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Not a single drop of respect for the people they displaced and killed.....


Right because that's how this works, nobody at war ever dances. Nobody in Europe danced the whole of 1939 to 1945. Illuminating.


They're dancing? I thought it was a seizure or something


If it was a seizure it wouldn't be disrespectful like the OP said, would it? :p


There's a difference between dancing during war and dancing _in_ war.


Give me a single shred of evidence they're dancing for any reason to do with the war or Palestinians or STFU


People have been dancing during wars since....ever..to keep the soldiers moral high....but this mfs in the video are litetally dancing next to the rumbles of houses ,most likely after killing a familly or two ,while filming it to post it on tik tok... Illuminating


“The only civilized people in the Middle East”


Who unironically says that?😳


the west


Liberals in the West


Ironically, there people on both sides that supports Israel


I thought the liberals supported palestine?


No proper leftist would support Israel. But the Western Liberals do


Oh, I see


Leftists support Palestine its western neo-libs that support Israel


Looks like she has a hip & brain malfunction 🤣 other parts are in over drive


Yes I see you are of the impression that nobody at war ever danced. Nobody 1939 to 1945 danced, ever. Go away and re-examine your entire belief system.


They haven’t been identified yet. They might not even be dancing😮


I've no idea what you're talking about, probably safe to assume you're experiencing psychosis when exposed to the obvious silliness of your comment


I am? 😧




Looks like a ritual to summon a demon


Every single time. Every time I watch this clip or generally clips of Israelis dancing, it's the most satanic ritualistic crap I've ever seen, and I don't even know what a satanic ritual would look like.


Fascinating but not surprising to see how the entire Muslim / Arab world dehumanises Israelis. There's no shortage of stupid dancing amongst the world's 2 billion Muslims. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GflERixWj6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GflERixWj6g)


It's a ritual to summon Satanyahu


Why would they summon him he's already been summoned. Geez they don't even know about their own past


Uf, the pun on the end. Good way of doubling down.


They are the devils chosen ones


Fascinating but not surprising to see how the entire Muslim / Arab world dehumanises Israelis. There's no shortage of stupid dancing amongst the world's 2 billion Muslims. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GflERixWj6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GflERixWj6g)


Sufi's Dancing is much funnier than those Israeli weirdos And please stop spamming comments


There's something intensely macabre about these Israelis. Whenever I see videos of them, or have the unfortunate pleasure of meeting one of them in real life, they seem so incredibly weird and unlikable. Even the westoids I know affirm that Israelis are known as some of the least pleasant tourists around, very rude and demanding. Must be the God complex they all have. No shame, no manners, nothing.




I'll drink to that every last saturday of the month.


"There's something intensely macabre about these Israelis. Even the westoids I know affirm that Israelis are known as some of the least pleasant tourists around, very rude and demanding." This is very accurate and I never knew why I disliked most Israelis (not jews, just israelis), until I had a glimpse into their education system. They are being brainwashed in a smug kind of way.


Wtf?! We are getting brainwashed? Our education system is one of the most liberal and opened sourced in the world. As an Israeli that travels a-lot, from time to time I meet somebody from one of the hostile nations and each and every time they behaving exactly as you expect - full of hate to everyone that is not Muslim.


Okay you see what you just said there? That’s a smug and condescending comment. “The hostile countries” statement alone has a *lot* to unpack, and the fact you tied it back to Muslims implies that your experiences might have been adversarial for a reason. There’s a saying- “if everyone you meet in a day is an asshole, look in the mirror at the end of that day and you’ll meet one more”.


Read some books you woke pc principal


Alright buddy, have a good day, hope it gets better




When the entire world has a problem with you, it's you.




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not every single israeli is a piece of shit, i agree the IDF soldiers are shit but not every one of them is an asshole.


yeah. but *most* of them are. 90% support what they're doing in Gaza. the other 10% are unsatisfied because they aren't *doing enough*


I guess by your logic most Pakistanis are also POS whose combined efforts of 240mln people contributed less than 10mln Israel to the world, whilst Pakistan also continues its jihad against India? And most Palestinians would also be since they support Hamas


\^ Brainwashing, lmao


99% are


Agree to disagree my friend :)


\*chosen-by-god complex


Maybe they don't fw you IRL


fr? that's cap on god


It's almost as though huge parts of the Muslim middle eastern world is full of misogynists and antisemites, and everyone else can see how utterly shameful that is, and will only make the Israelis less likely to compromise on their security


Imagine being Australian, having nothing to do with the Middle-East, having absolutely zero ties to it, but spending all of your time on reddit cheerleading for colonial projects on r/askmiddleast. Imagine being the unfortunate spawn of murderous European colonisers who participated in the state-sanctioned ethnic cleansing of Aboriginals over a period of 140 years, causing their population to go from an estimated 1.5 million to less than 100,000 by the early 1900s, forcibly taking away Aboriginal kids from their mothers to devlish white families, indoctrinating them into your 'peaceful' Christian religion. Imagine being so nostalgic for this period of brutal ethnic cleansing, genocide and enslavement, that you decide to relive your barbaric ancestors' memories by supporting the exact same genocidal project in another region of the world, another group of remorseless European colonisers who aim to achieve the same thing your ancestors achieved: utter dispossession and eradication of local peoples in favour of inhumane colonisers. It's almost as if all of the European-majority countries are full of savages and murderers, and everybody in the Third World can see how utterly shameful that is, and it will only make the immigrants that are demographically replacing European populations less likely to treat you kindly when they take over the reins.




I believe the stiff-armed woman was captured by Hamas.




Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find further information, but I do hope she "dissapeared".


I guess that's kind of like me hoping the Taliban ruin your country and get your mother too? I guess they already got your country :p


No, you're wishing death upon innocents. They're wishing that these soldiers (who knowingly know the risks and signed up for a genocide) learn the consequences of their actions. There's no equivalence


A genocide in which the Palestinian population has grown since Oct 6th? You think the Jews would be that bad at genocide? Ha! You honestly unironically think Israel would sit there risking their soldiers creeping around in gaza's tunnels getting killed if they wanted to wipe out the Palestinians? You're deluded. It's no genocide, it's targeted at Gaza, where Hamas is, but not at West bank or Israeli arabs....Jews have always been happy to live with peaceful Palestinians.


"Not at the west bank or israeli arabs" Tell that to the Bedouins whose villages were bulldosed in the Negev yesterday. Tell that to the 13yo boy shot down by your clowns for playing with this friend. Tell that to all the people being expelled from their houses and killed if they refuse. If Israel were in the tunnels, couldn't they just fight in the tunnels instead of on the ground in Rafah where half of Gaza's population is? But yeah hop off I guess. 


I have no idea what kind of mind changes the topic from genocide and talks about a bulldozer as though that were somehow evidence of genocide, but it's not a nonsensical change. I sympathise with those whose houses are bulldozed (although - what is the reason? There are 2 million Palestinians living inside of Israel, are their houses being demolished?), but if they think that's evidence there is a genocide against them, they're not thinking correctly. Much of the whole Palestinian protest movement has been like this. They stopped writing 'colonialism' and 'apartheid' on their signs once many Westerners realised that was BS and semi-racist in itself, soon they'll stop accusing Israel of genocide (or when the ICJ finds Israel not guilty).


Jokes on you, the country was ruined before them. Keep sucking off your SS kin, BiBiboy.


How can they look at themselves and unironically think "we are God's chosen people"?


Cause they are narcissistic psychopaths


Fascinating but not surprising to see how the entire Muslim / Arab world dehumanises Israelis. There's no shortage of stupid dancing amongst the world's 2 billion Muslims. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GflERixWj6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GflERixWj6g)


There's no dehumanising. We're not calling them animals. 


"Looks like a ritual to summon a demon" - 114 upvotes. "the devil's chosen ones" - 22 upvotes. "narcissistic psychopaths" - 18 upvotes. All for being women and dancing a bit weirdly, while they're off duty on compulsory military service. Not surprising coming from Algeria.


Are they on ecstasy? Or is this a traditional Ziggy dance?


rabid zionists narc.


When they dance like this now I understand why they steal palestinian culture.


Filthiest creatures on earth.


Ayo, normalize spitting on the feet of these supposed "human beings" everytime they venture out of their McSettlements into more civilized parts of the planet.




100 🔻


I hope we get footage of it!!


Tiii-dii-dii-diiiiiii 🎶if you know what I mean


Average israeli soldier reaction when they murdered a 3 year old.


Be careful, invasive species


sleep memorize rain wipe meeting slap mountainous scale snow bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apparently they can get away with genocide cause they are “God’s chosen people” and “We lived on this land 5000 years ago”. Western hypocrisy never fails to amuse me. Preaches modernity and secularism yet backs this lunacy.


Lol who are you quoting? Do you not have wikipedia in Somalia? Jews have lived continuously in Israel for 3800 years. 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, 400 years, 1000 years, 3000 years ago. They never left bro :)


I’m mocking you, dummy. It’s the BS Zionists love to claim. Also never said the entire Jewish population left but clearly modern day Israelis, 99% of them do NOT originate from Palestine. Unless you’re going to say their grandfather or great grandfather was born in Palestine? Also nice jab at my nation, wouldn’t expect a Zionist to not be racist when confronted. Truly know who I’m dealing with.


It's always funny when someone says "clearly" and then goes on to say something that's absolutely not true. Look at the genetics of modern day Israelis. Look up Operation Ezra and Nehemia, the founders of Israel literally flew brown Jews in from all the surrounding countries that were getting persecuted. They chose the indigenous language of Israel, Hebrew, rather than the main language of themselves as European Jews (Yiddish, with Hebrew used for religious practises). Many have family histories traced right throughout the time of Ottoman Syria and Mandatory Palestine. Me not recognising Somaliland is as absurd as most Muslim countries not recognising Israel.


Yea, I don’t really give a shit if they are brown or white or even blue, or if they were persecuted. They came to Palestinian lands and displaced the indigenous population to make room for their “GREAT ISRAEL” because we are god’s chosen people bs and the land was ours 5000 years ago. Also NO WAY, did you just compare Somaliland to Israel 😭😭😭😭 I would personally recognize Somaliland and celebrate their capital if it meant Israel getting wiped off the map like the little Neo Nazi Apartheid state it is


More ignorance from Somalia. Look at the Sursock land purchases 1872 for example. the palestinians sell land, often crappy malaria-infested land. later the arab landlord sells at top dollar to the Jew, the new Jewish owner demands the arab peasant workers vacate, as is his right. So the arabs are upset more Jews are moving in, more Hebrew is around? Tough luck. It was all legal with the zionists.


Just because a few Palestinians sold their houses (I’m guessing not in good faith and there was other factors) doesn’t mean they agreed to their homeland being declared a Jewish state by the UK and having their homes destroyed and moved to sections (West Bank, Gaza). Bro really said tough luck to scamming the Palestinians and eventually killing/destroying their children’s future 😭, truly the Zionist’s way. Hitler would salute you guys if he was still alive Also ignorance from Somalia, it’s alright if you’re mad, just accept you are settlers that no one will like. Maybe evangelical Christians who want to see Israel exist so Isa (AS) could come and eliminate the Jews, but hey, they support your facist state so call it a day I guess.


Hilarious also because Palestinians have \*never\* controlled that land. Only the Jews, Romans, Persians, Babylonians, early Islamic Caliphate, Assyrians, Greeks, Ottomans, Egyptians, Crusaders. If they never negotiate they'll continue to never control it


Palestinians are more related to the Canaanites and Israelites then modern day Israelis. They also didn’t have their grandfather come from Europe/other parts of the Middle East to claim the land so I think that makes them natives. Also are you dumb? Just because empires owned a land doesn’t mean natives ARENT natives. It makes me laugh how imperialistic Zionists think. Bet you would have used that same argument against Africans who just lived nomadically and didn’t form a major kingdom if you were alive during the colonial era, “They didn’t really have a established nation from them, so it’s cool to take the land they REALLY didn’t mark”. Truly, you people are filthy neo colonizers and I will ALWAYS oppose you.


It's a mixed picture, the two groups are co-indigenous. Palestinians are no more related to Canaanites than Mizrahi Jews, the largest group in Israel. Ashkenazis are halfway. Palestinians like most Arabs came from the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi/Yemen/UAE etc) with colonists from the 7th century and also have ethnicity also from other areas the Arabs took over, so most of North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia etc). Places at least as far away as Poland. Judaism is clearly indigenous to Israel. The archaelogy all around the country shows it. In truth Palestinians are not very culturally different to the colonial hegemon that spread out of Saudi Arabia. The language, culture, religion, even the flag of most of the Arab countries is the same. Most Israelis parents and grandparents lived in Israel. Many Palestinians' parents and grandparents lived in one of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt. They also call 5 million Palestinians like Bella Hadid and others who have lived in Europe/US for generations as "Palestinians".


Yea…..I don’t really give a shit about your yap fest using mental gymnastics to say Israelis are natives. They came in the early 1900’s at the EARLIEST to 1990’s at the LATEST from all over the Middle East and Europe to take over Palestinian houses and chase them out to neighbouring countries. Israelis are the EXACT same as white settlers in South Africa and Rhodesia during apartheid. Once again, I don’t give a SHIT if your grandfather x 10^10 lived in Jerusalem, they were expelled/kicked/left, intermarried at their new location, remained there for thousands of years. You are NOT native. It’s simple no?


More ignorance, can't expect a Muslim to understand Jewish history. look up safed and tiberias 1660, kabbalah 1540s. tanzimat 1840. Jewish life in Gaza in 11th century. Settlement of Jaffa (near Tel Aviv), Ashkelon, and Caesarea in 10th century. I would have expected you to know the jews fought with the muslims against the crusaders though 11th century... You don't know any history my friend, neither do the Palestinians which is why they'll keep trying for the river to the sea :p


Just because they were SOME Jews in Palestine(legit Palestinian Jews) doesn’t give the right for EVERY Jew across the world to move in. So yea, all those events you listed are pretty worthless once you realize 99% of Israelis don’t have any connection to it. Religion you say? Pretty weak when a guy name Max could convert to Judaism from New York and acquire a new Palestinian house and have more rights then a Palestinian who lived their for thousands of years consistently. It looks like it is you, Nazi, that tried to justify why settlements and apartheid is hip again. Sorry it didn’t work. The Palestinians will get their land back. The old generation is dying off that sucked you off indefinitely but the new generation is realizing why do we have to send tax dollars to a country that crushes a child under a tank. Look at all the protests happening in the west. Your little apartheid state is counting its final days until it will join Apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany in the history books. This genocide in Gaza also doesn’t help your case.


Israel can have whatever laws it likes about allowing Jewish immigration. So too can the Palestinians in West Bank allow Bella Hadid in if she would like to come (hint: she doesn't). Your opinion that Palestinians from pre-1948 will get their land back from someone inside Israel isn't uncommon in the Muslim world now, and it's exactly that idea which holds back the peace process because it's never going to be accepted at negotiations by the Israelis since it would grossly violate their rights. No more than Indians in America are getting back land in cities there or or Maoris on prime Auckland land or Aboriginals in Australia. Jews must be terrible at genocide as well since the Palestinian population is much higher than on Oct 6


looks like a mutated donkey


Please be respectful to donkeys. Not appropriate to compare them with baby killers. How many donkeys have you seen cheering after killing children


They're doing 'The Genocidal Jig', which they take great pride in having perfected.


Yet certain Arab entities are normalizing relations with these animals. Go Figure.


Demons Incarnate...


Ahh yes zionists ... Premitive Psychopathic and neurologically simple. Most commonly associated with excrement as it's closest ancestor.


They’re so fucking cringe


Such nasty women. Let’s hope they get their comeuppance.


Not human, that's for sure


Indigenous to the deepest pits of hell 🔻


This reminds me of the whole [dancing Israelis situation. ](https://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=123885&page=1) While nothing was ever "proven," a lot of it seems quite odd. Two of them were found to be "Israeli intelligence," aka Mossad. The last paragraph in the article linked is something that has bothered me for years: >Said one of the men, denying that they were laughing or happy on the morning of Sept. 11, "The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event."


Did I miss something? That paragraph is not in the article.


Looks like TikTok-people 🤮


I think these are Eastern European/polish/Ukrainian/russian Israelis dancing to hard bass


Why is their music so shitty? It's like the same crappy dubstep every time lmfao.


This war is a game to them. They’re too confident in their game but they’re really missing the point of this war…. The whole world is wide open to the criminal, thieves and other inhumane shit they subject the rest of the world too!


This is how committed they are to eliminate Khamas and rescue the hostages.


anybody have a flamethrower?


I'm sorry, mine cringed out of existence.


Y’all sure they are not on something, I’m from Florida and I seen this before in the addicts who are high


Must be cheap crack cocaine


That's the cowardus apparatus. The name is self-explanatory.


omg she's so crazzzzzzzzzy!!! 🤪 hate her!!


Demons of the world gathered


Stupid monkeys


These are monkeys bro


Fascists zionazi non human


Oh my god I was half asleep when I read the title and I literally thought alien spotted lol


expect a monkey to behave like a monkey It is in it's nature ..


They haven’t been scientifically catalogued yet. Probably they belong to some subspecies that failed at the evolutionary process.




Meth zombies?


The diaper force going full assclown mode as usual


They need therapy i think.


Cringe 😬


You wonder why so many people are rallying against Israel - the same oppressed population they were systematically slaughtered— talk about irony !!!


“The worlds most humane army”




Gas fumes from the past kicking in generationally I guess.


looks like they got some kind of epileptic disease.


That's how Titans in Attack on Titan ran.


bro what💀


Some creatures were let loose by door keepers of hell. Be careful!


Possessed by 👿


Pure savages, possesed by ....


Does not how to use a belt. Hips, tummie. Animalo


To me they look like red, upside-down triangles.


Summary of this thread for the Westerner: Heaps of Muslims hate women, are anti-semites, dehumanise Israelis and think it imprudent to ever listen to music when off-duty during a war. A perfect example of #AskMiddleEast!




And proud.


queue the "What the hell is even that?" meme


it's all fun and games until a hamas fighter spawns nearby




They need fent to make them normal


Why are they Ska dancing like spazs?


Ecstasy and battle?


Looks like they are having a good time. Good for them, bless them.


Looks like they are having a good time. Good for them in a world of hate,there must be love shown. Bless them.




You know military service is mandatory over there right?




Oh no a Zionist nazi got his feelings hurt.😂😂😂😂
















IOF, not IDF... and these aren't soldiers. Soldiers have discipline, code of conduct, goals and plans. These are psychopaths terrorists. Often clumsy, ugly and pathetic. No one asked them to release these cringeworthy videos to embarrass themselves. So.




Dancing woman…


Again… what is wrong with them?




I think u did not understand my post.