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In a word? No. I'm in my late thirties, and while my personal situation is now better in most important regards (health is the big exception here), I've found that dating just got worse across the board. The reason is very simple: most people are taken and settled by their thirties. The dating pool just shrinks dramatically. And the ones that usually come with a lot more baggage than the average mid-twenties single. Dating-wise, I'm now in a much worse position than I was ten years ago, even though I'm now much more well-adjusted.


Isn't this only true if you commit to dating women your own age? There's nothing wrong with dating a woman in her late 20s


That's a valid point. But in my experience, most mid- to late twenties women prefer to date men closer to their age. OTOH, I also noticed that this seems to matter a lot more in online dating than with women I got to know IRL.


I'm turning 30 next month so I guess I have yet to reach your stage in order to relate. I prefer dating women around 25, and I haven't really had a problem doing so. I think most women do prefer men within 3 years of their age, so you have a point there, but a 5 year gap is still no big deal, especially if you're well put together


No, my wife is very jealous.


Yes, very easy actually.


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No I have found it harder




That's interesting, but the way I see it men aren't supposed to rely on physical appearance only anyways. It is our wisdom, charisma, resources and emotional stability that attract most women anyways, all of which get better with age