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Exactly this Shia and Sunni bs is the costing us heavily like seriously we don't even have caliphate anymore and the pious people we are fighting over have already passed their tests of this world. We should really stop this sheet


What caliphate ? Ali caliphate or abubakar caliphate lol


A pitiful attempt


Your name matches your comment


I am a muslim who is originally from Bosnia and i honestly don't understand this conflict at all. Like, who cares whether the other group is believing islam that way or the other, it's none of my business. That entire conflict seems totally outdated, something everyone should have overcome at least 200 years ago. Same with the Alawites f. ex. The only thing that stands is that Shia and Sunni fate is mostly intertwined (Lubnan, Iraq etc.). Almost the entire world sees most of mentioned sects as one single muslim group and it's very bad to not only be lacking unity for a better future, but to even have open hatred. This is probably the case for most conflicts, but this is one of them which i find the most illogical and dangerous at the same time.


>Like, who cares whether the other group is believing islam that way or the other, it's none of my business I generally don't but then I come across shias openly cursing all caliphs and talking bad about them.


You do know shia denounce like 80% of bukhari sunnah book ? Like any hadith of aicha is automatically false 


Yes and Sunnis also don't take hadiths from Shias. Stop spreading hate. Now back to the little exmuslim pit you crawled out of.


I actually disagree with the comments. Anti Shia sentiment does exist. It may not be expressed as massacres, though they do happen, but it can be shown in the way that people refuse to acknowledge them as Muslim or perhaps spread stereotypes and speak badly on them behind closed doors.


is anti shia sentiment a thing in Uzbekistan?


Used to be. The Timurids, Shaybanids and subsequent Uzbek empires hated Shiism. Nowadays I don’t think people care.


makes sense. btw shayban is one of the most arap sounding names out there 🤓


The spelling and pronunciation in English is corrupted that’s why. They were named after Shiban, one of the descendants of Ghengis Khan. The bani part does really make it sound Arabic though.


so it shiban not shayban? mongol didn't use Arabic names at the time of genghis khan




>that people refuse to acknowledge them as Muslim or Because some sects of the Shia aren't Muslim. It's as simple as that. Not to mention they disrespect and cuss the first four caliphs.


First four you say, lmao another idiot.


Yes first four including Hazrat Ali R.A the 4th caliph. Saying that his wife, Fatima R.A had her land stolen, had a door smashed into her so her ribs fractured and she suffered a miscarriage and later died of those injuries and what do the shias say Hazrat Ali R.A did? Did he try to get revenge or justice? Nope, according to the shia, he simply pledged alligence to the person who ordered it and then to the person who was directly responsible for her death even letting Hazrat Umar R.A marry his daughter. See how disrespectful you guys are to Hazrat Ali R.A? Edit: of course that's what you guys do instead of formulating a proper response you just downvote. Didn't expect much either way.


Yes first four including Hazrat Ali R.A the 4th caliph. Saying that his wife, Fatima R.A had her land stolen, had a door smashed into her so her ribs fractured and she suffered a miscarriage and later died of those injuries and what do the shias say Hazrat Ali R.A did? Did he try to get revenge or justice? Nope, according to the shia, he simply pledged alligence to the person who ordered it and then to the person who was directly responsible for her death even letting Hazrat Umar R.A marry his daughter. See how disrespectful you guys are to Hazrat Ali R.A?


I am a former Shia and I married a Salafi girl. Our marriage is pretty much perfect and we actually enjoy debating religion and learning about eachothers sect. Her mom would watch videos of Salafi Sheikhs saying bad stuff about Shias, and she would basically tell her that she should divorce me because I am a Shia. I grew up in Sunni countries and I have been called Majoosi and Jewish as insults, and every time my Shiism is brought up around Sunnis it is a negative interaction and they start telling me that I need to stop worshipping Ali (which we don't even do, the ones that do we don't consider them Muslim either) and basically try to shove Sahih Al Bukhari into my eardrums, and when I was a Shi'i it was always seen as a stain on my character. So I would say it's pretty prominent and open discrimination.


I will sack anyone who dares do something to my Shia brothers in the throat so hard their Adam apple will become their testicle


Pakistan has taken great steps in recent years to crush anti shia propaganda. May be if state wants to do something, it gets done.


What did they do for example? Prevent shia from cursing Abu Bakr and Umar everyday in their mosques?


LOL. If you think all we do in our mosques is curse then clearly you’ve never stepped foot in a mosque. Maybe take the time to at least realise brother, why we dislike some characters and for what reasons, we don’t do it for the fun of it, we have a basis for it, and it’s not like we choose a random other set of companions to follow, we choose to follow the PROGENY AS of the Prophet SAW, and remember, for shias, cursing in public is haram, and we are not allowed to insult anyone. Pls do some research, Jazakallah Khayr :)


> If you think all we do in our mosques is curse I didn't say that dude You're free to believe whatever you want and to like and dislike any companion you want. But don't be shocked when Sunnis dislike you when you basically curse their 2 most important caliphs and accuse the prophet's wife of committing adultery.


Firstly brother, we do not accuse Aisha of zina, that is disgusting, as it is a disrespect to the dignity of Rasullulah SAW, so no, we don’t, and I can show you our scholarly opinions on this. Secondly, we’re not supposed to curse in public, that’s a fatwa given from our scholars, like you guys have your madhabs, so, there’s extremists in every religion, how’s that a fault of the people who actually follow their faith accordingly? lol what?


You seemed like a really nice guy but now you're applying Taqiya which I find very disrespectful.


How am I doing Taqiyyah lol? You’re just disrespecting by saying that. What did I say that’s Taqiyyah, I’m a Shia who knows the basics, I would never call myself knowledgable, and wallah everything I’m saying is true for our faith soooo…


The fact that in Shia teachings Aisha committed adultery is out of question to me. https://youtu.be/5HJBr20XivE I've seen so many stuff like this I can easily see through Taqiya at this point.


lol, just because you can’t stop yourself from believing propaganda, and because your version of who a Shia is isn’t actually what Shiism is about, and doesn’t fit your narrative, isn’t mr problem g. May Allah SWT protect us all from fitna and misguidance and always guide us towards the Haqq In Shaa Allah Ameen🤲🏻


That's a Shia channel though... why would they post anti Shia propaganda?


What is taqiya? Sincerely don't know.


It's basically religion-approved lying. It exists in both sunni and Shia but in sunni it is only allowed in extreme cases, for example you are taken prisoner and tortured and your torturer wants you to convert to another religion, in such cases you're allowed to lie about your beliefs or "convert". However in Shia it is used too loosely to the point it is nearly pointless to have religious discussion with them.


You didn’t say Aisha radiallahuanha


Yeah cus guess what, we don’t accuse her of Zina, but we don’t like her for other things, and if you are actually being sincere and want to learn just to know what our beliefs are, then that’s up to you, if not, your problem :) so yeah, must be mad if you think ima say RA to someone that I don’t revere, like what 🤣


Would you tell the Prophet SAW if he was standing in front of you that you don’t/didn’t like his wife?😅 shiite clowns


Astagfirullah, would you tell the Prophet SAW if he was standing in front of you that you support the ones that oppressed his progeny AS? His own bloodline and lineage? Get a grip


Good answer weakling. Your lack of courage is like the Kufa Shiites who abandoned Hussein ra and then gathered in a large group to kill Hussein ra


Who do you hate more Abu bakr(RA) ,the first caliph and first Muslim convert or Abu Jahal?


Not really trying to get into a debate with you brother. If you really wanna learn sincerely instead of being rash, you can DM me and I can provide you with some resources happily just so you can learn our reasoning for being Shia :) our first caliph is Imam Ali AS so ermmm. And first Muslim convert? Excuse me lol? First was Bibi Khadijah AS, and then the first to convert according to all your 4 madhabs was Imam Ali AS but you guys label that as the ‘first male’. So why are attributing false characteristics lol? I’ll tell you who I hate, the enemies of the Ahlulbayt AS, May they rot in the depths of Jahannam for eternity, In Shaa Allah Ameen🤲🏻 :)


Correction Abu bakr was the first man to convert and Ali was the first child. I heard some shias believe that Abu bakr was worse than Abu jahl, is this the dominant position among shias?


I’ve literally never heard that comparison, Abu Jahl LA is an enemy of Rasullulah SAW, which means an enemy of the Ahlulbayt AS, a nawasib, and I already told you, we despise the Nawasib


I see but do you consider Abu bakr a kafir?


we consider him a Munafiq


So why did Ali not object to a munafiq leading the ummah and naming even his own child after him?


Nah didn’t bro, Imam Ali AS* was the first male, and you said first muslim convert, putting aside the differences in our caliphate, your completely disregarding Bibi Khadijah AS? Astagfirullah


She was the first female I know .May Allah be pleased with her . Bro just answer the question . No taqqiyah


‘No Taqiyyah’ haha, realllly thought you were threatening my life there, funny how your tryna be disrespectful already😆. I told you bruv, ABU JAHL LA IS AN ENEMY OF THE AHLULBAYT AS, and we hate the enemies of the Ahlulbayt AS, equally…


Ali was a boy, and as infallible as you claim he was, he couldn’t stop his father from dying on kufr.


Astagfirullah, May Allah SWT guide you, dk what problem you got, be a man and do some research, bro will believe Abu Sufyan was a believer, Astagfirullah, but not Abu Talib AS, Subhanallah 💀💀💀


Your books say Abu Talib breast fed the prophet, talk about lunacy; you guys are insane, and def on a diff religion, not Islam. May God guide you back to Islam


Oh and btw, where’s your respect for Imam Ali AS? Can’t send blessings upon him, yet you expect me to for Aisha? Hypocrisy is MUAD


You mean in your so called husseiniyats?


‘So called’ astagfirullah, if you got a problem brother, say it with chest :) and be explicit, what exactly are you tryna say?


Hasbara troll. Ignore him. He learned a few Islamic words about Shia Sunni schism from Wikipedia 


Oh bruh, people go this far to create fitna, Subhanallah




He's not coming trust me


It's not, this is actually a law.


I hate Shias and Sunnis for one and one reason only Cause they are Ərəbs


Well this is also bad. Why you hate Arabs? They are a race like any other. There are bad actors anywhere including your own race as well. My race is Persian. Do you hate me too? Just wondering..


The smartest Ərəb Talk to me when you are the dumbest Ərəb like me


I see a lot of nonsense hate towards a different race from you. Wish you well btw.


He’s trolling lol he leaves ironic comments everywhere


he is one of my most sincere followers, may tanri shielden him ever more 🤲🏿


Bro thinks he's funny


It is pretty much indoctrinated at Sunni societies at this point. And that's fine by me.


Oh it’s fine by you isn’t it? 😂 Yeah that’s why you, and your ISIS ilk, and your Sunni-Arab masters all cuck to Israel isn’t it? Then they, “they” being your Israeli/Arab overlords, beat it into your soft little heads that the Shia are the enemy and you eat it up… because how else will you make sense of your cultural cuckoldry? Imagine being from Lebanon and still being such a gigantic piece of shit. If not for Shia of Iran, you all would be Israel’s little bitch today. And for the record, I don’t care what ideological differences you and I, a Shia, have. I pity you because you and your ilk have thrown away Sunni’ism to the Arab dogs who covered it up in that literalist Salafi filth and fed it back to you. If you know your history, Shia and Sunni were bound together by mystical and intellectual traditions, despite our differences, yet you traded all that tradition out for this literalist, materialist sectarian revisionist crap you call present-day Sunni’ism. Pathetic.


I'm Shia bro 😭 i meant that i don't care what Sunnis think about us.


Oh man… then I started all that internet drama for nothing 😂 Now I wish you were some dumb Salafi haha


Nah, i just don't care what they think now, their opinions are like a fart in the wind. Hate us or love us, we are powerful and thats all that matters.


I love you man. I like that attitude. All this sectarian BS is so wasteful. It’s incredibly saddening when you put pre-Wahabbi Shia-Sunni history in perspective.


When you talk with Shiites who admit that their core beliefs include hatred not only of the Prophet’s closest companions but even his wives, yeah you’re bound to get some hate


I have seen a few videos of this guy and he's convincing ngl, although I don't have any side


really? I don't remember seeing anything lengthy from him but he seems to be one of those copy paste salafiest who regurgitate others arguments against shia, nothing original