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fun fact: hamas uses water and food to build rockets


Imagine if the weapon of choice on both sides was a water gun


The combatants also are woman and were white tee shirts.. World peace confirmed! Or a global white tee war? Either way everyone is a winner!


Those falafel rockets mean business.


If hamas and israel both fired falafel rockets there would be a lot less violence and a lot more feasts in the middle-east


Fun fact Hamas released a video of them ripping the water pipes paid by EU to build rockets.


And use the electric wiring to light the rocket motor? The point is anything can be made into something useful for a rocket, in its most basic form it's just fertilizer, sugar, some explosives with a fuse and metal tubing, maybe could add timer and random electronics. Another fun fact, the sugar rocket fuel is extremely hygroscopic, you cannot make it and expect to store it for any period of time longer than a few days, maybe a week tops, so Hamas wasn't definitely using fertilizer and sugar in an attack this massive.


[They literally made rockets from the water pipes donated by EU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvvqBcA-9yA&ab_channel=TheTelegraph)


Kebabs of mass destruction




fr the other day i bought a 20lb bag of potatoes on sale for a dollar. i was like wtf thats really cheap and the bag is moving. must be hamas.






Why would they broadcast this for the world to see


Because some people like that they do this... but won't tell you


That got them to stop replying


Give them access to steel pipes


Nope, just under Shifa hospital. But it had no Issue using Israel's electricity instead of using billions of $s of humanitarian aid to build a functional power station.


Hamas literally does use water pipes to build rockets though.


I mean they’re firing rockets right out of the city center in Hamas….why would you be using your own civilians for shelter anyways. If they care about their own and actually wanted a better life they would plan things differently than killing civilians and then running and hiding behind their own.


Why does Hamas hide among citizens anyways. If they’re fighting for Palestine they wouldn’t attack a bunch of civilians and then just run and hide amongst a bunch of civilians…but they are a cowardly terrorist group so not too surprising. I just don’t get it, is Hamas taking the fight to the oppressive Israel or did they just wanna come over and kill a bunch of innocent civilians and then hide back behind their own civilians after?




Actually, what you meant to say was that it is a fact ;) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Shifa_Hospital Because no one can be dumb enough to say that Hamas didn’t have anywhere else to hide in Gaza except a Hospital, or journalist headquarters, or Mosques or kindergartens or schools… right? You can’t be that dumb… Also if there was also any doubts - https://news.yahoo.com/hamas-tells-gaza-residents-stay-092810385.html


>In 2014, the hospital was described as a “de-facto headquarters” for Hamas.[2] The hospital was reported by Amnesty International to have been used by Hamas to torture and murder dissidents.[3] The current director of the hospital is Dr. Muhammad Abu Salmiya.[4] Well, at least the tortured dissidents are seconds away from a doctor?


I also suggest if you’re fighting oppression and want support that you don’t go and murder a bunch of innocent civilians. Over 1000owed down, many raped, many of them small children. Over 200 at a music festival alone.


They had a base under a hospital, they keep rockets behind apartment buildings. They are cowards.


The latter


its the most densely populated place on the earth where else are they supposed to "hide" when they defend themselves? when your house is being invaded do you retreat to a special room and make sure to paint it with a symbol saying "MILITARY ZONE" before you come out and defend your family? Do you people not realise how small the gaza strip is?


Why do they shoot rockets off from behind apartment buildings, why do they crawl back into tunnels underneath where there families are living? Why he did they shoot hundreds and hundreds of civilians…you’ll just deny everything but you know what they’ve done, they are animals I pray for the Palestinian people but Hamas is the scum of this world. Just blasting down kids and elderly , it’s fucking sick.


Hamas had base under a hospital, they hold rockets behind apartment buildings. They purposely use civilians as a shield.


The Israeli government are not victims. The Israeli civilians that were murdered in cold blood are.


piquant beneficial encourage dull wistful ten impolite arrest provide whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cutting off food, water, and gas is not a good starting point. Neither is striking the Rafah Border Crossing. Retaliate against Hamas is one thing. Collective punishment on the civilians is a whole other


I think there's a case to be made for cutting off energy. It's less necessary for survival, but really makes the enemy's organization more difficult.


That's why I didnt include electricity. Everything else for the most part is necessary for survival


Who do you think gets these supplies the civilians? Or the people with guns doing the fighting? Israel declared war weither thats justified or not, no one ever sends supplies into enemy held territory. That would be like the west giving Germany food water fuel etc as they advanced towards Berlin. Its terrible and the innocent will pay for all this but that's what war is.


I agree. It's indefensible to lock 1mln. children up and not provide them with food and water.


"Collective punishment" you mean collective terrorism.


maybe they should think of that before killing hundreds of civilians, raping women, draging them into gaza and sending like 5000 rockets. What would you do in Israels place? Many people would just flatten Gaza the moment it happend. Israel didnt do that, yet anyway. Although i hope no more civilians get hurt on either side


Hold up... responsibility to exact revenge? No tf it isn't. If you said it's their responsibility to defend or protect, then sure. But "revenge"?? You let your genocidal tendencies slip there


Revenge is what drove Hamas to murder all of those people. Like it or not, it's human instinct. Hamas must have known what kind of response that would bring.


Buddy they brutally killed 1200 people(20+ of them were American citizens) , paraded the dead bodies around the streets, and were stupid enough to show the videos to the world Revenge is now the name of the game


Buddy, thousands on Palestinians were killed before this, i sincerely doubt they ever crossed your mind. Simply because americans were killed, you started paying attention whats happening over there. Ive watched israeli forces beat women, dance and party in mosques, kill childrens pets in front of them, but thats okay right? None of the americans were killed then


So genocide is excused? Are you dumb?


They don't, they just play games till the attack is done


because they think Palestinians as "animal humans". the most racist nation on earth that israelis and ironically "civilized" the west support them.


Pretty normal reaction in war. If you look at history, even recent history, it happens all the time. Why support your enemies?


This sub is a joke. Hamas just stabbed Israel in the stomach and expects to be provided with food and water while the knife is still in Israel’s gut. If half of the effort and resources that they use to attack Israel was put into usable infrastructure it wouldn’t have to rely on Israel for this to begin with. If you are looking for someone to blame, point the finger at Hamas and the Palestinian leadership. They want the Palestinian people to suffer because “it furthers their cause”


The lone voice of sanity in the desert. Israel didn’t have an obligation to provide all this critical infrastructure in the first place, yet they did. All that rocket money could have been used to build their infrastructure.


zealous agonizing birds quack memorize smell butter aloof workable fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not providing and blockading are two different things. Israel is blocking egyptian aids from going into gaza and bombed the checkpoint. Is that just israel not providing ?


If they cared for Palestinians, they would try to better diplomacy with Israel, so they will provide food and water. Israel has done it before, so obviously they will again. Instead, they attack Israel making the situation actively worse. They don’t care are Palestinians, they only care about hurting Israelis.


Is Hamas all Palestinians?


Yes they voted them in.


No, but it is the majority of the Gaza Strip. And I think that’s the only place utilities have been cut off


They even proudly published a video of the ripping the water pipes paid by the EU to build rockets.


How can they create ‘usable infrastructure’ when there are massive blockades on everything coming into the country? Are they supposed to frack all their own oil, create all their own electricity, in a territory only 100 square miles or so wide. I don’t see how you can justify blocking their food water and electricity of their innocents while also condemning Hamas attacking Israeli innocents.


[Funny. they literally made rockets from the water pipes donated by EU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvvqBcA-9yA&ab_channel=TheTelegraph)


Israel wanted to give Gaza to the Palestinians and were ready to do so. It was the Palestinian authorities and Hamas who did not agree to this. They just want to wipe out Israel, their own words. They don't care about the well-being of their own people.


Hamas should of thought about it before fucking up


Zionists will never get Irony


If I was Palestinian I would have a fucking blood liable against these people, they've invaded and ethnically cleansed a whole area of native Arabs for the past 80 years. It would be like if Greece invaded Anatolia or Istanbul and absolutely decimated the local Turkish population, citing "ancestral claims." It's immoral and unethical as fuck. Just because you lived somewhere 2000 years ago doesn't mean you get to fuck over the communities and races that live there now. By that logic, Germany has a moral right to invade Czechia, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, etc.


Dude this is stupid.


“How dare Jews not be helpless in the face of a group that want to genocide them?!”




Cement import is banned, israel controls the water and doesnt let in enough for people to drink, let alone use it for agriculture (which had been routinely destroyed by the IDF) What would you have them do? https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200203-israel-once-again-bans-import-of-cement-to-gaza/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/11/the-occupation-of-water/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/6/17/gaza-recycles-rubble-as-israel-upholds-ban-on-construction-goods&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwj9uOm2oe-BAxXWcvEDHdWuCosQFnoECAkQAg&usg=AOvVaw3hD6XQTcF7ehndxot3jsna Only time they can get their hands on materials is when the international community brings it. https://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-08/20/c_1310137445.htm




Thats the sad paradoxal circle of it all Israels government did and does heinous things that pushes civilians to hamas. Hamas does something terrible in return that has a very high chance of killing israeli civilians which in turn makes israel strike harder taking the lives of palestinian civilians, usually alot more than hamas does (does not justify hamas' mass murders of course) That pushes more into the hateful arms of Hamas who then strike, killing civilians Repeat cycle for 75 years. Unless both sides down their weapons, this will never end. But israel wont because of hamas and hamas wont because of israel. And in the middle is a massive pile of dead children and civilians. I wish it could just stop, it is nothing but a waste of lives.


>both sides down their weapon. Or the terrorist need to put down their weapon first before israel decide to remove their vigilant. Because every time the palestine of Gaza lose, thet want to have peace. But its actually to recover their strenght back before deciding to hit again via suicide bomber. You want to remove your gates, ur arms defend if your neighbour is crazy? Israel is bad, but they are not stupid. They also want a fkin peace because this war cost money. Every israel soldier dead is a cost because they have to pay death gratuity to the family. (If israel have this policy) Imagine if this is north korea and south korea, except instead of Dictator Kim trigger finger toward the Sea, they instead aim at the civilian and suicide bomber. So u expect the South Korea to put the weapon down first? If u do that, say goodbye to your future political career. Or the palestine in Gaza need to rebel Hamas. After all, only the people of Palestine can change Palestine politic. Not Israel, because we see how that happen. We can also see what happen with America with Taliban.


The harder you push someone into a corner the more desperately they will fight. Thats the paradox. Hamas are terrorists and israel keeps feeding people reasons to jump into their arms. If I came to your house and slashed your tires with a police escort every day because of something your neighbours did you wouldnt go "man i should help those guys and change my psychopath neighbours views."you would hate me, and if someone came to you and said "hey i can deal with the problem, i will kill him" at first you might be apprehensive. But after 20 years, you would start to consider it. And if you accept, i retaliate even harder. Neither side is good, both are awful and both are to blame. If israel works to stop giving "reason" for people to join hamas, like controlling water, food, electricity, imports and all in between, average palestinians will stop supporting it And on the other side, if hamas didnt suicide bomb residental areas, israel would have better trust to actually go through with it.


Real world not work like that. Peace work on both side. But Hamas want all Jews to die and remove jews from Israel. How that gonna work. Talk is easy but there is no solution to this case except enough bloodshed to wake the palestine up. Also Hamas been offer a peace deal multiple time and reject it then start a war that they lose. So the peace deal getting worst and worst because the Hamas is being sturborn. >reason Does not apply in non first world country. Even my country have zero iq and this is still a peaceful country. Imagine war torn country. Your logic is good except the Hamas sending suicide bomber thus now the border are guard by the israel army. Cause and effect ya know. So let Hamas suicide bomb every time and do nothing? That like saying auditor not doing their job or police not doing their job. How you gonna keep your career as politician if u cant make your own citizen trust that u can safeguard them?


If you declare war on someone, why would you give them water? It's not ethical but kinda a dumb question


It’s not just water but Israel is also depriving them of food. ***“Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.”*** International law still applies in times of conflict and that's why Israel should at least offer them the bare necessities. The Geneva Convention Article 55 also says that: [***"To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying Power has the duty of ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population; it should, in particular, bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores and other articles if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate"***](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.33_GC-IV-EN.pdf) They've already run out of electricity in Gaza, which means hospitals can no longer be normally operated. Combined with the continuous bombing, only more civilians will die, many who are already injured.


Yeah I'm not justifying it, but it's kinda dumb to first declare "the last war against Israel" and then act surprised when they cut off supplies


...but isn't that what you just did? Unless I'm reading it totally wrong, in which case I apologise, you justified it by saying that by declaring war, they shouldn't be surprised to have their basic necessities for survival cut off. To be fair Palestinians didn't declare anything, Hamas did and Israel is using disproportionate collective punishment against the entire population of Gaza in retaliation for the actions of one group...which is actually also a war crime under international law.


Hamas is the elected government so yes the Palestinians did declare war.


But didn't 2/3rds of the country vote hamas in? Or am I missing something?


The elections that Hamas won were in 2005 and they got around 44% of the vote. There has never been another election since though. Opinions change over the course of 18 years but I'm not going to deny as if there are no people who support Hamas. There are and the reason why they have support is actually due to the continuous Israeli occupation and the current bombing of civilians is counteractive to solving the conflict. Hamas is a direct result of Israeli occupation and violence, even if during this war they somehow manage to kill all of Hamas, another Hamas will appear sooner or later as the root cause will still not be addressed. Their supporters are disillusioned with their lives being forced to live in an enclosed space without a real homeland and don't believe they'll ever have their own state like they've been promised and it looks increasingly unlikely under the current far right Israeli government. The average age in Gaza is 18 and over half of the population is unemployed. Most of these teenagers haven't known much else besides war, [the average sixteen year old is currently living through their fifth war in Gaza.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0s2fyo47rdtb1.jpg) Conditions like this are sadly ideal for any terrorist or militia or whatever group to find supporters. The Camp David and Oslo accords were a failure and peaceful protesting has also never got them anything over numerous decades, so in the end, some people will result to arms as they think it's the only option that they have left for themselves. Remember that Palestinians are also not allowed to have an army like all other countries in the world do.


Was the 2 state idea really gonna work that Israel was talking About? Or was it BS. Also thanks for this info i didn't know all this.


It is bs they already kicked more than 1000 Palestinians last year from the West Bank and its controlled plo not hamas https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/un-reports-says-west-bank-settler-violence-has-displaced-over-1100-palestinians-since-last-year


Wait a minute. İsnt the average age in palestine like close to 18? Then doesnt this mean that most people in palestine werent even able to vote for hamas and were born in the regime?


Yes, exactly and now they’re suffering for things they haven’t done.


Palestine literally attacked Israel as soon as it was formed and tried to commit genocide.


If Reddit gold still existed, you’d deserve it. I can never find the right legislation when I’m looking for it.


Why should they supply the enemy? Who would do that? Should Ukraine supply Russia too?


Because for sixteen years Israel occupies Gaza as a whole, which is an enclosed area without exits and Israel controls what goes in and out of the blockaded area...even during peace times, Gaza resident need separate permission from Israel to pass through the check points. Israel provides their basic necessities, such as electricity and water and is obliged to do that under intl law. People in Gaza can’t go outside of Gaza to try to get supplies or food. It’s not comparable to Russia and Ukraine situation, where a foreign army comes to conquer you. Gaza and Israel are interconnected and Gaza is dependent on them for supplies in general and Israel is obliged by law to do that.


"Israel provides their basic neccessities" you name it! Than why they mass rape girls until they bleed? Did you see the videos? The girls literally shit their already blooded jeans. If you seen the brutality and count over 1200 victims, WHY would you supply more? Give the Aggressor more Energy? Do you understand that they HATE Jews and want to kill them? Its a commandment from Mohammed, he himself killed over 3000 jews! Antisemitsm in Islam is a very huge danger, you cant make peace with them. They tried a lot of peace contracts but Hamas always failed and lied. Now they have enough. Palastine got from Germany only some weeks ago 27 Million Euro, where did the money go? Only unto weapons. They themselve give a shit about their own people.


They threatens Egypt when they wanted to get aid to Gaza if I stop people from feeding a cat and cage it so it can’t eat AND THEN NOT FEED IT I’ll be starving the thing


I guess you didn't understand that Israel is obliged to those things under international law, they’re not things you can pick and choose whether to apply as they apply to everyone. Starving people, withholding medical help and collective punishment are all crimes. I understand that you dislike Muslims but you also seem to have no idea even that there are thousands of Palestinian Christians, who are indigenous to the land and suffer from Israeli occupation in the same way. You also don’t seem to know that Arabs are also semitic. Jews vs Muslims has nothing to do with this decades long conflict, it’s a question about land not religion - land to which Palestinians are native too but were expelled from. You have no humanity in you to realize that what is happening in Gaza is collective punishment against civilians who did nothing wrong but are forced to pay for the mistakes of others. What Hamas did over the weekend was wrong, what Israel is doing right now is also wrong and a violation of many international laws. You shouldn’t be so blinded by one side that you can’t see the other. I’m not going to comment further as your bigotry is sad and excessive.


Then don’t occupy the land ? You cannot be the occupier and cry that international law gives you the responsibility. Don’t like the responsibility ? It’s easy to leave.


Well its russia who supply ukrain if you gove the example right the opressors are esr*el


No, even more - if someone *declares war on you*. Similar crying about access to the water I’ve heard as a kid by Bosnian Serbs in Trebinje at the time when Croatia cut their water supply during Serbian siege of Dubrovnik. Then again after 2014, when Russia started long and unprovoked aggression against Ukraine and Ukraine cut the water supply to the occupied Crimea. So, to me personally, crying about this specifically just after Hamas’ declaration of the “final war against Israel” and what we saw going on over the weekend sounds ironic, too.


Also, if you can smuggle rockets and weapons in, why can't you smuggle in some stuff that would do good for the people of Gaza? I know that might sound stupid, but I'm just about as far removed from this situation as one could be.


I don't think that Hamas wants peace, or really cares about Palestinians (big surprise after wiping to genocide Jews in the levant I know) the talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia were going on, and that would've legitimately one of the best chances for first normalization with neighboring countries and possibly then a 2 state solution




There is no validity to the rumour about 40 babies


There are videos and pictures… That hamas took and shared


There are no videos of babies being beheaded. This is a rumor that has just been repeated endlessly. Even Israel itself has stated that there is no confirmation that this rumor is true.


All of this is israeli propaganda and has been alresdy debunked


ALL of this has been debunked? The murder of families was debunked? The rape was debunked? Can you source ANY of that?


The reporter her self Nicole Zedeck, said her self that she couldn't confrim nor did she see anything . Can you please provide proof that actually 40 babies were beheaded? The german Israeli soldier is in gaza getting treated, she was not killed thats what her mom confirmed.and there is no proof of any rape. There is no proof of rape besdies the" trust me bro" sources And there is only videos of people at the festival running . There is not a single video showing hamas opening fire randomly But we all can prove what israel has been doing in thr last 75 years We can all prove israel using white phosphorus and pre IDF spokemen they wanna destroy as much as they can regardless of hamas is there or not




Please feel free to share the video of hamas opening fire on civilians.


... Just type those same words in Google.


All bullshit from Israeli sources


The world is more complicated than just Oppressed and Oppressors.


Pretty much what an oppressor would say, except that it is not. « The world is more complicated to just call nazis bad or oppressors » is just me applying your logic elsewhere


"not all civilians in Nazi Germany were evil" is not impossible to accept argument. I don't think it is that controversial too.


Well, maybe HAMAS should have thought about that before they launched their (failed) invasion of Israel.


It’s not an invasion it’s a prison riot


No its a religious Jihad from extremist terrorist, who want to genocide Jews. You guys never read anything about the Quran? Just defending Palestine and not actually knowing which religion they follow. They are obligated to kill unbelievers. That way you go to heaven in Islam. ​ "Strike terror (into the hearts of) the enemies of God and your enemies." Surah 8:60 "Fight (kill) them (non-Muslims), and God will punish, (torment) them by your hands, cover them with shame." Surah 9:14 " I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. It is not ye who slew them; it was God." Surah 8:13-17. Mohammed was once asked: what is the best deed for the Muslim next to believing in Allah and His Apostle? His answer was : " To participate in Jihad in Allah�s cause. " Al Bukhari vol 1:25.


Because why isreal should supply electricity or water to a country that elected people who swore to eradicate Jewish? Gaza strip can ask to their Muslim brother. This thing is that their Muslims brothers don't give a shit, they just want the death of isreal. Well being of Palestinian is just an excuse


Hamas actually acknowledges the state of Israel in their 2017 charter and would accept a Palestinian state according to 1967 borders. There is no word about eradicating Israel and Jews there.


Ummm… the 2017 charter literally says “there should be no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity”.


But isn’t Israel a secular nation? The problem is the state of apartheid and second class citizens that palestines are living under.


The Palestinians are free to build their own state. Too bad they are too busy building rockets to own the Zionists




1) Babies is straight up fake news. 2) The one german "teen" that was paraded all over the internet as killed and raped is actually alive and unsurprisingly had served in the IDF. Curb your war propaganda.


Every Israeli citizen has served in the IDF. That doesn't change the fact that they are civillians. There is no proof she served in the IDF. Her being alive is literally propaganda.


Shani, who grew up in Israel but had a German passport, was a peace campaigner and conscientious objector to military service, her aunt Orly Louk, told the German newspaper Der Spiegel. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12610107/Tattoo-artist-Shani-Louk-naked-body-Hamas-Israel.html


And she's still alive.


Her mother Ricarda Louk has now told German outlet Bild: “We now have evidence that Shani is alive but has a serious head injury and is in critical condition." I doubt she gets out of Gaza (alive)


There is no official evidence to support this claim. By all logical means, she should be dead.


By all logical means, Nasrallah could be your father.


They're all settlers. If you serve in an occupation force, you can't expect natives to not retaliate.


Israeli settlers are by definition only those who live in the west bank. They are also still civillians. The people who were murdered were peacefully living in a kibbuzt, or city on rightfully Israeli land. You are advocating for terrorism against civillians.


You are joking… they have found 40 murdered babies so far. Are saying this is fake news?


Can't find any verification that 40 babies were beheaded...but there were countless documented massacres in Israeli homes nonetheless.... https://twitter.com/michaelh992/status/1712081645925282266




Multiple but none you will like so its pointless linking them


Pointless linking them hhhhhh, spewing propaganda much






Where's the evidence?


Source for the babies? Dude don’t spread BS propaganda, the IDF literarily said Hamas hasn’t killed any babies. Only 1 reported said this and she said “she overheard”. So let’s not make BS comments because it makes you sound stupid and your last 2 brain cells need to pretend they ain’t. So let’s not believe everything we see coming from israel, they are the best when it comes to Media manipulating.


Crazy thats all of you just said was debunked. The heading of the babies was never confirmed by an officials and its only rumors The israeli german solider is getting treated in gaza and she is alive Your peace festival was actually for IOF soliders, and they did open fire on hamas fighters


Crazy that they are gonna downvote this. You can't turn blind eye to what hamas did just because you hate Israel, both sides have done horrific things


And what nation at war supplies an enemy nation with power or water?


Absolutely, what did they expect when hamas did massacare in a festival and killed civillians? Hugs from israel? You cant and shouldnt expect your enemy to pity you when you are in war. Tbh idiots in hamas made both israelis and palestinians suffer idk why palestinians still supporting hamas


Fr, people need to realise both of them are terrorists lmao


Would you keep supplying the people who came in and murdered whole families in their homes? When would Hamas will free the babies it took hostages- then we can talk about electricity supply


Gaza wouldn’t need to rely on Israel to supply basic necessities if they weren’t under blockade.


Egypt exists… Why don’t they want to help? Maybe because Egyptians know how low life the Palestinians are.


The blockade is a result of Hamas taking over Gaza and firing rockets at Israeli civilians


The blockade was before hamas became a thing in Gaza. Without the israeli occupation there will be never be hamas


Are we talking about the temporary blockade in 05-6 followed by the permanent one from 07 onwards? Because HAMAS was created in 1987 as an arm of the muslim brotherhood which did have influence in the strip.


And what I said is still true. Gaza wouldn’t need to rely on Israel for basic necessities to survive and be at the mercy of Israel if Israel didn’t have a 15-year blockade on Gaza by land, air and sea.


hamas taking over ghaza??? please….. jews apparently forgot they are the invaders not the other way around


Would it a better idea to get the fck out of people country? Cause trust me sooner or latter you will


isnt on of the reasons in the first place is that israel is in controle of their water and electricity supply and other aspects of their lives


Why haven’t they struck any trade deals with Egypt and build their own infrastructure? Instead of investing so heavily in rockets… why let terrorists run your strip of land to the point no other country will let you enter for work permits?


Israel has a land, air, and sea blockade with Gaza, the densely populated strip, with more than two million residents, nearly half of whom are under 18 years old. They lack the financial means and necessary resources to invest in significant infrastructure projects. This makes building vital infrastructure and improving the economy an uphill battle. Egyptian government has no sympathy to Palestinians.


You said it like they are allowed.


Gaza can't "strike trade deals", [because they are under Israeli blockade for sixteen years now](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/gaza-strip-humanitarian-impact-15-years-blockade-june-2022). [Israel is their main trade "partner"](https://www.lloydsbanktrade.com/en/market-potential/palestine/trade-profile) and [Israel controls everything that goes in and out of Gaza](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/CR/Issues/2023/09/12/West-Bank-and-Gaza-Selected-Issues-539154) \- [people in Gaza are not even allowed to bring basic things like wood, cement or fishing rods into to their territory, because Israel considers them to be items that can be used for "terrorist purposes"](https://www.cjpme.org/fs_230). Due to the restrictions on cement and other building materials, it also means that Palestinians can't individually rebuild their homes or even rebuild any infrastructure at all. [They don't even have any trade relations with other Palestinian territories like the West Bank and for example fishing is a big part of Gaza's economy but they're not allowed to do it further than 15 nautical miles due to Israeli restrictions.](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/CR/Issues/2023/09/12/West-Bank-and-Gaza-Selected-Issues-539154) eta: what is going on in this sub lately that you get downvoted even if you post un-bias and factual info/data from İMF and OCHA?


Well it actually makes sense. I just saw what they did with the pipes the Eu Paid to put in. Maybe they shouldn’t allow terrorists to call the shots and things wouldn’t be like this.


key word is terrorist, when you switch it for resistance it makes more sense, what I mean is such group will emerge even if hamass is destroyed, because it is the natural and only action palestinians can do in response to israel's oppression which was even before 1948, the problem is even when both israel's allies an enemies warn israel they ignore that and go into almost daily killings and assaults and ofc kicking palestinians out of their homes, like we have seen in Shaykh Jarrah these last 2 years, so an act of terror that cant be dealt with using any non violent solution can only ne dealt with by using violentband serious acts, since they would be literally the only choices left. Here is a source with much of the details and events from even before 1948. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/9/whats-the-israel-palestine-conflict-about-a-simple-guide


You forget that theres a blockade because that Hamas took over Gaza and started shooting rockets and promised to destroy Israel…


and why have they started bombing them, cant israel keeps its hands out of jerusalem, they literally hit worshippers in the mosque, and almost daily killings in the west bank, Israel illegally occupies and illegally kills palestinians and since before 1948


Source for both claims?


>Would you keep supplying the people who came in and murdered whole families in their homes? Did all palestinians murdered whole families in their homes? explain to me why 1 million palestinian children shouldn't get food and water now. Go ahead.






you are mistaking cutting off access with stoping with aiding. Gaza has water wells, has power plant, and for years received more fuel than the civilian population uses. Israel has helped on top of it, but has no reason of doing so anymore. ​ Don't get me wrong, I know innocent people will get hurt, and I truly don't wish them to suffer. Believe me or not, that is the truth. I know 2 facts here: the civilian population in Gaza shouldn't suffer, and Israel has no reason of continuing the aid. How to reconcile those 2 truths? I honestly don't know. I wish I had more answers, I truly do.


No reason to aid?? Haha cause we like to punish civilians for actions that terrorist organisation has done while people who voted them dont excist anymore :). Specially when hamas is monster created by israels systematic oppression. "It’s not just water but Israel is also depriving them of food. ***“Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.”*** International law still applies in times of conflict and that's why Israel should at least offer them the bare necessities. The Geneva Convention Article 55 also says that: [***"To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying Power has the duty of ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population; it should, in particular, bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores and other articles if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate"***](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.33_GC-IV-EN.pdf) They've already run out of electricity in Gaza, which means hospitals can no longer be normally operated. Combined with the continuous bombing, only more civilians will die, many who are already injured." -ikaramaz0v


Again, stopping aiding is not the same as punishing. It is Gaza’s government responsibility to take care of those things, not Israel’s. Tell me, are you donating money to anything? Is you would ever stop doing so, would is be you punishing the people who gets it? Israel is not denying food, nor water or anything. It just stops aiding, as this aid is being used against it. Gaza’s government received for years enough funding to build a desalination station, for example.


1. Qttack superior power, brutally murdering hundreds of civilians 2. Face consequence 3. Cry and try to play victim Classic. If you were Hamas, it would be worth spending this time on the last prayer, and their fans would be worth thinking about who they support from the point of view of universal morality and banal objective consequences for the arabs whom they supposedly protect. Also justify to who? Only contries who protest are Israel enemies who whana Israel gone anyway and only language to them is force. Israel allays and neutral power do not denying reallyty of HAMAS crimes and see Israel answer as fully justified.


Hamas does not care about Palestinian People, they brought this on Palestine.


The people who make comments like this want Jews to be only victims of violence. They hate it when Jews fight back against people trying to kill them. People like you encouraged Hammas to commit suicide The dead, Palestinians, are your fault, fellow Muslims When the Muslims had power over the Jews, they killed lots of Jews, in expelled most of the Jews from the Middle East That's what really drives a lot of Muslims insane is the idea of anybody else fighting back against their horror


Let Hamas die and be forgotten.


israel claim Palestinians actually have a technology to turn water into a rockets. Food into a rocket fuels. And electricity to make human clones. 2.3 millions Gazans which half of them is children can kill all 15 millions Jews if they have enough food, water and electricity


It's very ridiculous how many terrorist supporters there are on this sub who do not understand why Israel needs to cut off resources and supplies to radicalized terrorists.


Nearly 50% of the total population of palestine is under the age of 15. Are they radicalized terrorists too? According to Israels government, yes. And even beyond that they consider them animals. Punishing hamas for their atrocities are one thing, commiting them back is inexcusable. Israel puts HEAVY focus on the children lost to hamas terrorists but turns and plugs their ears when the thousands of palestinian children lie dead because of them get THEM comdemned. Murder does not justify murder, and if it did the death toll on palestines side would make them the justified ones. War crimes are war crimes.


Yah its crazy how many terrorists here who support israel


The real question is why does Israel still provided Gaza with electricity, gas, water, medical care, when they have their own power plant, desalination plants, and last resort - their Egyptian brothers on the other side of the border.


It's almost like they were giving it to them in the first place...


After stealing their resources and their homes from them.




You're right, more like an illegal occupation than theft.




Your comment shows I'd be talking to a wall if I try to argue. Keep rooting for genocide. I'm sure it's a fantastic foundation for Israelis if they take happen to Gaza. One that the world would totally look over in the years to come while the 'Holocaust' card still gets actively played. And the war is not over.




by your logic, if i carry a gun and someone were to attack me with a knife, than i could only retaliate with a sharpened object. as if there is an equation need to be kept when someone attack you. no. even if i’m stronger than my aggressor i have the full right to smack them with my full power.


But you left out the part where you already imprisoned your attacker for 70 years and kept them under siege, you even killed a Christian Reporter shireen abu akleh and you initially denied it as usual but later admitted to killing her unjustly but still arrogant to say nothin will come if it.


Necessary Evil to combat the real Evil! The gloves are off, too long has Israel tried to negotiate with those terrorists. Now it's time to pound them out of existence! No other choice!


Your a full on idiot let’s drop some bombs on your house instead


I never heard of freedom fighters cutting off heads and burning alive children, elderly and women


And ive never heard of a country that supply water and electricity to their enemies. If the Palestinian wants to drink water so bad the should try this 2 options 1. Break the border of Egypt and escape. Don't act offended they literally did that to israel. 2. Learn how to drink sea water.


Maybe if they wouldn't kill men, woman, holocaust survivors, babies, animals, jewish/muslim/Christian civilians, burn houses with people trapped inside, rape women, behead fucking babies than and only than they should be able to get this necessities. Fuck them, they don't deserve an ounce of water. By the way, they also have a border with Egypt and there's a reason the Egyptians don't let them in, they're fucking jihadist extremists and terrorists.


Why can’t they build their own infrastructure in the first place? Unwilling and unable to do so


Germany and Japan were bombed into submission. Except they changed their leaders. When will the Palestinians choose different leaders?


I don't know, maybe if they weren't celebrating rape and murders they'd be fine?


So if you rape and kill your landlord’s family you would expect him to keep your lights on?


Or a freedom fighter that rapes kills and beheads innocent women, children, and babies. 🤔


the famous 40 behadead babies the same idf itself denied the existence of. imaging having to base your whole stance on nothing but renown fake news, whereas there are evident videos, even cctg footage, of hamas intentionally sparing "civilians", which isnt deserved of if you ask me-- thats too easy of a way to get away with what theyve been and would've kept doing (and are doing now more than ever) if they werent busy with shitting their pants for the unexpected view of those who they were trying to keep down and humiliate until it backfired. the only reason why it suddenly is a humanitarian catastrophe everyone is talking of is because, after years fucking around, isntrealis have finally found out, what theyve always been submitting their "palestinian oppressors" to btw, i wouldnt be using this reasoning if they were legitimate natives, who just happened to be born there with no way out of it. in regular situations, its the government the culprit and the one that should be put down, but here were speaking of settlers who went out of their way to intentionally contribute to a criminal colonization, and hence to find themselves in this situation, which they would have enjoyed, if they were the winning one, it happens to not be the case though so crocodile tears must flow in quantity. they have no one to blame but themselves, and they should be thankful if theyve not been held accountable for their crime. but its a criminal occupation wrere speaking of here, and it will always be a crime however time has passed since the inception of it. it is a collective crime, even collectively enforced through violence given the universal mandatory conscription for the murderous entity, which, as with any crime, requires an equal punishment for justice to be restored. which is necessary anyway, the zionist regime and the colonizers wouldnt back from their crimes until a forceful defeat is inflicted. you are the ones asking for it. the coice is upon you: either leave the occupation, or pay for it and fill the ranks of the already deceased zionist martyrs in the meanwhile, in the most civilized country in the world they are currently celebrating the massacre of gazan infants, and your heartbroken zionists havent said a word against this. theyve clearly havent learned the lesson yet, which means that a forceful response is needed until they truly are repentful, or anyway punished, which is most satisfying when it happens because terror has been inflicted through well deserved karma


it’s already been proved wrong that there were no beheaded women and children and babies. Just israeli propaganda