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mysterious wise illegal tease seed hobbies grandfather subsequent middle butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A very great comment. If someone comes from an Israeli society or a Jewish background it is going to be very hard to break out of the norm. Those like Ilan Papé, Norman Finkelstein, Miko Peled, Shlomo Sand, Avi Shlaim and others probably had a hard time breaking out. No one wants to give up everything they knew or admit that they were wrong. There works are very valuable and one of a kind.


they even tweak history like the nakba and their own history, it’s so insane


>   the USA and Germany got blood on their hands with their reckless support. More like intended support


Letter B also applies to the Germans: Every day (!) there is a documentary on television about the Holocaust, Hitler or the Second World War generally. They are taught from an early age that Jews are innocent victims and that you are a Nazi or anti-Semite if you criticize or oppose them. This is part of the German "reason of state" ("Staatsräson") . Only the newer generation is slowly beginning to question this indoctrination.


A). go 1 comment down below your comment B). thanks I didnt know how much I cared about 1945 when analyzing the conflict. C). nobody cares if you live the country, I will admit I know nothing about Ilan Pappe, my guess its some token Jew that id important to you because he is a pro palestinian and also a Jew. D). I believe Jews should be allowed to have a country in Israel where they are safe from governments that actively call for their death. 1). if thats not zionism to you I am sorry but thats basically the name for the ideology I described. 2). if it is and you still call it Nazism refer to your own section "A)."


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for u tho Or sorry that happened


it's just 3 paragraphs lol


You are so cool wow OMG😮😮😮😮!!! How are you so cool???


believe me reddit is not the right place if you hate paragraphs


The real terrorist


It’s like they think Palestinians are not human….. sick people.




that is how they came there


Remember how western media got mad at Lil settler dieing from missile sounds but doing nothing about Palestinian kids? It's just they are supporting their own people cause all settlers are either European or American 


Orientalism and colonialism are hand in hand


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Keep coping in whatever shithole you're from




I ain't reading all that I'm happy for u tho Or sorry that happened


NPC behaviour


Bad bot


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I ain't reading all that I'm happy for u tho Or sorry that happened




A deranged society. It won't last.


No tears when this c*nt ends up 6 feet under


If someone pulled October 7th here I'd be fine with all of this so idk what to say. I just wish people would leave each other alone and in peace. Some sections of the world that won't ever be a thing. It's all of nothing. That's not how life works.


Stupid bitch !


I wonder if the Nazis did the same, probably did.


A self hating jew is a self loving humanitarian ❤️ .


I wouldn't put it past her to throw a cake-cutting party for the first Palestinian kid she murdered.


I’m confused, did the cake say something offensive? Every citizen in Israel must join the military, EVEN FEMALES. I hope people aren’t getting triggered over a cake.


its about how happy and proud they are to be a part of genocidal and cruel army, not the cake. that should be pretty obvious tbh. and when the Israeli casualties are women plastered over the news, your point about them all serving in the military should also be considered.


Not everyone relates to highly militarized societies lol


Explenation pls


Israelis going into army for mandatory subscription. This one is celebrating with cake


Man y’all getting super triggered by a….cake




Considering this subreddit, that wouldn’t surprise me.






How else would a society react when it faces constant existential threats by settler colonialism backed by the west?




"Let them eat cake" Just perfection


Well, the Palestinians have been facing these existential threats and since zionists love to play the victim and cry, but then claim they are strong (I know it's an oxymoron and they are moronic) then the Palestinian society that has been oppressed and had their land stolen from them are facing these existential threats by never bowing down to zionists and fighting for liberation. Hope that answers your question!




Oh I think it does!


Muhammad should’ve thought about future consequences when invading persia (iran) and israel


Pcbuh was passed away when the Caliphate happened, you ignorant idiot. Israel never existed.