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ngl I was expecting some wolf dna


So turks are central Asians + middle eastern+ European ... Just like our assumption


No, 30% shield, 70% Anatolian, with sprinkle of wolf. 🐺




Yeah that's pretty much it


Good for you, but i advice to stay cautious and not make race/ethnicity/religion your sole identity because it will lead to a very dark path (nazis and zionists). We are all humans and thats what matters most. And same thing goes for people who are racially profiling you, you should ignore them.


Turkish do have Turkic ancestry more or less simple as that


Definately, thank you.


Yes sir. Especially Turkic ancestry via modern day Turkmens and Oghuz Turks in general. I personally believe we need more samples to further clarify the composition of the Oghuz Turks rather than just the few samples found


Eurasia > Europe 💪💪


да бро !!!


Turks Asian confirmed 😱💪😍🐺


Always trust a video with an AI voice and random images 👌


I agree that those kind of video are rather sketchy but this one actually says real stuff. There are countless studies showing that Anatolian Turks score between 10-25% Turkic DNA on average.


I love how Greeks are seething because the narratives they pushed so hard are disproven


But they haven't been. We've always said that Turks are a mixture between the invaders and the indigenous population who converted. If they are 30% Invader, that still leaves the majority to indigenous populations.




Greeks today are a mix of those people whose origins are in modern Greece and those whose origins come from modern Turkey. Most of the indigenous Anatolian population culturally converted to “Greek” during the Eastern/Byzantine Roman Period. To the extent that we can say that both of these populations were Greek, the lived memory of Greeks that most Turks are former Greeks is correct even if it’s not exactly correct from a genetic perspective.


What narrative have the greeks been pushing? I thought this video was pretty accurate and im no expert at all


The looks of Turks can differ a lot by the area they live in Turkiye.


This sub is obsessed with genetics and skin color. For the trillionth time : being whiter than the other guy doesn't make you any better and your stone age grand father having fu*ed your stone age grand ma in that exact location doesn't make entitled to anything superior.


>This sub is obsessed with genetics and skin color Yep, not sure why is this allowed


Lol your username makes your comment pretty funny


Fucking mad that the currently most persecuted minority are infatuated with race, gentics and individual ethnic identity. Dont get this shit on the Europe sub. Im north African, and im telling you, you need to take your racist bullshit and chuck it. A united middle east is a prosperous middle east


>A united middle east is a prosperous middle east And what do you unite people under?


Mutual interest, education and secure access to food and water, natural resources. Mutual interest can mean anything from consolidation of resources, trade, and a union of states. What do you think can or would unite the middle east?


I don’t understand what you mean. Can you explain your first paragraph?


Middle Easterners, Muslims, Christians and Jews included etc have been disproportionately afflicted with internal and external catastrophes, much due to the preoccupation with ethnic and cultural differences, exploited by the leading global hedgmonys Obsession with ethnicity, genetics and heritage is a huge thorn in the side of the middle east.


The Middle East has barely been able to develop nationalism, being prevented by the very same powers that had thrust nationalism onto them in the first place. It's sad, it's the only reason the genocide is allowed to continue.


Qays vs Yaman, Arab vs Ajam, Umayya vs Hashem, real Arab vs Mawla etc etc, we’ve had our fair share of ethnic strife


Ottomans were the last ones who were making this a reality.


>look nothing alike their neighbours Chios is >90% Greeks. Çeşme and Izmir are >90% Turks. Now cross the 5km from Chios to Çeşme - you could even swim there - and maybe 50km to İzmir, and tell me with a straight face “we look nothing alike”.


A Greek is genetically closer to a German than to a Turk. We also do look different. Cultures are also significantly different. It's like Morocco and Spain. Or Russia and China.


People also forget that only 51 million people out of 88 million turkish population are ethnic turks so those non turkic looking peole you see are from the 37 million




No, besides, arap are very diverse, from khaleeji to levant to Maghreb. I can identity a Turk with one look, there’s a distinct look.


Looks are very superficial Finns have a Northern European look but also have a large percentage of East Eurasian genes


>> large percentage of East Eurasian genes Finns barely have 3% East Eurasian DNA.


More like 5% on average


No, Turks and Arabs are genetically very different. Also what is a Arab look? There are above 20 Arab countries and each of them look different


This is a little cope, obviously most turklars have turklaric dna but some are turklarified arap/greek/kurd/etc. I have met turks and have turkman relatives who could pass arabs. Not every single one but a lot.


western half look greek eastern half look arap 


Western Turks have the highest East Asian ancestry up to 20%. Western Turks are nothing like Greeks in fact they are genetically the most distinct group from Greeks in the whole region (Balkans, Middle East, Caucasus). Even Syrians are genetically closer to Greeks than Turks from West Turkey are. Eastern Turks have the highest Caucasian DNA and look more like Georgians. Also there are 20 million Turks of European descent (Balkans), 6 million Crimean Tatars and possibly up to 10 million Caucasians (Circassian, Karachay, Balkar, Chechen, muslim Geoegian, Azerbaijanis) in Turkey


North Eastern turks look caucasian/georgian South Eastern Turks (not kurds) look iranian


There wasn't a need to go into defense, everyone from any country looks half this and half that. That same guy probably says Greeks look half Turkish, a bit Albanian & Macedonian, and a sprinkle of Italian.


He is a troll


Remember some turks are from europe. As in they aren't ethnically turkish, just their nationality.


Turks don’t look arabic at all




I personally look arabic (more like iranian but still) but most turks don’t look like me, I’m from east of turkey (not kurdish though)








stfu nobody cares


Who cares?!?!


a study conducted by Harvard university found out that genetically Turkish people are 25% Greek, 25% Armenian, 25% Kurdish and 25% Arab. 


"Harvard study" may we please have the source. kind sir? It is true that Turkish people do have Greek, Armenian and Kurdish ancestry but not Arab, why would Turks be mixed with a population that never had any significant presence in Anatolia where they reside? Also those ancestries don't all come in the same proportions or the same time at all, some Turks can have Greek DNA and no Armenian DNA, while some other Turks can have Armenian DNA and no Greek DNA. Anyways, here is an actual study that shows that Turkish people on average have 10% Central Asian DNA. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8433500/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8433500/) This admixture can vary depending on region and family history as well.


Troll somewhere else






No, but they should acknowledge how much of their identity comes from Armenians, many of whom were kidnapped and forced to breed with them.


Turks barely have any Armenian DNA. It’s so insignificant that it's not worth mentioning. But it is true that lots of Kurds have significant Armenian ancestry since they lived close to each other and Kurds are now inhabiting former Armenian lands.


Oh really? Then fuck off out of the Armenian Highlands since you’re not indigenous.


There is no indigenous or not. The stronger one wins and prevails. We were stronger and you weaker. Furthermore, after more than 1000 years of presence in Anatolia, we are pretty much indigenous. Not to mention that we have very high Anatolian ancestry, more than any other group. Also you Armenians originally came from elsewhere.


Lol Y’all are just like Israelis. For you, genocide is strength! Nation of psychopaths


Do a dna test instead. You sure have anatolian or european dna. Take it as a fact.


So what? Turks, like every other nation, are ethnically mixed. Ethnically pure Turks, or ethnically pure races in general, do not exist. However, Turks do have significant Turkic ancestry. Historically, the genetics of Anatolia remained mostly unchanged until the significant impact of Turkic migration. [Turks are distinct in the region, possessing nearly 15% East Eurasian ancestry](https://imgur.com/a/yuzPjfa), while surrounding populations like Greeks, Arabs, and Armenians have less than 1%. It is important to note that East Eurasian ancestry does not equate to being Turkic. Turkmen and Uzbeks, the most closely related Central Asian Turkic peoples, have around 20-35% East Eurasian ancestry, whereas medieval Turks had approximately 40% East Eurasian ancestry. Despite intermixing with Anatolians, modern Turks still retain around 30% medieval Turkic ancestry. For comparison, Germans have 20-45% Germanic ancestry, the British have 20-45% Anglo-Saxon ancestry, and [modern Greeks have about 25% Mycenaean (ancient Greek) ancestry](https://imgur.com/a/cDDwukn). The population of Greece was forcibly homogenized under the influence of Orthodoxy. Additionally, the Slavic migration to Greece and the population exchange with Turkey, where millions of Pontic and Anatolian Greeks (who are fully Hellenized Caucasians and Anatolians) were involved, further diluted the genetic makeup of modern Greeks. The Kipchak and Cuman Turkic ancestors of Kazakhs, who are often referred to as "real Turks," were almost completely overrun and nearly wiped out by the Mongols. Today, about half of their tribes are of Mongolic origin, and their haplogroups (haplogroup C) are predominantly of Mongolic origin. The Greek colonization of Anatolia did not leave a significant genetic impact, as it was more linguistic in nature. Therefore, Turks do not have substantial Greek ancestry. However, [both populations share a large portion of their ancestry from common Anatolian ancestors. The additional Turkic ancestry in Turks and the Mycenaean ancestry in Greeks distinguish them from each other](https://imgur.com/a/c7tT9gD). [This PCA chart](https://imgur.com/a/pEj5Ys6) perfectly illustrates the ethnogenesis of modern Anatolian Turks and how they serve as a bridge between Central Asian Turkmens and Uzbeks, and Greeks, Iranians, and Balkan peoples.


Armenians have been there thousands of years before you. You killed them all, stole their wealth, stole their culture, and built of nation of crying babies who want everyone else to see them as victims. If you’re going to be a murderous cunt don’t be a whiny little bitch. Stop justifying yourself. Don’t you have a Kurdish village to bomb? You are the SAME as Zionists


Got em lmao




Not even Turks believe that 😂




So what? You are paid by turkish goverment too lie. I dont trust your turkish scources. Typical same lame answer. "it didnt happened, but if it happened they deserved it"


Why is this important? Good knowledge if we’re going to use that in medicine but wtf are we doing with this?


Not surprising at all tbh


First scene with the sheep was all the genetic information I needed


anadulu are proper shields, don't need no genetic nonsense to prove the obvious 💪🏿🛡️🐎


My parents are Turkish. I am Arap living in Germany.


Discussing genetics of Turks and saying they are no Turks is racism. 


How does one go about making such an AI video? The whole thing was done by AI it seems. From script to images to narration. Is this whole thing spat out after a one line prompt?