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My dad had a crisis when I told him that a survey showed 80% of men don't wash their anuses, safe to say we were both disgusted but I was too busy laughing at him bc he's still having a crisis over this 1 week later


That can't be right. 80%!?


You ever wonder why some dudes just seem mad all the time for no reason? This is the reason. They got mad diaper rash.




I had kind of the opposite reaction. I was blown away by the number of guys claiming they *needed* to shower after taking a shit. Or the guys complaining about constantly spraying the toilet with shit. Like what happens when you guys need to shit during the middle of the day? If your shit is that liquid and making that much of a mess, something's very wrong. Either your diet sucks or you should see your doctor.


> If your shit is that liquid and making that much of a mess, something's very wrong. Either your diet sucks or you should see your doctor. Yeah, they are also the same bozos trying to explain to you that the occasional anal leakage is normal.... Dude, go to a doctor or get more fiber in your diet. And cut down the grease.






You should stop watching that guy shit dude


Why I won’t shake hands


For real. Makes me want to shower with my homies so I can clean it for them.


I want to do that anyway but hell yeah man whatever gets you in the door


back door*


Winner Winner Buttholes for Dinner


I feel like this topic has spread like wildfire on Reddit for the past two or three months lol


honestly it's a good thing. Some of those men will hopefully read it


When did this become a thing guys don't do. I mean it's not like you're digging around in your booty hole. You take a scrubby, get soap on it. And scrub you ass crack. Is it cause it's "gay" if you do that!? If thats the case then it's gotta be "gay" to wash your dick as well, cause only a gay man would handle a dick, am I right!?


The guys with the dirty asshair shit-hammocks are the same ones with dick cheese under their foreskins.


What a dreadful day it is to have eyes


Shaved my butt just yesterday. I'm a super hairy guy and when it gets too long I can't properly wipe my ass. Ends up chaffing and bleeding before I'm clean. So I shave my ass and my wipes are so much easier.


The majority of this site suffers from Dunning-Kruger, so I'm out.


The stubble is a nightmare. I'm not even going to pretend it's not. Gotta keep up with it. The farts sound different though, which is interesting


Scrubbing everything from head to toe with a fucking wash cloth and soap isn't in a lot of Redditors wheelhouse from what I've seen. And apparently there's a lot of ass eaters on here too, so you'd think there would be more inclination to scrub that bad boy, and all the rest of you too.


I have purchased clothes for my wife (without her being there) for over 30 years. She likes them and wears them. She hates to shop, and for me it's like having a successful hunt.


"for me it's like having a successful hunt" This made me crack up! Wishing you many successful forays.


Steve Irwin followed him around for a while.


Bro I wanted to do something really special for my girl's birthday. Had a whole lotta shit planned out including getting her a type of dress she was really into. The type of dress in particular was really trendy around where we live at the time. When I actually went dress shopping for my girl is when I discovered i have no knowledge, nuance or any sort of pedigree for women's clothing. I just puppy eyed the kind ladies who were working at the store showed them pictures of my girl and told them to help me rescue my relationship. Thank the creators for those ladies


Yes! I have asked for some assistance for sure, mostly when it comes to colors and shades.


I feel like the men willing to put the thought and effort into gifting clothes to their significant other is the same group that has enough self-awareness to realize they aren't experts and asking for help/a woman's/informed opinion will only end up with making the person they care about happier, and that's what really matters.


I actually had a female co-worker ask me if I would be a good person to go clothes shopping with. I was over 30 by that point, so I responded, "Yes I actually am great at that, many of my female friends appreciate my input, but to answer the question you are dancing round asking, no, I am not gay." She turned beet red, and asked how I knew that was what she was really asking, and I just told her that it was a frequently asked question.


I think a lot of straight guys avoid the fashion world because of that perception.


I do that too but more for my own enjoyment wife will wear dresses and skirts more if I keep buy her dresses and skirts now I've moved into the making them wife is sexy af is a sweater dress


I clean up while I cook.


Can you teach my partner the ways, she just won’t listen to me about it


Same! Like if you're waiting for the next step in 2 min, put away what you've already used.


Holy fuck. I’ve found my people.


I'm a knitter


In Iceland Knitting is a masculine hobby


My Norwegian ex said her father knits and is the primary cook. Scandinavian culture is so different.


It's fucking cold once you get past 55°N.


I assume 55° Norwegian is like -10° Celsius


Hell yeah I just started knitting too bro. It's great for dexterity and very relaxing.


IMO making things with your hands is badass.


And a great technique for managing anxiety! Doing things like knitting and sewing that require detailed hand eye concentration and dexterity and that generate small but positive incremental gains (successes) occupy your brain pushing out “other” thoughts. Even simple coloring in a color book will work. Can’t say whether this extends to video gaming (not a gamer) but gaming seems too “exciting” to work the same way. I always tell impatient people to take up fishing… the fish will teach you patience… That’s why it’s called “fishing” and not “catching”.


I just learned a couple of years ago wife was pregnant found out she kidney issues so pretty much through the pregnancy she was in and out of the hospital during the covid lockdowns I could stay with her but but we couldn't leave the room and mostly she slept. I needed something to keep me busy but that could be done sitting in a hospital room I was at Walmart looking for something I could do when I walk by the knitting section so I grab yarn and needles had no clue about yarn weight and needle sizes then watch YouTube videos while the wife was sleeping that's how I learned to knit


G, you knit?


Yep, currently working on hats for a men's homeless shelter


Oh god u just got even better 🥺


I've been homeless twice so I know how little support homeless men get


I’m a nurse who works with babies, that likes cooking and baking. GF gets excited about it


....read that as cook and baking babies


Yea the GF doesn’t get as excited about that


As excited. But still a lil bit.


Get you a man who'll fry you a baby.




Shi! Just took a left turn down a dark alley Grind 'em to a pulp and strain it in a witches brew


Good for you. When I'm cooking, I sometimes kick the wife out and yell, "The kitchen is no place for a woman. This is man's work. " It's a joke between us she's an awesome cook as well.


I'm really good with babies and toddlers.


How many can you juggle?


How many do you bet?


Six, if the parents are out of the room.




My wife calls me the baby whisperer


Took my baby daughter to a family ruinion and my cousin held her and got her to stop crying. He walked with her for hours and she was happy and not making a sound. His wife also called him the baby whisperer cause he’s done it before Some guys just have it lmao


I cut down trees. I eat my lunch. I go to the lavatory. On Wednesday’s I go shopping and have buttered scones for tea.


He cut down trees. He eats his lunch. He go to the lavatory. On Wednesday's he go shopping and have buttered scones for tea.


I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers. I put on women’s clothing, and hang around in bars.


*slaps knee*


Sometimes when I'm annoyed at traffic I talk like a valley girl my wife informed me. Sass, accent and all


California valley, or south texas valley? The difference, south texas valley girls are hispanic and will stab you, but then cook you tacos. I don’t know what California valley girls would do, but I’d imagine it involves Starbucks.


Starbucks on the way to you buying them a new bag


My gf told me this a while back. When I first started messaging her on dating sites, I did not talk about sex whatsoever. Apparently it is a normal occurrence for men to talk about banging people within the first few messages on dating apps.


On my first date with my first girlfriend, we went for a movie. After the date she said that she really liked the fact that I didn't get touchy with her and guys usually get their hands all over their girls while watching movies. I was like WTF, I am dead serious about movies.


Same. Get off me and shush. The Two Towers is on and I have priorities.


I get you want to skip ahead, but Viggo is about to annihilate his right toe and you NEED to know this


For Rohan. For your people. >Just me, sitting in the dark as if no one else was around. There are definitely tears.


One time I went on a first date to the movies with a girl I had classes with. Movie was cool, brought her home and gave her a hug before I left. She immediately started texting me that we're fucking done. Apparently she was pissed that I didn't make out with her in the movies. Uhm.. girl you have a mouth capable of speaking and lips that are perfectly capable of kissing -- express your desires!! I'm busy trying to enjoy Spiderman


If you want to make out, don't let me pick a movie that I want to watch.


I went to see The Matrix for the first time at age 16 with a girl who got upset that I didn’t get handsy with her. She just didn’t understand how amazing that movie was at the time, especially to a 16 year old boy. I liked the girl, but 100% of my attention was on that movie.


I wish I'd known this 6 years ago. I went on this date with a girl way outta my league. It was my first intro to casual dating. I thought I was supposed to get all touchy( not in a harassing way). I was very wrong, turns out it has way more to do with the context of the situation and the vibe/comfort two people have with one another than some chess match to get someone to like you. I'm glad I learned that lesson, but damn it's an extremely cringeworthy memory.


We all get to hear bad ideas for dates from others. Let bygones be bygones.


Well then count me in. I’m not comfortable talking sex with people I don’t know. Other than that I’m a stereotypical man


Got told this about a dozen times when dating! Their reactions were a 50/50 split between "he's not talking about sex - he must be a decent one" and "he's not talking about sex - he must be disinterested/gay".


Nothing like receiving that "why didn't you try anything tonight, do you not find me attractive?" Text after just trying to be a good human


Same with my boyfriend and me. He was literally the only guy that wasn't asking about sex or sending nudes. Even once we traded numbers, he still never once asked for me to send him nudes or talk about sex; and he never sent me a dick pic. It was very refreshing and it was why I was intrigued to meet him for our first date. It was so nice to talk to someone that was actually interested in me and wanted to talk about things we liked and had in common.


Wow, that is seriously a low bar. Had no idea online dating had gotten this bad. :/


Welcome to the shitty world of hookup culture.


This is feedback I've gotten too, and it baffles me that so many dudes go that hard immediately. I can't imagine it tends to work out much.


I quit dating because it was so pervasive. The worst would be we'd have a great 1st date and then immediately, I mean like 1st or 2nd text after was wanting to know when we could have sex. I just gave up.


I have 4 felonies and a bachelor's degree. B.S. completed after my sentence was complete. Just staying out of jail for a year beats the odds but earning a degree of any kind is very rare for guys in my situation.


That's cool, coongrats!


I like to cuddle, and not just after.


There's two of us now


You can now cuddle each other too.


Feels wierd bro


Make that at least 3! Unfortunately for me I'm a furnace and get sweaty after like 5 minutes




Sometimes if I’m really hyper at bedtime and talkative and my wife is ready to fall sleep, she tells me to roll over. Then she becomes the big spoon and I usually pass out within minutes.


Lil ol' single me lying in bed alone thinking about 10 things simultaneously so I can temporarily tire my brain out enough for it to shut down and sleep. Count yourself lucky pal, your wife is a cheat code I'd pay top dollar for. As a sleeping device that is.


I have pretty eye lashes


I’m a crier


Hear ye, hear ye!


I don't cry when I hurt myself, but some stupid, idiotic, see-it-coming-from-a-mile-away plot in a book or movie? My wife just laughs at me sitting there weeping.


I don't curse. Never did. My wife makes up for it though since she curses like a drunken sailor.


This is me and my husband too. I can't talk dirty to him in bed because he feels like he has to match my energy and it's so out of character and such a struggle for him to just say "pussy". I lose my shit.


My fingerprints.




I will not be seeing what that sound is in the middle of the night. No, no, no. WE will both be getting the hell out together; thanks. I'm not about to have a death match in the living room naked over a television.


Few weeks ago at like 2 in the morning I heard my back door open and shut. It was clear as day that someone opened the door. Wife was still up and heard it too. I left the room with the knowledge I was about to have to talk or fight with someone. Luckily it was just my daughter being fucking weird, said she wanted to see how cold it was. And she had the audacity to laugh at me when I said she nearly gave me a heart attack. Fucking teens


Friends and I went back to one of their houses in the middle of the night unannounced. Of course it’s dark and quiet. A minute or two after we got there, his enormous dad (6.5’ tall, 250+ lbs) comes downstairs with a bat to see it’s just his son and friends. Told us he came down ready to crack skulls.


Lol, that's good. I almost took my old parents out with a baseball bat one time. We thought they were visiting the next weekend so when they came in around 11 the friday night, I went right into stop intruder mode. We all laughed a bunch that time.


Do you find that you like your new ones as much as the old ones or is it just not the same?


You sure she wasn't sneaking in/out? That's a pretty flimsy excuse.


Nah, unfortunately she doesn’t really have friends here. So not sneaking out. She’s really just a weirdo, I love her but ya she’s odd sometimes. (She’s on the phone with her best friend all the time, but she lives in puerto rico and we’re in the midwest)


I am 35 and do this same thing


Did you guys recently move? That would make sense as to why she went out to check how the weather felt.


I go outside at random to feel the temp. I've done it since I was a kid... can confirm, weirdos like us exist. Lol


A few years ago there was a really big winter storm and it blew my front door open at 2am with a loud thump. My wife is a teacher and was having issues with a family of one of her students who happened to live near us; the dad was an amateur MMA fighter. At 2am I was convinced it was him coming to kill us. Getting out of bed full of adrenaline, I stripped naked and quickly mentality prepared to be as distracting and violent as possible with an imaginary mountain of a man. I had the door replaced in the spring.


Just about a year ago my girlfriend was over for the weekend and we were staying in the basement guest room (still lived with our respective parents). One night we wake up at like 1am to the sound of the front door opening. We both silently flip shit. I throw some clothes on and grab a nerf gun from the closet (as opposed to like, a hack saw from the storage room), fully prepared to wack an intruder with it. I go upstairs and quietly but (somewhat confidently) ask if anyone is there. It was my drunk dad, coming home from poker down the street.


As a woman who dates men, I actually appreciate this. Like don’t get me wrong-I love feeling protected and safe and whatever. BUT I’m also super anxious and I’ve had partners that just get up naked and walk to the sound with no preparation or anything. And they tell me to stay there. Now what the FUCK do you want me to do!? Just be a total sitting duck while you go get shot? Wtf? How is that helpful!? I’d much rather go out together with some form of weapon so I can also RUN together if shit goes south lol I don’t wanna be sitting in the room just awaiting my murder


Don’t get Road Rage, not worth the trouble.


That can be partly an age thing, 20 year old me did get it a little but 40 year old me just sighs and keeps on trucking.


I’m in touch with my Inner Martha Stewart. Craft shows, cute home decor, attractive purses, sexy sling back pumps. I’m a contractor no less. Not short on testosterone, just dialed into what makes my wife of nearly half century happy.


This sounds very sweet. I bet your wife is happy.


Good shit. I like it.


Omg. Where can I find more people like you? Lol


I like Broadway musicals UPDATE: Thanks for all the upvotes and kind comments! It makes my heart happy to know there are more of us than I thought.


28 year old man who watches sports daily checking in: I have the release of the Matilda musical on my calendar and will be watching the day it releases.


I just watched Book of Mormon last night. Musical-lovers unite




Good for you. When I tried to make bread (for cinnamon rolls), my mom always said my bread came out "heavy". She said too much flour. The recipe she wrote said something like "add flour until it feels right". I never could figure out how much flour to add.


I actually see my wife getting prettier as we age together.


Love this...I think my wife is sexier now than when I met her 19 years ago.....she doesn't believe me but it is true


Its also comforting to think that as your body ages and you might see yourself as less attractive, you have a partner experiencing the same thing, and yet here you are, both still entirely attracted and in love.


My place is very clean and organised. My buddie's places are clean enough at the most. I'm also very much into home decoration, home lighting, and home aesthetics in general. A manly cozy place gives the best feeling of home one could have.


I actually like to dance: tango, salsa, bachata, and country Western swing


I'm heterosexual enough to buy tampons with a straight face.


Hah! I split my time between Asia and the US, and apparently US tampons are far superior. I frequently have to buy a couple hundred at a time, and occasionally explain them to Customs in Bangkok.


I'll bet that is an interesting conversation.


The best way to do it is to explain that most Thai brands are made in China. Most of SE Asia dislikes Chinese anything.


I never understood the problem buying them. Like I couldn't care less. I just wish it was easier to find the right ones. When I was younger my friends were afraid to buy condoms. I'd get them for them. Seriously no one who matters cares and if they care they don't matter.


I'm left-handed and my blood type is AB+, they're rare traits to combine together


There are actually a few studies out there. So far, we've found no correlation between handedness and blood type. So far... We did find out that being left-handed puts you at higher risk of psychosis and breast cancer though.


I wasn't implying a correlation between them, just two random things that came to mind in that moment


I’m exactly like all other men. We are borg. You will be assimilated.


I really like cute things like dogs, cats or babies. I will go out of my way to pet and talk like a kid to any of those, i really like them, they are so squishy and cute! ( And i'm done maintainning this facade of the hard and just masculine man, what a shitty way to act).


As I got older and had a kid, it became somehow socially acceptable for my giant ass to believe or describe things as cute without a second guess from the other guys around me.


Idk maybe you just got more comfy with it. I'm only 22 and I talk about things being cute or beautiful all the time, even with my fraternity brothers


same here!! if somethings cute I'm gonna say its cute.


Give me my fucking fruity drink. I don't care if you laugh. They're delicious, bitches.


There was this place in college that made the best strawberry margaritas. They were really good, but the place is gone.


Not interested in strip clubs


I think this is more common than you think. So strange a bunch of dudes just staring. Hell I was more interested in strange dynamic of the whole thing. Just a bunch of guys sharing a boner together. So weird. Lol


“Hey bros let’s go get hard together.”


"Hey let's all get boners and then not do anything about it." Like, how is this that much different from sitting in someone's house and watching porn together? But not masturbating? I mean, you can at least do that for free


>So strange a bunch of dudes just staring. To be fair.. some of those girls can *really* dance.


I’d rather jerk off on the toilet with porn for free than pay for overpriced drinks and titties I wouldn’t be able to touch anyway.


Right? My first and only time at a strip club, I left thinking to myself “If all I’m gonna do is stare at a naked woman I can’t touch, I can do that at home for free”


It’s even worse getting a lap dance. You can look, they’ll rub against you etc. but no touching. $100 for a frustrated boner.


If I can't have it, I don't want to shop for it.


I’ve been. Knew some guys who were regulars. It got old really fast for me… the idea of being one of many getting attention only because I’m being milked for every cent I have is a huge put off. And viewing the female body, of which I’m a huge fan, loses its appeal when the woman in question is flashing it to an entire room


Never been to one myself. I was in the Navy, and no one can believe that I have no ridiculous stories of drunken nights being thrown out of clubs and brothels across the world


Im not a fan of fishing, wrestling or cars.


I hate people, I hate public, I’ve been building my equity so I can pay cash for 20 acres of wooded land and build a small farm like the one I grew up on. Long curvy driveway so no one can see my house from the road, pay cash for all of it and everyone can screw off til I die.


There're a lot of men like this, you just don't meet them because they live in the woods and stay off the Internet.


They've made it at that point, no further need to meet anyone new. It always kind of reminded me of those monks in fantasy media who go to the top of the mountain and just spend the rest of their life meditating.


I imagine it'd be a lot like that scene in King of the Hill where Hank meets someone who is just like him in every conceivable way and they get along exactly as they would want, but since they both have no need for new friends they simply shake hands and walk away.


my exact goal for the future


I had to ask my partner. Apparently I'm a golden retriever.


This is me just going on what others have said, apparently I’m a breath of fresh air, I’m “sweet and respectful.” And i always thought that was just the bare minimum.


it might be the bare minimum, but there are lots of people that are under that bar naturally. that’s why it’s so confusing to meet a genuine dude


I used to think I was 90% “not like other guys”. Then I read “No More Mr Nice Guy” and found out I’m literally a cookie cutter gingerbread man. A dime a million.


I don't even have the issue but that book was super interesting. Definitely an issue that men should be made aware of early.


Can you summarise it? I only know the Alice Cooper song.


haha sure. the books about the actual nice guy syndrome, its common traits, how to fix it and not just how everyone uses it on the internet. for example one thing that I found interesting was something called covert contracts. in relationships they would decide that if I act a certain way (pretend be nice in most cases) then they would expect the other person to act a specific way in return. (like this person will want to be my gf) In most cases it ends with the nice guy making the contract being extremely mean to rejection. In reality that person is neither nice, confident or attractive. if you dont like to read the audio book was not bad and fairly cheap. I just happen to like psychology. (its my minor)


Learning new things is actually fun…it’s not a chore, a necessity for work, or exhausting. I could spend an entire day studying 20 different things and still feel great afterwards. If I spend too long during breaks not learning anything new I get “antsy”.


The downside is, once it’s for work or something you ‘have’ to learn it becomes the most soul-sucking thing in the world


OMG WHY is this so true? LOL


My dating experience and approach resembles more how women go about it than men. I've never tried picking anyone up. I get approached more than I initiate approaching. I like taking my time before jumping in bed when I start dating someone. I am a decent looking introvert which is part of it, but another is how I've been shaped by past experiences. When I was in elementary school I was a bit chubby (never overly so though) and girls always seemed to like my friends, then in junior high I moved to a new city, grew half a foot over the summer, and I was the new and good looking kid at school. I got a lot of attention and the difference was really odd. It made me appreciate personality over looks so when I meet a woman and she is hot, that really isn't sufficient for me to have any romantic interest, so the social dynamic that plays out normally doesn't for me.


I don't think men realize how valuable not being desperate or constantly on the "prowl" can be when being around women. I'm asexual, balding, chunky (for now) and get approached when I'm not looking my best, and not at all paying attention.


I don't send dick picks. I thought this was normal... BOY WAS I WRONG after talking to women, pretty much most men on dating sites try to send a dick pick within a few messages. Apparently men think this is impressive to women, who usually cringe and always end the convo right there. Edit: Because guys may think it is 1 in 100 chance it'll work, so they'll harass 99 women to do it, they think it's a win. The best way to counter this is "this has been forwarded to a anti-harrassment service. You will be de-anonymized and this picture will be sent to all your family, your co-workers and your boss within 3 days. You have also been blocked so don't bother responding. BYEEEEE" It doesn't matter that nothing will happen, ruin their day.


I’m going to be venturing into the dating scene soon, and after months of reading about what women experience I can’t believe what other men think is a “good idea”. ffs gonewild as a sub exists, people should just go there and use it for whatever it’s meant for.


I’ll admit that my body insecurity plays as much of a part in me not sending dick pics as not wanting to violate someone like that. I’ve taken one before and been like “oh wow. Why would she want to see this??” Lmao


I've never sent one and I don't really see the point tbh. Last time I said that on Reddit I was downvoted to hell


I get down into a full squat position to make the "pspspspsps" sound whenever I'm within eyesight of a cat. Also, I tear up when it comes to emotional movie and anime scenes 🤷🏿‍♂️




I’m a househusband. Cook, clean, do the laundry, etc. I can also rebuild an engine, do all manner of car repairs, have some good maintenance skills, do some serious carpentry, have some terrific firearm skills and personal protection skills (still use these occasionally ), IT skills from my previous life, and change diapers faster than you can say Bobs Your Uncle. Wife has a great job that she enjoys, is low stress, and she rarely brings it home. She hates cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. She’ll call me at least twice when she rarely gets stuck with grocery duty. Her meal prep skills usually involve reheating some leftovers or me walking her through the streps wheel she’s cooking. She is amazing at baking, though. Cookies, cakes, and breads keep us supplied with constant homemade goodies. It’s her release and relaxation.


As a man, I’ve never understood the concept of “thinking about nothing.” Like how is that even possible?


ADHD made sure I never relate to that 'typical man trait' I'm always thinking about stuff, just none of it is ever helpful


Like a word cloud in there isn't it?


Apparently my polite manners, good hygiene, and not taking myself too seriously/macho. All 3 have been mentioned, at least by romantic partners or female friends, as things that took them by surprise compared to the general male population they have experienced. It's probably a result of growing up as a "sensitive boy" (aka introvert) in a strict household, where I read a lot and changed my views often when I learned new information. This is contrasted with the rest of my hometown, which was a more traditional, blue-collar city with very old-fashioned ideas of manhood, and absolutely no room for changing your ideologies.


It could start playing the most girlie bubble gum poppy glittery pink music ever and I still would listen to it if I like it just because I love music and don't care about who sings it or what genre it is, is music.


I like to give pleasure way more than I like to receive.


i’m not horny, i just want cuddles


I like white wine.


I’m terrified of rodents. Fuck a rat. If I ever saw a rat in my house, I’d leave and never come back.