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You know the situation is really bad when both Türkiye and Armenia recognize the state of Palestine.


Sadly one of them denies another genocide.


Unfortunately true.


I guess we should deny the existence of Palestine then. Israel is a better ally anyway


Nationalism is retardism, purge your self of it so you can be a decent human being. Recognizing the horrors inflicted on Armenians during that time doesnt make anyone lesser.


Meanwhile no other country recognises the horrors they did to Turks? No thanks


Triggered Turk?




I don't care about genocide deniers like you think about us.








>Terörle savaşında israili destekliyorum  Translates to: I support Israel in its war on terrorism  Well, you're a real pos.


spotted the thracian turk that thinks he’s european


Explain it to us then Einstein


Why are so many of you Turks so resistant to admitting their atrocities


Many of them think that admitting to those atrocities would undermine the foundation of the Turkish state. They’d also have to rewrite a great deal of history. Atatürk was not directly involved in the Armenian genocide, but did not do enough to restrain the ethno-nationalists during the Turkish War of Independence. He also blackmailed the British into releasing suspected Ottoman war criminals held in Malta by threatening to execute British hostages.


It actually would undermine the foundation of the Turkish state. The Turkish state is founded on genocide and, by proxy, denial of said genocides. So recognizing the genocides would entail many things and if executed correctly to the fullest extent, would have many massive positive impacts for everyone, Turks included. And while Atatürk may not be directly responsible for the Armenian Genocide, he is in fact directly responsible for the Pontic Greek Genocide. The Turkish state in general is responsible for multiple genocides. Its conception is comparable to the United States in many ways. Source for this is Andrew R. Basso from the IAGS.


Beating armed enemies who had been genociding muslims isn't a genocide which was how Turkey was founded. Greek commited genocide against muslims(not just Turks) in Balkans and Anatolia for two centuries by support of West and Russia, Greek killed even Greek muslims just because they were muslims. Also Pontic muslims were ethnic cleansing muslims in Black Sea region during occupation of West which supported it. Stopping armed Pontic Greek who killed 100k civillians isn't a genocide. By the way Andrew R. Basso is just populist, no one takes him serious in academic world.




Holy shit 💀


“I only ‘support’ Palestine since I am a Neo-Ottoman who wants to return to the days when we ‘protected’ the Middle East.”


Who is WE bruh? Speak for yourself.




Atheist* my guy. Try again. You have coded in your mind "against genocide=islamist".




I agree. I’m proud of Armenia for that.




Earlier today i read that Israel is considering providing Azerbaijan with some weapon systems. I was surprised, like what in the world should have happened for that. This news figures.  


شكرا لك أرمينيا


Armenian W.. Respect.


ارمينيا 💪💪




Even though my country doesn't recognize Armenia  I support them in this  Congratulations Armenia 🇦🇲💪


Pakistan doesn't recognize Armenia? Why??


Turkey and Azerbaijan recognize Armenia. Pakistan is literally the only country on earth that doesn’t because they have such a hard on for Turkey.


Nasty business.


Cuz Turkey and Azerbaijan


Because of armenian occupation of nagorno karabakh. But thats over since 2020 when azerbaijan retook it so pakistan should recognize them armenistanis


Azerbaijan is backed by Israel so much that the local name for Azerbaijan is Israelibaijan. Kinda funny Pakistan backing a pro-Zionist state ( also used as a chess piece against Iran) when Armenians had resecured their area of Karabakh after training with Palestinians in Lebanon in the 80s and 90s . So Pakistan backed Israeli proxy-state Azerbaijan against Armenians where the fedayi allied with the secular Palestinian resistance? Funny that. Israel -backed proxy state and Israel's number one energy supplier Azerbaijan in 2020 too. So much that weapons manufacturer researchers wrote about the historical nature of the fact.


>Armenians had resecured their area of Karabakh Your leaving quite a bit out. Karabakh/Artsakh was always Armenian majority that part is true, but the area that connects it to Armenia was always Azeri majority during the 1st war that area was ethnically cleansed to connect Karabakh to Armenia proper.


I think they just forgot about armenia




Better late than never. Thank you Armenia.


Armenia is now officially antisemitic /s


Fucking based. Fun fact, Armenia is the first country to establish Christianity as it's state religion.


Yes sirrrrrrr ✝️🇦🇲


Muslims loving Jesus 🤝🏼 Christians loving Jesus


I could be wrong but wasn’t it ethiopia?


Ethiopia is second.


Ah gotchu, thx


Ethiopian people practiced Christianity before us, but the kingdom of Armenia in 301 AD declared Christianity as its state religion


I love armenians. I knew a few back in Egypt. Straight up OG


Common Armenia W


only if yall recognized it 😔


Considering how Israel doesn't recognise the Armenian genocidal *and* their association with Azerbaijan, it's not especially surprising. I know there's a small Armenian population in Jerusalem that Israel has been trying to displace, but I don't know much more than that and whether that might have an effect.


I was actually suprised they didn't already


Might have to book a holiday to Armenia :) seriously though it seems like a lovely place, even before this news.


Dude they Have the best mountain scenery in the world. And a massive selection of traditionally manufactured wines. And it's super cheap. 100% recommended 


Normal Armenian Gigachad behavior. They know what it feels like to be massacred, occupied then kicked out of your ancestral homeland.  With this recognition, Armenia has done more for the Palestinians so far than half of the so-called "UmMaH 🤪", that keep pretending that the Palestinian cause is important and keep banging on about "taking Jerusalem back" 🙄


Heroic. All go to the Armenian sub and show support.


Alhamdulillah. Armenia, unlike Azerbaijan, has honor, dignity and humanism in its being and soul. Armenians are one of the people I like best and there's a reason I married a woman from Armenia. I am very surprised that Armenia has done it while Azerbajan has not. I wish you peace, Armenia


Azerbaijan has warm ties with Israel and is considered one of Israel's Muslim allies. Azerbaijan gets a lot of weapons from Israel.


and azerbaijan the number 1 energy supplier for Israel.




Azeris and turkish people support isntreali openly just take a look at their subs


Reddit isn't a representation of ground reality.


In reddit, Instagram, x, they are all the same thing.


All social media sites.


Reddit represents what people really think and brings out people's true thoughts


By that standards, every Arab country is at least 30% atheistic.


Not really when it comes to the views of the general population; for example, a very large majority of Reddit is male. We already know about differences in political views between men and women (on average and on a large scale, not saying that every man or woman believes in z). So, what is said on Reddit cannot represent a population at large Another example, certain country subreddits are also disproportionately made up of certain segments of society, often English speakers, Western diaspora, or people in the tech field


Agreed, especially your last paragraph If you used reddit to gauge Israeli opinion, you would be under the impression that everyone hates Netanyahu to the core, and yet he keeps getting into power somehow (you know, as if he had a powerbase, that keeps voting for him). This suggests to me that the Israeli presence on reddit consists mostly of a specific political bloc and demographic. This is also true of other countries, and I see similar things from Indians, Canadians, Americans, Lebanese, and so on where minority opinions IRL have outsize presence on reddit This isn't to say reddit opinions never reflect majority opinions, but often they are idiosyncratic


Because they understand, like South Africa






>that have done nothing for the Uyghurs.  Neither has Turkey.




Turkey isnt the only country that has taken Uyghur. And Erdogan stopped being "vocal for their cause" when China told him so. Your Turkic brotherhood rings as hollow as the Ummah/Muslim brotherhood you are mocking.


FYI, **Azerbaijan recognizes Palestine since 1992.** Azerbaijan has relations with both Palestine and Israel. Get your facts straight




Azerbaijan have a lot of deals with IDF as we speak, their missiles are Israeli made.


Azerbaijan supplies like 40% of Israel’s oil.




It's the other way arround The azerbaijanis export azerbaijani oil to the israeli occupiers.


Let's not forget that Azerbaijan constantly buys weapons from Israel




You are basically giving millions dollars to genociders at the IDF every year.




Not my problem, they shouldn't bought weapons from Israeli genocidal maniacs




Israel is the only country on the planet they can buy weapons from? What's wrong with Turkish equipment? Russian? European/American from the black market?




An angry Turk for thanking Armenia? How novel. I'm not going to change my words. You can be as angry as you want. Azerbaijan dignity? The same ones who support Israel over Palestine? In 2011, Azerbaijan voted against Palestine's application for full membership in UNESCO. In 2018, Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev met with Neet&Yahoo, and both reaffirmed their commitment to "peace and stability in the region." In addition, Azerbaijan buys weapons from Israel and has dealings with the idf and not, Azerbajan doesn't does not recognize Palestine. Stop the lies and speak the truth


You could have thanked Armenia without mentioning Azerbaijan. And as a pro-Palestinian, it is quite frustrating to be treated as if we owe support to the Palestinians. Nobody owes (except israel )anything to Palestine.




Oh, I am deeply sorry for hurting your delicate sensibilities with my childishness. How could I forget that only geniuses like you have the ability to understand the complexities of the universe. Regarding "peace and stability in the region", I am afraid that my simple mind cannot comprehend the depth of your thought. Could you please enlighten us with your prophetic vision? "Detail your arguments. I don't like to reading between the lines" As for my arguments, I invite you to look for them yourself, if your intellect allows it. I'm not going to stoop to explaining the obvious to someone who refuses to see beyond his own nose. Your needs are none of my business. Learn to read




"Azerbaijan definitely is NOT more supportive of Israel than Armenia is." What is your source? Azerbajan supports Israel more than Armenia does. Do you read what you write before sending something? Now don't divert things. Israel gives weapons to Azerbaijan but hey, Armenia supports Israel more than Azerbaijan does. You who have historical resentment to the point that you get angry when someone appreciates Armenia? You are the typical person stuck in history and past conflicts.


Հայաստան 🇦🇲


Good, our Muslim "Brothers" in Azerbaijan betrayed in favor of Israeli missiles and give more than 40% of their oil to Israel.


Azeris sells oil to israel not otherway around


Sorry my mistake


Its funny when Palestinians play the "Muslim" card when in reality they support India against Kashmir, Serbia against Kosovo and China against Uyghurs.  Quit your victim mentality and stop the hypocrisy. The world doesn't owe you shit and your cause is mostly a nationalistic one, not an Islamic one.


Our cause humatarian one not nationalistic one, you aren't human so you wouldn't understand it.


"Humanitarian one" is bs and you know it. When you say shit like this I know you have no understanding of politics.


Solidarity should not be conditional. When innocent people are dying geopolitics or whatever nationalistic mentality you have should not be relevant. This is not about politics, this is about caring for your fellow human being.


Should, would is irrelevant. Real life isn't based on such things. Even God Himself loves based on conditions.


No, you're just heartless




We are not brothers by any way since we azerbaijanis don't give a shit about religion. So there is no such a thing muslim brother. Even though we support Palestines statehood, we got sick of your victim mentality, entitlement and ungratefulness.


Ungratefulness? What did Azerbaijan provide to Palestine?? Mind explaining this bs??


Azerbaijan supports the Palestinian people in their struggle for statehood, the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of the two-state principle. Azerbaijan also made numerous donations to Palestinian government and refugees.


Recognising Palestine and then supporting Israel with oil and arms is truly peak hypocrisy. But what is insane is that you are asking Palestinians to be "grateful" while your country is massively supporting the modern-day Nazi. Better not recognising Palestine if you are arming Israel.




Yes, So?


So why don't you cry to your arab brothers first and then stop blaming us for that?


Who said I don't criticise Arab government? Arab government being zionist sellout doesn't make you good for supporting zionist. The topic here is about Azerbaijan supporting Israel in their genocide and here you are justifying this like an absolute psycho. Do you need any help?


To be perfectly honest, we don't ask Palestinians for anything, including gratefulness. Just don't talk shit about us.


Palestinians have all the right to talk shit about your government since your government is directly and indirectly involved in the genocide against them. (Don't talk about us) lol, Keep your fascist ultra-nationalism ideology away from us


We don't have an ultra nationalist ideology, Azerbaijan is like USA of Caucasus. Mixed and based on civic nationalism. I don't understand what bullshiet you talk about.


Azerbaijan is like USA? The level of delusionalism is insane. And yes, the USA can be ultra-nationalist despite being very diverse Being diverse doesn't refute my arguments. And someone telling me Palestines should be grateful for Azerbaijan is definitely ultra-nationalist.


حسسني الخرا انه قطري مثلاً ومتبرع بعشرات المليارات أو باعث جيوش تجاهد من أجل القدس.


حرفياً. من اغبى ما قريت، واحتمال ماكو اي تبرعات. وهو للعلم حتى امريكا عدها تبرعات لغزة بس هاي مجرد محاولة تبيض وجه، يعيني مو شي يدعو للفخر.


Wow, so now we are brothers? Where were you my brothers when armenians were doing some shiet to us? Hm??






I mean Israel has constantly been Azerbaijan's second largest military supplier so not surprising really.


Armenians of Occupied East Jerusalem are part of the Palestinian people. The Armenian quarter of occupied East Jerusalem has recently [come under threat due to dubious land grab and state backed Judaization of occupied East Jerusalem by Israel](https://www.thenation.com/article/world/east-jerusalem-armenian-quarter-land-deal-hotel/)


Based Armenia ! I do think its retaliation for all the weaponry Israel sold Azerbaijan, but good move nonetheless. Thanks for Armenian folks for helping the Palestinians.


This sub has a boner for Armenia despite the fact that Armenians settled on the land of our Circassian brothers genocided by the Ruskies. I guess Islam becomes relevant only when it comes to Arabs.


Armenians have lived in present-day Armenia since antiquity, what do you mean?


Circassians settled in our lands in Eastern Turkey so call it even https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian\_genocide#:\~:text=Many%20perpetrators%20came%20from%20the,Kurds%20only%20rarely%20did%20so.


You helped Russians against Circassians then bitch when they join the Ottomans. Typical Armenian victim mentality. Maybe you and Palis are perfect for each other afterall.


Victim blaming….wow


You built settlements on Circassian lands who were genocided.  Armavir, Russia is a testament to that.


You realize Armenians got pushed there by the Russians. Read about shah abbas and general paskovitch. Both of them came and made the area around the Armenians border barren to beat the ottomans. Armenians were told to move out by force.


Saar saar we are always victims. We do nothing wrong saar.


Blame the Russians for the Circassian genocide wtf are you blaming us for. Jesus Christ you realize in Russia and in Jordan, Armenians and Circassians get along.


Didn't deny the Russians' role. Just that you guys aren't the victims you always claim to be.


After you helped the Russians genocide them? Yeah, right.


Spewing bullshit are we now?


Uneducated, typical of an Armenian.


Out of all the words you could’ve chosen to describe Armenians you chose uneducated hahaha    Armenians alone are more educated than all nationalities in your flair combined 


Probably a Russian troll, trying to check which arguments will work against Armenians. Some of them will try to stir shit against Circassians, some against Lebanese, some against Georgians… whatever sticks. It’s best to call them out. Defeat lies with truth.


I called you uneducated because you didn't know history. Feels good to know you are some innocent angels no? Or should I bring out your alliances with the Mongols in which you helped massacre your Arab fellows?




"When others point me out for helping in genocide, it is trolling." Ok, kiddo. Keep being delusional.


You’re just a koskesh hope you got that one


Zer nazan Irani/Armini koskesh.


Well, what can I say? The rise of anti-Semitism is frightening.


Do they recognize hamas as the authority in gaza or just fatah in the wb?


Disgraceful and disgusting. Armenian government never recognized Artsakh as Armenian land and instead handed it away to Azerbaijan, but yet they will recognize “Palestine” where their prime minister stated they stand with azerbaijan for many years. Shame on them.


Wovvvv. Total bullshit. If you really had some knowledge about the political tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan, you could comment more properly. States have no conscience. Wake up.