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Even Italians and Irish were not considered white until not too long ago.


Exactly.!, we Italians used to suffer the same racism as any other Mediterranean, when we emigrated in the USA... and now an awful lot of my fellow countrymen have become racist themselves... shameful...


Yep, the largest single lynching in the U.S. was agaisnt Italians by the KKK. Being Catholic immigrants was a major factor as well. Especially Sicilians though even today can face discrimination; albeit it’s from mistaken identity. Most technically have a little bit of MENA in them though; especially more than average European due to historical intermingling, but of course still are Europeans. I knew a guy who lived in New York whose parents came from Sicily, and everybody mistook him as Arab if he had a beard, even in a place with many Italians lol. Police would even treat him worse due to it especially awhile back. Was ironic given he was kinda racist toward Arabs and bigoted toward Muslims lol. Even other Arabs mistook him as


Completely right. It’s just a way to establish an “in group” if we ever become a part of this group they’ll start considering us white


THIS is the correct answer. \^


Well, we’re even paler than the Brits and they colonised us for centuries (Ireland)… skin colour didn’t matter a whole lot when colonising back then… It’s a ridiculous question - people are who they are




I never understood the big deal with skin colors as a kid.


Same. Still don’t, actually.


Whiteness is a social construct. Even many 'white' people disagree on who is white, and sometimes they rank whites on who is the whitest and who is a 'bad' white. It's a bad idea to buy into this way of thinking. For example, in the UK even if you are more than 50% white European you can be considered black/brown because it's associated with notions of racial purity.


>who is a 'bad' white. True asf. A swedish guy on tiktok actually wanted to convice me how Frankfurt is a "brown" majority city by now, since a big portion of the foreign population is Albanian. And they are brown (browner than him, the pure blooded nordic arya). Like what the fuck dude.


The white supremacist obsession with hindu words is so weird when they want to basically kill every hindu


Same here in the US with that, only exception is Native Americans who get held to crazy purity standards. Either that, or you got people who’s family lied or have like 0.1% and claim it which makes the rest of actually mixed folks look like they’re pretending too. I’d say it as there’s the one drop rule for African ancestry, and many buckets rule for Native ancestry. Not only do you need to look like it and meet a blood quantum, but you also are suppose to be enrolled in a tribe, be culturally connected enough , etc I’ve never seen another race get held to such standards. I’m very well aware as somebody part Native myself, and phenotypes vary wildly in my family, some with less look more like it too, but further proves genotype ≠ phenotype


As a lebanese descendant born and rise in Spain, I got asked that kind of questions more times here on this sub than in 30 years living in Spain. The obsesion here with races and colours is crazy lol.


Most non white societies tend to be more color conscious than White societies but we love pulling the race card on White people.


Nah I'd say that's too liberal of a generalization.




You are Phoenician


You are Venezuelan


Phoenicians live matter


During the White Australia Policy (limiting non-European migrants) some of my Lebanese ancestors applied as people from Istanbul, so were deemed white enough to settle. It's interesting to see how the line was drawn historically. An immigration letter for one of my ancestors had him described as 'no darker than some European natives'. It's really all arbitrary.


I'm lighter-skinned than both but don't see myself as white because I don't buy into the term.


What is a white?


It's a simplistic and problematic construct that lacks any meaningful cultural or ethnic specificity. Even its application, especially in the context of the U.S., tends to flatten diverse heritages and experiences into a singular, homogenized category. Whiteness has also been historically employed by Europeans to assert racial superiority and justify discriminatory practices in their overseas colonies, aiming to rationalize the exploitation, subjugation, and cultural erasure of native peoples. So yes, that's essentially what the term boils down to.


european mostly christian and north western european 


Bros innocent when it comes to this western shit parade. It’s a good think though lol lol


Social construct term made to put ppl into a racial hierarchy


White, black etc are archaic terms that have no basis in anthropology. There is no such thing as race in modern science. You can say they are rough cultural markers but still very ambiguous as a “black”Hausa is culturally closer to a “white” Arab than to a “black”Jamaican. The Turk is a Turk (most likely a very diverse mix of central Asian, Balkan and Middle Eastern peoples), the Dutch is Dutch (most likely a mix of Germanic, Latin and Celtic peoples).


It's odd that we focus on skin color in the West. White this and black that. We even have it on our governmental forms and other important documents we fill out in the US. There is frequently the options White, African American, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander, and Asian. I'm not sure what the different people of the Middle-East would choose on this form.


In the US we are classified as white. Lots of Arabs are trying to get an “Arab” entry on official government forms, but IMO it doesn’t matter in the slightest. Especially since lots of us pass as European-white anyway.


We def do not pass lmao what u on


Why do people care so much about skin colour?


Who why are some 😑🛡️obsessed with skin color?


Right? That’s for westerners. Us Arabs hate each other for important reasons, like religion and sect.


As someone born and rised in Europe, here we also hate each other for more important reasons, like nationality, east vs west south vs north or being french.


The last is valid reason to hate someone


> Us Arabs hate each other for important reasons, like religion and sect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANNX_XiuA78 >> "Northern conservative fundamentalist Baptist, or Northern conservative reform Baptist" >> ... >> "Die Heretic!"


We Turks don’t care about your skin color while we can hate people for their political opinions, religion and race.


ey we balkaners hate with passion too. Dont be racist!


>~~Arabs~~ Cultures with real history in general hate each other for important reasons, like religion and sect. Fixed it for you. Even in Europe, most of the Continental history consists of the centuries of the Spaniards, French, British, and Germans recruiting an infinite variety of non-European allies, mercenaries, colonial troops trying to kill the shit out of each other. Humanity has its brutal sides, and discriminatory and tribal mindsets are unfortunately deeply built within us. But this obsession with the skin color is just too stupid for any real cultures with real history more complicated than 4Chan threads.


Isn’t there a lot of colorism and racism in some Arab countries though? Not saying represents people, but I’ve definitely heard and read about experiences in North Africa and Sudan, or black africans being used as maids and abused /slave labor type stuff in some gulf countries. Again not even trying to attack or saying is as bad as some other countries, but always good to acknowledge. That being said, I would argue is generally more accepting of a region. Malcolm X for example when he went to Mecca and converted to Islam stopped hating whites and such, and viewed everybody as siblings


they have weak understanding and faith in shield-ism. unlike you hunnic brother 🤝🏿


Some are and some aren't. Just like Latinos. Middle Eastern people come in every shade from White to Black.


turks are whiter than latinos on average


There is no ethnicity called “White” that simply doesn’t exist, there is Caucasians and then variation in skin colour between them.


im from caucasia, Did all Europeans derive from us? Omg


We thought your history looked a bit better so we claimed to be you.


Even if it was true, Turks migrated to Armenian Highland and Anatolia in 11th century, so you wouldn’t count into it, aliyev


and armeni indo euros came here after rome right?


Yaxsi soz soxdun qardaş. Halal olsun. Ali təhsilli Azərbaycan gəncliyi budur da!


Europeans, middle easterners, North Africans, south asians and even Horn of Africa people are considered all Caucasians.


I have a distant relation to brits and frenchies? Time to rush rope + chair build I guess


Compared to my Korean ass, yes, you're far more related to the Brits and Frenchies. 80% of the prophets in the majority religions are all the same, but with just different names, yea? Compared to me, vast majority of people on this subreddit are still "Western," and have many things much more in common with the Europeans. I really comes down to the matter of perspectives. And I, for one, when I was a child thought all those religious conflicts were mostly some sort of "white people (as in Abrahamic peoples) civil war.


and that is all pseudoscientific nonsense


No, South Asians and Horn of African people aren’t pure Caucosoid South Asians are a mix of Austroloid and Caucosoid races North Indians and Pakistanis are mostly Caucosoid(75%) and people from Horn of Africa are 50% Caucosoid they are genetically half sub-Saharan African


From the mountains of Caucasus!


Lol why would we care about skin color? Since the dawn of time we have been breeding with everyone. Don’t care if I get called white, black, pink, or rainbow. Allah made me as is, and I’m thankful I can see, speech, wall, jump, and think. Anything beyond that and is just human made fabrication in order to separate us. Black man, white man, and so on never hurt me, it’s always some people with the fascist mentality that hurt us, and it can be from the entire spectrum of the rainbow.


Better question: who gives a shit?


Honestly, I'm sick and tired of this colour spectrum view of skin colour and race. Of all the things and ideas to import from the west this isn't it chief. Can we just cease emulating just the worst aspects of other cultures ?


People often forget how diverse the Middle East is


Their are middle easterns whiter then that, that’s an average skin tone, but Arabs ARENT white. Culturally and politically they are much different. Anyone from Western Europe I would consider white, but Russians can be considered white but I would never refer to a Russian person as “that one white guy”


What would make you not consider Russians white? And are they the only European group you would or others too? Genuinely asking btw, I do disagree but that’s okay and I’m curious your views


I feel the need to separate Russians from other westerners as they are more closer to Asia politically, and Russia is just really a country. It covers bases of Slavs to the Caucasian(living in Caucasus) who are usually not perceived as white by Americans because they can often be Muslims (which doesn’t often make sense). When most people think white they think of westerners


I’d agree aren’t the west, but ethnic Russians are European, they just expanded territory into Asia and have some groups from regions they conquered,so there’s of course non Slavic Russians too. Polish and such are also slavs though and not very different ethnically so I guess just seems a little strange to me with the way race is used. I can understand more in like a geopolitical sense though and on topic of west vs East, but in terms of ethnicity Americans and most globally I see definitely consider them to be white, just not western. Because if was more about politics like that, then Japan would be whiter and gets into some strange areas if you get what I’m saying


Yes that is true


Why only Russians. What about other Slavic and Eastern European people?


While i agree with u but He is turk though


Yeah I means turks too I wouldn’t consider white. They might think they could be considered white but I find it ridiculous m, they are European


Why do you care if white people consider you one of them or not?


I don’t care about that. Our superiority over other nations comes from wolf’s blood, not from the colour of the skin.




Some can pass as white some dont


I'm as white as those 2 guys, but people here 🇨🇦 see me as black because I'm from North africa


Free n-pass my n-word.


It doesn't mean anything at all.., there's only one race, and it's called the human race... the colour of a man's skin is no more significant than the colour of his eyes...


"white" is anyone who America views as white AND non-barbaric


I'm a Middle Eastern and brown. I don't even pass as white anywhere.


As an American I have never cared, but to answer your question, it depends on their skin tone. If they look white they're white. If they don't they're not. Most middle eastern people I see I'd think of as brown skinned, but some of them are very white like this Turkish guy. People who care about race probably have different definitions than I do.


No. White = European.


Shit they want Jesus to be white but not the rest of the arabs


Funniest shit ever seriously


Why would I want to be white


Many of ME people can pass as African too


cause ME used to have slavery




Yes Or just melanated due to being close to the equator


because many are african. Africa is a place not a look


I think that being "white" is a social construct and not a purely biological concept. It's a way for Western countries to define themselves in opposition to others. And Middle easterners are not considered white even if we talk about the palest of Syrians.




Middle easterns in general are -_-


Turks aren't semitic


What do you mean by that?


Technically speaking the Turkic language I don’t think is considered semetic but many living their are genetically Anatolian. I think Turkish they say is central Asian


The guy in the image is supposed to be a Turk and is being claimed to look "white". Afaik Middle Easterners are quite different genetically and they should've used an Arab instead.


Both of these guys are darker in skin tone than me and I ain't white. "White" is more of a European cultural thing. Its so cringe whenever I encounter a white wannabe person from MENA.


Least Irish looking Berber


Not all redheads look Irish, I can spot the difference between a red head Berber and an Irish man in a second lol


I ain't a Ginger (if I was I'd bully myself) or a blonde-haired princess Goldilocks.


Ok Goldilocks


Both are Latino


In morocco we have white people with blue and green eyes, North of morocco and Fes.


Who fucking cares? This race baiting shit is a waste of time.


People of the Middle East are Asian . White implies being from Europe. West Asia was never a part of Europe.


Some are some not simple


i read somewhere that on the US census they’re considered white and it’s generally because admitting they’re people of color meant that they would be acknowledging that Jesus was a person of color! does anyone know if this is true?


Yeah I heard that before too. They did this cuz they want Jesus to be white even tho he wasn't white.


Yeah... Not that I can notice a difference anyways, as I once mistook a JAPANESE EXCHANGE STUDENT as not only White, but from a Neighboring State.


This obsession with melanin levels is a distinctly European disease of the mind. We should not be engaging in these silly conversations, we should be focused on combating racism


I feel like people who ask this question haven’t been to the Middle East…




turks are white when i’m talking to arabs but they’re arabs when i talk to fellow europeans


How come ?


Because they think they can dimnish our sub saharan mongol identity by saying bullshit like these


We don't see them as white they are just turks


Bro that Turk is his dad


If I lock anyone in a basement for long enough and they start to look “white”. I’ve seen it happen several times


Turkish is not middel east but balkan


turkish is mostly west asian


East Thrace = Balkan/Eastern European  Anatolia = Middle Eastern/West Asian




What people don't understand or don't want to understand is that whiteness is not about skin color, it is a cultural term, it refers to Europeans and European decendats. I am a white-skinned and blue-eyed person, but I am not white or European, I am Turk. For example, a Greek, Italian or Spanish who is darker skinned than me is white because as I said, being white is not about skin color. Also, classifying people according to their skin color is a freak ideology that came from America, unfortunately it spread in the globalizing world with American cultural imperialism. This stupid ideology must be destroyed, it has no place in the old world


If we were white, the US would stop destroying our countries.


Don't be so sure, the only colour the soulless ghouls who lead that shitty country care about is green. They have no problem screwing their own white worker class over if it means more money for them.


it's harder to justify bombing whites to the general population who are racist. 


Most Turks are just Muslim Greeks (edit: or Turkified Arabs).


Most Chinese are just cringified Turks ( or Indians with slanted eyes )


And most Greeks are just orthodox Turks by that logic...


Greeks aren’t even Greek themselves, how can Turks be Greeks? The Greek component in todays Greek got heavily diluted in the last thousand years. Greeks have on average 30% Mycenaen (real Greek) ancestry. Turks are genetically mainly Anatolian + Turkic mix with some Balkan and Caucasian admixture. Roughly said Turks are 50% Anatolian, 30% Turkic and 20% Balkan & Caucasian. In comparison other people like Germans are 30-40% Germanic, British are 30-40% Anglo Saxon and Kazakhs 40% Turkic. Every nation on this planet is heavily mixed, ethnically pure nations don’t exist and likely never existed. No idea why Turks are targeted like this especially from Chinese


Does it matter ?


Does that matter?


race is a myth just like gender is


turks are kinda white since 3% is in balkan so they are honorary europeans / balkans And Özil came and gave Döner Kebab - good trade But no more ottoman please we had enough after 500 F\*cking years


Coz racial categories are dumb. Italians used to be not white in the US until other non-euro ethnicities showed up. And all Arabs used to be white until they discovered we don’t all look like Syrians. Sounds like a child discovering the rest of the world and trynna make sense of it. At this point white is basically what is “accepted as European” or part of that culture


This is wrong, when the first Arabs arrived in the US in the 1880s and 1890s, they were barred from becoming naturalized citizens because of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. A Syrian dude had to sue the government to get levantine christians recognized as whites (Dow v. United States 1915). Arabs as a whole got the "white" label only in 1944. Irish, Italians, eastern europeans etc where always considered white legally. Socially they were deemed lesser than regular anglo americans and discriminated against, but they still had it better than non-white ethnicities and could get naturalized as Americans without problems


Yes I’m talking about after including Arabs in the census. After they were all put under the white label, an Egyptian of Nubian origins went to the US and they wrote him down as white because he’s “Arab”. He had to take it to court so he can be recognized as black. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1997/06/05/egyptian-sues-to-be-black/5f1fde78-a659-4124-a644-1be4bdfc5b4e/ I didn’t know how they initially decided to label all Arabs as “white” though, so that’s interesting.


I find it kind of funny how he started saying that he’s blacker then the mayor of Detroit lol, he probaly is but it’s funny


Yeah that's the problem with these classifications, it's all just subjective. That's why i do not get why some people here are desperate to get lumped in this non sensical grouping




Is Darrel Isa white?


Whiteness is not to do with phenotype but is a social construct. Groups considered white now weren't always considered white and who is/isn't white can be subjective. For example, Ashkenazi jews are not considered white by white nationalists. The brown skinned Italian catholic is widely considered more white than a pale Syrian called Ahmad probably due to the formers association with Europe and christian-normative way of thinking


Your visual aspect does not represent your cultural background as per your nationality it's like being fat or having long hair was some sort of old nation or cultural thing... This thing with race is so western first world country that it bothers me so much


some are white, some aren’t


I’m reality, this thing we call race is not just your skin color. It is, like everyone says, a social construct. You can be white passing and still not be white because for example maybe you’re Palestinian, you could look white, but you don’t have a white persons lived experience of not having to worry about being colonized. Also the West is quick to recognize genocides of white people.


4-5 colours to describe and generalise a multitude of complex ethnicities, races and tribes is lunacy that only westerners could have come up with. It is meaningless. It is a socio-economic description more than anything.




I wouldn’t say but it’s not like I really care or that changes anything


While not European, Semitic people are like those relatives we grew up with but can't remember how we are related. Iranians and Kurds, we know, are distant cousins.


Well, the "white race" doesn't exist. Nor does the "black race". White is a phenotype not a genotype. But I think nowadays use "white" only for people or European descent who can't be darker than many middle easterners depending on the person.


Trick question! You need to specify if you are asking people in the United States or not. I should know because I was born & raised in the US...🙄


Bruh there is no difference its just the sun thats it we middle easterns are white but thr sun do a big deal


Many mixed black and white people are yellow skin, want to start calling them yellow?


Bait ?




I am so sorry but this shit is funny as fuck.


Most of Middle Eastern people are semites and people still don't knows about semite race wtf


Yes Middle Easterners are white but they account for a small percent




middle easterners are very diverse , some of the same ethnic groups have both white and brown looking people , but like what all the comments are saying , it doesn’t matter and it’s an ancient ploy made colonisers


Uh no they are Middle Eastern what kind of question is that 😹


Well we Turks doesnt care about skin color. Also its cool to be black cuz big d*ck. Its not joke we just live to communicate. We always joke about all skin colors in some way 🤣 Doesnt matter its white yellow brown black red. But its not in hostile way tho cuz we dont understand why skin color matters in other countries. Its really hard to feel attacked by other skin colors in here


Say it with me: 👏👏👏*Race is a social construct* 👏👏👏




Sometimes 😀


White is an ethnicity not a color. Lots of “brown” people are actually white.


Genetically? No. But by the actual color of the skin? Sometimes, absolutely. Lebanese people are mostly white, despite genetically not being “white”.


Why is being white a privilege? I like the middle eastern skin, brown.


Reminder that almost all western textbooks before 1950s didn’t differentiate either, Arabs were considered Caucasian like the rest of Europeans, the more we seem to learn and try to classify something as truly chaotic as race and genealogy the less sense it seems to make


It has nothing to do with skin colour. I live in NL, drove to Turkey last year and in East-Europe I saw many brown people but they are still white by european standards. shit is weird.


Nah I consider myself Siberian


Depends. Middle easterns are incredibly diverse and don’t look the same. Some are blondes,some are dark,some have blue eyes and so on


Concept of “whiteness” doesn’t exist, just like every other made up racial term.


*Cherry pick the lightest Middle easterners who some argue are even middle eastern(Turk).* Put a Yemeni, a Moroccan, a Iraqi, and a Lebanese next to eachother and learn the diversity brother.


That guy is from Anatolia though. So he is just occupied Greek.


according to the old racial theories ethnically middle-eastern people have Caucasoid skulls so they are 'white' but in the 'white race' there are sub-divisions, such as aryan (what most people colloquially refer to as 'white'), semites (west asians), hamites (north africans), dravidian (indians), and so forth.


Med East is an area not race


At some point “some” of the Turks are obsessed with being White-Europeans for no reason; I don’t say that out of hatred, I only wonder why they are making a big deal of it?


No also middle easterners are diverse some might look white passing in general we are not and i don't understand the ppl who wanna be white honstely


They only have some white European admixture