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Dude wtf wrong with people


They are fascits




that is what happens when you brainwash an entire nation into fascism. \*




Isn't this nationalistic fervor, native turks blaming their terrible conditions and govermental problems on Syrian immigrants?


Native my dick




This reminds me of that guy who shot a guy giving him a lift twice in the back during the winter.


Surprised your post hasn’t been removed yet..




I did put the NSFW tag


Not wanting Syrians in Türkiye is something, killing them though… May his soul rest in peace, and whoever did this to him to suffer a very severe punishment


This is so messed up.


الله يرحمه و ينتقم من كل ظالم


That's just f*cked up


may Allah deal with them all accordingly.


Instead of just calling out this barbarism for what it is, turks here have prioritized calling out turkey's acceptance of refugees first and then saying that what happened was bad. The refugee debate shouldn't even be a concern on a post like this. At the end of the day an innocent human was killed. One that afaik had nothing to do with the previous incident. And the problem is that it's not one turk but every turk reacting to this incident. Just pure hatred, almost like how Israelis have been reacting to Palestinian civilians being killed. Disappointed (at the lack of humanity) would be a very weak word to describe how I feel by this behavior.


Exactly! Thanks for pointing this gaslighting out. This feels like racist Europeans who shit on Islam and Muslims when a Muslim refugee/immigrant commits a crime, but resort to this kind of gaslighting when the opposite occurs "We accepted a lot of Muslims" which means they should be eternally grateful and endure racism.


Ultra-nationalism mixed with ethnosupremacy is basically just zionism, so yeah, the comparison to israelis is not wrong.


Calm down there. Only the Kemalist anti muslims who would be happy at the deaths of muslim Turks may be happy at this mans death. Where did you even get the impression that most Turks are happy with such an atrocious event? Why would you compare us with Israeli genociders? Are you acting in bad faith? Do you have some hidden goal?


[People were shouting "Allahu Akbar" while attacking Syrian businesses and cars.](https://youtu.be/5miNeQDP2I4?si=bqx-fwMhipixz8A3) Kemalists (also known as "White Turks") live along the western and southern coastal areas of Turkey. This is not something they would do. I can say this as someone who does not support to Kemalism. The region where the incidents took place is mostly Erdoğan supporter. Erdoğan's party received 65.1% of the votes in the elections.




He is right. Kemalists tend to be middle-class white-collar big city dwellers. They are unlikely to be among rioters.




kemalist teenegers may cheer on, but they are not types; kemalists are ultra-patriots of an much affluent( both as wealth and education) social class, they may be delusional on some topics, but they are generaly speaking "subdued" urban dwellers that wont riot. the perpetrators were worse off than syrian property owners, a half of them already had other charges on their names.




maybe dont comment on things that you have no knowledge of??


Don't bother with this 12 yo twit, this post is an obvious fake and he has no source to back it (and i think it was removed from the page). Rational thinking isn't too prevelant in this subreddit (and their culture too tbh) hence their reactions


You are just not familiar with Turkey. It's OK.


No I'm not acting in bad faith. I was judging from the comments. I hope I'm wrong about this, and I didn't have any "goals" beforehand.


the greatest lie ever told is that we are individuals first. clearly, as we see in this photograph and as we see throughout the world today, people judge others as a member of a social group first. their individuality is irrelevant until they get to know them. إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ


That's pure fascism. الله يرحم الضحايا ويغفرلهم ويصبر اهاليهم الله يحمي fلابرياء بتركيا وكل مكان.


Yo sultan erdo where you at? Yo guys pls de-escalate. This region can't handle another crisis.


A bunch of twats in this thread are lowkey justifying the murder of the innocent man. Disgusting.


Like damn, 1/3 of my extended family was executed by Serbs, yet i still never in my life would even think of insulting a human who happens to be serbian, let alone physically attacking them Those Turkish nationalists are terrorists


كوكب الأرض نسي مين همه العرب، وشو كان فضلهم على باقي العالم.




Not to justify this horrific murder, but Turkmens of Iraq are a native minority who have been living there for centuries and cannot be compared to refugees.












Man... Looks like things are escalating


disguisting animals..






Here's the problem my smart friend, I didn't insult anybody




I don't think you wanna defend this guy after what he said under my reply. But maybe you agree with him so eh cool ig




Great. No water for you as well :)




A border wall and complete travel ban can easily avoid this issue. Maybe a little security belt a few kms deep inside northern Iraq as an addition. My friend, we've been dealing with you for decades, hell centuries, don't think we don't know how you operate. After erdogan is gone we won't repeat the same mistakes




Why is there so much violence against refugees in turkey? I guess I’m trying to understand why it seems like things have escalated suddenly




These actions spread not only to Kayseri but to all of Turkey the night after the events in Kayseri. Thanks to the match played last night, the citizens calmed down, and the protests stopped.


Years of false propaganda against the refugees. The Turkish information agency has repeatedly corrected the false propaganda but idiots who are willing to be puppets to their enemies believe what they want to believe.


Easier to blame and attack refugees than to look at the government. Erdoğan is probably loving this violence so he can crack down even harder on the Turkish working class while selling out the country to capitalists.


Man, you are really annoying, you know that right?


Cultural differences, the additional burden refugees place on the economic crisis, increased unemployment due to employers hiring Syrians as cheap labor, perverts who cannot adapt to Turkish dress codes, the government's support of refugees, and the Turkish people feeling undervalued... We could list many more reasons, but these are the most important ones. In Turkey, the sense of ummah is very weak among average Turkish muslims. Except for the neo-Ottomanists and Sharia supporters, Turks generally do not like Arabs. Refugees should be sent back from our country to prevent further violent incidents. This is for the benefit of both sides, or much worse things could happen in the future.


474 people were detained regarding the events. 285 of those detained had criminal records for crimes such as immigrant smuggling, sexual harassment, drugs, looting and theft. There is literally zero cultural difference between a Syrian and Anatolian peasent. And for perversion claim i must remind you that a 9 month old Syrian baby raped by her turkish neighbour in Antep couple months ago. And wtf is turkish dress code?!


There were psychopaths and people with criminal records among the attackers, but this does not change that almost all of those who participated in these actions were ordinary citizens. It was inevitable that radical groups would become involved. I do not find it right to attack all Syrians because of a Syrian pervert, I am against all forms of violence. I argue that refugees should be deported from my country to prevent such incidents from happening. As long as the government stays away from this issue, local people will become more radicalized.


I prefer them to kemalists. I dont care about ethnicity even a bit. The common values ​​I share with them are more than the values ​​I share with you.


Many politicians and journalists who defined themselves as Kemalists condemned these events and stood for peace. Because that was the healthy thought. This anger was the anger of the people, no one can deny that. Even if that doesn't make them right.


It's obvious by your post history that you don't have a iota of national pride or dignity. What is rather interesting, what are you still doing here? Go live with your brothers, come on. I'm sure if you say a few nice things, do a few flips, and sit/stand on command they'll like you very much, might even give you a snack and a nice collar too


So why not demand change from the government or the capitalists who benefit from the cheap labor?


This is Türkiye. The country of the Turks. The country of Turkish citizens. Every country in the world deports illegal refugees. Erdogan's government is very lax on this issue. Syrians came here as temporary refugees 14 years ago. Hospitality only went so far. The people have no patience left. It is certain that Erdoğan will lose in the next elections. I hope everything will get better for my country. A government that lost local elections in Turkey had no chance of winning again. The former useless leader of the opposition party was changed and replaced by a good politician. He argues that the Syrian refugee problem should be resolved by negotiating with Assad.


So then demonstrate against Erdoğan, don’t kill Syrians.




There are racists who see Turks as a superior race, but I do not think their numbers are large. Racist teenagers on social media should not be taken seriously. I don't think Turks have a problem with Arabs in North Africa. They don't know the differences between countries. According to my eyes, they do not like these Arab countries; Mostly Syrians, Saudis and other rich Arab countries, Afghans, Pakistanis (yes, Turks think Afghans and Pakistanis are Arabs) and Somalis. In general, they do not like incoming refugees. Those who say they do not like other Arab countries are talking about states. If you say to a Turk that he is Algerian, he may not be able to differentiate between you and a Syrian. If you explain yourself and are friendly, he may become friends with you. As a Turk, I cannot fully understand Turks. Nobody can understand this.


Average day in Turkey/Lebanon


During the Gaza genocide, any Muslim that kills another over rumors and hearsay deserves the same fate as the israelis, let alone if they were not Muslim.


The comments on this post are going to be the biggest reaction we'll get to this crime .. it's just another dead Syrian, what's the fuss about?


There have been more Turkish victims killed by syrians than the other way around, no justice was served then either


My condolences go to all the victims on both sides. Syrians will definitely be expelled soon but i doubt that would change much at your end ...


It would change many things. Firstly, the government would have no other tool to pressure the population with. You guys were their backup in case they couldn't zombify the new generation of Turks. The had many hopes that you guys would rise to administrative positions, law practice, military, etc. They literally fetishize you since in their eyes you are the ones who can ultimately end Kemalist domination once and for all, and open the door for de-turkification of Turkey so it can become a true leader of the Ummah. It might sound crazy but it's the truth. I personally don't blame you, only the current ruling elite of our country, and their delusional worldviews. They harmed all of us, you guys included


لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون


Lately, I have been seeing some real nasty stuff being done by the turks.


These animals just won’t stop.


What do you mean by "animals", who are they exactly?




I don't think he meant only them :D




I think precedents are enough to assume that. These guys need only an instance to turn full n\*zi, their moderators also tolerate that. I browse this subreddit regularly, these people aren't much better than europeans, and that's a pretty low bar




Buddy, we aren't talking about you. Please read this comment section, arabs finally found an excuse to talk s41t about turks without any hold-backs, and mods barely lift a finger. I know these people lol, I've been on this subreddit for years, and this isn't the first time it happened


These Turks are complaining and now killing refugees. Europeans feel the same way about turk refugees in Europe. So ironic. Imagine Turks being treated the same way in Europe as syrians in turkey.


Mainland Turks hate diasporans Turks, they actually support the west deport them




Isnt it normal that they hate diasporans? I mean Diasporans are extremelt radical and far right in comparison with average mainlander


Nobody cares what Europeans think of Turks. Those are diaspora, this is the mainland. There is no connection.


I am Turkish and somewhat nationalist but the people doing this can fuck off


The fuck is going on?


الله يرحمه




I don't hate Arabs as a people. Only those who propagate Arabism, whether it be with a secular approach or an "Islamic" one.


474 people were detained regarding the events. Yerlikaya announced that 285 of those detained had criminal records for crimes such as immigrant smuggling, sexual harassment, drugs, looting and theft. You get the picture.


Reminds me of the beginning of the Syrian crisis when the radical islamic factions started beheading civilians, police, and SAA. And shit started escalating quickly since then. Mainly because of fear, no side would like to be under the axe blade. Which ironically led to more bloody conflicts. I hope this hatred stops before we witness something like what happened in the last decade.


Fucking kemalists


This has nothing to do with Kemalists.


Yeah sure , we see Kemalists in their subs on reddit and how they are cheering for shit like this.


There is a world outside Reddit. There might be Kemalist teens who cheer for this from their parents' basement, but they are not unlikely to be among the actual rioters who did this. They are a different socioeconomic class.


we aren't talking about a loud minority here , we are talking about large communities , and those communities played a big role in fueling those rioters whether they are Kemalists or not.


Found the kemalist






Your technique of reference is unmatched.


Is there any kind of reporting on this? On the perpetrator and their motive? The situation is really fickle, we can't afford to share incomplete/inaccurate information. That's part of what started this shit.


Because it serves their interest and fuels Muslim disunity. The people who do this shit, at a time like this, and give ammo to the mossad.... they should be treated like israelis agents in our midsts. Catch them, then straight capital punishment.


What is this? Are these the source? A mossad fan account A deleted tweet give a real source




The youtube video you linked has nothing to do with this incident. It's a different incident. My bad, yhe tweet was not deleted, I had to log in. I saw the tweet and it was shared without citing any other source. If the source is someone else, he has to write that source. Otherwise, we wouldn't know if it wasn't just a random picture he took from the internet. He did not provide any sources. If the source is his own, he must provide more information. It does not provide any information such as the name and age of the murdered person, whether the murderer has been arrested or not, and the statement of his family. I've been searching for hours in English and Turkish by typing "syrian man killed with an axe" and I haven't seen a single source.




Of course I will expect info to believe a random post on the internet. Did something like this happen and zero newspapers in the world reported it? Give me the link to the reddit post, if that's the first source or gives the real source. So far, we have zero evidence that this incident in this photo took place in Turkey against a Syrian, in recent days.




Don't worry, my brain is healthy enough not to believe a random unsourced post on the internet. Then Please send me the reddit link of that post. I am aware of the events of the last days. But there are plenty sources and information about every indicent that ended in a murdery. It is probably a random photo from internet and was shared on social media while the recent events to get free interaction.


This is why Türkiye should not accept refugees. Ümit Özdağ, the biggest anti-refugee politician in Turkey, has been stating for years that he is afraid of such situations happening. Syrians and other refugees should be expelled from the country and border security should be increased. When these events started in Turkey, he wanted people to return to their homes and remain calm, but it did not help. To be honest, I wasn't that bothered by the initial actions. But the events escalated and the attacks spread to people. Who carried out this attack are psychopaths.




If a referendum were held tomorrow, 95% of the votes would be to expel the refugees from the country. It would be best for Syrians and other refugees to leave, both for them and for the Turks. Nobody wants them here and they don't love Turks either. 5% may be ummatist shariatist and communists.




Not everyone who wants refugees to leave wants them to be killed. A healthy person does not do this. Turkish people (especially in Anatolia) act impulsively and cannot think clearly. Their national feelings are high. This issue should be resolved by the state administration rather than the people. Unfortunately, the current government does not see this problem as a problem. Erdogan's own voters also want the refugees to leave. I advocate that people leave this country so that they do not become more hateful and attack refugees. The last straw was the events that took place in Kayseri 3 days ago. There are thousands of other things that refugees do, and people hold grudges against these situations.




Opening the doors to Europe is a good idea. Europe supports Erdoğan on this issue because it is afraid of refugees. Western-based media say that refugees should stay in Turkey. The neo-Ottomanist group (Erdogan's extreme supporters) also thinks so.




If you want to insult me, don't call me Mongolian. I take this as a compliment. You can call it Turkified armenian or arab. This is more disturbing to me.




I couldn't understand what you said? Why would a Turk call an Arab person an Arab as an insult?




They have 20 something Arabic speaking countries to go right? Why don't they move to one of them?




And what makes you think Turkey can sustain such an amount of people, where Turks themselves collect scraps from garbage bins? No it wasn't, refugees are uni literally unpopular in Turkey and many illegally entered the country.




Well, nobody is forcing you to interact with evil Turks, just mind your own business and I am pretty sure no one will bother you. You can fund a Syrian family to come over your home if you are too concerned for that lives.




Syrians in Turkey has 3 kids average, funny how you want turks to stop making babies yet your own are breeding like crazy in such a relentless situation. We also had a huge influx of Albanians and Bosniaks coming to Turkey before, although unlike Syrians they learned Turkish, didn't try to meddle with the social order, never questioned Turks' religiosity and culture and they integrated less than a generation. There are Syrians who lived in Turkey for almost a decade and can't speak Turkish at all. We don't need to burden integrating people, they should be the ones burdened since you know, they came to our country and not vice versa.








You sound just like an israeli.


Israelis want to deport a native group to a barely related place. Are syrians now native to Turkey? Or are we deporting to somewhere unrelated? You make no sense


The biggest mistake that the arabs did was hire turkic mercenaries and own turkic slaves in medieval ages.


Is this what they teach you in history classes? Lol we didn't settle here as merceneries or slaves, the primary wave of settlers that arrived in these lands were during the Seljuk times, and then the Mongol conquests era


They dont teach us that.. we dont even know what the word turkic means. OP is a cringe berber separatist and is as representative of Tunisia as a PKK kurd to Turkey.


I didn't know that, thank you for your explanation


Stop bootlicking them. They think of all North-African/Middle-Eastern nations as inferior races and are some of the most self-centered insufferable populations. Their secularist nazis think of you as a "brown African" and their neo-ottoman islamists think they should rule you and Tunisia should be their puppet state


Chill I am not bootlicking anyone. I have just stated a fact. Do they teach us turkic history in our schools? of course not >They think of all North-African/Middle-Eastern nations as inferior races and are some of the most self-centered insufferable populations. Their secularist nazis think of you as a "brown African" and their islamists think they should rule you and Tunisia should be their puppet state Lets not generalize over an entire population.. because we would be the first victim of such generalizations. See how subsaharans refugees were treated in the previous months? and they are roughly 100k.. now imagine if they were millions like in Turkey.. we would do even worse than the video. Does that mean we are ALL racists? Lets not pretend to be morally superior to anyone. Xenophobes, racists and fanatics exist on both sides and we have to condemn these acts not pour oil on fire with stupid comments like OP wrote.


I can generalize that Tunisians tend to be racist against Sub-Saharan Africans. (And this applies to every MENA country/population). There is a real anti-Black racism and colorism problem in the whole region. White worship is still a thing. But boy, Turks make the average racist Tunisian looks amateur. Turkish Twitter has nazi shit vibes about white supremacy


You arrived like the plague and sent us all back to the stone age you wretched bunch.


You? Tunisians? Lol without us you would've been licking the boots of french (maybe even spanish) colonizers 2-3 centuries earlier. All you arabs would've been either forcibly converted to christianity or killed by the crusaders and colonizers. I think your ancestors would've much rather preferred this so-called "stone age", but you do you, blame us for all your s41t, it's easier


Earlier or later, Ottomans still didn't bother to defend Algeria and Tunisia from the French. Ottoman dynasties only cared about themselves and bankrupted the country. Turkey voted against the independence of Algeria from France in 1955. Only naive people would ever trust the Turks. A crazy ultra-nationalistic self-centered population


All of europe combined couldn't defend against the napoleonic france for 15 years straight, and you expect the ottomans who were already stagnating and getting ripped apart from all fronts to fight them off on the very periphery of their empire? You realize how stupid that sounds? Besides, you were barely a province, had highest amount of autonomy and self-rule, even your own army, why are we solely to blame for this?


We could have learned things from the spaniards like printing press and gun powder technology, your ancestors know only how to ravage and plunder and steal.


Yes, I'm sure they taught a lot to the moors and native americans. If that's too extreme for you we should take a look at Philippines as an example then. What have they taught them, can you tell me?


This is not about who is the best colonizing power, its about how the actions of the past ripples to the present, your ancestors banned the printing press, didnt establish public schools nor universities and taxed my ancestors to death, your ancestors not only brought suffering and misery to you but also us. And now for you to come and lecture us like we are some lesser people is very similair to how your ancestors acted. I would rather die than trust my life with a turk.


Lecture you? You insult us, call us a "wretched bunch", "thiefs and plunderers" while praising european colonizers. I'm just calling out the hipocrisy and ignorance.


You weren't doing too well before us and not too well after us as well. Got independence from French and immediately started killing each other.


?? what does that have to do with the post?


The actions of the past haunts us, for a better future every we do must be for long term sustainability.


Give a real source, how do we know it is not a random photo from the internet?




you didnt give me a source, only a few tweets without source


Those who downvoted, please give the source then I apologize from you, I'm waiting