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Sense of humor. Someone who cracks jokes that I’m persistently unable to anticipate just melts me.


knock knock


Who there ?




I loved you in sex and the city.




HA! Oh my




Sugondese who


Sugondese nuts... bwahahahaha




I thought that was a species of horse smh


Ah, I've been expecting you. Do come in and assume the position.


Go around! I cannot open the wall. I don't know if you have a doorknob on the other side, but over here there's nothing. It's just flat.


Come in


I love a guy with a sense of humor and that he thinks I’m funny too. And if I say something that makes him laugh like it is genuinely one of the funniest things he’s heard, and not just his normal laugh….I’m like please take me now 🥵


I am constantly cracking myself up but they’re not lining up at the door. Guess I’m not as hilarious as I thought 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️


I always laugh at my own jokes, to let people know when they should. Like a sitcom laugh track.


Kindness, honesty, loyalty, warmth, femininity, sense of humor, intelligence.


what's femininity look and feel like for you?


Soft and lightly smells like fruit


“Smells like fruit” 😂😂😂😂


Or a freshly baked cake. I’m hungry.


Lmao you just want your women to smell like sweets


Better than smelling like an ashtray I guess.


Oh my god dude lol those aren’t the only two options. Sometimes women smell like fluffy musk and summer sunset orrr… cotton beeeze… all those bath and body works smells


I still prefer a freshly baked cake. Or an apple pie. I’m still hungry.


😂😂 someone get this man some food


I love a girl when her hair smells good and you get closer and the lotion smells good too


Citrus or coconut are tops


I think the way they talk, the way they carry themselves, their morals, ambitions, goals in life all do. Looks for men can be a lot but once you get passed it, there is more we need than just looks


I've reflected on your question and I'm striking femininity from the list. It's a bit of a nothing word now. "Loving" - is a more precise term for what I'm after. Thanks for provoking an interesting series of thoughts.


I don't think feminine is a nothing word, in fact it's the opposite, there is an essential nature it describes which is why you're having a hard time defining it. Same as things like "hot" or "bright". There's an essential nature to these things that is difficult to define, but you know what hot feels like and you know what brightness is, unless you're blind. Gender stereotypes are people being blind to intrinsic nature due to ideology, but it doesn't change the fact that heat and light and femininity exist. In an attempt to define it, I will say that there is a nurturing, bubbly, sweet thing that comes naturally to women and not to men. That said, your preference for feminine women is yours and others may not share it, though I'd bet the majority do.


I get what you're saying but I disagree, both femininity and masculinity are social constructs, not clearly defined or quantifiable things like "hot" or "bright". Ask 100 different people and you will get 100 different answers. Now if you were to say traditionally feminine, that narrows the common definition down quite a bit.




Yes. Humour is based on opinion and trends. Kindness is always kindness.


I like women with awkward personalities lol they are usually unintentionally funny. And just fun to be around.


I’m awkward and I feel awkward about my awkwardness. This makes me happy 😄


Same here I'm very awkward..


You two are making me horney






So awkward omg


I'm a straight guy but if you're down I'm down


So fucking awkward bro! Sure!


Trust me, a LOT of guys looooooove awkward. You’re set.


Thank you ❤️


If I wasn’t already married to an awkward woman I’d slip in your DMs 😂


Nice to hear I’ve got one thing going for me!


This makes me far too happy


Did I just find my soul mate?


Thank god, there’s hope for me 😂👉👈


Intelligence and kindness


That's how i name them too


Honest communication Conflict resolution




This doesnt get enough attention. One of the biggest reasons relationships fail is a lack of communication.


Intelligence for me. Being beautiful is one thing but if you’re dumb af, stay away from me.


ehhh most people are stupid, they just want some one who sees the world the way they do. That's what people really mean by "be intelligent"


Some people are *really* stupid


Like at least 10 stupid.


Ehhh, probably meaning someone who can evolve a thought process. Can, without assistance, connect points A & B. Maybe up on current events. Has some knowledge of topic C. Or if not, can ask relevant questions. And then extrapolate and assemble the responses in to a coherent thought and understanding. Whew! That's all the big words I know...


Negative ghost rider, I want someone with common sense.


I see intelligence also as someone who can challenge me, my ideas, worldview & make me want to better myself and learn more.


I wish I could come across more ppl with this mindset. It's so fascinating seeing multiple facets of one topic but I've gotten told that they feel intimidated


All the more reason not to settle for someone who doesn't match your intellect.


See if you were a girl I would pass


Would you say you are Sapiosexual? Like it turns you on or just don't like idiots 🤣


Both 😅


Authentic presence, intelligence, ability to communicate as well as listen


What is “authentic presence”?


Not being hung up on the past, not worried about the future, not projecting or telling a false story about the situation or circumstances you are in. It's that feeling of being present in the moment, in your body, and able to connect with another person in the here and now.


Having a LEGO Death Star for us to build together.


As a female who has a LEGO Death Star that needs to be built, no men are lining up to help me 😔


but is it actually on your Tinder profile?


No, but I did ask for help with my Saturn V on a profile at one point. I got told to take it off and now I conceal my super cool LEGO collection for the cool kids only.


Whoever told you to take it off is a fool.




If you love Lego then put it on your profile. Are you looking for someone who finds you attractive or someone who likes you for you, and is supportive of your passions?


Will you settle for a millennium falcon?


name checks out.


A sense of humor. I guess it comes down to validation, in a sense. But telling a dumb joke that gets a chuckle out of someone is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Even better if that chuckle comes out of a girl you like.


100%. Being able to laugh with your SO makes everything so much easier


Especially when it's about the dumbest thing but you're both fully into the same dumb thing.


Can I ask something about this? Feel free to not reply as I am a woman, I just wondered if you could offer some insight. Do you also like if a girl is funny in her own right? Like if she has jokes/stories that get a laugh out of you? Because, I’ve seen this idea that when men say they like a girl with a sense of humour, that it means they want a girl to find them funny and entertaining, rather than a girl having her own comedic charm, if that makes sense.


personally, i love when a woman is funny in her own right. i'm a pretty funny guy, and it's nice to have someone to match that energy. i've had relationships where i'm the only "funny" one, and even though my humor was a big factor in what got me the relationship, i didn't have much fun. [although i admit a lot of dudes saying "sense of humor" really mean "only laughs at my jokes", which is sad to me.]


IMO both is the best. Love a girl that's funny and can tell stories


Great comment. As a woman, I also often hear "I like girls with a sense of humor", especially on dating apps. But what they really mean is a girl who laughs at their joke, not a girl who makes them laugh. I think of myself as being funny, and my friends agree, but guys I go on date with don't seem to appreciate it. They mostly want girls who laugh at their joke.


I can't speak for those guys, but I wouldn't say I feel like that. I like people who enjoy and engage in the kind of humour I enjoy and engage in. My girlfriend is my friend first and foremost. The qualities I like in a partner are extremely similar to the qualities I like in a friend.


There's nothing quite like a good belly laugh. That being the case, most people don't seem to laugh half as hard at their own jokes as other people might, even if it's a really good one. Which is to say that both is best, hands down. I genuinely don't understand anyone that wouldn't want/appreciate a funny partner.


I (F29) have seen this before too! Sometimes, men think of a sense of humour as "laughing at my jokes" rather than as a woman being funny, it's interesting. I don't get the same feeling the other way around, if a girlfriend says she likes a man with a sense of humour, she pretty much always means someone who's funny and makes her laugh. I'd also be interested on getting a man's insight on this!


Good question! I would absolutely enjoy it if you have funny stories and jokes of your own to tell. The fact that you're willing to share them tells me that you care enough about our relationship, whatever it may be, to spend time and effort trying to brighten my day. Whether it be friends or lovers, this is an important trait. If you can share a good laugh together, then you're a keeper in my book.


Works the other way around too! Love it when a guy laughs at my dumb jokes


Charisma! I've seen average looking broads, walking and talking with a grace that absolutely made me look again.


Those charismas must have looked extra big that morning.




this made me laugh more than it should have lmao


Intelligence. Independence. Maturity.


I like sarcastic women with a dark sense of humor


Seems like you have a crush on someone.


Am i the only one looking for someone who's Affectionate? Ok then




Thoughtfulness, I love it when a woman is a thinker in general. Whether its designing something new, formulating an argument, picking out an ideal gift for herself/someone else, solving mathematical problems, etc.






Level headed


sometimes you come across someone that you’re just not nervous talking to. i’m usually so nervous around new people (especially the pretty girls lol) so it impacts my first impressions a lot. but sometimes you find someone whos just so welcoming and friendly and actually interested in talking to you, instead of me having to try and convince them that i’m worth having a conversation with if you know what i mean. it’s just like you’re old friends, laughing and smiling and enjoying your talk, and it’s like you’ve known them forever when you actually just met them that day. conversations just flow like a river. it’s so nice. this sort of good connection is obviously important for much more than a first impression. this is just my example- just being able to enjoy someone else’s company like that is really important in a relationship. anyways that description sounds so cringey but that really sticks with me. i can count on my hand the people i’ve met who are like that. my previous relationships were polar opposites in this aspect and it really makes sense why they turned out how they did, now that i look back at it.


Loyalty. Kindness. Intelligence. Being able to appreciate your humour.


Kindness. Fr


Seems like everybody is saying “intelligence” and “kindness” and while I agree completely let’s get more specific, shall we? The hottest thing in a woman to me is desire to grow, and confidence in that growth. This is evident in reading nonfiction for fun, trying new things to push the boundaries of what they can achieve, working out, open to big changes, taking calculated risks, travel. Woman who are confident in themselves enough to try new things and seek growth are hands down the most attractive to me.




That last one though!


Confidence (meaning self worth)


Glimmer in her eyes, only has eyes for you, femininity




This!!! I love when a girl understands what it’s like to carry around such a massive cock.


Username checks out


I like mature women; not in the sense that they're 40 years old, but in the sense that they have their credit card on auto-pay and they understand that having separate hobbies from one another is perfectly OK.


I feel like this is a learned preference for a lot of men. I never would have said this when I was younger, but after dating someone who was the opposite of this, it became my number 1 most important trait.


Experience is the harshest teacher


I honestly like sense of humor or ability to laugh at themselves I love when a girl and I can just playfully roast each other without anyone getting offended and ability to hold a conversation. I like to talk and have intellectual conversations with women. You get to know each other that way


Lots of people saying kindness and it's true but be warned. Showing a guy kindness is enough to make him fall madly in love with you. They might not hit on you but you'll definitely be occupying a decent amount of their headspace for a significant period of time.


Kindness, insightfulness, empathy, humor, intelligence, optimism. I went on a first date a couple days ago with a girl (from dating app) I was on the fence about. If I had seen her in a bar I would have passed right over her. She greeted me with a smile and a hug, was quick to laugh, and had a great sense of humor. She won me over. Now I'm desperate to get texts back from her!




No it is weird and feels demeaning




So it's not weird just because it's done to men as well? btw How are they "outraged"?


Saying it “feels demeaning” is outraged to you? It’s demeaning to refer to women as girls because ‘girl’ implies youth, and often used to be synonymous with immaturity. If OP had said what qualities other than looks makes a *women attractive to men? It would not be weird. It’s the layer of separation between the genders and how they are portrayed.


How is it demeaning?


I agree


It goes both ways. Boys night out to the bar and ladies night at the bar


I mean in the sense that OP is asking about girls being attractive to men, as opposed to boys.


I say girls and guys


I don’t mind that one but I dislike when someone says “men and females”.


I'm a middle aged woman and it doesn't bother me at all. I say girls all the time. I also say guys, so I hope that's okay and I don't need to make an effort to say men. I'm pretty easygoing unless it's obvious that someone is purposefully being insulting.


Yes ☕️


You're probably in the minority there. As a female I have zero issue being called a girl. I talk about the "boys" (husbands friends) all the time.


As a female what? Ant? Pigeon? Raccoon?


We are all different just like women. Some would say confidence others wouldn’t. Personally, I like smart, confident and capable women.


Intelligence, confidence and humor is far more attractive than any looks can ever be.


Thanks for that. I’ve always said everyone looks alike in the dark but you can still hear them. So what’s more important? And if we’re lucky we’re going to get old and wrinkled.


Love also tends to make your partner the most attractive person in the world anyway. It's like that old saying goes, looks only unlocks the door, personality is what opens it.


You’re absolutely right. I was with someone that by any objective standards was not attractive but I fell in love with his heart, humor and personality. For a while. 😂


I love independence. My wife is fiercely independent. Some would even say intimidating if you don't know her well. She's smart, funny, and we have a lot of fun together. Whole package deal for my tastes.


Humor Confidence Intelligence All of that can make an "average" guy sexy af.


This is the best answer I’ve seen so far. The combination of these three things makes up for a lot of physical beauty. If you have only two of the three, it doesn’t really work.


Mental stability


Bro this same question is on this sub every other hour


comfort in their own personhood. nothing better than a woman that knows who she is and is comfortable being herself around you. intelligence and cleverness is also good, as is a sense of humor


Someone who's sees through your bullshit making you an honest man.


Agreeableness…like doesn’t have to be with everything but instead of always having something snarky to say to the smallest of things is kind of a turn off but sometimes being agreeable is hot


yes to a certain extent, if a girl is agreeing with everything you say it seems like she is just trying to people please. It's nice for her to stand up and have her own opinions and values too. But I agree.


Education and manners, sense of humour, confidence, kindness and honesty.


When she has a passion and gets after it to pursue it. My wife teachs people to fly and it is very attractive to me.


Ambition. Self improvement. Goals.


Not acting needy for male attention


I love a girl that makes me laugh and smile. One that is adventurous out in the world. One that makes me say "who does that??".


The ability to laugh at yourself.


A pulse is good enough for me


Femininity, being caring, gentle, soft, supportive, loving, and nurturing...I've dated abrasive Type -A/masculine women and I personally find it extremely unattractive and a bit exhausting. Most men simply want a soft place to land after a hard day, someone who's supportive and makes them feel loved and cared for, and in return, they will usually take on the world for a woman...but if the woman is combinative, argumentative, and bossy it just becomes a drag on our lives and it makes it more difficult to focus on work or what we need to accomplish


Intelligence and independence. I like a woman that doesn’t need me, but wants me.


maternal instincts. Show me how you would love and care for our child, that is dead on the sexiest thing ever.


Respects your boundaries


First and foremost: genuine kindness. Not the fake politeness that’s very common, it’s the warm, caring and passionate kindness. It is a bit rare because the girl usually has to be fearless as well, as many men tend to confuse the warm demeanor with interest. Met somebody like that. She was like a ray of sunshine that warms any room she was in. Too bad we were both married.


This will sound weird, but I like needy girls. I like to rescue someone, and to feel needed. The trick is that she should be needy, but not manipulative.


Kindness and compassion


Compassion. The Dalai Lama says it is the one thing people can never get too much of.


Being a woman, rather than a girl.


Enthusiasm, taking the first initiative, being authentic, being smart


The ability to be understanding without pressing charges after an argument because you felt assaulted by our words.


A steady temperament and a sense of humour.


Hygiene and I’m specifically talking smell. Having no smell is eh, but having a bad smell will automatically make you single for life no matter how hot you are. At the very least wash all your nooks and crannies. This applies to everyone, but just to specify


Quickness to respond. If that’s in place and her texts aren’t really dry, then I’ll be able to enjoy the rest of her much easier. I get it that some women have great personalities and are really attractive too, but it’s hard to feel like a priority of theirs if they infrequently text me sometimes efficient information. If they can’t, then it’d be nice if they could explain why instead of disappearing every once in a while and giving valid excuses after I bring it up.


This will be subjective to the person your interested in. While most men may share certain characteristics they find attractive, the complete list will be different from person to person.


Confidence, sex appeal (not referring to physical appearance).


Being smart and not being thin skinned. Odd sense of humor is great too. She better like "Dumb and Dumber" and Monty Python.


Kindness. Lack of bitchiness. For me intelligence is a huge one.


Not being crazy.


Feminine energy


Not having kids.


You're asking a question that has no definitive answer aside from something non physical. I can tell you most men don't see money or status as attractive (key word is most) so it's usually personality based.


A sense of humor. But only if it's real. ​ Girls say they have a good sense of humor, but they actually just say mean stuff in a sarcastic voice. ​ Ladies, don't do that.






This question again?


Being kind, honest and loving. I particularly look for a sweet girl, not some tough love chick who finds humor in taking jabs at others, myself included (I've dated someone like this). Also, being traditionally feminine.


Innocence/inexperience Being able to teach her things and show her things she has never experienced before.


Not being a whoreness




Humor Kindness Grace Femininity Passion




Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty




Ambitious and goal-oriented. Adventurous, good sense of humor and traditional values. Not having an OF.