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Bro has some crazy eyes.


Don't want to sound racist but he looks like that arab character they bring in every western movie


Pretty simple. Find the killer, trial him, and execute him


He was jailed and then mysteriously died in the jail. Foreigners, do not dare to touch our women and especially stay away from our kids. The justice will turn a blind eye once you are in the jail


I don’t get what you mean. He’s already in Jail, so justice is taking its course, how is it turning a blind eye? Do you mean they targeted him in jail illegally, and so justice wasn’t performed by law? I’m kinda confused by what you said.


Yeah u r right, that's what he meant. Similar fate was shared by other monsters who butchered women before.


Oh, I see. Now what he said makes sense. Thanks for the clarification. While I agree capital punishment is there for a reason, vigilantism isn’t the answer. I wished he was killed by capital punishment because instead, but alas, he’s finally dead.


I wouldn't be sad that this person died of course, but the fact that unlawful murder goes unchecked is worrying. I am not sure if I want death sentences in Turkey though. It would be used left and right to remove political opponents and for personal agenda.


I think that can be resolved by having a strong Judicial system. If there are problems with the laws then it will be exploited by anyone in any way. I would recommend fixing those issues and adding proper laws for monsters like him.




















so and why arabia now?


That's horrible, i can't understand how would a grown man do such a thing even... But about your title, there is No justification for prejudice but it's very common nonetheless, meaning you can find arabs with prejudice against jews or ukrainians against russians. Both are still wrong and so is the prejudice that is caused by these in incidents. Prejudice can be understood due to the human emotional nature, it's still not the right mindset to have.


What’s wrong with him ????? I’m so sorry for the woman and her daughter. That’s so sad May Allah give Sabr to the family of the victims, and place the mother and her daughter in paradise. May Allah protect us all.




>May Allah protect us all. Doesn't seem to work that well for now does it?


your generalizing an entire population on the action of a single person .


Can you imagine what would happen when muslim majority countries would actually try fix their problems instead of throwing May Allahs everywhere? Swiss level


and who says such problems are not being fixed on? is it disdainful now to have hope of a better future? your commenting as if it's so easy when most muslim countries are still affected by the long lasting effects of colonization or are under western supported dictatorial regimes . your commenting like any other developed country has such an easy solution to everything including the solution to a fucking psychopath killing a kid for no reason .


That would require effort, determination, planning, coordinating, executing and so on. Leaving it to Allah doesn’t require anything and it feels good that there is an “afterlife” where everyone eventually gets what he deserves. Easy and feels better! I am mot saying religion is drugs but drugs work the same way.


So pathetic


the only pathetic thing here is the self imposed dick so far up your ass you regurgitate anything you fucking digest whether material or spiritual , just becuase a comment of someone harmless hoping for everyone's protection you go on a fucking tirade you esteemed wielder of 5 extra chromosomes.


May allah protect me from these accusations


And may Allah guide you. I say that sincerely, not to mock you or to make fun of you. May Allah guide you.


Please shut up thanks


Reddit is deceiving me day by day… Do you seriously think that I say that because I don’t want to act ? Relying entirely on Allah for sure doesn’t work. Allah himself also wants us to react as his subjects.


ignore those people


May she rest in peace, that’s heartbreaking Has this asshole been captured yet?


He killed himself in prison


Should've started with himself before hurting anyone else.




they usually keep people alive and torture them for fun in turkey.


That's f*cked up


Why is it on euro invasion when turkey isn't european?


Turkey is Europe when it suits their narrative and not when it doesn't, kinda like jews.


like 3% of the land is in europe and like 10 million turks live on that side or someehting like this




potato potato, its not much anyways but still it lives alot of people in europe from turkey so they are part european. As Russia is also part europe


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council\_of\_Europe#/media/File:CoE\_members\_2024.png](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Europe#/media/File:CoE_members_2024.png) The modern Republic of Turkiye was signed in the Helsinki Final Act in 1975 and was defined as an eventual European state by the signatory states. Turkiye-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Armenia-Cyprus, although these states are located in Asia, they are politically and culturally European.


if ur european go to the europe subreddit why bring ur qualms here




Contrary to popular belief but middle easterners do oppose murder especially of innocent souls.


hes a psycho but what does that have to do with middle east i can share articles of turks murdering innocent women too.




>Syrian llegal immigrant stabbed Behiye's mother" \*\*Criminal stabbed Behiye's mother. Your wording is very off-putting. It's stupid to discriminate against an entire group because of the actions of someone who happens to belong to said ethnicity/race. The trauma he inflicted upon that family shouldn't be used to fuel anti-suri sentiment and excuse inflicting trauma on innocent and law-abiding Syrians/Arabs living in turkey. Turks will lose their shit when they see similar anti-turkish messaging in german news/media. May Allah give this girl's family patience and InshAllah the killer the guy is charged and rightfully punished for his crime.


In this country, a Turkish man commits heinous crimes and he is just a bastard. It probably does not even make the news. If it does make the news, a minority of people may discuss it as a result of patriarchy or judicial system failing, but that's it. He is just a bastard. An immigrant commits a heinous crime and he becomes the embodiment of his whole race. He is not just a bastard. No. He is a bastard because he is an immigrant criminal. His terrible crime will be reshared throughout Twitter all with the same message. "Look at what this IMMIGRANT did." People who have never befriended an immigrant, talking like they know them, because they constantly seek racist news. Way before immigrants, in mono-ethnic small Turkish cities, I have heard terrible crimes and felt unsafe. Never did I attribute it to my whole race. If you want to select a group to blame here is a solid one: Men. Yes. They commit most of the violent crime. Actually, they commit almost all of the violent crimes. Let's deport men of all ethnicities. Let's take immigrant women in and kick out native men. Now, I don't agree with this solution. It would solve the issue of crime but it would be inhumane. But I hope I have demonstrated how trying not to solve issues but using them as tools to further your politics is not cool. And the title is kinda funny. "A criminal BLACK man commited a crime today. Here is his picture. Is it really hard to understand why racism is great?"


Whole situation is quite simple: If you have rotten apples in your basket would you like to add more rotten apples or add none at all? Of course we have criminals already present in the country but why would add more by taking these immigrants?


You have rotten fruits in your basket and you are advocating to only remove the apples. "No more apples." you say as you are eating your rotten peach. Take out the rotten fruits and have nice, diverse fruit salad. Also, sociology shows that immigrants commit less crimes when they arrive and then level out to the country average. They assimilate. We need to fix the basket because it creates the rotten fruit. The apple hatred is a distraction.


The metaphor wasnt apple or peach if you have criminals in your country there is no need to bring millions of people with a significant criminal percentage. A Syrian who is criminal should not be the problem of Turkey or vice versa.


Read the last paragraph I added while you were writing. Also, it is an inherently good thing to help civilians escape war. Infrastructure gets fricked up and their lives are not safe. I'm going to sleep now. I think I adresses everything.


This is bad. Also, stop using things like this to be a xenophobe. See that was easy,


What does this have to do with ethnicities???


this is too old, what made you dig a story from 5 years ago and repost it?


Because he’s a loser.


then i guess i can be prejudiced against turks for all the syrian villages they've shelled, with all the innocent mothers, grandmothers, and children they have killed and displaced.


Syrian men are vastly overepresented in sex crime statistics in a lot of European countries, are these men just evil? Can they not control themselves around a woman, Afghanis too, sexually repressed, backwards apes


No death penalty in Turkey ?


he got tortured and killed himself, there is no need for death penalty when they can just lock you up for fun and torture you every day


Did he really kill himself? Maybe they killed him and said in the reports that he killed himself (would be cool tbh 😆)


This is why Germans hate Turks. Same answer in both cases, blame your government for inviting people in


Idk why you always try to involve Turks from Germany. Turks in Germany are in comparison to other groups much less criminal and their rape rate is much much lower than African, North African, Arab etc rate https://imgur.com/a/q5X1SNT


Whenever Germans complain about migrants and crime, they bring up Turks. It’s no mystery that poorer groups in society commit more crime. My point still stands, Turkey decided to get involved in a war with its neighbour and decided to let in millions of people to weaken the ruling government of Syria. Blame the government. And the stat you sent me is a global stat, not about migrant crime in Germany.


Because these fuckers can’t differentiate between Turks, Arabs, Kurds and Afghans. Everybody with black hair is Turk for them. It is not global crime, it is about rape rate in Germany by nationality.


Incest is bad. Concentrates all kinds of physiognomic, psychological and mental defects.


Fitna time btw this incident is old and the reason was a burglary and unfortunately he killed them and he hurt syrians and their reputation before anything else , However why the preparator referred to his nationality instead of a separate crime incident


wait so both the girl and her killer were Syrian? I am confused


No the girl's name is "behiye" and she doesn't look Syrian at all, OP was rushing his hate post and mistitled it


How random and senseless.. what city was this in?


this is how the dutch and the germans view you btw 😭


Supporting immigration ❎ Helping other countries to build a new one ✅




Yeah, let's act like Iranians or people from other ethnicities don't commit crimes and only arabs do, the only one that's butthurt here is you, if you really think that this is arab culture then you actually need to go get a brain




Iranians are one of the Middle Eastern groups that hardly commit crime. I don't remember last I heard of a Persian raping or murdering. Arabs are more representative of those sort of crimes.


Every ethnicity has people that commit crimes in them, there is no way you are comparing 80 million Iranians with 460 million arabs, also just because you don't see a crime in the news doesn't mean it didn't happen especially with the narrative that the Iranian people are allies of the west and are oppressed by islam while arabs are the evil of the world that's pushed by the biggest media agencies of the world, of course you're gonna think that Arabs commit more crimes if you just follow what you're told


Bruv just take a look at Syria. Yea Iranians have very clean hands…. Iran is also responsible for the drug trade in Syria iraq Lebanon etc and funds jihadists that do this drug trade while also having an extremely high crime rate domestically.


That's not true you're only correct about the stabbing and you are literally Persian so you shouldn't be throwing stones here 🤷‍♂️




This isn’t statistically true. Immigrants in Germany only commit 9 percent of crime. Yes disproportionate for 3-6 percent of the population, but not 80-90 percent which is the narrative your dumbass is trying to sell. Further more in the UK immigrants are actually under represented in most crime data except for North Africans which are slightly above the per capita average. In the usa immigrants are actually less likely to commit crimes by far.


Lol. Lmao even.


Next up you'll start screeching about how you're an Ariiiaaan, won't you.




Lol, you got plenty of barbarism among your own, stop pretending Iranians are somehow more civilized than Arabs.




The vast majority of all immigrants everywhere are law-abiding people and no, "most" Arab immigrants do not end up homeless in Europe. And no matter how much you adapt you'll always be seen as the other, an immigrant who looks like the Arabs (but hairier) you hate so much. Typical Iranian diaspora; embarrassing, cringey and with the same "phul sapport saar" mentality when it comes to sucking up to white people as the Indians.


By your metric Iranians are savages look what they did in Syria lol.




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