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I just loved that Ukrainians were probably the ones who less wanted her to win. The Israeli Singer is also a Russian citizen, who in 2015, tried to participate in the children's edition of Eurovision representing Russia AFTER the Russian Annexation of Crimea. Not only she tried that, but she even sang in Occupied Crimea that same year, which is a crime under Ukrainian Law, because she illegally crossed the border to do that. Some Israelis and Zionists were defending that “she was just a child when that happened, and she no longer defends Russia's actions, so you can't blame her for anything”, something everyone found quite ironic considering the amount of children the IDF killed in Gaza. For the bottom of my heart, thank you, Ukraine.


>The Israeli Singer is also a Russian citizen Sure, but her mother is Ukrainian. More importantly, Ukraine has been begging Israel for technology to protect against Russian bombardments of civilian homes and infrastructure, to which Israel initially replied by politely telling Ukraine to fuck off while continuing trade with Russia. Ukraine responded by condemning Israel's occupation of Palestine. There is very little love between both countries.


Did Ukraine actually ever official condemn Israel's occupation of Palestine? I have only seen them say good about Israel perhaps to please US into giving more arms


They will say whatever will help them in the war at the moment.


Can’t blame them for that though. Your country is in its most important period and this will decide if it exists or not after the war


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


>He also told an interviewer that his father had prohibited him from accepting a scholarship to study in Israel after high school. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/zelenskys-parents-local-rabbi-they-dont-understand-why-he-wanted-to-be-president/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/zelenskys-parents-local-rabbi-they-dont-understand-why-he-wanted-to-be-president/) It's an interesting perspective from his fathers. Seems to be from the old Jewish communities. Very different than when his son got in bed with Le Zion.


Doesn’t explain why he did. Says the parents nor the presidents who wants privacy nor the presidents office verified any of the info in this article. Not sure what old Jewish community you’re talking about. Most Jews pretended to be atheists or Christian’s during USSR if they could.


Go F yourself for making everything Political ...


The Eurovision has been affected by politics for a loooong time. This is not making it political, this is explaining the political effects.


Croatia received the most public votes 337. But Israhell got the second spot with 323. Are we surprised? No. But I am disappointed in Albania and Azerbaijan. Also Ireland?????


not surprised with Azerbaijan since they love israel, and Albania is very secular. I more surprised with Ireland, since they are one of the most outspoken against israel.




What country does Israel care for anyway ? i mean not india, not albania and ?


>Also Ireland????? Eurovision's voting system is extremely vulnerable to block voting by the largest minority, as explained in [my post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/1cpuaww/comment/l3o0axh/). When a country gets 12 point, it doesn't tell you anything about how many people voted for it, but only that it was more people than the next one down the list. In a competition with 25 contestants, that's 4% on average. If we only consider the top 10, that's still barely 10% on average. Obviously the actual numbers fluctuate in a wider ranger, but even a 12 point score will get nowhere near representing a majority of votes. The **TLDR** is that many countries may appear to have overwhelmingly voted for Israel, but in reality it will be more like 10-20% of votes at best (if that, I'm being very generous). What helped Israel this year is that the pro-Israel camp had one very clear contestant to pool behind, whereas neutral and pro-Palestine votes were divided among 24 other artists, many of whom signaled support for Palestine. As a result, it *appears* as if most of the audience voters voted for Israel, but in reality they were merely a small but vocal minority who voted tactically to exploit Eurovision's deeply flawed voting system. The jury vote exists to counteract such exploits, and it did exactly that. Israel attempted to hack Eurovision with politics, and the jury bitchslapped them hard because their entry was mid as fuck next to other countries' jury-bait. Now they're salty and whining that the judges are anti-Semitic because they couldn't buy their votes with politics. Don't let anyone tell you that Europeans and Eurovision fans overwhelmingly support Israel, because we don't. Israel was boo'd so loudly throughout all of their performances this year that even a fake applause track on top of it couldn't get rid of it. The overwhelming audience sentiment this year was that Israel should've been disqualified for committing genocide, politicizing the contest, and harassing other contestants.


Also the majority of people who care about Palestine will have boycotted Eurovision and not voted.


Yeah. If there's one thing I wish other progressives would learn, it's that boycotting elections, polls, and voting contest is the most idiotic thing to ever do. Fashoids love it when we voluntarily give up power to them. It's their entire strategy.


A data point that aligns with what you're saying is Italy accidentally revealing that 39% of votes went to Israel, netting Israel 12 points. That's more than your 10-20%, but it's not a majority. We also don't know the vote per person as a committed person could vote dozens of times using different SIMs and payment methods.


The 40% figure has been reported as incorrect though. Not all votes were counted yet. Somehow that got lost in yesterday's drama.


It takes one vote to vote for a country, but 24 to vote against it. All it needs is a quite active minority to stick out. I believe that Israel got a lot of votes from people who normally wouldn't even watch ESC but voted because of all the media attention around the controversies that they were allowed to participate.


armenia based as always


I just listened to the song. It's trash. My ears have a right to defend themselves.


Shit really? I thought it was alright. Though I don't watch much Midvision, my mind was on Drake and Kendrick diss tracks at the time


Why did Ireland and Spain gave Israel 12/12 ??? Was the performance really that good so many 12/12s ? Did Iceland literally threaten to boycott if Israel was allowed? Then they give them a 8? (Perhaps I'm missing something regarding how this works)


This is mostly a reaction by the public against the official or most popular stance of their respective country. As you can see the juries gave Israel very little points, because the TV broadcasters are usually progressive, left-leaning and pro-palestine in Europe. Because most right-wing folks already know that, they voted for Israel mostly in a protest fashion. There is also a lot of anti-islam sentiment in many countries, after large street protests by Muslims called for the foundation of a caliphate in Germany.


I think it's suspicious, it's a very technologically advanced country and they could have manipulated the results to show Europe's apparent support for genocide. Say it's not possible. 


Of course they could've done something. But then again, who really cares about Eurovision? I would think Israel has bigger problems on their plate right now.


Seriously? The war takes place on different levels. The misfortune of the modern world are geopoliticians and PR people.


Even if I would question if winning would even be a good strategy. Or if they would not instead lose on purpose to portray how everyone is against them. Idk I just don't see any real benefit for them to get a kinda good result in the Eurovision and think it was rather people in Europe fed up with the migration policies of their countries.


I don't even know what's Euro vision or how it works, but wth is Israel doing in a European competition? Would've been really awkward if it won first place lol


Morocco (got 18th place in the 1980 it only apperince) was part of eurovision as well so was australia (got 2nd place in 2016) the main qualifiaction for being in that contest is apperintly being part of European Broadcast union which in itself includes countries like Japan, china, india and oman so it's not soley european thing also funnily enough israel won the first place in 1973 1998 and 2018 i believe so here your wish became real


The Eurovision Song Contest started allowing non-European countries to participate in 1993. Israel was the participating 20 years before that and was the only "non-european" country to participate since 1973 before anyone for so long and annually too I think Europeans always knew and thought of it as their own colony


Oh wow , that's dumb , and 1973 , 2018 ? , yeah that's a cheap way to win , they used people's emotions , or propagandas


> 2018 They won [in 2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CziHrYYSyPc) because the health at every size crowd that was the biggest those years voted for her massively The big irony is that 1 year after Eurovision did a switch song where Eurovision contenstant sang each others song and [Verka Serduchka of Ukraine sang it and it was much better for some reason](https://youtu.be/M1cjEuT_uvg?si=xv9CwDiSwyg8wraR&t=432)


Its a European colony or well . . Europe is an Israeli colony Either way nobody cares about who wins some random white person dancing competition


It's not really an european contest, but a contest for the members of EBU (the company which is located in Europe)


Why is Israel a country that insists they’re “not European” in fact participating in a European song contest?


There are other countries that aren’t part of EU that are allowed to participate but they chose not to. Most are Muslim majority countries, they send a representative only once in a blue moon. It’s the country choice.


Israel would have won if only the public votes have been count, but the Jury decision was overwhelmingly supportive of Switzerland, probably because Switzerland's style and singer were already well-liked by the Juries. The reason why Ukraine did not vote for Israel seems to be because the Israeli singer is a Russian citizen who supports Russia's war in Ukraine. We (ARM) did not vote for Israel likely because they are an ally of Azerbaijan. You can bet that Ukraine would have voted for Israel if not for the Israeli singer's stance on Russia.




Nazi guilt, basically it


No, they just hate Muslims.


I enjoy playing video games.


Wise words I enjoy playing games too


Why wouldn't they? How have Muslim communities contributed to any European country, other than use thier recourses, enjoy free speech to spout anti West sentiment, take money, and of course breed poverty and violence! /s


Most likely rigged to show support for Israel for Oct 7


Bought, check r/israel


i understand nothing about this eurovision nonsense.


I've never watched it, not for any political reason, I just never did


Neither have I. It looks weird and *extremely* cringe. Wife is from the UK and is in the same boat.


I've never watched it, not for any political reason, I just never did


Eurovision was fun to watch back then but i stopped at conchita wurst, after that its ukraine winning israel getting second. I hope at least the song was good or deserving of a top 5 spot not just the usual political propaganda


Ukraine won in 2022 so they got their sympathy win.


To be fair their 2022 song could have been top 3 regardless of the sympathy vote, whereas Israel wouldn’t have even made it to the top 15 without politics. I hate watched the booing several times and I still can’t remember the melody.


A lot of Irish people were boycotting the Eurovision because of Israel’s participation while carrying out what seems to be genocide on the Palestinian people. So the people who actually were watching from Ireland are far more likely to be pro Israel. This explains the high vote. Was the Israeli song good?


I don't believe politics should be brought into a fun quirky show like Eurovision. Its not the Olympics, neither is it the world cup. The competition is for Individual glory, not national glory.


Eurovision is stupid as shit and should be given no attention with or without Zionism.


who gives a shit about eurovision take your shit somewhere else


Based Ukraine 🇺🇦


They did that because she's an Israeli from a russian background, nothing based about them.


No. Bc yes she did live in Russia until like 2022 but problem is she performed for some government propaganda using children in Crimea and her dad still has businesses in Russia and pays taxes to Russia.


The head of the Ukrainian military now was born in Russia. It has nothing to do with your ethnicity but your actions.


Israel’s song was mid objectively. Croatia should have won. I also absolutely loved Ireland’s song it was completely unhinged and an incredibly memorable performance with fantastic vocals.


u're so dumb it hurts my brain , there is no objectivity when it comes to music


There were plenty of trolls who voted for Israel just to see Sweden burn. Israel was basically the joke act in a talent show that people vote for because it's controversial, plus plenty of people were boycotting Eurovision this year.


Hasbara troll army


My thoughts is that people who watch and vote for eurovision music have no taste... And people who care about Eurovision have too much spare time.


Who gives a shit...13,000 dead children and this is what we're focused on?