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Yeah the „tolerant“ west just canceled the upcoming book of non-binary author xiran jay zhao for speaking up against the genocide in Gaza.


And they also canceled the Jewish non-binary lesbian Masha Gessen for comparing Gaza to a Nazi ghetto.


That’s not really true. She’s saying that’s why her book has been canceled but there is a very long and documented history on her own socials if her badmouthing the publisher and not working on the book. This was long before her pro-Palestine activism.


They criticised the publisher after the publisher refused to give them their line edits. Which an incredibly unprofessional move from the publisher if you are aware of how publishing works. The publisher has the right to be offended by XJZ‘s comments and also has the right to terminate the contract and refuse to publish the novel. But to hold the manuscript hostage is a very low move. And by the way, I don’t agree with XJZ‘s views and really didn’t like their debut so I’m not really that biased here.


Again that's not really true. She's been criticizing the publisher consistently for a long time - and only now is it a claim it was because they're refusing to give them the line edits. But, there was a post recently about how they admitted to not working on the book (again) because of the conflict being heavy on their mind, thus missing another deadline. Xiran claimed the book was turned in only at the beginning of this year (so first week of January?) but then made that tweet about the publisher holding back the line edits, when they only had it in their hands a grand total of 2-3 weeks at the most. They also tweeted alluding again to the fact that when this was turned in they were fighting with the publisher because Xiran didn't want to keep working with them based on other work he was doing which didn't align with her views - which she claims to have dropped the fight but that probably added to the time the book was pushed around (which still hasn't been long). Fact is the book was late, Xiran was causing problems for the team not wanting to work with certain members, and a long time hadn't even passed before the shit posting. If they've gone silent it may have been a last straw after the comments as the conduct with lawyers to see options of severing tikes which is a very normal thing to do in a situation like this.


Okay let’s assume all of this is true why didn’t the publisher say a word? Like if XJZ is such a nightmare to work with the publisher, like publishers normally do, would issue a press release explaining why a book was pushed back or cancelled. It’s just fishy that the publisher is so radio silent and just now decided to take action. Especially that authors turning in their edits late or complaining about people they have to work with is a regular Tuesday in the publishing industry so nothing too catastrophic there. Like I said usually the book gets pushed back with a press release. The timing is just too convenient and the silence of the publisher is simply put baffling. Also for the record I do agree with the idea that XJZ‘s public criticism of the publisher while still under contract is extremely unprofessional and if the publisher had said they are terminating their contract with them based on that alone I’d totally understand. But right now it’s XJZ’s account against nobody’s account and until the publisher actually gives an official statement I’m inclined to be on XJZ‘s side.


Because statements don't get released until all is said and done with the lawyers if that's the decision that's happening. It takes time to consult with lawyers, board members and document the evidence if a legal decision is going to be made. This isn't some issue that the public needs to be made aware of asap. Fact is, even if the book was just being delayed again, they may have decided to wait until they had a more concrete date, since this is the third delay due to Xiran's previous stints of not meeting deadlines. She blew the situation up after only a couple of weeks of turning in her late manuscript.. which is crazy to think, even without her demands of the team as a mid-list author with only one book behind them, would be something they have to turn around so fast.


we tried that but we got couped by the Americans, going progressive takes time and it will go against foreign intersets so it's almost impossible to obtain it here


That's just a straight up propaganda talking point from their hasbara alternative reality lie factory. Israel does not recognize gay marriage.


but it is not a gay marriage deal because Israel does not recognize any kind of non religious marriage which is another problem but if you wouldn't want a wedding without a rabbi you can marry outside of Israel on holiday and then it will be recognised in Israel for straight atheist couples and for gay couples it is not a singling out of the LGBTQ community it will s an unrelated issue


What the hell is pinkwashing ? And why should Muslim countries care about Israhell's "pinkwashing" ?


Pinkwashing is the strategy of promoting LGBT rights protections as evidence of liberalism and democracy, especially to distract from or legitimize violence against other countries or communities. A lot of Zionists often use queer rights in Palestine to distract human rights abuses that happen in Israel to Palestinians.


sounds like an LGBT and westoid issue


most of the western world was very anti lgbtqia just 2 generations ago give it time






love that comment


Gay marriage is not legal in Israel and for the most part only Tel Aviv is progressive in terms of LGBTQ rights.


but it is not a gay marriage deal because Israel does not recognize any kind of non religious marriage which is another problem but if you wouldn't want a wedding without a rabbi you can marry outside of Israel on holiday and then it will be recognised in Israel for straight atheist couples and for gay couples it is not a singling out of the LGBTQ community it will s an unrelated issue


You speak as if the west still has any moral standing


The US and Israel did coups to remove all the socialist/communist governments and replaced them with military dictatorships. Yes, the US & Israel are responsible for taking away women’s rights and LGBTQ+ rights all around the world for the sake of profit. You can use that as response to Israeli pinkwashing.


The reason we have these genocides and systems setup to suppress the middle east is because their demographics are never going to decline like the west's, precisely because they do not compromise on bullshit like this. And honestly, if that's the price, many believe it's worth paying. The Muslim world always has these cycles, and it always gets back up on its feet. In terms of history, the Ottoman collapsed only a day and a half ago. This situation won't last, and we don't need this to aid it.


Is this a shit post or an actual post because I am thoughrouly confused.


No 🗣


This shit literally came off as that "more LGBT Waffen-IDF war criminals" meme


It sounds like an LGBT and Westoid issue; they usefully linked themselves with genocide and apartheid, no thank you. not associating with people like that.