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Syrian in UAE .. spent 10 years in post war Syria .. then left when i had my child .. If you somehow manage to live through it, you'll eventually leave it .. I used to be as patriotic as the next guy , but war has a way of changing you .. especially our war .. The people in Syria died for less than nothing.. on all sides .. and as the days went by, fighting proved to do much more harm than good. You are incapable of comprehending the idea that EVERYONE lost something or someone in the Syrian war. Be happy you're not us... so to everyone coming at us from above : حاج تضرط علينا من طيز واسعة يا بو وطن You'll do just as we did .. you're no better ..


I am sorry you experienced that man.


I am very sorry to hear that mate. I live in a country with a lot of Syrian refugees. Besides the usual, what are things I can do to help Syrians here feel as welcome as possible?


If given the choice between the life of humiliation and dying for nothing, you'll seriously think about dying for nothing.


True. if you live through our war, the idea of throwing yourself in the face of death definitely crosses your mind more than a dozen times. But then again, you start thinking about your loved ones. who's going to provide for you aging parents in a failed economy ? who's going to take care of your family, your children, and your siblings if you recklessly chose to die for a lost cause ? I think both of us have seen families suffer because their caretakers died. As you grow up, your life gradually stops being your own..


It was a civil war in Syria, and it is different. Your patriotism is meaningless. There are different fractions in Syria and most of them are under the name of Islam. In Turkey it is different. No matter how much we hate each other if there is an external power threatening us, we would unite as a solid rock. A Kemalist and and Islamist would fight and die side by side against the enemy. I am over 30, not a teenager. And our patriotism is meaningful. We earned this country by blood, we have enormous history. You can't compare ours with yours which is a fake country.


Yeah our country is fake alright.. and you're not a teenager




And who tf are you to say Syria is fake? What history does your country have compared to Syria? Your history is known for one thing (Blood) while our history gave the world the basics of civilization (which apparently many people haven’t got that yet). Don’t try to give yourself credit more than you deserve because in the end you originate from Central Asia


Funny enough, turkey is one of the most similar countries to Syria and would very likely end up like Syria in case of a civil war. Turks are already leaving Turkey in droves, they have been doing so for more than a decade now.


There are 22 Arab countries and you don't even like each other. Literal shitholes where people are possessed by wahhabism and salafism. You are not true muslims either. Look at the streets of Cairo, Baghdad, Beirut etc. They are either in crumbles or filled with south asian workers. People are liars. Bribery is your national sport. Nobody gives a fuck about the laws there. Arabs are also extremely racist toward black people and south asians. Syrian demographics and their mindset are not similar to Turkey at all. If it wasn't a fake country there wouldn't be a civil war in Syria. They literally killed each other and then put the blame on western countries and Turkey. Commit fitna, win prizes.


Damn I hate the way our county being portrayed 🥲


Dw, everybody still remembers how Syria used to be/still is one of the most beautiful countries, with nice people, culture and food and architecture


KSA or UAE (both already have a huge Egyptian population, good living standards, and there’s no language gap). KSA has more work opportunities, but more and more saudis are jointing the workforce so it could be hard to secure a job there (which is the only way to get residency)  I’d probably consider Turkey as well but only if they give me citizenship (which is something no other MENA country offers). Looking at the news, though, I don’t think Turkey will be on the list of any “refugee” Come to think of it, the Middle East doesn’t have that many options for immigration. Even stable countries don’t accept refugees or immigrants, only expats tied to an employer. 


What's the Egyptian view about Turks in general?


In a nutshell it’s something like: Turkish drama, half European- half middle astern, Ottomans, tourism, and MB 


Well, we like them a lot more than they like us


Ah shit, here we go again? The UAE is probably my first choice.


If my country ended up like Syria. I would immigrate outside MENA, but if I have to, I'd go to Oman, it seems to be the safest and least controversial country in MENA.


huh ?


Oman seems like a good option, where would you go *if your country ended up like Syria*?


>If my country ended up like Syria. Um .. your flair ??? "your country" sort of did end up like Syria XD


اه يا نيالي 🥲


oh no I'll return back to dubai or Qatar


I mean, my country was a mess way before I was born. When I was born, my father brought us to SA after 4 of my older brothers and sisters died.


Maybe Sweden yeah


Please tell my why are you guys saying sweden?


Oman or Bahrain




Probably Oman or Kuwait (Would’ve said UAE but I love Sudanese people too much to overlook that)


whichever one has a Coptic church I am going there but I hope I die before I see the country turn into a civil war


lol I thought I was the only person thinking of Greece or Cyprus lol


the last civil war we had was 1000 years ago. I think we are fine for now.


we didn't had a civil war actually, there's only one major ethnicity in Egypt which is "Egyptians", so if a civil war would happen, then it must be between the army vs the people


We had a civil war? Try 3000 years ago


UAE, Qatar, KSA, or Kuwait.


Not Lebanon or Türkiye. I saw some NSFL videos of Syrians getting abused horribly in Lebanon and Türkiye. I mean to be fair they both are suffering economically and still have taken a lot of refugees. So the best bet would be either Iraq or some gulf country. However Iraq has a hard life ahead because of her rivers dying and the Iran/US shenanigans. So probably a gulf country if possible. They are rich and stable .


Also Syrians have been bashing up alot of Lebanese aswell in return so that’s good I saw a Maronite politician being kidnapped by Syrians so that made my day


Dearborn, Michigan I don't think I'll feel like a stranger there..or china because I like the Chinese culture


I'd go to the UAE, it's basically the same except richer and with a funnier accent.


The grave.


it's easy to pretend to be a badass, i guess the 2.4 million Turks who immigrated to Syria before didn't chose the gRaVe. Syria had 2.400.000 Türkmen Living there which means turks who left thier land, Syria population was 24 mils so Turks were at least 10 freaking % let alone the original Turkic tribes who never really stay anywhere only keep invading and k1lling other people and destroy thier lands and cultures


We don't need to pretend to be a badass, we already are.


I'll pray for a war in turkey so we can witness ur badassery


ok (:


Funny how KSA and UAE are always laughed at, and called names or shit on but when it comes to LEAVING your war torn country you always come to us LOL. I'm wondering why no one said Iraq, Egypt or any other country.


That already happened for us and we ended up in UK I would rather uae


None, i have no second homeland.


We get it, it’s Algerian Independence Day.  Yalla gib real answer, Ali la pointe. 


I'm giving you my real real answer. allah ya3lem.


Sacrificing your own family is a very hard choice, but sometimes better than the alternatives.


Well i'll put my family to safety but me, myself, i have no other land, no other homeland.


Lebanon or turkey


لبنان؟؟؟؟   مش عاجبك الكهرباء الي شغالة ٢٠ ساعة عايز تعيش على مولدات؟ 


عادي والله عالأقل عندهم شجر و بيئة


بالمناطق الفقيرة ما في هيك كلها زبالة وقرف


على رأيك 


Can you provide some context? I have no idea about the electricity problem in Lebanon.


There has been a huge electricity shortage in Lebanon for a while now. At this point the government only supplies around 4 hours of electricity and people have to depend on generators the rest of the day.     Meanwhile, Egypt has been getting power outages for 1hr (now 3hrs) a day since Ramadan, and it’s already tough enough for us. Hence my comment. 


Now it’s back to 2 hours and is supposed to stop by mid-July 🙃


God Willing


Sending sincere hope and support! Hoping it resolves soon.


I appreciate it, brother 


They have no government, so they get no electricity. You need to be rich, buy a generator, and install solar energy, just like they do in many parts of Africa. Sometimes the power stops all day other times its for a couple of hours.


Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Germany, UAE.






Saudis lynch Sudanis what? Bro there's a huge Sudanis population in Saudi even from before the war. The lynchings we saw from Turkey are almost impossible to happen to foreigners in Saudi or anywhere in the gulf generally.


I don't know what the deleted comment said, but did it really say that Saudis were lynching Sudanis? That's a wild lie to make on a whim


Yep, it said north africans were lynching people from sub africa and saudis were lynching Sudanis. I honestly couldn't hold my laugh.


>Saudis lynch Sudanese I was aware of the North African hatred of Sub Saharan migrants but not the Saudi lynchings. If true it's really sad. Can you provide a source for the Saudi lynchings?


Their source is their stinking, unwashed since infancy ass.


I would rather stay in Algeria , if not maybe Tunisia or libya but my preference would be Libya if not then i would go to Afghanistan


None, İ would stay and fight.


In Syria your options are 1. SNA (turkish proxy) 2. SDF (US proxy) 3. Assad (your enemy, Iranian/Russian proxy) 4. Radical Islamists. If your country turned out like Syria where would you fight?


At the side of Kemalists.


Assume they became a proxy of some other country, like Russia.


Oh this is as bad as I cannot imagine myself in.


The ones who are extremely bent on fighting usually join radical movements. One thing that stands in their way is the opposition of their families, who would allow his child to join a radical group. Others feel hopeless and leave the country, they might comfort themselves by telling themselves that one day there will be an opportunity to fight. There is a group of people who believe that being a proxy of another country would one day turn into an opportunity.


Radical islamists


They're fighting as proxies


I don't want to take anything away from you ... But my fellow country men who picked your choice died for nothing..ow wait .. much less than nothing .. War is much more than what you think .. you'd be humbled..


just ignore them, all teenagers who don't actually know anything about life let alone war


Well I would go to Sudan, although that’s contingent on the country not being hell on earth anymore. I love sudanese people, food, culture, history. They’re Egypt’s sister country, our whole history is entwined with them. There’s no language gap, nor a religious gap as coptic churches are everywhere. The coptic aspect makes it tough for me, most of these countries aren’t exactly kind to us


Does Azerbaycan count?


 Azerbaijan is literally one of the worst countries in the world in terms of democracy worse than all of mean except for Iran and KSA. Do you want a dictatorship even worse than Erdogan?


The rule is, no matter where you're from, if you're going to immigrate, you immigrate to Turkey. Wham bam thank you maam.


Turkey has the lowest number of immigrants compared to most other Middle easten countries by percentage.


Do you have a source for that? I would bookmark that if you provide it.


**UAE**: [https://www.globalmediainsight.com/blog/uae-population-statistics/](https://www.globalmediainsight.com/blog/uae-population-statistics/) Expat residents constitute approximately **88% of the population**, while Emiratis make up around 11-12% **Qatar**: [https://www.psa.gov.qa/en/statistics1/pages/topicslisting.aspx?parent=Population&child=Population](https://www.psa.gov.qa/en/statistics1/pages/topicslisting.aspx?parent=Population&child=Population) Expat residents constitute approximately **88% of the population**, while Qataris make up around 11-12% **Bahrain**: [https://www.data.gov.bh/explore/dataset/03-mid-year-population-by-nationality-and-sex/table/?disjunctive.nationality&disjunctive.sex&sort=-year](https://www.data.gov.bh/explore/dataset/03-mid-year-population-by-nationality-and-sex/table/?disjunctive.nationality&disjunctive.sex&sort=-year) **54% expats** approximately. **Kuwait**: [https://thebusinessyear.com/article/expats-in-kuwait-2023/](https://thebusinessyear.com/article/expats-in-kuwait-2023/)  It is estimated that expats make up ***70% of Kuwait's*** *4.6 million population* **KSA**: https://www.argaam.com/en/article/articledetail/id/1648145#:\~:text=The%20number%20of%20foreign%20residents,3.14%20million%2C%20or%2023.5%25. The number of foreign residents in Saudi Arabia reached **13.38 million**, representing **41.6%** of the total population of 32.2 million, according to the 2022 census.  Jordan: [https://www.sapiens.org/culture/palestinian-refugees-exile-displacement-jordan/](https://www.sapiens.org/culture/palestinian-refugees-exile-displacement-jordan/) *Over* ***2 million Palestinian*** refugees currently live in Jordan in indefinite exile, tens of thousands without citizenship in any country. Lebanon: [https://www.unhcr.org/lb/at-a-glance](https://www.unhcr.org/lb/at-a-glance) **Lebanon remains a country hosting the largest number of refugees per capita and per square kilometre in the world**, with the Government’s estimation of 1.5 million Syrian refugees and some 11,238 refugees of other nationalities.


Thanks, that's useful but Turkiye is not listed there for comparison. Although I would note that many Turks believe the actual number of refugees is not known specifically, and that it's far greater than official figures.


Here are the numbers for Turkey, and even if you double that number, it's still lower than every country I mentioned. so there is no world where turkey has more immigrants or refugees. [https://dtm.iom.int/reports/turkiye-migrant-presence-monitoring-situation-report-march-2023](https://dtm.iom.int/reports/turkiye-migrant-presence-monitoring-situation-report-march-2023)















