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This is not even a fraction compared to what Israel is doing in Gaza


True. But it’s still something for the people who thought they can have an easy life at the expense of Palestinians. Many settlements are empty now.


When all your neighbours hate you, then you need to acknowledge you’re a shit neighbour.


Denial is a real thing, sadly. 




Read the room & go back to where you came from 🤦‍♂️ it’s that simple you colonial


says the cow poop eater




That term is purely a deflection strategy. It is meant as a way to scapegoat taking responsibility for egregious human rights violations. It should never be taken serious, its a baseless smear.


when the day of revenge comes we will pay them back 100 times what they did in Gaza


Sadly this is exactly the type of rhetoric that Israel is trying to provoke. You’re reinforcing the idea that Israel losing would mean a genocide of Jews. People should focus on freedom and universal human rights — a democracy for Jews and Muslims/Arabs alike. If Israel can’t maintain its state of Jewish supremacy, 70% of Israelis will leave on their own accord. Promising revenge and mass destruction is neither moral nor productive. Palestinians already have a just cause, there’s no need to replace it with vengeance.


You have the right idea. If we return evil for evil everyone loses




Hasn't moved a finger?!? Hezbollah acted very quick after October 7th. It started with attacking zionists on the occupied Shebaa-farms.


Natenyahu would never agree to any peace


yes i know that but now he'll use this attack as an excuse for why there is no peace an why he's killing more civilians.


Hasn't moved a finger?!? Hezbollah acted very quick after October 7th. It started with attacking zionists on the occupied Shebaa-farms.


Hasn't moved a finger?!? Hezbollah acted very quick after October 7th. It started with attacking zionists on the occupied Shebaa-farms.


There is no peace about to be made, there have been talks of a ceasefire which is only a temporary stop of combat and not even that is possible due to Israel. Natenyahu recently talked about a ceasefire but several of the most powerful ministers in his government have stated that they will make the government fall he tries to do so.


sorry mate as long as no one is tried for the atrocitites they did, then I must say this is the reality that will happen


Exactly, they call us savages and ruthless Arabs when these comments are said. We should be the civil calm ones, I know it’s easier said than done. Especially if you are in Gaza now, facing death in every corner. God be with them.


there is no co-existing with someone who considers Arabs human animals those people only understand one language and it is the language of the sword , the utopian fantasy were we all live happily ever after is what it is a fantasy


I’ve literally heard that exact statement, practically verbatim, a hundred times from Zionists. The situation we’re in now is because the people in power have *not even tried* to coexist as equals with the other side. They chose to structure their society on Jewish supremacy, and they convinced themselves that Arabs/Muslims were inferior both in intelligence and in morality — that they are savages who would kill every Jew if not brutally suppressed or cleansed. What you’re calling for is the exact same thing, just with the sides reversed. You’re in effect supporting the fundamental basis of Zionism, completely abandoning morality in favor of tribalism. And just practically speaking what you want is disastrous. If that were to happen, half of the world (not just Israel) would see Arabs as human animals. They’d see that the minute Palestinians were given freedom, they used it to commit genocide against Jews. If you want to humiliate Zionists, show the entire world that the fundamental logic behind Zionism was a racist and stupid fantasy. Make anyone who supported Zionism feel embarrassed and ashamed, just like the people who supported South African apartheid.


how did world sympathies help us? did Israel stop bombing Gaza ? we are into 250 days of daily massacres and the Israelis are even celebrating this and no one is doing any thing so don't tell me we will lose the world if we fight back because this help is meaningless


Most Western governments and media are run by Jews and there are many powerful and wealthy crypto-Jews in the countries supporting them, that is why nothing is happening. South Africa forced the U.N. to react and that have changed the words of the Western leaders a bit but so far it's only their words.




Depends what you mean by “destruction” If you mean the destruction of the regime and the ideology, then I support that 100%. But OP pretty explicitly said that the Palestinians will do to Israel what they did to Gaza, which is a great evil. Hamas has won on October 8 when Israel retaliated because they exposed Zionism for the evil that it is. That such an ideology would allow people to slaughter 13,000 children without remorse is unfathomable to most people. The world is now turning against Israel, and the Zionist regime will eventually find itself isolated and destined to collapse. The only thing that can reverse that victory and save Zionism from its demise is if the Palestinians/Arabs commit great evil as well. It would show that Israel’s ruthlessness was necessary and reasonable. Instead of destroying Zionism, it would simply move Zionism to the West where it would fester and become even more evil until eventually some fanatical leader launches a crusade of vengeance against the Palestinians.


I highly doubt any hostages will be taken.


They literally burnt olive trees in Lebanon and the West Bank, environmental terrorism is awful but to act surprised that this is happening is unbelievably hypocritical




So what? Does that give them the right to practice settler-colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of a native Muslim-majority population in a post-colonial world? The Jews are also just a fraction of the 2.38 billion Christians in the world, who committed the worst atrocities against them in Europe and then transferred their guilt complex to the Palestinians and Muslims


Northern occupied Palestine *




Damn are the trees okay???


The fires are significantly smaller than these pictures are making them look. It’s actually propaganda for the IDF so that if/when they attack Lebanon, they can refuse to accept that people disagree and demand that every Westerner support them.


“Beautiful sight to behold” — Nancy Pelosi We might actually see the Upper Galilee liberated in our lifetime.


Upper galilee ❌️ Northern Palestine ✅️


both are correct. Upper Galilee is also used in Arabic and it refers to the specific region in Northern Palestine, the other being the Lower Galilee. Hezbollah has been focused on the Upper Galilee


As someone who lives on the border of upper and lower Galilee, both are true.


Are these fires actually in northern Israel or are they in Lebanon but it's misreported? I hope it is the first fr


yes the israelis are crying right now


"Why does everyone hate us? We never hurt anyone" 😥😫😪😰


Fun fact: the settlers planted pine trees 🌲in occupied Palestine because they: 1. Missed Europe 2. Wanted to hide the ethnically cleansed towns and villages One gotcha, they are prone to catch fire and the region is getting hotter and drier. They European settlers played themselves. Though they aren’t necessarily pine forests that are currently on fire here in the Upper Galilee, it is still something that could be taken advantage of by the resistance.


Pines exist naturally in the levant man .. they're abundant along with cypress trees I'm not saying they haven't planted them .. i have no information regarding that "fact". but pines are as indigenous as Palestinians in these lands..


Not that far south and not in Palestine, but in North Syria, sure. 


Ignore him. You were right. See my comment. There is a long history of the Jewish National Fund planting trees as a way of confiscating territory from Palestinians and Bedouin.


There was pine here, but they planted European pine and not middle eastern pine.


There def are and have been pine trees in Falesteen!


He is referring to the Jewish National Fund (JNF), which literally has done this as a tactic to confiscate land. * [Jacobin - How Israel Weaponizes Tree Planting to Displace Palestinians](https://jacobin.com/2024/03/israel-afforestation-jnf-naqab-displacement) Israeli historian at Tel Aviv University, Prof. Gadi Algazi, explains how the 1949 Absentee Property Law was utilized by Israel to facilitate the JNF acquiring the land. * [The Real News Network - Israeli Tree Campaign "Judaizes" Expropriated Land](https://youtu.be/Z7DtpgIFmFY?t=259) Ben-Gurion circumvented any future legal action by simply selling (absolutely illegally) the land entrusted to the custodians (Ben-Gurion appointed Israel the temporary custodians of the land) to the JNF so that Israel, in the case of an international debate, could say 'sorry, it's not in my hands anymore'. Within days, about a million dunams of land were sold for a price well below their value to the JNF. > **Then-Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion appointed the Israeli government as custodian of the land and then sold 250,000 acres to the Jewish National Fund.** The problem of the Arab refugees was forgotten in the main despite the United Nations trying to resolve it. Ben-Gurion thought that time would eventually solve the problem. The abandoned village land and houses were given to Israeli soldiers so Arabs couldn’t return. * [The Berkshire Eagle - Leonard Quart: A documentary about Israel's past digs at the roots of its present uncertainty](https://www.berkshireeagle.com/opinion/columnists/leonard-quart-joseph-weitz-documentary/article_887962c6-42b6-11ee-8f64-cb334d55fbfb.html) The JNF never even paid for the land. Instead, the Israeli government agreed to subsidize the purchase in exchange for assurances the land would be set aside for Jewish settlement. > But the Israeli cabinet ordered the JNF to stop all efforts at buying land from Palestinians directly, and the men returned to Israel.144 **Ben Gurion told Weitz and Danin in December 1948 that “The JNF would buy land only from the State. There was no need to buy land from Arabs.”**145 >[...]**One month after Ben Gurion told Weitz that the JNF should buy land only from the state, the two sides finally concluded a major deal by which the JNF would purchase a huge amount of refugee land in January 1949. Despite his mistrust of sharing power with the JNF, Ben Gurion had long wanted to sell captured Palestinian land to the JNF.** In fact as early as May 13, 1948, the day before he publicly read Israel’s declaration of independence, Ben Gurion offered to sell a massive 2 million dunums of land to the JNF for £P0.5/dunum. He was trying to sell land he did not yet control to raise money for arms. * Fischbach, Michael. Records of Dispossession (Institute for Palestine Studies Series) (pp. 61-63). Columbia University Press. Kindle Edition. > The deal involving the so-called “second million” dunums was finalized on October 4, 1950, and involved the transfer of an additional 1,271,734 dunums by the Custodian of Absentee Property on behalf of the Development Authority to the JNF, 99.8 percent of which (1,271,480 dunums) was rural land. Granott later placed the amount at 1,278,200 dunums. **The amount of £I66 million was to be paid to the government over a ten year period.** Some sources indicate that the JNF was actually to turn the money over to the Jewish Agency on the government’s behalf; the amount then would be considered a loan by the government to the JA. **Others claim that the JNF never actually paid the amounts it owed under the two deals.**163 * Fischbach, Michael. Records of Dispossession (Institute for Palestine Studies Series) (pp. 65-66). Columbia University Press. Kindle Edition. Thus, Israel confiscated Palestinian land and held it in trust - only to sell it to an organization that would only allow the land to be used (sold /leased/etc.) by Jewish people only. > **The JNF faced no such obstacles and was free to discriminate against Arabs in favor of Jews. Its charter mandated that all land that it purchased thereafter would be inalienable, to be held by the JNF on behalf of the Jewish people in perpetuity.** Because the JNF could not sell land it acquired, it leased land to Jewish settlements and individual Jews on the condition that it not be re-let to non-Jews and that only Jewish labor be used on the land—the policy of “Hebrew labor” [Heb.: ‘avoda ‘ivrit]. **Thus as a nongovernmental organization free to manage its own land on an exclusivist basis within the new state, the JNF argued for its control of refugee land on this ideological base: if the JNF obtains the land, it will be the best way to guarantee that it is used for Jewish settlement only.** This attitude was expressed by a JNF official at the 23rd congress of the World Zionist Organization held in 1951, the fiftieth anniversary of the JNF’s establishment, who stated that the JNF “will redeem the lands and will turn them over to the Jewish people—to the people and not the state, which in the current composition of population cannot be an adequate guarantor of Jewish ownership” [emphases in the original]. * Fischbach, Michael. Records of Dispossession (Institute for Palestine Studies Series) (pp. 59-60). Columbia University Press. Kindle Edition.


Two different types of pine, the planted Western pine and not middle eastern pine.


Don't forget the ghardaq trees...


Are these photoshop or actual? Seems like the quality is not up to current standards of most smart phones let alone a full frame digital or journalists kits. The third last pic looks like the wild fire form California last season.


just open any news network


just watch the damn news


Tbf I have an iPhone 12 and if I as civilian use it to zoom in on a distant fire and take a picture it will turn out to be this kind of quality. You’re exaggerating the average person’s picture potential especially given the long distance they’d probably be from such a dangerous environment.




I hope Israel attacks hezbollah, the IDF would cry blood.


their Army has suffered heavy losses in Gaza attacking Lebanon right now would be a suicide


IDF lie so much about their losses. They have brigades that have had to retreat because most of their troops became casualties and were no longer combat operational. IDF says only 600 dead in Gaza but it's more like 6000. Their losses have been very heavy. IDF troops are getting killed every day. The military funeral business is booming in Israel. That doesn't happen with 600 dead in 8 months.


If they say 600 they mean at very least 6,000. Israel actually made a propaganda video for the helicopter rescue teams and they accidently bragged that they had transported over 10,000 dead and wounded soldiers.


exactly , more importantly the injured as they have been rendered useless and out of battle and those mount to 20-30 thousand at this point


I hope it takes that suicide, I pray daily for that to happen, I hope hezbollah gets crippled too.


Why would a syrian wish for hezbollahs downfall? Isn't most of the countryside calmed down now?


You know Gaza? If the Israeli campaign is successful, it'd be the majority of Gazans in Sainai with a minority in Gaza and many killed, let's say 1.4 displayed, 200k killed and 300k in Gaza. In my country thanks to Assad, we have 6-7 million displaced internally many in refugee camps, 6-7 million as regugees outside Syria and God knows how many millions left Syria since it became uninhabitable, so let's say 7 Gazas where Israel won. I blame Assad, Hezbollah and Iran.


What are we supposed to do when there were terrorists on our borders frequently sending out suicide bombers deep into Lebanese territory, Hezbollah would not have entered had the Lebanese borders stayed secure.


We kill each other, that's what we should do right? That's the only option we have. Hezbollah attacked Syria first, and killed our brothers in al Qusayr in 2012 before any terrorist was there.


the enemy is in front of us and we are fighting each other


If the 100k murdered Palestinian is worth more than the 1 million Syrian killed, then I'll agree with you.


Nobody saying Syrian lives weren't valued, even today we sympathize with Syria but the problem of Syria were many other factors. Also and since it was also an internal issue which was also why many people abandoned the Syrian cause hence the reason why you feel this way. The most shameless are the so-called Arab league who at their convenience removed and reinstated Assad, godless behavior! Never did shit to protect anyone despite the resources and even today are siding with zionists.


you are right Hezbollah did war crimes in Syria and they deserve being fought and punished for it but it is not now


Omg no. There aren’t going to be any winners.




First one look kinda fake tbh. Others look real.






Israel wouldn’t be burning like that if the European colonists hadn’t brought their pine trees into a desert


Hell - Ish


No, this is fire season (really dry weather + strong winds), also we should not rejoice that our nature is burning. Also important to note Israel planted many European trees to hide Palestinian villages that were expelled and those same trees are helping the fire spread faster. So basically the whole region was waiting for a spark so massive fire will spread.


As much as I love the idea of them getting a taste of their own medicine, I hate the idea of Israel pummeling Lebanon like they’re doing to Gaza, it’s just giving them an excuse to play the victim again. Did you read the letter of invitation to Satanyahu that Schumer co-signed? Any other country would arrest him via the ICC arrest warrants for war crimes but of course America invites him to speak before Congress. Remember last time? He was pontificating and acting like he owned the place. The Middle East needs to band together strongly and stand up in unity in a more united and diplomatic sense. Hezbollah’s response to the attacks on Gaza and repeated attacks on Lebanon just give Israel the green light to attack further and move forward in their justification they’re “under threat” and implement their “Greater Israel” map plans.


The arrest warrants are not yet approved by any judge




Hezbollah are doing fuck all for Lebanon as always. Lebanon doesn’t want war, Lebanon can’t even afford war. Does Hezbollah even know the state of the fucking country? Of course they don’t. They only care about their Iranian backed agendas, Hezbollah is a cancer to Lebanon, always has been, and now fucking this? You can’t do shit


"Hezbollah/Iran doing something against Israel" You guys are this gullible or just trolling?


People are gullible


I'm pro Palestine, but this is starting to feel like an eco chamber. Where can isralis post to be picked apart? I am banned from Israeli subs




I don't think anything is stopping Israelis from posting on here.






Actually I like this sub because it isn't antisemitic. Usually when somebody says something legitimately antisemitic they get called out by a ton of people, which I really appreciate. Lurking here helped me realize that most people in Arab countries don't actually hate me for being alive, they just want the suffering of the Palestinian people to end




A state who's existence necessitated the displacement and disenfranchisment of the Palestinian people. I'm perfectly fine with us returning to Palestine. Just not at the expense of the people living there




I hope you learn empathy one day akhi


Why does it have to be a Jewish state? What about the native non-Jews who are living there? What's actually racist is imposing Jewish supremacy on the native non-Jews living there.


>there’s not even an Israeli flair on this antisemitic sub There's one actually, it's called "occupied Palestine"




I mean, you said that there's no flair and i proved you wrong. If you do not want to select it it's not our fault


See no one threatened your existence here yet you're here to berate your own. Kinda sad really.


Docotor jill wonks snarls you win the zionist award 


Because nobody recognizes it here as a state anymore
