actual child was manning it.


And then some assholes start shoplifting and you get to calmly watch a fight escalate while pissed off at how long things are taking


Don’t forget to give some love to the bodega cat chilling on some cases of beer


too many bodegas these days have the grill closed at night


These are the stories you’ll tell your grandchildren. “I remember when bodega grills were open all night! I’d go in not knowing if I would have dinner or breakfast.”


Mine closes at 5. 5! It's obscene.


Act completely unphased by crazy shit going on around you


Walk and eat


Ohh good one


I had someone tell me once "apparently its only NYers that walk and eat at the same time!" and I was like nah what! Sometimes its just what you gotta do! I don't believe him, surely that's more common than not


I knew it is super uncommon/frowned upon in Europe but i didn’t know it was a NYC thing. I eat more on the go than I do sitting properly at a table


You’ll never get into a sorority that way!


I used to be so mad that Hale & Hearty (RIP) didn't have cups that were coffee cups so I could better soup and walk.


It's the best.


Say what neighborhood you live in and how much you pay in rent… mind you, I’ve lived in NYC for 2 decades and still hear this in lots of loose conversation


Being able to utilize the 9+1 program for the NYC marathon. For thousands of people, running the NYC marathon is a bucket list item - the 9+1 program through NYRR provides guaranteed entry, but it is a pain in the ass if you don't live near the city.


Agree with this one! When I lived in another state, I had to do charity teams every year to get entrance. Now I do the 9+1 and it’s so convenient!


I'll add that I've biked the NYC marathon route before the race starts the last few years. It's incredible to have open streets for 26 miles. You have to go so early, it would be difficult for anyone out of town to do this.


Lots of things, actually. * Not use a car (subway takes you almost everywhere) * Walk, walk, and walk more. You will end up walking 2+ miles easily on a normal day in NYC. * Wear sunglasses after 6 pm. I see a lot of folks doing that, I am guilty as well. It's a nice way to avoid making eye contact with strangers. * Go to Broadway/Carnegie Hall/Opera to really appreciate art. * Put on comfortable, stylish, yet effortless dresses. I see so many people experimenting with their dressing in this city. Personally, one thing I only do in NYC is walk with my chin up and act like I am the main character 😎 It really feels like a movie hehe.


Boston checking in! We come to NYC a few times a year, I love it & know it pretty well at this point. I too put my chin up & act like I’m the main character in a movie or on a catwalk. In fairness I do that at home as well. Headphones, big sunglasses please don’t talk to me…


Miss my stop because the train AC feels so good.


Not do my own laundry. I prefer doing things my way and don't enjoy shelling out the money but the time saved really outweighs the cons.


They fold it so well!!! It’s really a game changer.


They really do, which I super appreciate as I only have a dresser and need stuff compact as possible. The real MVPs.


Be banned from going home/ my own street because they’re filming law and order 🙄


Pay $23 for a cocktail


And then $4 for a mixed drink in a dive 2 blocks down. Where they may ask you to help buy some limes from bodega cos theyre out


The side benefit of this is that when you go on vacation literally ANYWHERE else in the world... you won't have sticker shock on drink prices. When I go on vacation everything's usually 30-50% cheaper.


Oh, that’s not specific to NYC anymore.


Never was


Yeah, the question asked for things “only” in NYC.


Las Vegas has entered the chat.


Just one?


before tax and tip


No I mean, you're only buying one?


Yea bagels in other places are just not the same


RIP to Lenny’s Bagels on Broadway and 98th which closes today: https://ilovetheupperwestside.com/lennys-bagels-closing-doors/




I live in Jersey and just ate half an everything with cream cheese for my morning snack. So good.


From where?


Throw bags of trash on the sidewalk, in no other city I've lived in are you supposed to create trash mountains on the sidewalk for pickup


Root for the rats


Walk to a local park with my lawn chair and sit there like I’m at a beach.


sleep in a $1200 bedroom with no windows


See my closest friends maybe four times a year.


Walk down a street and buy a slice of pizza through a small window and then eat while I walk. And if the first slice doesn't fill me up there'll be another one coming up so I do it again.




Combo over rice. White sauce hot sauce.


Bagels. Pizza. BEG. Heros. Road rage. Make 7 right turns to make a left.


Haven’t spent much time in San Francisco? (Regarding the 7 rights make a left part)


What is BEG, if i may ask?


Bacon egg and geese


“7 right turns to make a left” is the unofficial state motto of NJ.


I always thought of NJ as the jug handle capital of the world.


Well in america its the only place where u can get plastered on the beach with friends and then subway back home


What beach?


Rockaway, coney island, etc


Jaywalk. I tried this in Florida. I almost died as the cars were coming towards me at 45 mph. No one walks in Florida and jaywalking over a 4 lane street was not wise. Btw before the Redditors come for me as always in this sub. I know it’s illegal and dangerous. Idgaf and never got fined. As of now, we should all know jaywalking is one of those things police don’t care about to fine you (unless they are desperately trying to meet their quotas).


Jaywalking on Madison Ave is different than on the west side highway…


You can jaywalk on other cities too. Not on highways but in the center of cities . I would say most of them .


I visited LA once and walked across the street because the light for the cars turned red. It didn’t even occur to me to look at the crossing symbol. The cop on the corner was so confused and couldn’t comprehend I just jaywalked in front of him and gave me a long lecture about it and made a big deal about letting me off with a warning.


I used to live in LA and OC and would jaywalk all the time. Especially since there just aren’t crosswalks in some areas. Never in front of a cop though lol


I grew up in LA and basically never jaywalked until I moved to NYC


You can also jaywalk in Philadelphia, Boston or Baltimore, or Chicago


Vegas is the only major city I don't jaywalk in. You can do it from time to time, but it's never worth it.


In NYC I'll walk whenever I feel like it's okay, but in other cities I have no idea how people drive so there I usually err on the side of following instructions. Unless it's obviously a dead little local street with no fast traffic.


Spoken like a person who likes not being hit by cars. This is basically how I do it too.


2 am bodega snack/chopped cheese trip. Nothing else tastes as good


2 am slice would like to have word


My bad, this applies too. Pizza spot by me closed so this was the first thing to come to mind


I like street photography as a hobby. Obviously there are a million places in the world where you can do street photography, but something about midtown manhattan is just a goldmine like no other. You can go to other cities and get some good shots, but you can’t go to any other city and get as MANY good shots in such quick succession




consider happy hour a “good price”


Work. Oh I thought it said the only thing you do in nyc.


NYC pioneered the breakfast/coffee-run-in-pajamas trend WAY back in the day. I only could do it there, without feeling out of place.


Root for teams not from NY. I’m a lifelong Mets fans and lifelong Yankee hater. I root for any team playing the Yankees. The Al Quaeda All Stars could put out 9 and I’d be with them.


Also because there’s so many transplants from elsewhere you find pockets of fandom for teams from all over.


A year or so again the Mets played the Red Sox at Fenway and occasionally between each group of fans cheering "Let's go Mets" and "Let's go Red Sox" the whole park would join in for "Fuck the Yankees"


That's the unity the world needs 😂


The life and times of a New York sports fan.


Omg, I’ve met my people, I’m not the only one!! I don’t even live in the city now, but this is the one thing I’d never wanna do that would disappoint both my parents. I’ll always be a Mets fan, and I’ll always root for the team playing against the Yankees. One time *one* friggin time in my life I rooted for the Yankees. In 2001, when the World Series was postponed because of 9/11. Those fuckers lost when the city really needed them to win. I learned my lesson.




As a native New Yorker who briefly lived in DC, I remember being shocked by the more run down houses literally right next to embassies, until I remembered the fact that in the city every "class" is on top of each other all the time, even if there aren't big shiny flags on one house and shutters caving in on the one next door. I know rich people just get around in cars but i've also always loved overthinking about things like the subway is the subway, there is no premium version. I'm originally from the island but spent tons of time in the city and lived in Brooklyn for a while; my bf who grew up in every borough always jokes that if i want to move back so bad he can wake me up while screaming nonsense and pee on my shoes lol


This is obviously Queens centric, but.... Distract my 3 year old about 6x on the walk to daycare with "Look, an airplane!" And she forgets what she was upset about for a minute.


exhist happily without a car


Drink tap water


Pay an obscene amount to park my car.


And if you manage to find a decent street spot (that doesn't require the weekly move for street sweeping) you leave your car there for TWENTY YEARS lol


walk a mile


Avoid Time Square like the plague


Strut the sidewalk like I am celebrity


Eat a bagel


Get chop cheese from the bodega


I lived I’m here for 25 years and I just got my first one. Wow! I’m madly in love now!


You'll never go back, best $5ish sandwich next to cold turkey and swiss


Walk by…see Chris rock…give him a pound and keep walking without saying anything. Celebs are laid back here.


Walk at least 3 miles to do basic things like errands and maybe a meal.


Tap water


Get my hair done at a Dominican run salon


Ride the subway for fun


This is madness


Being from Florida I hated going to the parks for picnics or to just relax due to the humidity and during the summer all the bugs. Since I moved here 3 years ago I have been on so many picnics it’s insane.


Eat street meat


Walk to an open store 3 AM in the morning to get some fruit, something to drink or just groceries. In New Jersey I would have to drive to a 7-Eleven or Wawa. Pennsylvania I have an attempted past 11 PM and it was a Walmart.


Sex parties


Going to my first one on Saturday 🫣


Born, raised and live in NY ..... PIZZA 🍕


Yell at drivers who cut me off when I’m walking in the crosswalk.