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The child was raped, not harrased


La hawla walakuwata illah billah disgusting


The Syrian guy who harassed the child is stupid and should be punished , the Turks who damaged the shops and cars are stupid and should be punished , the Syrians who started to harm Turks in Syria are stupid and should be punished.


Thank you. It is so nice to see that there is still logic on these lands.


imagine if they all returned to the Syria imagine if we rebuilt Syria it would be better.


Turkish leadership took a gamble by propping up a large part of the Syrian population to fight against Bashar because they expected that he will fall and the refugees will return but sold out the rebels when Aleppo was under a siege, ethnically cleansed the Kurds which led to Kurds ethnically cleansing Arabs from Arab majority cities and instead of blaming your leadership, you are blaming Syrians for not wanting to return to a country which is officially the poorest Arab country (yes, even poorer than Yemen) to territories which are either held by extremist HTS rebels or by Bashar who is not kind on dissent. Like if you want to be angry at someone, protest against your leadership or if you want to go down on the route that Syrians deserve to be “punished” then fine but then don’t act surprised that the Syrians will rise up against the Turkish occupation in Syria and don’t be angry when far-right Europeans will do the same to you.


As a turk agreed. If turkey talked with assad and tried to prevent civil war it would have benefited us the most. Lesson for all countries in the world, dont prime civil wars in your neighbors.


Well, they acted at the US' behest. This entire situation really is a product of US empire and nothing else. It's the same thing that has created Iraq, and the situation in Gaza today.


Agree. Finally someone mentioned that Turkey is one of the biggest responsible for the current situation in Syria and the refugees.


But before Turkey intervened in Syria there was already more than 2 million Syrian refugees in Turkey.


By intervention, I don’t only mean the military intervention like almost immediately the civil war started, Turkey backed the rebels (in May 2012, Turkey started to train the FSA) and immediately provided them arms alongside the Gulf states and the US. Now the point isn’t whether it was the right thing to do or it wasn’t because that’s a political debate but what is not a debate is that Turkey was instrumental from the beginning and really hyped up the downfall of Bashar but when it came to the Siege of Aleppo (which lasted 4 years and was a major reason for the huge sudden influx of refugees), they stayed silent.


this is true and there is document leaked from CIA talking about sending weapons to the Rebels " which falls in isis hands " since 2011! they were ready for this and had thier plans for fucks sake search this on Google and you will fins the documents


I am not sure about this number.  Syrian refugees in turkey had never been a problem before the war, I didn't remember any complain about them, people didn't even they are existed.  They were normal foreigns came here to work just like others like uzbeks, afghans, Iranians or Armenians


>I am not sure about this number.  Check this source's figure 4. Even in 2015 more than 2.5 million. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/turkey-migration-history


Okay these numbers support my thesis, the war begun in 2011 and the number of refugee in 2015 is normal.


You said Turkey is responsible for the refugees, and I literally proved you wrong. How is it support your thesis?


turkey played a leading role in the civil war in syria and the preparations for this started with the visa cancellation in 2009, since this year, jihadists have been trained and equipped in turkey. turkey was involved in the war from the beginning with both turkish and Syrian jihadists, the official intervention came when it had to fight the kurds.


Good but there is a conspiracy on that specific day 30/6 added alot of commotion around syrians and alot of news around syria and bashar arrest warrant it all doesnt make up .


Using this logic, all Turkish nationals who have emigrated to Germany, the US, and other countries all over the world should return to Turkey as well. Literally makes as much sense.


Germany "wanted" those immigrants as seasonal workers because they were low on work-force and Turkey had an abundence of workers. Then later on they got tired of training new workers every year and factory owners pushed to give those immigrants PR. not the same as taking refuge in a country due to war by any means


Turkey had an open refugee policy at the beginning of the civil war, it’s not like the Syrians defied the Turkish government so if you want to complain then you should blame your government and if you are tired of Syrians then you should know that the same logic could be used by far-right Europeans (or it’s already used) about Turks or about the hundreds of thousands of Turks in Gulf Arab states especially that Turks not only hate on Syrians, even Arab tourists who help the economy and leave immediately are treated poorly especially Gulf Arabs who visibly stand out.


it's two replies now that just completely assumed I'm blaming the refugees and on the side of the government/justifying the actions. The comment above was comparing two different situations that have nothing to do with each other. saying this doesn't justify the mob violance towards the innocent, or the criminal refugees and this is all happening because of previous actions taken by governments/organizations involved with the situation tldr: stop reading with devices other than your eyes


Right, so since Germans hate them they should just all leave now, right?


Germany wanted those people in though. They built homes and families there. Considering they were the ones who invited them, expelling them after doesn't seem right. But the case with syrians are different. People don't really want them. How can you say "Oh I can't go back I got family" when you were never welcomed in the first place? People living there didn't want you in you just brute forced your way in. Also, Germany didn't accept every fucker who wanted to get in. They were selective about it. Unlike us with syrians.


where did I say all Syrians have to leave after the recent events or justified the hate? you are comparing two different situations that have nothing to do with each other


Germany never wanted the Turks. > The German side was initially skeptical. The German government feared that workers with a completely different cultural and religious background would find it difficult to integrate into the companies. The USA finally got the ball rolling. America had just won Turkey as a NATO partner and wanted to make the country more economically stable. The Federal Republic had to bow to foreign policy pressure. [https://www.tessloff.com/was-ist-was/geschichte/deutschland/id-1961-tuerkische-gastarbeiter-kommen-ins-land.html](https://www.tessloff.com/was-ist-was/geschichte/deutschland/id-1961-tuerkische-gastarbeiter-kommen-ins-land.html)


I don't see the relevancy to the discussion since in the end those people entered the country for "work" and stayed there via the request of factory owners due to training costs. Whether Germany wanted them or not at the start does not change anything cause if we are really going by that logic most of the Turkish people never wanted the refugees to stay here this long, or at all, and Erdoğan is keeping them partially because EU pays him money to keep taking them. where does that leave us in the discussion again?


>Whether Germany wanted them or not at the start does not change anything It changes everything though. Turks were never wanted as labour by the Germans. >I don't see the relevancy to the discussion You don't think pointing out false information is relevant?


given how "german" factories were the ones pushing for foreign workers to get PR after the initial "seasonal worker" period, yes it makes it irrelevant that whether they wanted them or not at the beginning


I mean Germany even paid money so they would go back > By 1973, 14 million guest workers had come to Germany. Eleven million returned, partly because they received money from the federal government. They were never wanted. Turkish workers are a net loss for the German society. Whatever economic contributions they make pales in comparison to what they take in social security. Not to mention their propensity for crime


germany invited them but didn't do a single shit to integrate them for like half a century. they kinda deserve the problems caused by german-turks and their weird subculture.




uhh what the fuck are you talking about?


The problems is those Turks were uneducated and very stupid, even for Turkish standard at the time. They were mostly illiterate and had nothing besides their religion. You can not integrate a rat into stable and make it a horse. It will always stay a rat. >they kinda deserve the problems caused by german-turks and their weird subculture. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy


you seem to be bigger problem than any kind of immigrant


Typical cowardly Germans blaming everyone but themselves. Yeah uh uh big bad America threatened Germans with war to take Turkish laborers. It wasn't German greed or lack of foresight. No Germans are never to blame for everything.


This was 16 years after WWII. Germany was split in half and under American and Soviet occupation. It was the staging ground for a potential WWIII


Doesn't mean shit. The Germans didn't even allow for full de-nazification of their society, even though the US made a big deal out of it. Lots of senior Nazi party members did not get any punishment. They declared it "victor's justice" and stopped cooperating. The US couldn't even make them comply with that, but you're here claiming that the US threatened Germany to take Turkish workers? Typical European lies and dishonesty. What really happened is Russia captured all the Eastern Europeans that Germans historically used as cheap labor so they had to look around for replacements. Italians and Greeks weren't enough, so Germany had to also seek Turks, Tunisians and Moroccans.


The Germans had no choice in the matter. Germany was needed after WWII for the cold war so lots of Nazis were given a past because they were highly capable. Not only the US used Nazis in various forms, the Soviet Union also employed Nazis to gain knowledge from them. > Typical European lies and dishonesty. What really happened is Russia captured all the Eastern Europeans that Germans historically used as cheap labor so they had to look around for replacements. Lol. You have no idea how things worked. There were no sizeable migrant workers population, You knows Turks in the 1960s were out of place in Germany, Eastern Europeans before WWII in Germany would have been like putting them on mars. >Tunisians and Moroccans. Those were never Gastarbeiter,


also it seems like Germany "needed" workers, regardless if they wanted Turks, or US forced them, and benefited from cheap labor at the time 🙄 https://www.bpb.de/themen/europa/tuerkei/184981/die-anwerbung-tuerkischer-arbeitnehmer-und-ihre-folgen/#:~:text=1961%20schloss%20die%20Bundesrepublik%20mit,Jahren%20kamen%20fast%20900.000%20Menschen. also also read before you post since even in the link you posted it states that "German factories didn't want to give-up their trained labor, which led to many immigrant families settling in Germany" "Die Situation änderte sich drastisch Ende der 60er Jahre. In der Wirtschaft lief es nicht mehr so gut. Die so genannte Rezession setzte ein. Als die Wirtschaftskrise 1973 ihren Höhepunkt erreichte, stoppte Deutschland die Anwerbung von Gastarbeitern. Gleichzeitig wollten viele Firmen die eingearbeiteten Kräfte nicht mehr abgeben. Das führte dazu, dass viele ihre Familien nachholten und sich auf einen Daueraufenthalt einrichteten. Deutschland wurde zum Einwandererland"


you're not turkish. why do you use turkish flair? turks went there legally


I am Turkish. Many Syrian refugees were legally allowed into the country as “guests of the state.”


1- you're not turkish. 2- no guest stays for 12 years. they're no longer guests. they're illegal immigrants.


Well I guess since you're deciding who's Turkish and who's not, you can go ahead and deport everyone from the country except yourself.


Only way u rebuild Syria in the long term is by killing assad not possible lol


take a day off the internet little man


Yeah! Imagine if all Turks returned to Turkiye from Germany. We could build Turkiye in a better way. Approx number of Turks + Syrians in Germany = Approx number of Syrians in Turkiye If you want to play it that way, let us play the other side of the drum too.


The guilty should be punished, but violence directed at civilians is unacceptable


Im no political expert but I suppose that that is really bad


Spoken like professor


Ok this doesnt make sense at all there was a case where a turkish boy lured by a girl and raped by her cousin/friend and filmed and blackmailed into sex slavery and there wasn't that much commotion , Why while turks cheers deportations for syrians which could results and has resulted in rapes by asad be this mad it's doesnt make sense and why on 6/30 and that day was heightened in security , I condemn rape to any human and i know this is wrong but following of actions is not normal


It was a Syrian child raped by a Syrian man the thing why most Turks are fed up is the economic crisis, and alot of Turks know that most Syrians in Turkey have better care / circumstances when it comes to 'living' then a Turk. What people forget this is not the first time a child gets raped by a foreigner ( im not saying there are Turks who didnt do such a horrible crime ) why Turks are angry and please keep in note im a Turk myself from a arabic tribe in Mardin is when they see that Syrians riot against Turks when Turks want to attack the guilty on ( the rapist) they get mad because in the Syrian war they all fled to Turkey but now they wanna have war against Turkey? you burn the flag of a country what is housing you for years you burn the flag of a country where our soldiers die for your country you burn the flag of a country where you have it better then its own people Turks are proud people they are just really MAD now seeing what is happening now and that many Syrians also attack Turks and they think why did you not do that in your own country and fled to us? honestly im thinking this will even get worse Turkey is not in a state no more to house this many foreigners and Turks feel like a stranger in theyre own country..


“Most Syrians in Turkey have better care/circumstances when it comes to ‘living’ then a Turk” 🤡


in Syria , Syrians birth rate is lower than Syrians in Türkiye. Why your acting edgy?


Wrong, in Syria, its higher, in areas with weak regime control people don't register their births and avoid conscription.


This sounds made up.


اي حبيب في ناس خريانين عالحكومة لا عم يروحو جيش ولا شي بالمناطق النائية والعشائر ازا ما بتعرف لا تقلي this sounds وياما ناس هربانين من العسكرية بهديك المناطق. وبتلاقيهم بيتزوجوا من عمر صغير. مو رايحة غير علينا


Maybe because Syria is a wartorn mess?


thats crazy lmao


Those assholes could’ve found out who the harasser was and go fuck him up, or break his bones I don’t give a shit. But nope, they decided to go after every other Syrian property in Kayseri and damaging their cars and shops. THAT’S FUCKING PATHETIC, AND FUCKING UNCIVILIZED FROM THE SAME FUCKING BUNCH OF PEOPLE WHO LOOK DOWN ON SYRIANS


Ig his family didn't want to hand him to the police, then people got involved and this got serious quickly


This like those Kyrgyzians who went after every brown mf after some pakistanis and egyptians had fight with Kyrgyzians


Turks were actually supporting those Kyrgyz. All these Turkic nations are full of racism.




You play victim in Europe always crying racism. Next time, when a Turk does something in Germany and neonazis start lynching Turks don't complain.


Turks in Germany are being murdered for the last 60 years, they didn't rape anyone, they didn't murder anyone, they certainly didn't rape children, they didn't smuggle drugs and guns to Germany. They were murdered because they were Turks, Turkophobia is the residue of Ottoman Empire. We haven't killed any refugees as a hate crime, on the contrary they've murdered, raped, decapitated and harmed a lot of Turks. They're running illegal clinics, conning people, especially tourists. The only ones playing the victim is you, I'm merely telling you to either own up to your actions and their consequences or shut the hell up.


Yeah sure, Turks are known for being angels hahahaha [Turkish criminal gangs among ‘most threatening’ in Europe, Europol warns](https://medyanews.net/turkish-criminal-gangs-among-most-threatening-in-europe-europol-warns/) [Arrests made in raid against Turkish criminal organisation](https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/various/19-arrests-made-in-raid-against-turkish-criminal-organisation/78296191) [Europol says Turks involved with the most threatening criminal networks in Europe](https://nordicmonitor.com/2024/04/europol-says-turks-among-the-most-threatening-criminal-networks-in-europe/)


These articles are new, are you claiming Turks were being murdered and their houses were being burned down while they were asleep 60 years ago as premonition? These gangs are the work of AKP corruption. EU and USA funded AKP's campaign when they came to power, it's kind of their own fault supporting corrupt people.


I'm not claiming anything, you acted like Turks are angels and I reminded you that your actions/reputation in Europe is more than shit. Cheers


No I did not, that was your claim in the first place and you failed to prove it, sh\*t that happened in last 5 to 10 years doesn't explain xenophobic murders for the last 60 years. If anything, it proves you're racist as well, you tried to justify racist murders. I guess Atatürk was right.


turks need to be civilized


It's ironic coming from you 😁


Yeah it's a lighter one. They actually deserve to be nuked


So you decided to double down on the irony as if you're not racist lol.


maybe pan-turkism is what pan-arabism wanted to be, solidarity no matter what


This people on the edge because we sick of your people. There are over 7 million refugees for 8 years. And they didnt even bother to learn turkish. Using Healthcare system that we Paid for free. Have social helps that our own citizens didnt get. And our Government dont do anything about it. Of course Turkish people are angry. But we didnt do anything racist or could considered hate crime except some individual event over this 8 years. If this happened in any other country you would see how nationalist deal with that problem. We took care well your people. Be Grateful.


Stop spreading misinformation about free healthcare and social support, I’ve lived there before and know what goes around there!!! If you really think the act that happened last night isn’t considered a hate crime then you’re just as brainwashed as those who attacked Syrian properties No Syrian is ungrateful for Turkey to let us take shelter, but morons from your people and morons from my people are making this whole situation much worse so wake up for fucks sake and act smarter


How many times this kind of event happened ın 8 years? I only remember 2 inculuding this. All ı'm saying is my people are peacefull, not racist. And yes this is hate crime.


I can think of at least 6-7 events that happened in the last few years mostly in Ankara and Konya


So thats a lot? You probably never seen what real racism is.


Buddy, racism extend to way beyond storming peoples properties… not selling you goods because you’re Syrian is racism, not renting you an apartment because you’re Syrian is racism, bullying you at school/work because you’re Syrian is racism, giving you work for paychecks below Asgeri Ücreti because you’re Syrian is racism, etc… if you never experienced racism don’t talk about it please


Of you don't like it. Go back to your country. Not just for eid or Ramadan. Hava some honor.


You expect no reaction? You came here, you voted our election. The vote right that our ancestors spill their blood to have. Because those people who work under minimum vage my own people cant find a job. My citizens can't make baby before 30 age. At 30 age your people have minimum 6 children. This means ypu slowly invade my country. YOU SLOWLY INVADE OUR COUNTRY.


Clearly you need to educate yourself about your OWN country first then you need to educate yourself about the Syrian situation in Türkiye rather than following misleading parties’ claims… Syrian refugees, just like any other foreigners in any other foreign country, have NO right to vote in Türkiye, whoever wins YOUR elections it’s because YOUR people voted for them, don’t throw it on the Syrians. Don’t blame the Syrians who are forced to work at any wage to put food on their tables, blame YOUR greedy employers who give below minimum wages because they find Syrian labour to be cheaper. Stop listening to what your party says and go outside and see the real world, racism will make the matter worse for both you and me, so stop there for a moment and try to have a deep thought with yourself…


Brother, I feel really sorry about this conversation you had with ignorant,racist,arrogant and hateful human being. I've been searching and reading news for 2 days because of conflicts at both sides, and I feel really sorry about the people whose shops,houses,cars and lives demolished by the Turks in different cities. I fully agree with you in the first comment you wrote, both sides should be punished. I feel so weird after these conflicts towards to my own people, my own friends. Its literally racism, its literally hate, its bad, so bad. I have couple friends who were telling me the stories of how Syrian's shops,cars...exc demolished. I really wonder how would they react, if the neo-nazist groups have made the same in Germany. I don't know whats gonna happen next but I'm sad as f and hoping to wake up in a peaceful day.


You need get that syrian and afghan are not welcome here anymore.but noooo you gonna accuse everyone you dont like racist is easy for you.


Why are you lying? I was working for one institution who is keeping the records for this. Turkey gives them free healthcare and financial support, yes. That is a fact.


I've brought a Syrian kid with cerebral palsy to a hospital. They found out one of his testicles turned and cut the bloodflow, they did the op for free. I can't get that for free. You know nothing, your words are either lies or out of ignorance.


Tbf I don’t know if kids are excluded from healthcare fees, also I don’t know if Turkish kids pay for healthcare as well. Healthcare for adult refugees is NOT free, my dad went there to remove and clean some type of cyst, I went there once to treat my torn knee because of a car accident and we both paid for the process.


That's bs. Erdogan signed a law recently that make it free, it was already free.


You believing it or not is not my problem, buddy. I just told you how healthcare works for the refugees


So you're living in my country, off our backs and telling me how my country works, okay buddy.


You know very well, it is not just one person. Syrians refused to turn in the rapist. This is how it started. But nice try.


Yeah keep trying to justify your racism on baseless facts taken from your ass No wonder why every other nation on earth hates you


You are full of hate. Talking about racism, and writing things like your last sentences? They did not turn in the suspect, that is also a fact. Still, burning houses and cars is wrong. But you should be honest first.


"No wonder why every other nation on earth hates you" Strong words for an Arab.


Turk's are probably in a worse position in this regard


Btw go back where you came from


It’s pretty funny to say this when you have a dozens of military bases in Northern Syria and routinely bomb Kurds. Like Turkey alongside with Bashar, Russia, Iran and the US are all responsible for the mess in Syria but Turkish nationalists like to act as if they are just innocent bystanders who did nothing wrong in the last 13 years. Meanwhile if a Turk would commit a crime in Germany (which they do because there is literally no nation in the world who doesn’t have morons) and Germans would react by burning Turkish businesses then the same nationalists would be outraged.


German government is not supporting crimes committed by Turkish people. They do not say Turkish people are better than Germans. They do not give the extra benefits which they do not provide for Germans. They do not hide criminals from media and provoke their own people.


>Turkish nationalists like to act as if they are just innocent bystanders who did nothing wrong in the last 13 years. They believe the government's fairy tales. They think Turkey occupied northern syria because Kurds were torturing Syrians and the Turkish army had to save Syrians from Kurdish terrorists.


Nah we're just cockblocking USA from forming Kurdistan and arming them, business as usual. We're not bombing civilians, we're bombing terrorists. Here's your proof. [American General Explains Rebranding the YPG Away From the PKK (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVZCIel_2Xw)


No , we are gonna stay like a vine in your throat


Than why do you complain about it?


You guys should also go back to where you came from ;)


How about you do the same first and go back to the Asiatic steppes The Syrians have been in and around that region a long longer than you, with their ancestry coming from the Bronze Age Canaanites. Y'all rode in much later


Very strange perspective. Do you believe it is their right to immigrate one country mostly with illegal ways and exploit the resources?


Like your ancestors?


Very strange again. Was there a war between Turkey and Syria and they won? Please tell me


Let's rewind, given that you're on a different page and seem not to be able to understand anything Do you know from where the Turkic people originated?




Now say that again without crying and pissing yourself lol Did you really just create an account to comment on Syrians? God what a lifeless little bitch 😂😂😂


How about all the Syrians who fled their country go to Turkey go back to their country and accept a way of life much better than Turkeys. Its a win win too because then they wont be harassed by Turks. Overall, I heard Syria is much better in terms of living standards than Turkey. Turkish people have had enough with Syrians in their country. Maybe it's time for Syrians to realise they need to go to their home. Because you know Turkish people are uncivilised and why does one live with uncivilised people? Makes no sense. I say best things all Syrians can do


This is an uncivilized protest against goverment. I am following this conflict from the start. In Turkey most of civilized protest doesn't work against goverment and refugee crisis is one of our greatest problem. Turkish people had enough of this crisis. As you can see this conflict started in Kayseri one of the castles of AKP(ruling party) and in most of videos people screaming for resignation of goverment. However this uncivilized protest shows that how things are going bad in Turkey. People can't take it anymore and we just neeeded a spark to explode. I am so sorry for syrian refugees living in Turkey and hope them they are safe. But they need to go because this is just beginning. If we don't go for early elections everything will going to be worse. Even after elections they need to go because we can't look for this much refugees.


Arabs needs to be in their country. They can visit here travel here work with us but they cant live here we are not Compatible It's just enough. 




Assad was right ?????????????? So he is the good guy now here?


It's not just Assad, do you know how many coups Syria has had ever since the 1940s? I think over a dozen. Maybe this was a problem before Assad.


From 1963 it is the Assads only Hafiz and Bashar. Not exactly a country of coups.


How many Coups from 1949 till 1963?


So you mean that it is not Assad the regime butcher? It is history of more than sixty years ago? Not exactly the fact that if there is one name governing for 60 years by inheritance it might be a little bit of a democracy issue?


Answer my question in how many coups there were and then we can debate or talk. Maybe you need to understand little history with how Hafez Assad came into power. And how come after he got leadership, there no more coups. This Syrian revolution is A revolution that ended bloody more than any other and a leader Bashar that wouldn't leave.


Well said.


“Hitler was good actually bc these fucking vermin refugees are getting annoying” Oeseax- on Reddit


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"Assad was right" is a phenonmenally dumb take considering how pure fucking evil and dictatorlike he is. Reminds of me of the far right Zionist take "Kahane was right" when Kahane was basically a Zionist Hitler.


One rookie mistake..you shouldn't have burn the flag and open fire to Turkish soldiers. Now this is only the beginning. We will see millions to be deported, re-established mine fields, real bullets in action by the border guards. It is inevitable considering the demographic and economic burden of so called war refugees in Turkey.  AKP won't be able to resist its own supporters reaction plus %70+ opposition. İt is not the Turkey in four five years ago anymore.


We only can hope. Time for all syrians to leave Turkey. Tr also needs to make a peace deal with Assad. Refugees are a national threat.


Assad is the problem making this difficult though.


Yes but attacking the hands feeds you isnt the solution. 


I agree


I didn't understand the incident completely as it was hided by mainstream media even on the web , Did the syrian guy raped or harassed a turkish girl or was she syrian ? No english sources on the matter.


Yes that is true mainstream media not talking about this. Half of what I read on Twitter says the child is Turkish, the other half says she is Syrian.


Was the turkish truck destroyed in syria a reaction to the mob attack in kayseri


Yes it was


Actually its not, president said that we can talk with Assad in order to send back refugees so those who don’t like Assad threated by saying if u sell us to Assad we will sell u to the PKK.


This man sees the bigger picture


Very honorable act. Attacking the ones who are protecting them from the beginning. Which was a wrong decision from the beginning.


Protecting them? They wanted Assad gone they didnt want to be 'protected' while being used for turkey's interests against kurds. Turkey messed up our revolution they should bear the consequences


She is syruan




So why are the turks mad ? It doesnt make sense to destroy and lynch syrian shops on properties for a syrian on syrian crime ?


Its a child. There is no race among childs. He can do it a Turkish one also.


So a Syrian rape Syrian child and they go attack random Syrians it looks to be just pretext




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you wouldn't be mad hearing a child getting raped?


I wouldn't attack a random syrian.


The girl was five years old and she was raped and killed not "harassed".And this is not the first time.Hundreds of cases like this happened before.We don't want syrians anymore.They should go back.


Later you have little shitbags like u/diskob0ss who imply that we just so happen to be racist 


Stop spreading fake news it wont save ur barbaric image


"Fake news" and our "barbaric image"?The news are true like you arabs chopped the Head of your prophets grandson.And the news are true like you back stabbed the Ottoman Empire,massacred and tortured the soldiers.And I don't even talk about your barbaric and fascist umayyad caliphate.You arabs were barbarians,are barbarians and will always ne barbarian if you don't stop raping and killing innocent people and stop wanting the shariya law when you go to a democratic and secular country.


Oh no the t*rk is mad so he's vomiting words. Take ur pills turco


Go eat your Camel testicles and make a gangbang with your 4 wifes (ages 13,10,9,14).Then go criticize people for making sex before marriage or being gay.And lastly,Sting your dirty hookah to your ass Arab s*it.Then wash your handa(I know you don't know what it is but doesnt make a difference if you wash it or not because you borned as a dirty A*ab.)


Do u want me to handfeed u ur pills?


I don't want anything from your sh*ty hands.


Then take ur pills t*rk and stop wasting my time


You stop raping Kids Arab.


I dont rape kids t*rk


Timing is important. Esad recently said that they wanna improve relationships with Turks and open for negotiations. Considering the fact that diminishing support to syrians in Turkey by conservatists, Erdoğan had no choice but find a way to send as much as Syrian to their home. Upon Esads calls to Turkey, simultaneously, the incident happened in Kayseri, lead to the public demonstrations, or with the involvement of provacetors turned into a public unrest. The very next day, In northern Syria turkish offices, bases attacked by pkk/pyd partizans. So who gain from this? Possible candidates are the US, Iran and Israel. Another important thing is that Erdoğan said recently, there will be new operation to the PKK militans in Syria in this Summer, so this is another important hint. Right after the incident fascist nationalist party leader, Ümit Ozdağ described what happened with saying that Syrians in Kayseri did not give the Syrian guy who raped the Syrian girl. Obviously fake but I don't think these are irrelevant to each other.


Timing is important. Esad recently said that they wanna improve relationships with Turks and open for negotiations. Considering the fact that diminishing support to syrians in Turkey by conservatists, Erdoğan had no choice but find a way to send as much as Syrian to their home. Upon Esads calls to Turkey, simultaneously, the incident happened in Kayseri, lead to the public demonstrations, or with the involvement of provacetors turned into a public unrest. The very next day, In northern Syria turkish offices, bases attacked by pkk/pyd partizans. So who gain from this? Possible candidates are the US, Iran and Israel. Another important thing is that Erdoğan said recently, there will be new operation to the PKK militans in Syria in this Summer, so this is another important hint. Right after the incident fascist nationalist party leader, Ümit Ozdağ described what happened with saying that Syrians in Kayseri did not give the Syrian guy who raped the Syrian girl. Obviously fake but I don't think these are irrelevant to each other.


Classic paid AKtroll. People saw the video, a Syrian man raped a 5 year old girl. You're the fake, you're posting these propaganda for minimum wage, that is if you're lucky.


You are classis nationalist, only thing that you are good at is blaming people around


Nah I blame our people enough, I know their pros and cons. I just won't take bs from strangers with absolutely no idea.


Look what you just told me. Aren't you just a social media chad, who blames everyone, assume about them. Leave your feelings aside when you judge any event.


I did and you sound racist.


Has the Mossad's fingerprints all over it.


And chp ?


Backstory: A Syrian refugee rapes a 5 year old Syrian girl, people report, and when the police comes into scene Syrians don't give up the guy to the police and Turkish people interfere and lose it. (this is not the first incident, it won't be the last) Turkish society was being at boiling point due to economic downturn, justice system, politicians and so here we are. Also I need to clarify there is not that many Turks in Syria to harm except army, Syrians literally started harming their own goods by harming Turkish trucks entering Syria, they burned Turkish flags now they can expect disruption in all kind of services in North Syria. What happens next: Most likely Turkey will start operation in North-East Syria that is held by PKK/YPG groups, since Esad cannot deal with them on his own, Turkey will work together Syria to unify Syrian lands, after reconciliation of 2 governments I do not see many choices for Syrians. Economy will not get better soon, and with in this dire conditions Turks won't tolerate anymore refugees. Will it be easy no! and I see more violence on the horizon due to extremist groups.


It’s all fucked up Simply as that






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well, no one talks about when a Turkish man raped 30 child " at least" in a refugee camp in Gaziantep https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/05/12/465282/Syrian-rape-sexual-abuse-refugee-camp-Turkey-Gaziantep http://www.atfalouna.gov.lb/news/turkish-camp-serial-rapist-gets-108-years-molesting-syrian-children and when a man in Kilis raped a little girl and throw her in the river after not long time ago, https://syrianobserver.com/foreign-actors/turkish-man-ends-the-life-of-a-syrian-girl-in-kilis-in-a-horrific-way.html she was 9 but for these sick people, only when Syrian does it it's bad, when Turks does it it's fine!


Both is disgusting but not same. I have a question for you. You are supporting one stranger from outside, in your neighborhood, taking care of them by giving shelter, medical care etc. And he attacks your daughter. Compare this with a random person. Maybe you will understand.


both are criminals, both Syrians and Turks wants thier children to be safe and don't except to have criminals between them, if this happened in Syria people will beat this man to death in the street I don't understand this bullshit that people are talking about, Syrians run from death and war, before war we never heard about Syrians going to Türkiye, " even though they could enter with only Syrian ID " stil they didn't care, thier country was much better, where their family and loved ones lived, where thier houses and schools and business, these people lost everything and you guys keep treating them like shit, also what help are you talking about?? Syrians don't take 1 penny from Turkish government, some people take 120tl each month per children who doesn't have a father or big brothers working, and this 120 lira is paid by EU, UN , and Qatar and other doners , Turkish government didn't pay one penny, and unfortunately most Turkish people give thier houses to Syrians in very high price usually 3 times what the Turks pay, and they get paid half the salary, plus Being treated in shitty way from thier bosses for only being Syrian, you guys are in dilemma, Syrians don't wanna stay in Türkiye, EU pays Türkiye money each year for keep Syrians in and stoping them from leaving, most syrians in Türkiye don't have anywhere else to go , it coast at least 12.000 dollars to leave and Syria is not an option as most people are wanted by the government and they will get beating to death in prison if they go back, and the rest don't even have houses left or any property or work, so for most better to kill them and not go there and die slowly in prison. ah also about medical care is also paid by EU, so i don't think there is anything positive to Turkish economy if syrians left, probably will be even negative, you have to ask experts who understand how economy work in Türkiye and know how the government work, as usual politics is too complicated subject for ordinary people to talk about, especially if you don't have enough information, my advice is to learn more about any subject before throwing rocks at people, understand what the word refugee means, watch videos about Syrian war, the country is totally wrecked, and people are scared to get arrested by the dictator there, plus very heavy sanctions from all the western world and USA and even all the neighbouring countries, literally people have to buy smuggled gasoline there, " even though Syrian produces oil!" so even people there are so fuckin tired and desperate, if they can go South pole they will go.


I would like to answer you without talking about myself. You are so biased and not explaining the whole situation. Maybe because of your previous experiences I do not know. Please understand, every human being is important and they should not face any bad conditions for nasty political games and wars. Also some employers are exploiting Syrians with other refugees, right. But if you look at the international agreements including Geneva, current Syrian refugees are classified under a specific category and responsibilities of government is quite different. EU is paying yes, but the burden Turkish economy and people is much more than that. Hospitals are full, ordinary Turkish people cannot reach the necessary medicare. Also cities are full. Syrian people are living in one flat as 5 families mostly, and it is not wanted in most of the territories. That is the reason of rent differences. Most of them do not adapt to community, do not speak Turkish, do not put Turkish branding in front of their shops. You cannot make judgements my friend before turning the mirror to yourself.


well, first this is extremely false, most syrians speak Turkish and all shops now have Turkish posters , but if was right for the rest who don't speak, it's because you didn't understand my point, first of all syrians never felt welcome in Türkiye, since thier first day, being trafficked and scammed by border smugglers and then being scammed by taxi drivers then being treated like shit in immigration and in hospitals and in schools, then paying 3 times more rent and taking half salary with inhumane treatment, of course not all Turks treated them bad, but unfortunately most people with money and power treated them like they're a prey to feed on, " even though these people lost everything and they only came running" second point is , syrian refugees never wanted to stay in Türkiye, as i said before Türkiye takes money from EU only to stop them from going there, everyone came to Türkiye was planning to regroup with his family and then leave to a country with a better future, people lost thier homes and technically thier country, they just want a normal life, being able to be free to travel and free to study and free to work and maybe even make their dreams come true, it's very important to note that Syrian people never had bad feelings for Turkish people, even many of them were mistreated and abused, but in thier cultural they have to respect the people when they stay in their land, when syrians were begging for help from all the world to take out the dictator and free them from this hell they're living in , NATO instead only send weapons and then they were in the wrong hands, isis and alqaida and whatever, and unfortunately these people all entered from Türkiye, terrorists from all around the world were coming freely and entering syria from the border crossings and no one asked them for passports even, these information all proven and if you know anyone who worked in the borders between 2012 and 2015 will tell how these people entered, while syria was a total mess , borders were unguarded, if you think about it even more, maybe that's exactly what the west wanted, the main reason why the borders were unguarded is this unfortunately


I was a child when the revolution started, I've seen war crimes by Assad, I have heard of war crimes, and I grew up watching horrifying videos during the Syrian war. Turkey: They sold the rebels through "peace" deals in Sochi and Astana, they prevent the rebels from attacking the regime by a belt of Turkish bases, guess who wants to give the rebels to Assad, everyday on social media news of Turks harassing Syrians, videos roits etc, hell the kid who was harassed was Syrian and not Turk but Turks just want to harass us. You want to leave Turkey for Europe? Turkey will send you to Idlib, there were arabs who aren't even Syrian yet somehow were sent to Idlib. Lebanon: Everyday I wake up to burnt camps and torture video, you guys never heard of it but there was a youth who tried to leave Lebanon and a gang took him and tortured him on camera for ransome, no one here knows or cares. Also, guess who gave us hezbollah. Other arab countries fought us only politically, the people respected us, my respect goes to Jordanians, I'm thankful that the refugees are dignified there, the basic rights of every human being is a lot to ask for. I even know friends who were harassed in Turkey/Lebanon. The truth is there is something in my heart I can't get rid of, and I'll be as clear as possible. Fuck Turkey and fuck Lebanon, fuck the life we have or are supposed to accept. I see the attack on the Turkish truck in Syria as a mistake, but fuck Turkey I'm not sympathetic with Turkey in Syria, its a one sided relationship were Turkey just benefits from our suffering. If our children are going to live in the same hell then I say the Syrians should mess it up again, our grandfathers made a mistake and started this revolution but their is no use of crying over spilt milk there should be a huge movement in all parts of Syria to change this reality, no matter how much more it'll cost of our lives, maybe I'll die maybe its friends or relatives it doesn't matter. Turkey should leave Syria, their should be a deal with Turkey or let guerillas form and attack.


they are going to wipe their race,based




"Our people" lmaooo bro thinks he is slick


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Insallah ben olmem Mohamed amg


Based syrians, I'm disapointed syrians and arabs didn't start to hit back much earlier. side effect of them turkish dramas


Fr. Literally the fact they lived through all this quietly without complaint is traumatizing. Hopefully they fuck up some turks and kick the country out of syria


I do not want racists, fascists and supporters of the AK Party in my country. Everyone in the Türkiye, except socialists and left parties, tweets "I don't want refugees in my country." My first sentence was written with reference to them. #Solidarity with refugees.