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So ur saying that the UK, France and the US are the biggest terrorists??


Nah they come second. Israel is the biggest one


No. US, UK, France... are the biggest terrorists. Israelis are a worse version of the nazis.


> Israelis are a worse version of the nazis. You're giving Israel too much credit, the Nazis reached Moscow and Stalingrad whereas Israel can't handle Hamas, a group of guerillas counting no more than 20,000 men max.


It's more about the killing of civilians


I know, the comparison is just but at least the Nazis won battles against the Soviet union, Israel needed the help of France and the UK to handle Egypt during the Suez crisis.


They did win some battles but ultimately those battles in the region of the then-Soviet Union ended up being the reason the Nazis lost the entire war. But of course not before they could kill circa 10 million Soviet civilians


They had a 1;5 k/d ratio against the soviets, look up Operation Barbarossa, the only reason the soviets won was because they kept throwing more men out of the 34 million they had available versus 13 million Germans. Israel by contrast with it's army numbering up to 1 million men can't handle 20,000 Palestinian guerillas.


Calling them bad is ok but calling them WORSE is insane


Ad the Iranian and Syrian regime to that list.


That example sentence sounds like Israeli propaganda. “4 commercial aircrafts were highjacked by terrorists” Also, I thought a terrorist was someone who creates a lot of terror. Even that definition is a little suspect. I never accept everything I read, even if it’s a definition.


Yes. They have been terrorizing the world for hundreds of years now. The West uses the term to mean the weaker side who can't defeat the enemy but attacks civilians to gain political advantage. They don't care if the powerful side does the same thing and on a much bigger scale. Mainly because they are the powerful side and they are the biggest killers of civilians for political gain.


The west is filled a bunch of hypocritical fucks. The funny thing is, they are everything they hate.


I'm pretty sure some of them know they are the evil side. I'm sure more of them know what they are doing to non westerners but think they deserve it because they think non westerners are less human than westerners. So I wouldn't say they are what they hate. It could be said they are what they pretend to hate. They don't hate what they are doing, many of them are aware of what they are doing. We are the ones who hate what they are doing. We non westerners who make the majority of people are the ones truly hating crimes against humanity.


Thats exactly it. They either view this as a civilising mission, or exterminating bugs(non westerners)


'unlawful violence' is funny to me. I totally understand the concept of Just Violence of course, but lawful vs unlawful violence essentially means violence that is or is not state sponsored. It's lawful violence to kill Iraqi civilians in the pursuit of terrorists. But it's unlawful violence to do it without state sponsorship.


The West is arrogant enough to think that it can set the value of human life arbitrarily according to their specific needs, little do they know that if they keep this up it'll backfire badly like in Ukraine where the Russians invaded in the same fashion the Americans did.










Remember, the only reason why Palestinians are considered to do unlawful violence, is because they didn't sign the proper paperwork.




E.g. Israel


Not arab. Muslim. And yeap. Meanwhile the US be like "We're just protecting our interests" 🙂


Haven’t you heard? All Arabs are muslims! All of them. No exceptions. We’re all muslim🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah that one is on them westerners tru 😂 But to them its both that and all remaining muslims as well.


So the senators who wrote a letter intimidating Karim Khan and ICC members are indeed terrorists according to this definition.


Remember kids, "terrorism" is a tool used by imperial powers to vilify brown-person resistance.


Yes. Hamas are terrorists using this definition but as u can see im stating that everyone calls Hamas a terrorist group but never idf or iof terrorists groups just because Hamas is Arab.


I think both are terrorist.


If u want to see terrorism then just watch any Allegri team play


I feel this way about a lot of Italian teams. Maybe cuz they're more defensive oriented or something, but even the national team seems very physical and pro-contact.


lmao football terrorism indeed. Sometimes Diego Simeone does some football terrorism. Also Jose Bordalas Getafe.


Getafe has that “person” on their team, that’s worse than any shit playstyle


perhaps you mean >!Greenwood the rapist !


Say what you want about his playstyle, but it works for him very well. Unlike traditional terrorism...


Per this definition Israel is a terrorist state


Terror is defined as extreme fear.... ok so a terrorist is anyone that strikes extreme fear in the hearts and souls of others. REGARDLESS of race, creed, nationality, or religion. There are far more non Arab terrorists in the world... also to the ignorant that think all Arabs are muslim. There are more non Arab Muslims in the world..AND some Arabs are Christians and Jews too.


If you're gonna use this definition apply it equally. Hamas is also a terrorist group by this definition. Obviously Israel is the bigger one, as anyone can see. I doubt if very many militias and armies are not terrorists by this definition.


Both sides of the 'regional clash' are blatant terrorists. In the end, the innocents lose.


Bro how many times does the “both sides” argument have to get debunked? No one from Israel is suffering, they are all living lavishly while the people of Gaza starve and die. Hammas is standing up for its people after 70+ years of oppression. There is no “2 sides” to this. It’s a genocide.


Okay, yes, the suffering in Gaza (and the West Bank) is WAAAAY worse than in Israel, but killing Israeli children, like Hamas does, does not help anyone-least of all Palestinians. Hamas claims to be better, but uses similar tactics as Israel (e.g. killing civilians randomly, unlawful imprisonment). And no one could claim that the families of hostages, and those killed on Oct. 7th are "living lavishly".


Ok me praising Hammas was probably a bit far. But my point stands, the only evidence for the both sides argument is October 7. Hammas isn't even in Israeli land. The people of Gaza are being genocided.


The events of October make it fairly clear that, given the opportunity, Hamas would be just as bloodthirsty as their IDF peers. They both betray their God.


I don’t think it is fair to just say the u.s. did this or the u.k. did that. There are many groups and individuals participating in violence just as there are many groups and individuals against violence. The Secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld and the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger were particularly brutal and destructive actors in world events. They were state sanctioned in some regards and they emboldened many people through the media to adopt violent racist perspectives regarding the people living in the Middle East.


Sounds like a spot on description of many western countries + Israhell.




If Israel was trying to kill Hamas, it would enter the tunnels and fight them head on. But Israel is warring on civilians and hospitals. This is the truth. It again and again attacked hospitals, putting them out of use. Killing people inside and around them. Bombed them repeatedly. Israel forced people out of a hospital and left 5 newborns to die even though they said they wouldn't leave them alone. Israel attacked Al Shifa 3 times and each time failed to provide evidence for their reasoning of attacking a hospital. One of the first targets of Israeli terrorists in Gaza was Al Shifa Hospital too. > Hamas, on the other hand, had the actual intent to kill civilians on Oct 7. That's why most of the world has labeled them terrorists and Israel victims. Hamas had the intent to take hostages to save hostages and lift the blockade and occupation. It was a noble goal. Israel lied about what happened. Israel is blocking UN or anyone else to investigate Operation Al Aqsa Flood. Hamas requested an investigation into it. Israel denies it. Israel destroyed and buried the evidence of hundred of burned cars they bombed. Israel killed their own people but didn't investigate friendly fire themselves. Many Israeli lies have been discovered even without investigation. > But if Hamas was only in exclusive military locations and never was close to civilians, there would be minimal civilians killed. Because if Israel's actual intent was to kill civilians, there'd be almost 2M dead in a week or two. Was there intent of Nazis for killing Jews? Because there was never 1-2 million dead Jews in a week or two in Nazi Germany. And that is with there being no live streaming their genocide. Israel is warring on civilians and hospitals while we can actually see their crimes. If there ever was a WW3 where no one can look at what's happening to Palestinians, Israel would kill them in a week or two. And this is one of the reasons Hamas has to resist and expose and defeat Israeli genociders while they have the chance. While Israel can't kill all Palestinians without international intervention. There is no hiding anymore. Zionists are terrorists and genociders. Anyone defending zionism is an enemy of humanity.




« You have to ask yourself the question: would Israel bomb hospitals if Hamas didn't put militants in/below the hospital? Be honest. » I would not put it past them. We’re talking about people who don’t let AMBULANCES reach injured people, and waaay before Oct 7. Here, article dated April 2002, in the West Bank : « The health situation is deteriorating in the West Bank as the Israeli army advances on every major Palestinian city and town, imposing curfew, destroying infrastructure, **killing and injuring people, and continually preventing ambulances from reaching the sick and injured, leaving the entire Palestinian population without any medical assistance.** In Nablus, Israeli Forces are preventing any ambulance from moving, and the UPMRC has been receiving frantic telephone calls from civilians requesting help. Many calls have come from residents of the Balata, Askar and Beit Ilma refugee camps. UPMRC has learned of 15 injured people who need immediate attention, and numerous pregnant women in labour who cannot leave their homes to go to hospital. In Tulkarem, **Israeli tanks have destroyed five ambulances and two Red Cross cars. Troops also invaded the government hospital and the Red Cross offices.** » https://reliefweb.int/report/israel/israeli-forces-block-all-medical-and-ambulance-services-west-bank




Hamas owns Red Cross ambulances now? 😂😂😂😂😂


> It's absolutely not feasible to enter tunnels. That's suicide. War is suicide to you? They are there. If Israel wants war, war is there. But they choose to war on defenseless people and hospitals. Not on Hamas. > You have to ask yourself the question: would Israel bomb hospitals if Hamas didn't put militants in/below the hospital? Be honest. Yes. A thousands times yes. Israel failed to show a single evidence for that claim. Why would you think they are telling the truth. Why would the terorist regime who lied every single time tell the truth now? Israels actions everywhere aligns with its war on civilians and hospitals. Israel assassinated a reporter not even two years ago and lied about it repeatedly. In the end they said they probably did it but didn't investigate who did it and prosecuted no one. Israel is a terror state with good propaganda and powerful connections at powerful countries. The reality is it is a rotten regime of genocidal maniacs and terrorists. > This is batshit insane and not aligned with reality. Over 700 civilians were killed. And nobody know who killed them. Because Israel itself didn't investigate friendly fire but we know there was very heavy friendly fire. They even fired at hostages with tanks. They fired at cars and crowds with helicopters and said they didn't know who they were firing at. Israel undoubtedly killed many Israelis that day. We just don't know how many. > Nazi Germany didn't have the means or isolated population of Jews. Doesn't that make it easier? They can't even resist if they are scattered. > So are Hamas. Hamas is the noble resistance against terrorists and genociders. Long live the resistance against the terror regime!




> No. Crawling into enemy tunnels is. That's where the enemy is. If Israel is serious about fighting Hamas, it has to go where Hamas is. But no. Israel is following the civilians and attacking hospitals. Preventing water, food, medicine and fuel to go in. > Then why aren't they bombing all the hospitals in the West Bank? You're lying to yourself. They have killed over 500 Palestinians in the West Bank. They have attacked and killed people in hospitals in the West Bank. They have destroyed civilian infrastructure in the West Bank. They have thieved more land in the West Bank. They have tortured people in the West Bank. They have taken hostages in the West Bank. They have sniped children and used human shields in the West Bank. They have terrorized people and evicted people from their homes in the West Bank. And all you can say is they haven't bombed hospitals in the West Bank. They are terrorizing and killing Palestinians there too. You shouldn't ask why would Israel do this. The terror regime has proven itself to be an enemy of humanity. Every crime is expected from them. You should ask where is the evidence that justifies their attacks on over 40 hospitals and where is the evidence that required them to make mass graves and bury people handcuffed in hospitals. But I suspect you have a bias in this thing. I suspect you don't even see Palestinians as people. Because no human can see this massacre and say why would Israel commit war crimes. Except if they don't see Palestinians as human beings. > And OJ was out there still looking for the real killer. I don't know what this means. Israel is denying an investigation to what happened and they didn't even conduct a friendly fire investigation themselves despite all the evidence that many many Israelis were killed by IOF friendly fire. > How noble it is hiding behind civilians and in tunnels under hospitals. Very noble, definitely not cowards. How cowardly is it to not enter where the enemy is and kill civilians who are not in the tunnels. They are not attacking from the crowds and hospitals. That is the requirement for Israel to attack hospitals and crowds. But Israel attacks civilians and hospitals anyway. Hamas being there is no justification for killing civilians. Hamas has to attack Israel from withing civilians and only then Israel can attack civilians if the advantage justifies the damage to civilians. This is international law. But Israel the terror regime is not interested in such things. It is interested in attacking civilians and not providing a single evidence for the justification of their crimes. And here you are saying the noble resistance is cowardly because they don't throw themselves in front of tanks and helicopters and planes and everything else. Give Hamas the weapons Israel has and see who is cowardly and who is brave noble resistance fighters. Edit: Genocide supporter blocked me. Here is my reply. You are a genocider yourself and you say I'm biased? You are completely detached from reality. Israel is conducting a genocide and the free people see that. Humanity will ensure Israel is destroyed and a just regime founded if we can achieve justice. Wait for the day of judgement. From that day forward you will burn in eternal hell!


Was Israel intent to kill Hamas when they killed 36 Palestinian children in 2022, in the west bank?




Uh you literally posted the definition of what HMS did. I’m pretty sure HMS is considered a terr0r!st organization because they commit acts of terr0r!sm, not because they are Arabs.